• #440 Charles Cormier – CEO Podcasting
    Aug 30 2024
    CEO Podcasting CEO Podcasting expert Charles Cormier is a serial entrepreneur. He is also a modern Renaissance man. He's set up a version of himself in AI and debates topics with his AI version. On the podcast, Charles appears to be walking on a treadmill. Good use of time and energy. A first for the podcast too. Sway along with Charles and discover loads about lots from a very gifted individual. Summary of the Podcast Introduction Charles introduces himself as an entrepreneur from Montreal, Canada who now lives in Oaxaca, Mexico with his wife. He discusses his background in endurance sports and his love for the culture and cuisine of Oaxaca. CEO Podcasting Strategy Charles explains his business model centred around lead generation through podcasting. He discusses how he uses podcasts to build relationships and pipelines with his ideal customer persona of CEOs, founders, and investors. Charles shares his approach of monetising podcasts through various offers like lead generation services, masterminds, and newsletters. 2,500 CEOs and Founders - CEO Podcasting Guests Charles shares insights he has gained from interviewing over 2,500 CEOs and founders. He notes that not all CEOs are high performers, and the most successful ones are extremely competitive and driven. Charles also discusses his interest in studying human psychology and survival stories. Longevity He expresses his interest in the field of longevity and living forever. Charles discusses the potential of merging with advanced AI to extend the human lifespan and maintain high quality of life. He also shares his views on the future of podcasting and the role of AI in content creation. Clips from the Podcast Primary Business - PodPire.com https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Charles-Cormier-PodPire.mp4 Lead Generation https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Charles-Cormier-Lead-Gen.mp4 A Comment on The Next 100 Days Podcast What do you do if you aren't two old blokes and need to monetise your podcast? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Charles-Cormier-9-Years.mp4 Where does Charles's Inspiration Come From? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Charles-Cormier-Moonshots.mp4 An AI Future for Podcasts https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Charles-Cormier-AI-Podcasting-Future.mp4 Testimonial from Charles Cormier https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Charles-Cormier-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham founded Finely Fettled ten years ago to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. MicroMailings is his new low risk, done for you marketing solution for companies seeking high net worth leads. He is also founder of MicroYes, a Partner for MeclabsAI, which combines the world's biggest source of 10,000 marketing experiments with AI. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    53 mins
  • #439 – Graham Arrowsmith & Arshiya Kapil – MeclabsAI & MicroYes
    Aug 23 2024
    MeclabsAI & MicroYes Summary of the Podcast Introducing MeclabsAI and MicroYes.ai Graham and Arshiya introduce MeclabsAI, a marketing AI platform that provides a range of services including copy generation, financial management, and marketing strategy. They announce the launch of their new brand MicroYes.ai which will focus on promoting MeclabsAI, especially to small and medium-sized marketing agencies in the UK and India. MicroYes.ai's value proposition Graham explains that MicroYes.ai will provide agencies with access to MeclabsAI's Experts, Apps and libraries. All three combine or can be used separately to improve their clients' marketing performance. An example of this is Webpage Analyser, conversion pro and project planning. Sneak peek!... Targeting small/medium marketing agencies Arshiya outlines the initial customer profile for MicroYes.ai - heads of business development within small to medium-sized marketing agencies. They are considered likely to get value from the platform to enhance their services and outcomes for their own clients. Upcoming 42 AI podcast Graham and Arshiya announce the launch of a new podcast called 42ai 42ai will provide further insights and updates on how the platform is developing, its use cases and options for new clients. The "ultimate question to life, the universe and everything" that famously has the answer of 42 is the question posed in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. In the story, the supercomputer Deep Thought is tasked with finding the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything." After 7.5 million years of computation, Deep Thought reveals that the answer is 42. However, Deep Thought explains that the truly hard part was not finding the answer, but rather determining the actual question that 42 is the answer to. Deep Thought then creates an even more powerful computer called the Earth to find the real question. Unfortunately, the Earth is destroyed before it can unveil the question. So the "ultimate question" that corresponds to the answer of 42 is never definitively revealed in the Hitchhiker's Guide stories. It remains a mystery, with the implication that the true nature of the universe is so complex and enigmatic that it cannot be easily captured in a simple question. The lack of a clear question highlights the absurdity and humor in the idea of there being a single, ultimate answer to the mysteries of existence. Graham with the help of Meclabs is going to change all that. Watch this space for the "ultimate question" Clips from the Podcast What is MeclabsAI? "The answers to every problem!" https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/AK-GA-MeclabsAI.mp4 Graham explains too https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/GA-MeclabsAI.