
  • Season 2 | Ep 8 - Elliot Dell on growing Salt - the globally recognised Digital & Tech recruiter through organic growth and M&A activity!
    Nov 27 2019

    On this week's show, I was delighted to spend time with Elliot Dell, the CEO of Salt - a well known brand in the Digital Recruitment market, globally. Headquartered in London with 220 staff across offices in Asia, Australia, USA and the Middle East, Elliot joined as a recruiter and worked his way up to CEO after 10 years.

    Salt didn’t actually exist when he joined, it was a small, family owned exec search business that soon changed with Elliot’s influence. As Salt gathered momentum, they soon acquired another business named 'Salt’ in New Zealand and that’s where things really took off.

    Elliot has an incredible energy and passion for growing a fantastic business that can truly change the Digital Recruitment world. Whilst growing international teams at work, he is also the father of 3 children and has a super active lifestyle - an inspirational guy for sure!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • The RAG Report | Episode 22 - Doeke Geerstma on how ‘goodwill equity’ shown to your suppliers will help you when Corona Virus is over!
    Apr 16 2020

    Today I was joined by Doeke, the co-founder of WeAreKeen and agency providing in-house recruitment teams to start-ups, scale-ups and large enterprises across the Netherlands.

    In this episode, he talked about how his country has reacted and dealt with lockdown and how his business has had to adapt to the change. Being an in-house agency with a relationship focused approach, he revealed how this has enabled them to stay close and support both clients and suppliers through a time that effects us all!

    A refreshing chat from a very innovative recruitment owner, you can connect with Doeke and ask any questions here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/doeke/

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Season 3 | Ep 3 - Joseph Sweeney on how working 7 days a week through lockdown led to severe burnout and the need to take a break!
    Aug 5 2020

    In today’s episode I was joined by Joseph (Joe), the Co-Founder and MD of Manners Maclean, an international exec search business based in London and Buckinghamshire.

    I was originally going to record today’s episode by myself. I have been feeling stressed and burnout over the past month and I realised that there are so many also experiencing this right now.

    However I was delighted to be joined by Joe, a member of The Hoxo Academy since May 1st, who after a number of conversations has shared with me that he has been feeling almost identical to me in the past month.

    Like most recruitment owners, Joe has worked hard during the pandemic to keep his business alive, despite so many obstacles.

    But Joe took this to extreme levels and decided to work 7 days a week to give his agency the best opportunity moving forward.

    With a wife and 4 year old twins in a 3 bedroom house lacking space, this began to break Joe down.

    In this episode Joe shares the story of

    • How he felt working so hard
    • The signs of burnout
    • What he did to combat the problem
    • Tips any recruitment owner can adopt to overcome these challenges

    A great guy with such a real and relevant story right now, if you would like to chat to Joe about this further please contact him HERE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephsweeneymm/


    Odro: https://bit.ly/35UrBKr

    Vincere: https://bit.ly/2zOL43W

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Season 3 | Ep 4 - Liz Connor on successfully building her niche recruitment agency with the drive that was born from the tragedy of losing her brother and father in the same year!
    Aug 12 2020

    In today’s episode I was joined by Liz, the Founder of Logjec Recruitment, a super niche recruitment agency based in the North West of England.

    She doesn’t have a typical recruitment agency founder's story.

    An ex Recruiter working for her family Financial Advisory business in 2016, her world was turned upside down twice within 10 months after tragically losing her brother and later her father in horrific accidents.

    At rock bottom, Liz somehow managed to find the strength to channel her pain towards something positive. This became her motivation for success.

    I particularly loved how she now doesn’t let everyday challenges bring her mood down as they simply aren’t ‘life or death matters’, a great way to view the world I feel.

    3.5 years later, she now has a successful recruitment agency and a niche recruitment coaching business where she is passionate about helping the next generation of founders who may be struggling with the confidence to take the next step.

    A truly incredible woman and an inspiration to us all, if you would like to speak to Liz about her coaching business or just make contact then you can do: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-connor-04882051/



    Odro: https://bit.ly/35UrBKr

    Vincere: https://bit.ly/2zOL43W

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Season 3 | Ep 5 - Michael Mihaylov on taking a step back from leading a team whilst dealing with the separation from his wife and 2 young girls.
    Aug 19 2020

    In today’s episode I was joined by Michael, Partner at IBAM Consulting and ex-colleague and friend of mine.

