
  • Episode 379: Don't Judge Your Streaks by Outcomes
    Aug 20 2024


    In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the importance of streaks in navigating through change. He shares personal experiences of various changes in his life and how streaks have helped him stay grounded and focused. Jeffery emphasizes the significance of consistent inputs and the need to prioritize them over outcomes. He quotes from the book 'Think Like a Rocket Scientist' to highlight the value of an input-focused mind and the dangers of focusing solely on outcomes. Jeffery encourages listeners to embrace streaks as a way to build internal strength and achieve extraordinary results.


    • Streaks provide a solid foundation during times of change and uncertainty.
    • Consistent inputs are more important than immediate outcomes.
    • An input-focused mind is the mark of anyone who has achieved anything extraordinary.
    • Success should be seen as a consequence, not the ultimate goal.
    • Streaks help build internal strength and resilience.


    00:00 Introduction: Change and Streaks
    02:43 Staying True to Yourself
    12:23 The Importance of Inputs
    19:14 The Input-Focused Mind
    21:18 Success as a Consequence
    26:18 Building Internal Strength with Streaks
    29:23 Conclusion: Embracing Streaks

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    32 mins
  • Episode 378: Choose Your Hard
    Jul 16 2024


    The conversation explores the concept of choosing the hard in life, specifically in the areas of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It emphasizes the importance of intentional and deliberate choices in order to become the person one wants to be. The conversation also touches on the consequences of procrastination and the gradual path towards negative outcomes. The analogy of a river is used to illustrate the need for conscious decision-making and actively paddling towards one's desired direction.


    • Be intentional and deliberate in choosing the hard in life.
    • Procrastination leads to negative consequences.
    • The gradual path can lead away from one's desired direction.
    • Conscious decision-making is necessary to move towards one's goals.
    • Choose the hard that aligns with becoming the person you want to be.


    00:00 Introduction: Choosing the Hard
    02:26 The Difficulty of Physical Well-being
    05:19 Choosing Your Hard: Deliberate and Intentional
    06:47 Procrastination and Delayed Consequences
    10:30 The River Analogy: Conscious Decision-Making
    12:24 Conclusion: Choosing the Hard to Become Who You Want to Be

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    15 mins
  • Episode 377: Rewire Negativity Bias
    Jul 8 2024

    In this episode of the My Streaks podcast, Jeffery Downs discusses the negativity bias of the brain and how to rewire it to be more positive. He explains that the brain has a natural tendency to focus on negative information due to its survival instinct and the impact of negative events. Jeffery suggests several strategies to rewire the brain, including practicing gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, and being mindful or meditating. He emphasizes the importance of consistent and deliberate actions over time to rewire the brain's response to stimuli.


    • The brain has a natural negativity bias, which causes it to focus on negative information.
    • Negative bias is rooted in the brain's survival instinct and the impact of negative events.
    • To rewire the brain, it is important to practice gratitude, reframe negative thoughts, and be mindful or meditate.
    • Consistent and deliberate actions over time can help rewire the brain's response to stimuli.


    00:00 Understanding the Negativity Bias
    05:11 Practicing Gratitude and Positive Responses
    09:05 Being Deliberate and Intentional
    11:04 Cultivating Mindfulness through Meditation
    13:00 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    15 mins
  • Episode 376: Flexibility is Complimentary to Consistency
    May 9 2024


    This episode of the My Streaks podcast explores the relationship between flexibility and consistency. The host shares personal anecdotes and metaphors to illustrate the importance of finding a balance between these two qualities. He emphasizes the need for flexibility in order to adapt to challenges and avoid breaking, while also highlighting the value of consistency in achieving long-term growth and success. The episode concludes with a reminder to maintain a rigid consistency in daily activities while allowing for flexibility in intensity and approach.


    • Flexibility and consistency are complementary qualities that contribute to personal growth and success.
    • Being too rigid and inflexible can lead to breaking under pressure, while being too flexible can result in inconsistency and lack of progress.
    • Finding a balance between flexibility and consistency allows for adaptation to challenges while maintaining a steady commitment to daily activities.
    • Consistency provides a foundation for success, while flexibility allows for adjustments in intensity and approach.


