• Psychic Insights and Relationship Tips with Katie Manning Hilton
    Jul 5 2024

    In this episode, host Lorraine Toth is joined by psychic medium Katie Manning Hilton.

    Do you crave a deep, soulful connection but feel stuck in a cycle of frustrating dates?

    In this episode, Katie Manning, A medium, psychic and entertainer, engages her audience with her captivating and humorous personality. Katie shares insights on how to manifest your soulmate by clearing your energy and raising your vibration. She will also share her personal story of manifesting a partner after years of attracting unavailable men. Whether you're newly single or looking to reignite the spark in your current relationship, this episode is packed with valuable tips to help you attract and nurture lasting love.

    Additionally, Katie shares practical tips for tapping into your intuition, including meditation techniques and asking for guidance from spirit guides.

    The episode also touches on Katie's various classes on psychic development, manifestation, and past life regression, as well as her exciting haunted tours in Europe.

    You'll learn:

    • How to identify and heal from past relationship karma that keeps you attracting unavailable partners
    • Practical tips for creating a crystal-clear vision board for your ideal soulmate
    • Powerful techniques to manifest your soulmate using the law of attraction
    • How to tap into your intuition and discern red flags on dates
    • Signs you've met your soulmate and practical exercises to strengthen your connection

    About Katie Manning:

    • Website | www.katiemanninghilton.com
    • Facebook | www.facebook.com/KatieManningHiltonPsychicMedium
    • Instagram | @katiemanninghilton
    • LinkedIn | Katie Manning Hilton
    • Podcast | Psychic on the Scene.

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    38 mins
  • Intuitive Medium Nick Carbuto - Unlocking the Secrets of Manifestation & Tuning into Intuition
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the world of manifestation and energy work with special guest Nick Carbuto, an Intuitive Medium.

    Nick and Lorraine discuss the mechanics of manifesting, offering four practical tools to help you attract your dreams. Learn about the importance of energy, frequency, and vibration, and discover how to use your thoughts as powerful tools for creating the reality you desire.

    They also explore how to connect with your intuition for making significant life decisions, the role of spirit guides, and the impact of energy centers (chakras) on your well-being. Whether you're dealing with depression or seeking to raise your vibration, this episode provides valuable insights and actionable tips.

    Nick's AFFIRMATION mentioned in the podcast here:

    Affirmation... I am now ready to empower, to the next level, the template of my life path. From this moment forth, I consecrate my life force to a life of oneness, Divine Love, God’s Infinite Abundance, vibrant health, eternal youth and everything else that supports my Highest Good and helps me in fulfilling my Divine purpose and reason for being.

    For more information and to stay connected, visit chooseahappyday.com and sign up for Lorraine's email list.

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    36 mins
  • Chakra Healer Kimberly Cardona -How to Overcome Trauma, Heal Your Past and Eliminate Health Diagnoses Holistically
    Jun 7 2024
    How to heal your past, overcome trauma and eliminate health diagnoses holistically with Reiki Master, Chakra Healer, Wellness Coach - Kimberly Cardona. Kimberly discusses how at one point she was on 14 different prescription medications after years of stored trauma in her body from an incident when she was 13 caused "dis-ease". She gives her feedback on how to heal holistically and encourage happiness within. Kimberly is teaching a class in Albany, NY on June 29th. More info here: https://healfeelandrestore.me/ *** Trigger warning: discussion of rape. *** Also, side note - I am aware there is a slight echo. New equipment learning curve lesson. Thank you for your grace and understanding. The information was too good to not post.
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    36 mins
  • 2 Ways You Can Get Started with Manifestation - Solo Episode Lorraine Toth
    May 31 2024

    In this follow-up to my interview with Deborah Hanlon, I reflect on my personal transformation journey that started ten years ago when I met Deborah after a difficult divorce. I share how meeting Deborah and engaging in meditation and Reiki training profoundly impacted my life.

