FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Listje je zletavalo z dreves, barvito kot slike na stenah v mali pražarni kave v Ljubljani.En: The leaves were falling from the trees, as colorful as the pictures on the walls in a small coffee roastery in Ljubljana.Sl: Notri so ljudje uživali v prijetni toplini in vonju sveže mlete kave.En: Inside, people enjoyed the cozy warmth and the smell of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Luka, Maja in Uroš so sedeli za leseno mizo v kotu, obkroženi s toplim vzdušjem in zvokom tihega čebljanja drugih obiskovalcev.En: Luka, Maja, and Uroš sat at a wooden table in the corner, surrounded by a warm ambiance and the soft chatter of other patrons.Sl: Luka je bil poln energije in pričakovanja.En: Luka was full of energy and anticipation.Sl: Njegove oči so iskrile in ni se mogel več zadrževati.En: His eyes sparkled, and he couldn't hold back any longer.Sl: "Prijatelji," je rekel z žarečim nasmehom, "imam presenečenje za Martinovanje!En: "Friends," he said with a glowing smile, "I have a surprise for Martinovanje!"Sl: "Maja je dvignila obrv in se skeptično nasmehnila.En: Maja raised an eyebrow and smiled skeptically.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj, Luka?En: "What now, Luka?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: Ona je raje imela stvari načrtovane, vsak korak vnaprej določen.En: She preferred things planned, every step predetermined.Sl: "Pripravil sem izlet," je Luka navdušeno razložil.En: "I've organized a trip," Luka eagerly explained.Sl: "Gremo na potovanje po Sloveniji, da doživimo Martinovanje v vseh barvah!En: "We're going on a journey around Slovenia to experience Martinovanje in all its colors!Sl: Morje vina in dobra družba.En: Seas of wine and good company.Sl: Kaj praviš, Uroš?En: What do you think, Uroš?"Sl: " Luka je pogledal proti njemu, vedoč, da bo Uroš pripravljen na katerokoli dogodivščino.En: Luka looked toward him, knowing that Uroš would be ready for any adventure.Sl: "Pogledamo, kam nas cesta pelje!En: "Let's see where the road takes us!"Sl: " je prikimal Uroš, ki je vedno pripravljen na spontanost.En: nodded Uroš, who was always ready for spontaneity.Sl: Maja pa je zavzdihnila.En: Maja, however, sighed.Sl: "Ne vem, Luka.En: "I don't know, Luka.Sl: Jaz raje ostanem tukaj, kjer je toplo in udobno.En: I'd rather stay here, where it's warm and comfortable."Sl: "Luka je razumel Majine skrbi, a ni hotel odnehati.En: Luka understood Maja's concerns, but he didn't want to give up.Sl: "Obljubim, da bo to nepozabno.En: "I promise it will be unforgettable.Sl: Zaupaj mi.En: Trust me.Sl: Slovenija je čudovita v jeseni.En: Slovenia is beautiful in the fall.Sl: Spomin bo vreden.En: The memory will be worth it.Sl: Pripravimo se na vinogradniško deželo.En: Let's prepare for wine country.Sl: Gremo na Ptuj, najstarejše mesto, kjer Martinovanje ne bo razočaralo!En: We're going to Ptuj, the oldest town, where Martinovanje will not disappoint!"Sl: "Maja je videla Luko, ki je bil vedno tako optimističen.En: Maja saw Luka, who was always so optimistic.Sl: Njeno srce je mehčalo ob misli na skupne trenutke.En: Her heart softened at the thought of shared moments.Sl: Morda pa si zasluži malo pustolovščine.En: Perhaps she did deserve a little adventure.Sl: "Vredu, Luka.En: "Alright, Luka.Sl: Prepričal si me.En: You've convinced me.Sl: Tvoje presenečenje sprejmem," je končno rekla Maja in nekoliko skeptično, a z nasmehom popustila.En: I'll accept your surprise," Maja finally said, a bit skeptically but with a smile, she gave in.Sl: In tako so se trije prijatelji tisto popoldne spakirali in sedli v Lukov avto.En: And so, that afternoon, the three friends packed up and got into Luka's car.Sl: Ceste so jih vodile mimo zlatih polj in skozi pisana jesenka drevesa.En: The roads led them past golden fields and through colorful autumn trees.Sl: Ko so prispeli na Ptuj, so jih pozdravili nasmejani obrazi, vonj praženega kostanja in zven harmonike, ki se je razlegal po ozkih ulicah.En: When they arrived in Ptuj, they were greeted by smiling faces, the smell of roasted chestnuts, and the sound of accordion music echoing through the narrow streets.Sl: Tiste noči so pozabili na skrbi in se predali trenutku.En: That night, they forgot about their worries and surrendered to the moment.Sl: Praznovanje Martinovanja, z dobrim vinom, pesmijo in plesom, jih je združilo.En: Celebrating Martinovanje with good wine, song, and dance brought them together.Sl: Maja je spoznala, da včasih nepričakovani načrti prinašajo najlepše spomine.En: Maja realized that sometimes unexpected plans bring the most beautiful memories.Sl: Zaupala je Luki in njegovim instinktom bolj kot kdajkoli prej.En: She trusted Luka and his instincts more than ever before.Sl: Ko so se nasmejano vračali proti Ljubljani, je vedela, da ima ...
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    17 mins
  • Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves
    Nov 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-20-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V zgodnjem jesenskem jutru sta Aljoša in Mateja, brat in sestra, prispela do Škocjanskih jam.En: On an early autumn morning, Aljoša and Mateja, brother and sister, arrived at the Škocjanske Caves.Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi rumene liste, ko sta se spustila v hladno senco, ki jo je ustvarjal gozd okoli vhoda v jame.En: The sun shone through the yellow leaves as they descended into the cool shade created by the forest around the entrance to the caves.Sl: Aljoša je z velikim korakom vodil pot, Mateja pa je hodila nekoliko zadržano za njim.En: Aljoša led the way with large steps, while Mateja walked slightly hesitantly behind him.Sl: Škocjanske jame so bile vedno poseben kraj za Aljošo.En: The Škocjanske Caves had always been a special place for Aljoša.Sl: Njihova lepota mu je vlivala mir in jasnost misli.En: Their beauty instilled peace and clarity of thought in him.Sl: Upal je, da bo ista atmosfera pomagala tudi njemu in Mateji, da premagata preteklost in obnovita svojo vez.En: He hoped that the same atmosphere would help both him and Mateja overcome the past and rebuild their bond.Sl: Ko sta stopila v prvo dvorano, ju je obdala tišina.En: As they entered the first chamber, they were enveloped by silence.Sl: Mateja je pogledovala okoli sebe.En: Mateja glanced around.Sl: Stalaktiti so viseli kot ledene sveče s stropa, podzemni tok je brnel v daljavi.En: Stalactites hung like icicles from the ceiling, and the underground stream murmured in the distance.Sl: „Kako mogočno,“ je zamrmrala.En: "How powerful," she murmured.Sl: Aljoša je prikimal.En: Aljoša nodded.Sl: Čutil je, da je pravi trenutek, da začne pogovor.En: He felt it was the right moment to start the conversation.Sl: „Mateja,“ je začel, ampak ona ga je prekinila.En: "Mateja," he began, but she interrupted him.Sl: „Pusti, da povem,“ je rekla.En: "Let me speak," she said.Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale odločnost.En: Her eyes radiated determination.Sl: „Dolgo sem imela občutek, da me nihče ne razume.En: "For a long time, I felt that no one understood me.Sl: Prepiri zaradi dedovanja so me ranili.En: The arguments about inheritance hurt me.Sl: Ni šlo za denar, ampak za občutek, da nisem enakovredna.“En: It wasn't about the money, but about the feeling that I wasn't equal."Sl: Aljoša je poslušal.En: Aljoša listened.Sl: Telo je imel napeto, a si je prizadeval ne prekinjati.En: His body was tense, but he tried not to interrupt.Sl: V prostoru je odmeval samo njen glas.En: Only her voice echoed in the space.Sl: „Rada bi, da bi se vrnila tisti občutek bratstva, ki sva ga imela kot otroka,“ je nadaljevala Mateja.En: "I wish we could return to that sense of siblinghood we had as children," Mateja continued.Sl: „Ne vem, kako začeti. Oprosti...“En: "I don't know how to start. I'm sorry..."Sl: S komaj slišno šepetajočim glasom je Aljoša zbral pogum.En: With a barely audible whisper, Aljoša gathered the courage.Sl: „Ti... ti si mi pomembna, Mateja.En: "You... you matter to me, Mateja.Sl: Razburjenje okoli dediščine me je zaslepilo.En: The turmoil around the inheritance blinded me.Sl: Želim si, da bi lahko popravila stvari.En: I wish I could fix things.Sl: Rabiva začeti komunicirati bolj odprto.