• Overcoming Pricing Objections
    May 23 2019


    Last Episode #  ➡️ Speed Matters



    “This it too expensive.” “We can’t afford this right now.”

    “There’s no room in the budget for this.”

    I’m assuming you’ve heard these objections before.

    You get to the finish line…And instead of signing the contract, they balk at your price.

    Pricing is a tough objection to get passed. Mostly business owners and sales people when they try justifying the price, they seem defensive.

    Our natural gut reaction!!

    If you give them a discount, you seem weak and value of your product or a service goes down.

    But, that’s the wrong thing to do! And you also know that if you hold to your price, you might lose the deal.


    Read the whole blog




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    8 mins
  • 🔝Consistency Is Very Rewarding 📣
    May 11 2019
    🗣 What content do you consume routinely?   👉 Television shows are an obvious choice. What if your favorite show aired randomly and sometimes skipped a week? You’d no longer bother with it.   When eating breakfast, do you go to the same webpage daily, expecting new material? Do you listen to the same podcast while commuting? What if they weren’t there for you one day? You’d find something new. “Just this once,” you’d say, but you might form a new habit.   Attention doesn’t stop for anyone, it’s like age but attention does reward consistency very well.   You want to be a reliable provider, source, brand, product, or whatever. You need to be there for your audience and customers.   Lack of consistency also means you are losing the real estate   In snapchat attention is time limited, similarly on Instagram and Facebook with the new design stories are a major part and if you don’t post every 24 hours you lose that attention from your potential clients to someone else
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    10 mins
  • Secret Sauce
    May 8 2019

    ✅ Today’s fastest growing brands have this secret when it comes to how they design and build their services, experiences and products.

    And, that is …” Consumer Compassion ”

    They just show empathy, they design products and services which has taken consumer compassion into account.

    Cabs and Taxis existed before, but Uber keeping consumer experience in mind which was super inconvenient and inefficient. They streamined the whole process, made it super easy and fast…..This is consumer compassion, where your products, services and experiences are designed keeping consumers in mind and they are very important.

    Compassion in the time of need...


    Show notes: https://rapidboostmarketing.com/secret-sauce/

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    9 mins
  • Power in the causes which form cults
    May 8 2019

    ✅ Tom’s Shoes…Billion Dollar Brand

    We all know many large companies that participate in cause marketing, but the one that is often at the top of people’s minds is TOMS shoes. TOMS was founded in 2006 and boasts a business model that promotes giving back. Their model is referred to as the “one-for-one concept” where they promise to deliver a pair of free, new shoes to a child in need for every sale of their retail product.

    Show notes: https://rapidboostmarketing.com/power-of-causes-and-cults/ 

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    11 mins
  • ➡️ Break The Rules 📚
    Apr 27 2019

    🖥DVD’s were a commodity….there were DVD stores in every nieghbourhood….in-fact there were the ones which use to sell porn.

    Then Netflix broke the line, where industry was focused on creating more stores like blockbuster.

    Netflix innovated an industry based on user experience where you no longer needed to store this big rack rather now you can access all these movies at a click of a button.


    Show notes: https//rapidboostmarketing.com/grow

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    7 mins
  • 👉 Taking Paths of most Resistance and Breaking The Status Quo
    Apr 18 2019

    Emily Howard

    Stowe was denied entrance into the Toronto School of Medicine in 1865 and was told by its Vice Principal, “The doors of the University are not open to women and I trust they never will be.

    “Unable to study medicine in Canada, Emily Stowe earned her degree in the United States from the homeopathic New York Medical College for Women in 1867.

    The same year, she returned to Canada and opened a medical practice in Toronto, on Richmond Street.

    Stowe gained some local prominence through public lectures on women’s health and maintained a steady clientele through newspaper advertisements.




    Show notes

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    8 mins
  • Growing and Scaling Your Business
    Apr 17 2019

     ✨ Mitch joins me on Business Growth School to talk about things which stop any business from growing and scaling 

    🇨🇦 My Conversation with Mitch Cammidge from Mitch Cammidge Coaching 👩‍💼

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    44 mins
  • Speed Matters…
    Apr 6 2019


    Last Episode #  ➡️ What if you can improve your email response rates by 558%…..and cold calls rates by 209% 🎯  


    55% of Companies Take 5+ Days to Respond

    Fifty-five is the percentage of companies of the same survey that took 5+ days to respond to leads. Worse yet, of this 55%, 12% didn’t respond at all…

    The history of human communication has always been about reducing friction. Humans have always looked for better and faster ways to connect with each other. We evolved from the pony express, to snail mail, to phones, texting, emailing, instant messaging, instagamming, live tweeting….Snapchatting … the list goes on….now it’s all about instant access. 

    A recent HBR study analyzed 1.25 millions sales leads, and found you’re seven times more likely to win a deal if you respond to prospects in less than an hour versus responding in two hours.


    Show notes: https://rapidboostmarketing.com/speed-matters/

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    6 mins