FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Inspiration: A Photographic Journey of Friendship
    Nov 12 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Inspiration: A Photographic Journey of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Megleno jutro je na Blejskem jezeru prinašalo vzdušje pričakovanja.En: The foggy morning at Blejsko jezero brought an atmosphere of anticipation.Sl: Jesenski listi so se barvali v zlato in rdeče, gozd je dišal po svežem dežju.En: Autumn leaves were painted in gold and red, and the forest smelled of fresh rain.Sl: Matej, mlad fotograf, je hodil ob jezeru, njegov fotoaparat pa je visel z ramen.En: Matej, a young photographer, was walking by the lake, his camera hanging from his shoulders.Sl: Iskal je tisti en popoln posnetek, ki bi mu znova prižgal strast do fotografije.En: He was searching for that one perfect shot that would reignite his passion for photography.Sl: Toda megla je bila gosta, skoraj skrivnostna, in težko je bilo najti popoln pogled skozi objektiv.En: But the fog was thick, almost mysterious, and it was difficult to find the perfect view through the lens.Sl: Na drugi strani jezera je Tina sedela na klopci, zvezek je ležal odprt v njenem naročju.En: On the other side of the lake, Tina sat on a bench, a notebook lying open in her lap.Sl: Bila je pisateljica, ki je prišla iskati mir in navdih za svojo novo knjigo.En: She was a writer who had come to find peace and inspiration for her new book.Sl: A njene misli so tavale, okolica jo je vlekla stran od zgodb, ki jih je želela napisati.En: But her thoughts wandered, and the surroundings pulled her away from the stories she wanted to write.Sl: Matej je končno opazil Tino, kako je zamišljena strmela v daljavo.En: Matej finally noticed Tina, how she thoughtfully stared into the distance.Sl: Zdela se mu je zanimiva, kot del kraja, ki ga je skušal ujeti v fotoaparat.En: She seemed interesting to him, like part of the place he was trying to capture with his camera.Sl: Odločil se je pristopiti.En: He decided to approach.Sl: "Živjo," je pozdravil, "si tudi ti tu zaradi navdiha?En: "Hi," he greeted, "are you here for inspiration too?"Sl: "Tina se je sprva zdrznila, a nato se je nasmehnila.En: Tina was initially startled, but then she smiled.Sl: "Da," je odgovorila, "iščem mir, da bi pisala, ampak težko se osredotočim.En: "Yes," she replied, "I'm seeking peace to write, but it's hard to focus."Sl: "Matej je sedel zraven nje in pričel pogovor o fotografiji in pisanju.En: Matej sat beside her and started a conversation about photography and writing.Sl: Povedal je o svoji strasti, o trenutnem pomanjkanju motivacije, in Tina mu je zaupala o svojem pisateljskem bloku.En: He spoke of his passion, his current lack of motivation, and Tina confided in him about her writer's block.Sl: Skupna želja po ustvarjanju in boj z negotovostjo sta ju povezala.En: Their shared desire to create and struggle with uncertainty connected them.Sl: Pogovor je tekel, čas je mineval, in z vsakim trenutkom je megla počasi popuščala.En: The conversation flowed, time passed, and with each moment, the fog slowly lifted.Sl: Matej je skozi objektiv ujel pogled, ki ga je iskal, tokrat z Tino v ospredju.En: Matej captured the view he had been searching for through the lens, this time with Tina in the foreground.Sl: Bila je popolna kombinacija miru in globokega razmisleka.En: It was the perfect combination of peace and deep thought.Sl: Sočasno je Tina začela zapisovati sveže ideje, ki so se rodile iz njunega pogovora.En: Simultaneously, Tina began jotting down fresh ideas born from their conversation.Sl: Navdih je našla tako v pokrajini kot v besedah, ki sta jih delila.En: She found inspiration both in the landscape and in the words they shared.Sl: Ko se je dan končal, se je megla končno umaknila.En: As the day ended, the fog finally retreated.Sl: Matej je dobil svoj popoln posnetek, Tina pa novo energijo za pisanje.En: Matej got his perfect shot, and Tina gained new energy for writing.Sl: V tistih nekaj urah sta našla več kot le navdih - našla sta prijateljstvo, ki ju bo podpiral na ustvarjalni poti.En: In those few hours, they found more than just inspiration—they found a friendship that would support them on their creative journey.Sl: Oba, obogatena z novim pogumom in povezana skozi razumevanje, sta zapustila Bled z občutkom, da bo njuna pot odslej nekoliko lažja.En: Both enriched with new courage and connected through understanding, they left Bled with a feeling that their paths would be somewhat easier going forward.Sl: Njuna umetnost je zasijala v novem svetlobnem krogu, ki sta ga našla v meglenem jutru.En: Their art shone in a new circle of light that they found in the foggy morning. Vocabulary Words:foggy: meglenoanticipation: pričakovanjeatmosphere: vzdušjepainted: barvaliforest: gozdmysterious: skrivnostnaperfect: popolnlend: posnetekwriter: pisateljicanotebook: zvezekwandered: tavalecapture: ujetiapproach: ...