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Library Note: You can even create a library based on how you write, how you speak and then ensure your content is based on you, by asking AI to reference your library! https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Arshiya-Kapil-Libraries.mp4 Search the N100D Library for Marketing Insights! https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/GA-N100D-Librarymp4.mp4 Arshiya and Graham are both Northerners! https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/G-Arrowsmith-A-Kapil-42ai.mp4 Landing Page - 8 Different MicroYesses https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/8-MicroYesses.mp4 Announcing the name of the brand to promote MeclabsAI MICROYES.ai https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/MicroYes.mp4 Are You a Small to Medium Marketing Agency in the United Kingdom or India? GET IMMEDIATE ACCESS NOW: https://meclabsai.com/share/L8ROV9PVoxF1aRN/?fpr=2pxtl Contact: Arshiya Kapil arshiya@finelyfettled.co.uk or Graham Arrowsmith graham@finelyfettled.co.uk Call: +44 1535 654930
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    58 mins
  • #438 – Keitha Maciel – Marketing Edge Academy
    Aug 16 2024
    Marketing Edge Academy Our guest is Keitha Maciel who runs The Marketing Edge Academy. It's an education company that elevates the skills of entrepreneurs and marketers who want to convert more prospects to clients. Her courses reveal how buyers think so you can guide their behaviour to achieve sales. Summary of the Podcast Introductions Graham and Kevin introduce themselves and welcome their guest Keitha Maciel to the "Next 100 Days" podcast. They explain the format - an informal conversation with no script, focused on marketing and how to convert more prospects into buyers. Keitha's background Keitha shares how she discovered her passion for marketing later in her career. Incredibly she spent the early part of her career working in finance. She pursued a master's in digital marketing and studied consumer psychology, neuro-marketing, and behavioural science. This has given her expertise in crafting compelling offers and engaging customers. Converting prospects to buyers Keitha explained her methodology for converting prospects. It's based on behaviour design principles. What's important is understanding customer motivations, abilities, and triggers. Keitha stresses a "got to have it" offer. You'll need one that solves their problems and aligns with their business goals. Applying the methodology to different markets The discussion explores how Keitha's approach can be applied to both B2B and consumer markets. There are some differences in the specific tactics used. Keitha highlights the importance of crafting the right message and offer for the target audience. Marketing Edge Academy Keitha describes her Marketing Edge Academy, which offers training courses and coaching programs to help businesses improve their marketing and conversion rates. She discusses how she packages the courses to make them an "irresistible offer" for her clients. The impact of AI on marketing The conversation turns to the significant impact that AI is expected to have on the marketing industry in the near future. Keitha emphasises the need for marketers to adopt AI skills and incorporate the technology into their strategies to remain competitive. Clips from the Podcast Marketing Edge Academy Promise - Get More Prospects to Convert https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Keitha-Maciel-Academy.mp4 Behaviour Design https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Keitha-Maciel-3-Steps.mp4 Crafting an OFFER https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Keitha-Maciel-Category-of-One.mp4 Engagement Tactics https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Keitha-Maciel-Engagement-Tactics.mp4 Impact of AI https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Keitha-Maciel-Impact-of-AI.mp4 Keitha's Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Keitha-Maciel-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham founded Finely Fettled ten years ago to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. MicroMailings is his new low risk, done for you marketing solution for companies seeking high net worth leads. Get 250 all-inclusive affluent data, direct mail, A lister copy, design, print and postage plus telephones to follow up your initial letter for £775 +vat. He is also an authorised reseller for MeclabsAI, which combines the leading source of 10,000 marketing experiments with AI. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    48 mins