“En: We need to start communicating more openly."Sl: Z besedami težo sta stala tam dolgo.En: They stood there with the weight of words for a long time.Sl: Med njih jima je padla svetloba svetilk iz skritih kotičkov jame.En: The light from hidden corners of the cave fell upon them.Sl: Potem je Mateja stopila bliže.En: Then Mateja stepped closer.Sl: „Lahko začneva tukaj,“ je rekla mehko.En: "We can start here," she said softly.Sl: „Prvi korak.“En: "The first step."Sl: Počasi, skupaj, sta nadaljevala pot po jami, a sedaj je bila tišina polna novih obetov.En: Slowly, together, they continued their path through the cave, but now the silence was full of new promises.Sl: Oba sta vedela, da ničesar ne moreta popraviti čez noč, a pomemben temelj je bil položen.En: Both knew that nothing could be fixed overnight, but an important foundation had been laid.Sl: Ko sta iz Škocjanskih jam spet stopila v svetlo jesen, sta bila njuna srca že malce lažja.En: When they stepped out of the Škocjanske Caves into the bright autumn day, their hearts were already a little lighter.Sl: Aljoša se je učil biti bolj odprt in ranljiv.En: Aljoša was learning to be more open and vulnerable.Sl: Mateja pa je, izgovorjena iz navzkrižja besed in čustev, izkusila moč izrekanja svojih misli.En: Mateja, spoken out from a tangle of words and emotions, experienced the power of voicing her thoughts.Sl: Pred njima je bila dolga pot, vendar sta stopala po njej skupaj.En: Before them lay a long journey, but they were...
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    16 mins
  • Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale
    Nov 19 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-19-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Lake Bled leži miren in mističen, ko se začetek zime prepleta z zadnjimi vzdihi jeseni.En: Lake Bled lies calm and mystical as the beginning of winter intertwines with the last breaths of autumn.Sl: Okolica je tiha, pokrita s tančico snega, ko se turisti in domačini zberejo, da izkusijo čarobnost drsanja na zamrznjeni površini.En: The surroundings are quiet, covered with a veil of snow, as tourists and locals gather to experience the magic of skating on the frozen surface.Sl: Mateja se počuti drugačna v tem idiličnem kraju.En: Mateja feels different in this idyllic place.Sl: Preselila se je v majhno vasico blizu jezera in od takrat išče povezave, prijateljstva, ki bi ji pregnala osamljenost.En: She moved to a small village near the lake and has since been searching for connections, friendships to chase away her loneliness.Sl: Njena prijateljica Tina, polna energije in odločnosti, jo je pripeljala na led.En: Her friend Tina, full of energy and determination, brought her to the ice.Sl: "Skupaj bova drsali," je Tina opogumljala Matejo.En: "We'll skate together," Tina encouraged Mateja.Sl: "Lepo bo, ti boš uživala!"En: "It'll be nice, you'll enjoy it!"Sl: Z drsalkami na nogah Mateja okleva, občutek ledu pod čevlji ji je neznan.En: With skates on her feet, Mateja hesitates, the feeling of ice under her shoes unfamiliar.Sl: Vsak korak je negotov.En: Every step is uncertain.Sl: "Samo dihaj," si Mateja reče.En: "Just breathe," Mateja tells herself.Sl: Tina, vedno polna nasvetov, ji pokaže osnove drsanja in kmalu se obe smejeta.En: Tina, always full of advice, shows her the basics of skating, and soon they are both laughing.Sl: Na jezeru je še veliko ljudi.En: There are many people on the lake.Sl: Otroci se smejijo, odrasli pazljivo drsijo po gladini.En: Children are laughing, adults carefully gliding on the surface.Sl: Med njimi je tudi Jaka, ki išče navdih za nove začetke.En: Among them is Jaka, who seeks inspiration for new beginnings.Sl: Rad ima naravo, gre mu