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    15 mins
  • Finding the Essence of Martinovanje in Ljubljana's Heart
    Nov 11 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding the Essence of Martinovanje in Ljubljana's Heart Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-11-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je dišala po jeseni.En: Ljubljana smelled like autumn.Sl: Barve listov so bile živo oranžne in rdeče, in mešana aroma svežega sadja je napolnila zrak na Ljubljanski mestni trg.En: The colors of the leaves were vibrant orange and red, and a mixed aroma of fresh fruit filled the air at the Ljubljanski mestni trg.Sl: Ljudje so se prerivali med stojnicami, obteženimi s pridelki in siri.En: People jostled among the stalls, laden with produce and cheeses.Sl: Med njimi je bila Anja, novinarka s posebnim navdušenjem za tradicijo.En: Among them was Anja, a journalist with a special enthusiasm for tradition.Sl: V mislih je že videla svojo stanovanje, polno ljudi za Martinovanje.En: In her mind, she could already picture her apartment filled with people for Martinovanje.Sl: Martinovanje je bil Anjin najljubši praznik.En: Martinovanje was Anja's favorite celebration.Sl: Občutila je veselje ob misli na prihodnje slavje, a pred njo je bila še ena naloga: najti popolne okraske, ki bi poudarili pravi pomen tega praznika – zahvalnost za letino.En: She felt joy at the thought of the upcoming festivity, but she had one more task ahead: to find the perfect decorations that would emphasize the true meaning of this holiday – gratitude for the harvest.Sl: Celotna ljubljanska tržnica pa se je zdela preveč moderna ali komercializirana za njen okus.En: The entire Ljubljana market seemed too modern or commercialized for her taste.Sl: "Petra, sem videla to isto stvar že na treh stojnicah," je pomenila svoji prijateljici, medtem ko je njen prijatelj Matej prinesel kavo.En: "Petra, I've seen this same thing at three different stalls," she remarked to her friend, while their friend Matej brought over some coffee.Sl: "Vse je tako potrošniško. Hočem nekaj posebnega."En: "Everything is so consumer-driven. I want something special."Sl: Petra, vedno polna idej, predlaga, da poskusijo manj znane stojnice, kjer mojstri izdelujejo ročne umetnine.En: Petra, always full of ideas, suggested they try less-known stalls where craftsmen make handmade art.Sl: Anja je bila skeptična, a tudi upala, da bo morda našla skriti zaklad.En: Anja was skeptical but also hopeful that she might find a hidden treasure.Sl: "Hodimo na drugo stran trga," je rekel Matej.En: "Let's go to the other side of the square," Matej said.Sl: "Tam sem videl nekaj zanimivega."En: "I saw something interesting over there."Sl: Anja je sledila prijaznemu zvoku njegovega glasu, odločna, da najde nekaj posebnega.En: Anja followed the friendly sound of his voice, determined to find something special.Sl: Po nekaj minutah hoje med starimi zgradbami, polnimi zgodovine, so prišli do manj obljudene stojnice.En: After a few minutes of walking among old buildings filled with history, they arrived at a less crowded stall.Sl: Tam je starejši gospod ponujal ročno izdelane okraske, lepe in skrbno izdelane.En: There, an elderly gentleman offered handmade decorations, beautiful and carefully crafted.Sl: "Dober dan," je rekel starec, oči so mu zaiskrile.En: "Good day," said the old man, his eyes twinkling.Sl: "Rokodelci iz Vipavske doline jih naredijo."En: "Craftsmen from the Vipavska dolina make them."Sl: Dekoracije so bile natančno izdelane iz naravnih materialov, z grozdjem in ptiči, simboli bogate jeseni in preprostega