• STS 053 - 6 Ways We Get Better SLEEP (as Parents with Young Kids)
    Aug 26 2024

    There are 2 things that seem to be universally desired and always in short supply for parents in our Western World today. The first: time. We all wish we had more. The second? SLEEP.

    Perhaps the most frequently asked question we get as parents with young kids is, "So, are you getting any sleep yet??" Our answer surprises many people; we often respond with a very enthusiastic, "Oh yeah, we get plenty!"

    Now, of course, we don't always get enough sleep; every human goes through seasons wherein sleep is hard to come by. But we have stumbled across a handful of methods to increase both the quantity AND quality of our sleep as parents with young kids, and we want to share them with you today! If you're in need of a few extra Z's, but you're not 100% sure how to get them, then this episode is for you.

    By the way, did you know...?

    We are GIVING AWAY the Streamline Nutrition System! It's true. Rather than selling the ebook, the partner document, and the nutrition calculator, we are GIVING away the exact resources we give to the 1-on-1 clients who sign on with Streamline Training Systems to you for FREE. All you have to do is click the link below:


    And if you want to check out our other resources, you can find them here as well:

    Staple Weeknight Meals: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/d9334a8ad7

    Streamline Nutrition Calculator: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    49 mins
  • STS 052 - 5 OVERRATED Fitness Trends Parents Fall For
    Aug 19 2024

    This episode might ruffle some feathers (we're only slightly nervous about that...). Today, Laura and Jonny discuss 5 of the most OVERRATED trends in fitness that it seems many of our peers are falling for. We don't think any of these approaches are dangerous or wrong, or even that people are "dumb" for using them! BUT we strongly believe there are far better alternatives. So buckle up for some hot takes!

    By the way, did you know...?

    We are GIVING AWAY the Streamline Nutrition System! It's true. Rather than selling the ebook, the partner document, and the nutrition calculator, we are GIVING away the exact resources we give to the 1-on-1 clients who sign on with Streamline Training Systems to you for FREE. All you have to do is click the link below:


    And if you want to check out our other resources, you can find them here as well:

    Staple Weeknight Meals: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/d9334a8ad7

    Streamline Nutrition Calculator: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    57 mins
  • STS 051 - What Do You Do with the KIDS When You Work Out?
    Aug 14 2024

    Today, Laura and Jonny discuss why it's so difficult as young parents to find time to work out with young kips nipping at your heels all day (it might be fairly self-explanatory). They also discuss how to find time to train when it feels like all of your time belongs to something (or someone...) else! By the way, did you know...? We are GIVING AWAY the Streamline Nutrition System! It's true. Rather than selling the ebook, the partner document, and the nutrition calculator, we are GIVING away the exact resources we give to the 1-on-1 clients who sign on with Streamline Training Systems to you for FREE. All you have to do is click the link below: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/c0bdaae159 And if you want to check out our other resources, you can find them here as well: Staple Weeknight Meals: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/d9334a8ad7 Streamline Nutrition Calculator: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    51 mins
  • STS 050 - The Necessity of Daily Activity for Parents - Streamline Nutrition 028
    Aug 7 2024


    We honestly can't believe that we've already put out 50 episodes, and we're pumped to put out another 50. And what a fantastic accident - this is the final episode of our series on the Streamline Nutrition System! We're CELEBRATING both the finale of the series and our 50th with a big surprise, but more on that at the end of the description.

    In this episode, we walk through how Laura, as a stay-at-home mom of 2 leverages her daily activity to monitor her health and fitness, and we discuss how training and daily movement go hand-in-hand.

    We also recap the highlights of the Streamline Nutrition System by talking about our favorite strategies and tactics from the series. Jonny and Laura dive into their favorite components of the system and describe how they could seriously help listeners take ownership of their health.

    Now. The celebration.

    We are GIVING AWAY the Streamline Nutrition System!

    It's true. Rather than selling the ebook, the partner document, and the nutrition calculator, we are GIVING away the exact resources we give to the 1-on-1 clients who sign on with Streamline Training Systems to you for FREE. All you have to do is click the link below:


    And if you want to check out our other resources, you can find them here as well:

    Staple Weeknight Meals: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/d9334a8ad7

    Streamline Nutrition Calculator: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    40 mins
  • STS 049 - The BIGGEST Factor in Increasing Your Daily Calorie Burn - Streamline Nutrition 027
    Aug 5 2024

    Typically, when thinking about "dieting" in general, we consider an effective fat loss phase to require 2 things:

    1 - A focused approach to eating, and,

    2 - A strong training regimen

    And that's absolutely the case. But what many people don't consider is just how important their daily movement is in enhancing their overall calorie burn. If your goal is to lose weight, then one of the strongest levers you can pull is your daily movement. And today, Jonny and Laura take a deep dive into the world of walking as a means of leveraging this very tactic.

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    43 mins
  • STS 048 - Are Some Foods Inherently "Bad for You?" - Streamline Nutrition 026
    Jul 31 2024

    Our culture seems to dive headlong into a more and more polarized discussion around the nuance of nutrition. It seems that everyone has a very strong opinion regarding which foods are "Good" or "Bad", and it leads many people to (unknowingly, many times) create moral boundaries around certain foods. Often, we feel "bad" or "stupid" for allowing ourselves to eat foods like chips, fries, or pizza, while we only feel like we've done "good" when we eat foods like salads, chicken breast, or even when we avoid food altogether.

    Today, Laura and Jonny dive a little deeper into the implications of this kind of thinking as Laura discusses how she selects her own foods. They talk through the identity markers associated with dieting, and how the different roles a person plays can effect their own "nutritional worldview".

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    35 mins
  • STS 047 - The "Stoplight" Diet Method (Choosing the RIGHT Foods for You) - Streamline Nutrition 025
    Jul 29 2024

    Have you noticed how vehemently certain voices in the popular media seem to attempt to persuade you to avoid certain foods AT ALL COSTS? All while others in influence tend to make you feel ignorant or even plain dumb for not eating a certain food (sometimes, the very same food another source is demonizing!). In this polarizing world, how are we to select foods that taste great and can actually serve us (without putting ourselves or our children in the mortal "peril" decried by many influencers)?

    Today, Laura and Jonny discuss the "Red-Yellow-Green Light" method (popularized by Precision Nutrition) for determining which foods should make up a healthy diet for YOU, the individual. Because, deep down, we all know that not all of us can or should eat the exact same diet, we need geberal guidance and individual implementation. That's what this episode teaches you to do!

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    52 mins
  • STS 046 - How to Hack the Late Night Snack Attack - Streamline Nutrition 024
    Jul 24 2024

    We've all been there: it's the end of a long work day (maybe it's even the first night of the weekend); you're feeling run down and ready for a break, and you're looking for a way to let off some steam. The most attractive method is actually at your fingertips: it's TV and snack time, baby!

    Whether we realize it or not, many of us Americans have a habit of sitting down in front of the tube with our preferred after-dinner snack to spend a couple minutes (hours...) zoning out. But what do you do when you realize that this habit might be just what's sabotaging your efforts to lose weight and get in shape? Today, Laura tells us how she handles this ubiquitous craving for sweet/salty snacks late at night to be sure she stays on track with her fitness goals. Listen in to get a look at how a mom of 2 intentionally snacks for success!

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    26 mins