    00:00 Introduction: Exploring the Relationship Between Flexibility and Consistency
    03:14 The Consequences of Inflexibility
    09:15 The Power of Consistency
    15:52 Flexibility: Adapting to Challenges
    21:23 Conclusion: Embracing Flexibility and Consistency

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

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    22 mins
  • Episode 375: Perfectionism vs Perfect
    May 3 2024


    In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the topics of perfectionism and how to get unstuck. He shares insights from an article by Greg Vanourek on overcoming perfectionism and emphasizes the importance of getting things done rather than striving for perfection. Jeffery also explores the concept of being perfect in specific areas of life and the benefits of consistency and positive emotionality. He provides practical tips for overcoming perfectionism and getting unstuck, such as making tasks laughably simple, visualizing success, and reviewing development cards.


    • Striving for perfectionism can hinder progress and slow you down.
    • Being perfect in specific areas of life is achievable and should be celebrated.
    • Consistency and positive emotionality are key to overcoming perfectionism and getting unstuck.
    • Making tasks laughably simple, visualizing success, and reviewing development cards can help in overcoming perfectionism and staying motivated.


    00:00 Introduction and Rebranding
    00:29 The Problem with Perfectionism
    08:47 Perfectionism and Its Effects
    12:09 Overcoming Perfectionism and Getting Unstuck
    24:07 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    26 mins
  • Episode 374: Streaking No More.
    Apr 20 2024


    The hosts discuss the decision to change the name of their app from Streaking to MyStreaks. They explain that the change was prompted by the shadow ban on the word 'streaking' in algorithms, which made it difficult for users to find their app. They also discuss the growing popularity of streaks in other apps and the power of streaks in promoting consistency and growth. The hosts highlight the flexibility and customization options in the My Streaks app, including the ability to set deadlines and authenticate streaks. They emphasize that the app is a central hub for all types of streaks and can be tailored to individual goals and aspirations.


    • The decision to change the name of the app from Streaky to My Streaks was prompted by the shadow ban on the word 'streaking' in algorithms.
    • Streaks have become popular in other apps due to their effectiveness in promoting consistency and growth.
    • The MyStreaks app offers flexibility and customization options, allowing users to set deadlines and authenticate streaks.
    • The app serves as a central hub for all types of streaks and can be tailored to individual goals and aspirations.


    00:00 Introduction and Busy Lives
    08:30 Changing the Name to My Streaks
    13:38 The Power of Streaks in Consistency and Growth
    29:36 Conclusion: My Streaks Help Me Become Who I Want to Be

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    31 mins
  • Episode 373: Cost or Investment?
    Apr 3 2024


    In this conversation, Jeffery Downs discusses the concept of cost versus investment and how it applies to personal growth. He shares his experience with Mark Cuban's masterclass on entrepreneurship and highlights the importance of hard work, luck, and being in the right place at the right time. Jeffery emphasizes the need to measure activity rather than time in streaking and explains how activity-based streaks lead to growth. He also discusses the difference between costs and investments in various aspects of life and the importance of intentional decision-making in streaking.


    • Cost versus investment applies to personal growth and streaking.
    • Hard work, luck, and being in the right place at the right time are important factors in success.
    • Measuring activity rather than time in streaking leads to growth.
    • Activity-based streaks are investments in becoming the person you want to be.
    • Intentional decision-making is crucial in streaking.


    00:00 Introduction: Cost Versus Investment
    02:31 The Importance of Hard Work, Luck, and Timing
    05:56 Measuring Activity for Growth in Streaking
    12:13 Activity-Based Streaks: Investments in Personal Development

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    26 mins
  • Episode 372: Victim or Problem Solver
    Mar 30 2024


    In this episode of The Streaking Show, Jeffery Downs discusses the difference between being a victim of circumstances and being a problem solver. He draws inspiration from the book and movie 'The Martian' and shares how the main character, Mark Watney, demonstrates problem-solving skills in order to survive on Mars. Jeffery emphasizes the importance of streaking as a tool for personal growth and compares it to the mindset of elite marathon runners. He also shares a personal story of problem-solving during a snowstorm while on a road trip. The episode concludes with a reminder to be a problem solver in life and to keep streaking.


    • Choose to be a problem solver rather than a victim of circumstances.
    • Streaking is a tool for personal growth and continuous improvement.
    • Problem-solving skills are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
    • Maintaining a streak requires problem-solving when faced with challenges.


    00:00 Introduction and Technical Difficulties
    01:25 Difference Between Victim and Problem Solver Mindset
    06:09 Choosing to Solve Problems
    08:33 Streaking as a Path to Growth
    09:32 Breaking the Two-Hour Marathon Barrier
    11:30 Streaking and Problem Solving
    13:24 Problem Solving During a Snowstorm

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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    22 mins