  • #437 – Chrisley Ceme – Email Marketing
    Aug 9 2024
    Email Marketing Email Marketing is how Chrsley Ceme (see me) helps the world. You'll find in this episode he provides a shed load of content for you. He works as the sales front man for senders.co an e-mail delivery platform. Summary of this Podcast Introductions and Banter Graham and Kevin introduce their guest, Chrisley Ceme, an expert in email marketing and deliverability. They engage in some lighthearted banter about Chrisley's voice and background before transitioning to the main discussion. The Evolution of Cold Email Chrisley explains how the traditional "spray and pray" approach to cold email no longer works. He advises that a more targeted, value-driven strategy is required. Chrisley emphasises the importance of building credibility and expertise through email, rather than just trying to sell. Deliverability and Compliance Next, we discussed the importance of deliverability and ensuring email campaigns are GDPR compliant. He outlines how Senders.co helps clients manage their email infrastructure and maintain good sender reputation. Subject Line Strategies Chrisley shares insights on crafting effective subject lines. Make them appear human-written rather than overly automated. Pricing and Packaging Graham and Chrisley discuss Senders.co's pricing tiers and how the company works with clients of varying email volume needs. Sourcing Email Lists Chrisley provides advice on finding and using targeted email lists, including leveraging tools like Apollo.io and niche data providers, as well as mining a company's existing client base. Similar Podcasts Also by The Next 100 Days Podcast on Email Marketing: https://thenext100days.org/405-tanyo-gochev-email-marketing https://thenext100days.org/153-jamie-peters-email-marketing Clips from the Podcast How to Welcome a Podcast Guest https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chrisley-Ceme-Introduction.mp4 How to make Email Marketing work for prospects https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chrisley-Ceme-Not-spray-Pray.mp4 Cold Email - An approach https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chrisley-Ceme-Prospect-Email-Marketing.mp4 Get Information on What's Working for You https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chrisley-Ceme-Ab-Splits-Getting-More-Info.mp4 Current Client List - Ideal Client Profiling https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chrisley-Ceme-ICP.mp4 Chrisley Shares this Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chrisley-Ceme-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    47 mins
  • #436 – Jeremy Boerger – Information Technology Asset Management
    Aug 2 2024
    Information Technology Asset Management Information Technology Asset Management is the practice dedicated to saving money on outdated or duplicate software licenses. You might have a saving of 30% buried in your company. Who can dig out that saving? Our guest Jeremy Boerger. Summary of the Podcast Introductions and small talk The participants, Jeremy Boerger, Kevin Appleby, and Graham Arrowsmith, engage in some initial small talk about locations, conferences, and sports teams. They establish that Jeremy is an expert in IT asset management based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The value of Information technology asset management Jeremy explains that his specialty is hardware and software asset management. His aim is to reduce the total cost of operating a company's IT infrastructure. He cites a Gartner study estimating that companies can save 28-32% on their IT budgets by implementing proper asset management practices. Case study: Saving a hospital $1.5 million Jeremy shares a case study of a hospital that was able to reduce its Office 365 software license costs. He saved them a staggering $1.5 million over 3 years by closely analysing usage and optimising their license agreements. The shift to subscription-based software The discussion turns to the challenges of managing subscription-based software. Companies often continue paying for unused or redundant tools. Kevin and Jeremy discuss the tendency for companies to be hesitant to review and optimise their software portfolios. Applying AI and automation to asset management Jeremy suggests that asset management teams should leverage AI. He also recommends using data analytics to become a "digital twin" of the computing environment. This automatically monitors usage patterns and identifies optimisation opportunities. Recap and next steps The participants wrap up the discussion, with Graham expressing interest in having Jeremy provide consulting services. Jeremy provides his contact information. He offers to provide free consulting to help companies get started on optimising their software costs. Clips from the Podcast Reducing the Cost of Operation https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Jeremy-Boerger-Basics.mp4 2016 Study by Gartner https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Jeremy-Boerger-2016-Gartner-Study.mp4 Hospital Saves a Wing's Worth https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Jeremy-Boaerger-Saves-a-Hospital.mp4 Testimonial from Jeremy Boerger https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Jeremy-Boerger-ITAM-Testimonial.mp4 Other Related Podcasts: https://thenext100days.org/432-martin-rides-data-software https://thenext100days.org/420-david-oates-yavica The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    45 mins
