
  • 1: The Problem
    Oct 20 2022

    Lee Gaul watches his daughter’s lessons during Zoom school and discovers a dismaying truth: She can't read. Little Zoe isn't the only one. