It’s going to be a SUPER week! Yep, it’s Super Bowl week and the Philadelphia Eagles are taking on the defending 2x Super Bowl champs, the Kansas City Chiefs. This truly is the time when champions rise-up & take care of business. But the podcast this week is NOT just about football. It’s also about adopting the mindset of extreme preparation, the ability to adapt and make adjustments, and having a “next play” mentality so you can shine in the brightest of
lights both in sport and LIFE.
Here are some of the things we discuss on this week’s SUPER BOWL edition of the IMPACT SHOW podcast:
• MINDSET & MOTIVATION Principle: GO ALL-IN & get in the “FLOW” state; How to best get into a “Flow” state.
• 7 Keys to Winning the big Game…and winning in LIFE.
• Coaching prompt & action-step: “What’s one goal you’ve been playing small with?” and write down the ‘championship version’ of that goal—how does it look, feel, and what does “all-in” really mean for you?
• HEALTH & HABITS. 5 actionable-strategies to prepare your mind & body to perform like a Super Bowl MVP.
• What habit(s) do you need to commit to that will help your achieve an “MVP Routine.”
• BUSINESS & LEADERSHIP. What does championship leadership look like and top lessons from successful teams.
• 6-important traits of leadership that often go unnoticed but so important in “winning.”
• PERSONAL. 4 “Super Bowl” moments in my life (not football).
• 3 authentic lessons about leadership, winning, and LIFE.
• My Super Bowl & MVP Prediction…Tune-in!
Thanks for tuning-in. If you enjoy today’s IMPACT SHOW, please share it with your community and friends. If any part speaks to you, please also share it on your social media so that more people can find out about what we are doing to create some ripples in this universe.
You can tag us at:
IG: @ToddDurkin
#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShowPodcast #Ep411 #OperationIMPACTRebuildLA #SuperBowl
I want to share the action-steps that our team and community (this includes you!) will be taking to “give-back” and “BE THE LIGHT” up in Los Angeles, that has suffered utter decimation with the wildfires.
There are several activations underway that you can get involved with and ALL are in today’s IMPACT SHOW. We are calling this entire activation: “OPERATION IMPACT, Rebuild-LA.”
Here are the 3 initiatives and how you can help:
- WE want to help “10” families who havebeen displaced are in need with finances or supplies.
- WE want to raise funds to completely rebuild 1-gym up there in the heart of Los Angeles so that a new “Sanctuary” can be returned and birthed up there. I believe with all of our sponsors, vendors, and Community (here on the podcast as well), that we can do this.
- We will be doing a Virtual Speaker’s Summit in March to raise even more funds. We will have 20-world-class speakers sharing their stories of inspiration to motivate & inspire you.
Additionally, Drew Brees is committed to speak at this as well to hopefully raise even more funds. This Summit will be run completely by donation and I’m confident and hopeful that we can raise a lot of money starting NOW for the virtual event. More
details to come but you can contribute to the Durkin IMPACT
Foundation NOW [501-c-3, tax-deductible].
Where/How to Donate to OPERATION IMPACT—Rebuild LA: To make a tax-deductible donation to the Durkin IMPACT FOUNDATION [501-c-3], where 100% of your money gets donated back to the cause, please make your donation at:
Venmo at: @ToddDurkin10
you can write a check to the Durkin IMPACT FOUNDATION and send it to:
Durkin IMPACT Foundation
10006 Scripps Ranch Blvd C7
San Diego, CA 92131