
  • Blessings...With Pierre Pradervand
    Mar 30 2020

    In This episode Jamstone is most grateful to interview Pierre Pradervand who helps people to go through life in states of gratitude by blessing our presence in all circumstances.

    In this episode Pierre sheds words of light of street children; folks around the world who are led to suicide. He also helps us to draw on the good during these very testing global times.

    Sit back.... nice deep breathing; relax and enjoy

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Breathing is a form of loving gratitude
    Mar 29 2020

    When we connect to our source energy, we choose to tap into the invisible power of breathing.

    In this episode Jamstone presents us with ideas on how breathing intentionally to feel better can be doe right now.

    Have a listen and enjoy diaphragmatic breathing to improve your personal vibration now!

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Positives on Corona outbreak
    Mar 21 2020

    in this episode Jamstone introduces you to some of the positives which come out in these crazy times of the covid 19 virus.

    We can be grateful for all of the men and women who are in service to mankind healing them for their good.

    We also consider the time we can take to nurture ourselves.

    Más Menos
    3 m
  • triple laughter and tonic
    Mar 16 2020

    in this episode you are likely to laugh lots so please don't listen if you want to feel instantly better.

    Jamstone simplifies one of the most fundamental spiritual teachings to man....laugh at your self lots!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Physiological Gratitude......Smiling
    Mar 2 2020

    In this episode Jamstone explores the phenomenon of 'smizing' deepa meaningful smiling techniquewhich results in instant gratitude.

    The smile has many health benefits and when used regularly can improve our levels of gratitude.

    In the episode Jamstone presents us with a challenge , to simply smile more even if there is no obvious external factors to be joyful about. The philosophy is that happiness is an inside job , smiling coasts nothing and improves our entire being for the better

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Gratitude The Best Bedtime Tonic
    Feb 29 2020

    In this episode Jamstone shows us how one of the most powerful rituals is to embrace gratitude before dozing off to sleep. Psychology has likened the human mind to the computer......we need to shut down properly before we reboot.

    Gratitude and going back through our day joyously before we retire to sleep is a very powerful way to improve mental health, to increase healthy neural pathways, and to manifest greater levels of inner peace.

    The geniuses of the age such as Einstein and Tesla were crystal clear about what we focus on increases. Gratitude is a tonic of goodness which, when called upon frequently, improves our lived experience for the better.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Set The gratitude Intention For A Better day
    Feb 28 2020

    Gratitude is a very powerful state and improves our lived reality. Therefore, we can choose to begin each day with a very simple gratitude intention which enables our mind body and soul to experience a flow of steady joy throughout the day.

    Negativity and toxicity are always out there in social circles , so whether we are at work or at play we can choose to take responsibility for our own measure of happiness. No-one else can do this, we can learn to embrace gratitude as a lover. We can lead more satisfying lives when we begin to be appreciative of the instant joy accessible to us right now in each breathing moment.

    In this episode Jamstone shows you how you can very easily begin your day with an energy of hope, confidence; and clarity. You will be armed the natural flow of inner joy which may guard your defenses from the negative pull society wishes to impose onto you.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Baseline Gratitude Fundamentals
    Feb 24 2020

    In this episode Jamstone discusses the relationship between inner peace and gratitude. The episode looks at a very short story entitled 'is that so' and Jamstone shows us how contentment and gratitude are easily accessible to us regardless of life'.s problems.

    There is a very simple breathing technique at the beginning of the episode which can be practiced easily and which eases stress instantly, and increases our ability to be present.

    It is our responsibility to harness our own inner joy which is our essential baseline birthright.

    Más Menos
    25 m