  • #435 – Davide Sola – Strategy in Action
    Jul 26 2024
    Strategy in Action Davide Sola is Co-founder of Strategy in Action. He is a Professor at ESCP Business School and a listing professor at other leading business schools. He has more than 20 years of experience in strategy consulting at McKinsey and 3H Partners. Davide has written lots of articles, policy papers and his book "How to Think Strategically" can be purchased on Amazon. Now, married with 3 kids, living in London, he hails from Turin. Summary of the Podcast Introductions Graham and Kevin introduce Davide Sola, a professor at the ESCP business school in London. Davide provides background on his career. He's got previous experience in investment banking and private equity, as well as his current roles as a professor and entrepreneur. The connection between strategy and innovation Davide explains that strategy and innovation are closely linked. Strategy involves making choices to go from point A to point B, and innovation is the result of those strategic choices. He emphasises that strategy without innovation, and innovation without strategy, are both problematic. Successful strategy requires making tough choices about where to play, how to win, and what capabilities and systems to put in place. Aligning the organisation around strategy Davide discusses the importance of aligning the entire organisation around a clear strategic vision and set of objectives. He notes that often different departments or leaders have divergent views on the company's strategic priorities. Davide addresses this with techniques like the "strategy one-pager" to create a shared understanding. Moreover, there is a need for frequent strategic reviews. Plus, the courage to make difficult decisions about what to stop doing. Using technology to enable strategic agility Graham asks about the role of technology and AI in enabling more frequent strategic reviews and analysis. Davide explains that his company, Strategy in Action, aims to make strategic planning more accessible and iterative. This will be done through the use of frameworks, data, and intelligent AI agents that can surface insights and prompt strategic questions. Recap and next steps Graham and Kevin wrap up the discussion, thanking Davide for his insights. Clips from the Podcast We Don't Have the Staff! Click on subheadline for Monty Python staff. https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Davide-Sola-Dont-have-the-staff.mp4 How to Think Strategically For Innovation https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Davide-Sola-Strategy-Innovation.mp4 Repeat Innovation https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Davide-Sola-Repeat-Innovation.mp4 More Value than Cost - Segmentation https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Davide-Sola-Segmentation.mp4 Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Davide-Sola-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    48 mins
  • #434 – Kirk Dobie – Fractional Sales Consultancy
    Jul 19 2024
    Fractional Sales Consultancy If you run a small to medium sized business then a Fractional Sales Consultancy may be just the thing you need to boost sales. Kirk Dobie joins the podcast and does an excellent job of explaining this resource option. He covers sales processes, coaching that improves team performance, strategy and of course fractional sales support. Your business may need, but isn't ready to hire an experienced Sales Director, but with Kirk's flexible commercial model, he will support you by providing our fractional support services to optimise your investment and results. Summary of the Podcast Explaining the model Kirk explains the benefits of the model. These include: cost-effectiveness, faster implementation, access to senior-level expertise, and the ability to avoid disrupting a company's top salespeople. He highlights how fractional sales leaders can provide leadership, mentoring, and networking connections. Challenges of the fractional model Graham and Kirk discuss the challenges of the fractional model. These include managing multiple client requests and maintaining work-life balance. Kirk shares how he sets clear boundaries and availability for his clients. Acquiring clients Kirk explains how he has primarily acquired fractional sales clients through LinkedIn. He does not actively prospect. What's important is demonstrating relevant expertise and experience. Kirk's background and experience Kirk provides more details on his extensive sales experience over