• Episode 18: Vincent Schmitt and Yoko Motohama tell Romain's story
    Sep 14 2024

    On this episode, we hear from Vincent Schmitt and Yoko Motohama, parents of Romain, a 16-year-old boy who tragically ended his life in 2021 after being prescribed a high dose of Paxil — known in France as Paroxetine — and suffering the effects of akathisia for several agonizing months.

    Yoko Motohama was born in Japan and earned a Ph.D. in computer science. She did postdoctoral research in the United Kingdom and spent a decade in Japan as an entrepreneur importing French wines.

    Her husband, Vincent Schmitt, a native of France, also earned a Ph.D. and became a lecturer in mathematics and computer science at the University of Leicester. Now based in France, close to Lyon, Vincent focuses on applied mathematics in the research department of a multinational company.

    Romain Schmitt was born October 12th, 2004, in Leicester, United Kingdom, the son of Vincent and Yoko. When the boy was four years old his parents decided to relocate the family — which also included Romain's younger sister — to France, and not long after that to the Japanese countryside. Romain had already learned English and French and now became a fluent speaker of Japanese. After nine years the family returned to France, in 2018, where 13-year-old Romain started the third year of middle school. He had a good mind for math and physics and was interested as well in geography, philosophy, politics, and even nuclear science and energy, which his grandfather taught him about. Romain was also a good swimmer, played rugby and tennis, and aspired to become a professional soccer player, like his idol Cristiano Ronaldo. His love of the game even inspired Romain to master a fourth language, German, so that he could better follow his favorite team, Bayern Munich.


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    Less than 1 minute
  • Episode 17: Wendy Dolin (MISSD) & Michael Tellerino (K9s For Veterans)
    Nov 17 2023

    On this episode we hear from two remarkable individuals who are at the forefront of a collaborative effort to raise awareness about the critical issues of mental health and polypharmacy challenges faced by our military personnel and veterans. Joining us are Wendy Dolin, the founder of MISSD, and Mike Tellerino, the director of K9s for Veterans. Together, they are working to combat the devastating effects of medication-induced harm, polypharmacy, and akathisia-induced suicidality within our military community.

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    36 mins
  • Episode 16: Denise Collins
    Jul 25 2022

    On this episode, we hear from Denise Collins, whose husband, John, died in 2018, nine days after going on the antidepressant Citalopram, better known in the United States as Celexa. Earlier this year, her book, What Happened To John?: A memoir of enduring love, mental health, and suicide, was released and is available now in paperback and for Kindle. Denise spent three years researching, writing, and doing her best to recover following the tragic death of John and her experience of becoming a widow. The book opens on what Denise calls Day Zero, Monday, the 29th of October, 2018, a day that began "quite unremarkably," she says, but later that day, two uniformed police officers appeared at her front door. "In that moment," she writes, "I was blissfully unaware that life as I knew it had ended and that a living nightmare was about to begin."

    Her website, denise-collins.com, is aimed at what she terms "corporate clients." She coaches female executives on developing their authentic leadership style and building a sustainable work/life balance. Her specialties are: Guiding People In Discovering and Celebrating Their Unique Personal Power (UPP©) Supporting Those Navigating Life After Loss and Teaching Resilience And How To Embrace Change.

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    48 mins
  • Episode 15: Geraldine and Cindy
    May 9 2022

    On this episode, we hear from Geraldine and her daughter, Cindy. In 2015 Geraldine's ex-husband, Louis, Cindy's dad, ended his life at age 63, the victim of prescription drug-induced akathisia.

    [Geraldine] The fact that the doctors kept him on the drugs and didn’t – you know, they don’t brush up and figure out there’s got to be a better way. We can’t just keep doubling up the medication because this man is frantic and calling them at different hours, you know, all hours.

    [Cindy] He was never suicidal until the akathisia. You know, he did struggle obviously with the depression and anxiety but he never talked about not being able to go on or suicide or anything like that until it was ramped up with the akathisia.

    Geraldine grew up in Brooklyn and, later, Queens, New York. Spending time in Manhattan, she developed an interest in the arts and attended the Fashion Institute of Technology. She got married and moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where her son, Ben, was born. When Ben was 2, Geraldine returned to New York and her second child, Cindy, was born in Westchester. It was there that she raised her children and worked in a family advertising business. After retiring and moving to Sarasota, Florida, Geraldine studied and developed a passion for drawing and painting. Other interests she has pursued are yoga, tai chi, dance, philanthropy, and volunteering with children and seniors. She now has two grandchildren, ages 7 and 10.