za svežino novega.En: He loves nature and is all about the freshness of the new.Sl: Ko se Mateja premika po ledu, se nenadoma neprevidno zamaje.En: As Mateja moves on the ice, she suddenly wobbles carelessly.Sl: Seveda Tina ni daleč za njo, vendar Mateja zgreši ravnotežje in s treskom pade.En: Of course, Tina isn't far behind her, but Mateja loses her balance and crashes down.Sl: Nekaj trenutkov zatem jo prime močna roka.En: Moments later, a strong hand grabs her.Sl: "Oprosti, da sem te prestrašil," reče Jaka z nasmehom.En: "Sorry I scared you," says Jaka with a smile.Sl: "Ti si v redu?"En: "Are you okay?"Sl: Mateja se sramežljivo nasmehne, "Da, hvala, sem."En: Mateja shyly smiles, "Yes, thank you, I am."Sl: Njuni pogledi se srečajo, v trenutku oba začutita nekaj posebnega.En: Their eyes meet, and in an instant, they both feel something special.Sl: Jaka jo dvigne in prijateljsko predlaga, "Greš na čaj, da se ogreješ?"En: Jaka lifts her up and friendly suggests, "How about some tea to warm up?"Sl: Začno hoditi skupaj po ledu, pogovor teče gladko kot zamrznjena površina jezera.En: They start walking together on the ice, the conversation flowing as smoothly as the frozen surface of the lake.Sl: Mateja se počuti živa, kot da se led v njenem srcu topi.En: Mateja feels alive as if the ice in her heart is melting.Sl: Pripoveduje o svoji ljubezni do umetnosti, Jaka pa govori o svojih zimskih pustolovščinah kot smučarski učitelj.En: She talks about her love for art, and Jaka shares his winter adventures as a ski instructor.Sl: Ko se sonce spušča nad jezero, Mateja čuti, da se je spremenila.En: As the sun sets over the lake, Mateja feels changed.Sl: "Je kaj, kar si želiš poskusiti? Nekaj novega?" vpraša Jaka, medtem ko skupaj gledata čarobno pokrajino.En: "Is there anything you'd like to try? Something new?" asks Jaka, as they gaze together at the magical landscape.Sl: Mateja se zazre v zimo, ki prihaja.En: Mateja looks into the approaching winter.Sl: "Mislim, da bi rada bolj spoznavala to novo okolje."En: "I think I'd like to get to know this new environment better."Sl: Njegov nasmeh ji da pogum, spremljanje novosti in novih ljudi.En: His smile gives her courage, the prospect of new things and people.Sl: Dogovorita se, da se bosta znova srečala, odkrivala še neznane kotičke Bleda.En: They agree to meet again to discover yet unknown corners of Bled.Sl: Ko se vrne domov, Mateja ve, da ni več sama.En: When she returns home, Mateja knows she's no longer alone.Sl: Našla je več kot le prijatelja.En: She's found more than just a friend.Sl: Našla je vez do skupnosti, ki jo začne vedno bolj privlačiti.En: She's found a connection to a community that increasingly draws her in.Sl: Njen strah pred ...
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    17 mins

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Exactly what I needed

Thank you so much for this beautiful work. It’s not easy to find ways of learning Slovene and this is helpful and also interesting.

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Awesome idea, but the AI reader is AWFUL.

This is just awful. Sounds like they’ve used an AI reader that has zero ability to correctly accent or pronounce Slovene words. If you’re learning Slovene from these episodes, you’re going to sound ridiculous. They really need to start disclosing the use of artificial readers. I’m a native Slovene looking for tools to help my semi-fluent husband and I find these painful to listen to. Save your time and find something else that isn’t read by a robot.

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