življenja.En: The decorations were meticulously made from natural materials, with grapes and birds, symbols of a rich autumn and simple life.Sl: Anja je občudovala njihovo lepoto, a cena je bila višja, kot je pričakovala.En: Anja admired their beauty, but the price was higher than she expected.Sl: Bila je v dilemi.En: She was in a dilemma.Sl: Matej, s svojim umirjenim načinom, jo je spomnil: "Anja, gre za bistvo Martinovanja.En: Matej, with his calm manner, reminded her: "Anja, it's about the essence of Martinovanje.Sl: Kaj ti je resnično pomembno?"En: What is truly important to you?"Sl: Anja je stisnila ustnice, dvignila eno od najlepših dekoracij in se obrnila k staremu možu.En: Anja pressed her lips together, picked up one of the most beautiful decorations, and turned to the old man.Sl: "Prosim, vzamem tole.En: "Please, I'll take this one.Sl: In... bi se nam radi pridružili na večeru?En: And... would you like to join us for the evening?Sl: Vedno je lepo spoznati človeka, ki ceni tradicijo, kot vi."En: It's always nice to meet someone who appreciates tradition, like you."Sl: Starec je bil presenečen in vesel.En: The old man was surprised and pleased.Sl: "Hvala vam, z veseljem!"En: "Thank you, with pleasure!"Sl: Anja se je odpravila domov, zadovoljna z izbiro.En: Anja set off home, satisfied with her choice.Sl: Spoznala je, da Martinovanje ni le o okrasju, temveč tudi o povezanosti med ljudmi.En: She realized ...
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    16 mins
  • Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast
    Nov 10 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-10-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V jesenskem dnevu, ko so se listi počasi spuščali na tla, je Ljubljana Business District žarel v barvah rdeče in zlate.En: On a fall day, when the leaves were slowly descending to the ground, the Ljubljana Business District glowed in shades of red and gold.Sl: V restavraciji "Pri babici", ki je dišala po štrudlju in sveže stisnjenem moštu, je bilo vzdušje prijetno.En: In the restaurant "Pri babici," which smelled of strudel and freshly pressed must, the atmosphere was pleasant.Sl: V zraku je bila čutiti tudi napetost, saj je bilo pred vrati Martinovanje, praznik, ki v Sloveniji pomeni spremembo mošta v vino.En: There was also a sense of tension in the air, as Martinovanje was just around the corner, a holiday in Slovenia that marks the transformation of must into wine.Sl: Jure je sedel pri mizi blizu okna in opazoval mimoidoče.En: Jure sat at a table near the window, observing passersby.Sl: Bil je najstarejši od treh otrok in njegov cilj je bil ohraniti družinsko harmonijo.En: He was the oldest of three children, and his goal was to maintain family harmony.Sl: Družina je pravkar izgubila babico, ki jim je zapustila skromno, a dragoceno dediščino.En: The family had just lost their grandmother, who had left them a modest but valuable inheritance.Sl: Vedel je, da Anja in Matej ne delita vedno istega mnenja kot on.En: He knew that Anja and Matej did not always share the same opinion as he did.Sl: Anja je prispela prva.En: Anja arrived first.Sl: S svojim odločnim korakom in rahlo zagrenjenim izrazom na obrazu je takoj sedla nasproti Jureta.En: With her determined step and slightly bitter expression, she immediately sat across from Jure.Sl: "Tokrat bom jaz odločala," je dejala.En: "This time I will decide," she said.Sl: "Vedno vse na koncu vi odločate. Ne bom več spregledana."En: "You always end up making all the decisions. I won't be overlooked anymore."Sl: Matej je vstopil nasmejan, a malo slep za napetost, ki je že tlela.En: Matej entered with a smile, but somewhat oblivious to the tension that was already simmering.Sl: "Kaj bomo jedli? Upam, da ima restavracija kej posebnega za Martinovanje!" je vzkliknil.En: "What will we eat? I hope the restaurant has something special for Martinovanje!" he exclaimed.Sl: Njegova lahkomiselnost je včasih razburila Anjo.En: His lightheartedness sometimes upset Anja.Sl: Ko so si naročili jedi, je ozračje postajalo zasičeno.En: As they ordered their meals, the atmosphere grew tense.Sl: Jure je začel pogovor o dediščini.En: Jure started a discussion about the inheritance.Sl: "Potrebujemo plan," je rekel.En: "We need a plan," he said.Sl: "Trebamo se pravično dogovoriti."En: "We need to agree fairly."Sl: Anja je hitro prekinila.En: Anja quickly interrupted.Sl: "Jure, vedno vi govorite o pravičnosti. Kaj pa moje potrebe?"En: "Jure, you always talk about fairness. What about my needs?"Sl: Njen glas je bil trd in obremenjen s preteklostjo, kjer je čutila, da je bila zanemarjena.En: Her voice was firm, burdened by a past where she felt neglected.Sl: Matej se je žvečil svoje jedi in ni razumel teže trenutka.En: Matej was chewing his food and failed to grasp the gravity of the moment.Sl: Začel je humorno. "Ah, bom pa kupil kaj luskuznega!"En: He began jokingly, "Ah, I might buy something luxurious!"Sl: Jure se je zavedel, da mora ukrepati.En: Jure realized he needed to take action.Sl: "Poslušajta," je rekel pomirjujoče.En: "Listen," he said soothingly.Sl: "Kaj če bi ustanovili družinski sklad? Dediščino bi uporabili za nekaj, kar bo koristilo vsem.En: "What if we set up a family fund? We could use the inheritance for something that benefits everyone.Sl: Ohranimo vrednost tega, kar nam je babica zapustila."En: Let's preserve the value of what grandma left us."Sl: Anja in Matej sta utihnila.En: Anja and Matej fell silent.Sl: Anja je razumela, da Jure resnično želi najbolje za vse.En: Anja understood that Jure genuinely wanted the best for everyone.Sl: Matej je razmislil o tem, kar mu je bilo ponujeno.En: Matej considered what was being offered.Sl: "To ni slabo.En: "That's not bad.Sl: Na koncu, babica bi bila ponosna na nas."En: In the end, grandma would be proud of us."Sl: Ko so zaključili obrok, je zunaj začel padati rahel dež, listi so se vrtinčili v vetru.En: As they finished their meal, a light rain began to fall outside, and the leaves swirled in the wind.Sl: Jure, Anja in Matej so zapustili restavracijo z večjim spoštovanjem drug do drugega.En: Jure, Anja, and Matej left the restaurant with a greater respect for each other.Sl: Vsak je našel nekaj novega v svojih odnosih; spoštovanje, sprejemanje, povezavo.En: Each found something new in their relationships: respect, acceptance, connection.Sl: Ustanovitev ...
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    16 mins

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Exactly what I needed

Thank you so much for this beautiful work. It’s not easy to find ways of learning Slovene and this is helpful and also interesting.

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Awesome idea, but the AI reader is AWFUL.

This is just awful. Sounds like they’ve used an AI reader that has zero ability to correctly accent or pronounce Slovene words. If you’re learning Slovene from these episodes, you’re going to sound ridiculous. They really need to start disclosing the use of artificial readers. I’m a native Slovene looking for tools to help my semi-fluent husband and I find these painful to listen to. Save your time and find something else that isn’t read by a robot.

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