the past 20+ years. He overlapped with Graham whilst at Equifax. Kirk has trained over 1,000 salespeople and generated over £100 million in revenue. Addressing mental health in sales Kirk emphasises the importance of sales leaders addressing mental health and wellbeing for their teams. This is especially important with the shift to remote/hybrid work models. He discusses common challenges like lack of self-confidence, procrastination, and negative self-talk. Wrap-up and next steps Graham and Kevin thank Kirk for his time and insights Listeners are encouraged to reach out to him at kpd3.co.uk for fractional sales consultancy. Clips from the Podcast Fractional Sales Consultancy https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Kirk-Dobie-Fractional-Sales-Consutltancy.mp4 The Fractional Proposition https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Kirk-Dobie-Proposition.mp4 A New Way of Working https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Kirk-Dobie-A-New-Way.mp4 Process https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Kirk-Dobie-Process.mp4 Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Kirk-Dobie-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    47 mins
  • #433 – Sophie Dearden – Resource Worldwide
    Jul 12 2024
    Resource Worldwide Sophie Dearden founded Resource Worldwide. She's an experienced entrepreneur who is currently running a vastly growing company. She first ventured into the world of business after leaving the University of Worcester with a First Class degree in Art. For many years she ran a number of highly profitable businesses, and she even had a short sabbatical working in the corporate world. But it was in 2018 when things really changed for her. Starting a new e-commerce business that could fit more easily around her family, Sophie knew how to make it grow, and within months she had no choice but to bring in a team to support her. This recruitment process was when she first hired remote professionals, and this experience opened up new doors for her that have now led to the establishment and success of Resource Worldwide. To date, Resource Worldwide has helped more than 200 clients fill roles with remote professionals, and the company’s mission is to help over 1000 businesses by 2025. With Sophie’s vast experience and track record for growing businesses, it seems that nothing is impossible for her. Summary of the Podcast Remote Working Kevin and Graham discuss how the workforce has become more global, with workers from places like the Philippines. They are excited to welcome guest Sophie Dearden, who runs a business called Resource Worldwide. Her business helps companies globally fill skills gaps by placing remote professionals from the Philippines. Sophie's Journey Sophie shares how she initially started hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines to support her own e-commerce business. After that Sophie began helping others hire remote talent as well. She discusses the challenges she faced early on, such as unreliable workers and quality issues, and how she learned to overcome those problems. The Benefits of Hiring Remote Workers Sophie explains how Resource Worldwide now places highly skilled remote professionals from the Philippines. They can be engineers, designers, and programmers, who work for UK and US companies. She highlights how her company is able to pay these workers significantly more than the local market rate. Yet, the cost is still 30% below UK rates. Overcoming Common Concerns Graham and Kevin raise common concerns about remote work, such as quality of work, cultural fit, communication, and time zone differences. Sophie explains how her company's rigorous screening and support processes help ensure a great fit and high performance from their remote professionals. The Impact on Worker's Lives The high salaries provided by Resource Worldwide transform the lives of the remote professionals. Workers get to buy homes, vehicles, and take vacations - things they could not previously afford. This sense of purpose and impact drives Sophie's vision for the business. Advice for Companies Considering Doing This Sophie provides guidance for companies interested in hiring remote talent. One factor is the importance of understanding cultural differences. Be transparent about expectations. Build strong relationships with remote workers to ensure a successful partnership. Clips from the Podcast Resource Worldwide https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Resource-Worldwide.mp4 Mastermind https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Mastermind.mp4 Obstacles https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Obstacles.mp4 Impact on Worker's Lives https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Mission.mp4 Sophie - My Beautiful Daughter https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Sophie-My-Beautiful-Daughter.mp4 10 x 3 The Charity https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-10-By-3.mp4 You can watch the 10 By 3 Video that Graham helped edit...
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    44 mins