    Michael is not a recruitment agency founder but a very experienced recruitment team leader, sales leader and biller.

    In 2016 Michael was living with his wife and 2 young daughters whilst leading a recruitment team in central London. After a long period of challenges at home, he then decided to separate from his wife and file for divorce.

    In this episode, we talked about the reality of going through a divorce from a mans perspective. He gave a truly honest account of the pain he suffered by leaving his kids and how this hugely affected his performance in all areas of life - including recruitment.

    Having a strong management team around him, he took the brave decision to step back into a billing role in order to support himself and the business as best he could.

    This episode really isn’t about Recruitment at all, though I am sure so many recruitment professionals will be able to relate.

    A friend to me with a huge appetite to help others, if you would like to speak to Michael about his experience or just make contact then you can do HERE



    Odro: https://bit.ly/35UrBKr

    Vincere: https://bit.ly/2zOL43W

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Season 3 | Ep 6 Alexandra Chirica on launching her agency in June 2020 with a business partner she has never even met in person due to the coronavirus!
    Aug 26 2020

    In today’s episode I was joined by Alex, Co-Founder of Tale, a brand new recruitment agency she founded in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Only 3 years into her recruitment career, if you would have asked Alex in Feb 2020 if she was soon to become a business owner, she would have said ‘NO’.

    It was only when another recruitment owner, Harry Brooker, reached out to her after watching her videos and said he was looking to re-brand and wondered if she would be a part of the journey.

    They had never met, and still haven’t in person due to the pandemic!

    In this episode, we talked about:

    • The reality of making this decision at the age of 24
    • How her personal brand content has changed everything for her
    • That she plans to never make a BD call again
    • Her vision for building a Tale community in the future

    An inspiring girl on a mission to create a disruptive recruitment business that is so current in today’s market, if you would like to speak to Alex about her journey and plans then reach out HERE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrachirica/



    Odro: https://bit.ly/35UrBKr

    Vincere: https://bit.ly/2zOL43W

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Season 3 | Ep 7 Pete Walker on launching his agency 3 months before his first child was born!
    Sep 2 2020

    In today’s episode I was joined by Peter, Managing Director of Brownlee Dean, a 2 year old recruitment agency headquartered in the North East of England.

    In early 2018 after 12 years of working for the same recruitment agency, Pete was ready to leave his employer and start his own recruitment business.

    However as he was about to hand his notice in, he then found out that his wife was pregnant with their first child!

    A few months later, with 5 months survival money in the bank, Pete made the move despite the personal situation.

    In this episode, we talked about:

    • The reality of starting a company 3 months before your first baby is born
    • How he suffered from mental health issues before and during this situation
    • How he coped and the effects on his marriage
    • The way he came through this period and set the business up for success

    An honest and humble guy, I am confident that you will love this interview if you have a complicated life outside of the day job! If you would like to speak to Pete about his journey in more detail then reach out HERE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pete-walker-certrp-26499937/



    Odro: https://bit.ly/35UrBKr

    Vincere: https://bit.ly/2zOL43W

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Season 3 | Ep 8 - Amit Pandit on trying to continue the growth of his agency whilst living with Lyme Disease which is known to be more common and more dangerous than you think!
    Sep 9 2020

    In today’s episode I was joined by Amit, Director of Apt Search & Selection, a specialist UK based recruitment agency in the eDiscovery market

    In 2014, shortly after the launch of his business, Amit’s life was in great shape. He was working extremely hard and seeing early business success whilst at the same time about to get married.

    In the run up to his wedding, Amit was unlucky enough to be bitten by a ‘tick’ in the leg and contracted Lyme Disease.

    After such diagnoses, Amit then suffered with consistent physical and mental health challenges with no obvious sign of a cure.

    In this episode, we talked about

    • How this all happened out of the blue
    • How this disease took over his life
    • The effects on his marriage and business
    • How he had to travel to the US in order to find treatment that made the difference
    • How he managed to keep recruiting throughout the whole ordeal!

    A great guy with a unique story to tell, I hope this helps raise awareness of Lyme Disease (I knew nothing about it|) and show how resilient recruitment owners can really be!! If you would like to speak to Amit about his journey in more detail then reach out HERE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ediscoveryrecruiter/



    Odro: https://bit.ly/35UrBKr

    Vincere: https://bit.ly/2zOL43W

    Más Menos
    53 m