    Cindy grew up in the suburbs of New York City, and now lives in Oakland, California, working as a functional/integrative dietitian. Having lost her dad, Louis, in 2015, she’s been involved in suicide and akathisia awareness, education, and support ever since. As a former journalist, she's an avid researcher, and after her father's death, she found Chicago-based MISSD and resonated with its mission. Living in Chicago at the time, she thought it was a perfect organization to get involved in as a way to honor her dad's memory and spread awareness about potential medication side effects. She did her own extensive grief work and joined the board soon after her dad's death. She believes talking about your experiences and listening to others going through something similar helps with the healing process and from feeling isolated or alone in your pain. She adopted a rescue dog, Finley, within a year of her own loss and loves spending time with the dog on the many Bay Area trails. Cindy dabbles in a variety of hobbies in her down time, including traveling, cooking, yoga, learning the ukulele, and fiber arts.

    Read the episode transcript: https://www.studiocchicago.com/geraldine-and-cindy-transcript

    Find the main podcast page at www.studiocchicago.com/akathisia-stories

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    35 mins
  • Episode 14: Marcello and Lisa
    Feb 24 2022

    On this episode, we hear from 24-year-old Marcello, who, prior to being severely injured by a prescribed antidepressant, was a healthy and happy college sophomore at The New School in New York City. Just days after starting the prescription, he suffered a catastrophic adverse reaction to the medication that led to akathisia, inappropriate polypharmacy, and years of suffering.

    [Marcello] The experience for the sufferer during all of this is nightmarish. It’s unbelievable because you know what’s happening. You know that there’s incredible injury and you also know that there’s likely no help.

    We also hear from Marcello's mother, Lisa, who has watched her son suffer the devastating effects of akathisia for more than two years.

    [Lisa] What it looks like from the outside is like a horror show. It’s unfathomable. You know, he’s a very normal looking, functioning young man and suddenly he’s rocking, grimacing, in torturous pain as though someone were torturing him. I know that people with akathisia use the word torture a great deal, and it’s apt.

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    44 mins
  • Episode 13: Kerri Lynn
    Jan 10 2022

    On this episode, we hear from Kerri Lynn. Kerri says that she was taught to trust doctors, taught to trust prescriptions, taught to trust the assessments she received from hospitals. And she did, but, she says, this trust nearly killed her.

    [Kerri Lynn] It’s traumatizing what I went through.  I never, ever in my life thought a person could feel like that.  I never thought a person could think like that, especially against their will. I just knew inside of my soul, this is not me; this is not who I am.

    Kerri Lynn was born in Long Beach, California, but was raised and currently resides in the upper Midwest. She grew up in what she calls a dysfunctional home and early on gravitated towards addictive tendencies. At 13 she discovered drinking. As she matured, Kerri chased other self-destructive behaviors and relationships, until her self-described out-of-control nature led to an ultimatum from loved ones: she had to find a solution how not to be self-destructive. Pain and circumstances, she writes, drove her to seek help from 12-step recovery, which, as we'll hear in our conversation, led to her 13-year nightmare with prescribed medications. During these nightmare days, she says, her medical vocabulary expanded as she learned words like suicidal ideation, disassociation, delusion, profuse night-sweats, rapid irregular heartbeat, and agoraphobia. Kerri is now 11 years medication-free and stable and says that today she has a strategy for living that works. We spoke in mid-December over Zoom.

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    47 mins
  • Episode 12: Bob Fiddaman
    Nov 23 2021

    On this episode, we hear from author, blogger, researcher, and self-described humanist and humorist Bob Fiddaman. His eponymously titled blog has focused on drug company and regulatory malfeasance since making its debut in 2006. At the time, Bob, an Englishman living in Birmingham, was taking himself off of Seroxat, a GlaxoSmithKline-produced antidepressant known here in America as Paxil. After making a protracted attempt at tapering off of the drug, he eventually decided to go cold turkey, a course of action he strongly advises against.

