• 112: Bonus Episode
    Jan 14 2022

    I feel happy as I've completed another milestone of leaving a legacy through my podcasts.
    It may have been done during a challenging time but looking back, it got done.
    I encourage all who want to have stories and messages heard, and amplified, to get on Instant Podcast Leader!

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    15 mins
  • 111: Season 2 Wrap-Up Episode
    Jan 7 2022

    Season 2 has seen me dive deeper into issues like mental health, self-harm and misbehaviours.
    I have raised the importance of us as adults, parents and educators to look in and practice self-care before we look out for others.
    It's been a great journey and I hope that what I have shared will be of help to those who want to be of help to children and youths.

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    13 mins
  • 110: Tackling the Rude Ones
    Dec 31 2021

    Rudeness is typically not a natural behaviour.
    Children and youths who are rude have learned such behaviour through their social circles.
    Rudeness has to be addressed without rejecting the person per se.
    We have to reassure the rude person that it is their rudeness we can't condone and not themselves.

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    14 mins
  • 109: Dealing with the Procrastinator
    Dec 24 2021

    Some children and youths are quick to make promises but don't keep them.
    It could be they are seeking acceptance without first realising the responsibility.
    We have to help and even hand-hold those who may require help in understanding responsibility and show them how to keep to promises.

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    12 mins
  • 108: Handling the Liar
    Dec 17 2021

    Some youths who lie do so to avoid certain consequences that frighten them.
    It could be that they perceive they can't get what they want.
    We have to reassure those who lie that they are not rejected as persons; only their behaviour is not acceptable.

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    15 mins
  • 107: Tackling Those Who Don't Care
    Dec 10 2021

    Some youths may display an air of indifference to hide their insecurities.
    Yet they could actually be saying, "I don't want to get hurt."
    We need to acknowledge the fears and insecurities in some children and provide them reassurance.

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    14 mins
  • 106: Handling the Griper
    Dec 3 2021

    Some children and youths gripe because they want to avoid responsibility.
    Others do so because they have fear.
    An attitude of gratitude is a good antidote to griping.
    We need to help those who gripe by expanding their perspectives beyond themselves.

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    14 mins
  • 105: Dealing with the Clown
    Nov 26 2021

    Those who like to clown around may be naturally humourous.
    They need to learn what and when is appropriate.
    We can appreciate the humourous ones while at the same time helping them direct their self-awareness.

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    13 mins