    I want to share with you two of my favorite books to get you started. And my go-to tricks from each that help me to manifest the things that I want in this life.

    Curious? Let’s get started

    [01:20] How I met Deborah Hanlon and her impact on my energy journey

    [05:51] My first book recommendation if you are going through a hard time and want to learn to harness the Law of Attraction

    [06:56] My second book recommendation if you want to understand energy and my "Would it be nice" tip

    [10:32] Creating a creation box for manifestation

    [12:26] What would you like to learn more about?

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    14 mins
  • Intuitive Medium Deborah Hanlon - Harnessing Energy and the Power of Manifestation
    May 31 2024

    I am thrilled that for my first interview I am speaking with Deborah Hanlon. I met Deborah 10-years ago when I first started to do energy work and she has been my mentor and source of inspiration ever since.

    Today we are focusing on energy work, manifesting, and leveraging the law of attraction for personal growth and happiness. We will discuss the importance of recognizing and reshaping conditioned thoughts, the impact of energy on interpersonal relationships (especially when dating), and the significance of internal reflections over external validations. We talk about the importance of recognizing signs from the body and the importance of expressing emotions to foster well-being.

    Let’s get started!

    [01:07] Welcome Deborah Hanlon

    [03:27] Understanding how conditioning affects your life

    [08:59] How can you change what you are attracting (especially around dating)

    [12:24] Is there such a thing as listening to the signs from the universe to make a decision?

    [14:45] Is there a certain amount of time that we need to reside in the "I don't know" before we can move forward with a decision?

    [16:38] How do we stop our fears from the past from playing out in our future?

    [20:54] Do you have any recommendations that will help us find our authentic selves?

    [27:12] Does the body speak to us when we're not authentic to ourselves?

    About the Guest:

    Deborah Hanlon is an author and teacher, her passion is to lead others through the amazing journey of conscious awareness, (Being) self-reflection (Knowing) and empowerment into ACTION (Doing)!

    As a lifelong Intuitive and Medium, she’s honed her skills of Insight Guidance to inspire her clients to move past their past and teleport them to their desired future. The journey is one where they learn to truly Surrender to the magnificence of themselves.

    Connect with Deborah

    Website: https://deborahhanlon.com/

    Get your free manifestation worksheet on my website at https://www.chooseahappyday.com/

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    36 mins
  • Why Choose a Happy Day with Lorraine Toth - Intro Episode
    May 31 2024

    In the introductory episode of 'Choose a Happy Day,' host Lorraine Toth shares her journey and qualifications in energy work, manifestation, and holistic healing.

    An award-winning filmmaker, author, and Reiki master, Lorraine provides listeners with insights on improving their lives through mindset shifts, the law of attraction, and holistic health practices. She discusses overcoming personal challenges, including a toxic marriage and health issues, and the transformative power of holistic healing.

    In this podcast, Lorraine aims to empower women, particularly those experiencing life transitions like divorce, to manifest their dreams and live happier lives.

    [00:00] Welcome to the Choose a Happy Day Show

    [00:10] Why I'm Qualified to Talk About Happiness

    [00:27] My mission for the Choose a Happy Day Podcast

    [01:17] My Journey with Energy and Manifestation

    [04:10] Holistic Healing and Personal Health

    [06:22] How I Manifested My Ideal Mate

    Get your free manifestation worksheet on my website at https://www.chooseahappyday.com/

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    9 mins
  • Choose a Happy Day! Intro For Podcast
    May 27 2024

    Do you feel the calling to level up? Do you want your life to embody the word unlimitedness?

    In this show, we will chat about what kind of energy you give off, what to do when you're around low vibration people, dating and how to manifest your ideal mate, how to tap into your clues from the universe to stay on your life's destined path, using the law of attraction and more.

    The goal of this show is to empower women to live their most authentic lives, manifesting everything on their vision boards and to truly be happy.

    Happiness is a choice. So choose to be happy.

    Get your free manifestation worksheet on my website at https://www.chooseahappyday.com/

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    1 min