    [Bob Fiddaman] "Within 24 hours, I was pretty much in a fetal position, you know, suffering stomach cramps, head zaps, intrusive thoughts. It was pretty bad. And it took about three months of absolute torture to get through to the other side, but I pretty much knew once I did reach the other side — because I was getting all my empathy, for one; that was coming back, so I’d be listening to music that I’d never really listened to before and really focus in on the lyrics. So, you know, my type of music is rock, AC/DC in particular. I started listening to the Dixie Chicks’ “Travelin’ Soldier,” and was listening to the lyrics and the story and I was crying, and then Martina McBride “Concrete Angel.” I was just crying my eyes out at these lyrics. So for the first time in a very long time I was able to sort of, like, feel things again, feel emotion again."

    Bob Fiddaman was born in London in 1964, the youngest of three children. In 1967, his family moved to Birmingham where he has lived since, though he now splits his time between England and his adopted home in Panama. Bob married in 1987, divorced in 2006, and has three grown children. In 2006, he created the SEROXAT SUFFERERS STAND UP AND BE COUNTED blog, later changing the name to FIDDAMAN BLOG. Bob has met with the U.K.'s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency on a number of occasions but has now ceased contact with them. He has also been a thorn in the side of drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, reporting on numerous inquests and wrongful death lawsuits brought against the company by bereaved families. In our interview, you'll hear about some of these, including Dolin v. GSK, the 2017 trial that MISSD founder Wendy Dolin was the plaintiff in. Bob is the author of a 2011 memoir called The Evidence, However, Is Clear: The Seroxat Scandal, and has recently finished a science fiction novel called No Other Man. [Bob Fiddaman: “It's about angels, it’s about numerology, it’s about demons and it’s about love.] We spoke over Zoom.

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    35 mins
  • Episode 11: Heather McCarthy
    Oct 26 2021

    In this episode, we hear from Heather McCarthy, mother of O'Shea McCarthy, known as Shea, who was born in December of 1988.

    His love of art and music was apparent from an early age, and by the time he reached adolescence, he had become proficient in a variety of instruments and was the recipient of numerous art awards. Shea excelled in his studies throughout his K through 12 education, especially in his love of nature and science. Upon graduation from high school, he was admitted to Purdue University where he was accepted in the Earth and Atmospheric Science Program. Prior to undergoing corrective surgery for a deviated septum the summer before his sophomore year, Shea was prescribed an extremely large dose of the antibiotic Levaquin. After a three-week course of this veritable atomic bomb of antibiotics, Shea's life would never be the same. Heather remembers that her son became a shadow of the “intelligent, curious, beautiful young man” he was as he was suddenly struggling with anxiety, cardiac issues, insomnia, and a host of other adverse effects caused by Levaquin. Despite telling his treatment providers that he believed his condition was the result of an adverse effect of Levaquin, they chose a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and subsequently prescribed a host of psychotropic drugs that included Risperdal, Lamictal and Ativan.

    [Heather McCarthy] I think these drugs are so insidious on how they affect your spirit and your mind and, my belief, your soul, because it’s such a slow walk. It’s such a slow chipping away at who he was. And his anxiety was all the time. He, you know, was twitching a lot and he had so much anxiety. And I think he just got tired. And how degrading it is to not be listened to and to not be believed. I mean, we have medical records that says, “I’m afraid,” he’s telling his therapist, “I’m afraid I’m going to crash my car." In hindsight, it’s just this ridiculous, to me, belief that he was — you know, he’s going, he’s getting the treatment, he’s going to get better. Like, this is going to pass. This is a brilliant young man. You know? Like, this is going to pass.”

    Heather McCarthy is an attorney from Northwest Indiana who holds advanced degrees in public administration and English lit. Prior to establishing a private law practice, she was an executive in the mental health industry. She served in the role of vice president at the administrative services organization for Regional Mental Health Center, the facility that treated her son, O’Shea. After his death, Heather pursued an eight-year legal case alleging medical malpractice of the mental health treatment providers in the wrongful death of her son. She also testified, with numerous other victims, at the 2015 FDA hearings that resulted in additional black box warnings for the antibiotic Levaquin and the acknowledgment of a disability, Fluoroquinolone Associated Disability, of which symptoms include cardiac issues, insomnia, restlessness, and psychosis, some of which can be permanent. Heather also supports the efforts of MISSD in creating awareness about akathisia, a condition that was fatal for Shea after receiving mental health treatment.

    In this episode we hear two interviews with Heather, the first of which was recorded in late 2019, following the MISSD organization's silent auction in Chicago. At that time Heather's lawsuit was in progress and she was not permitted to make mention of it. Later, we hear an interview recorded just last month, following resolution of that litigation.

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    52 mins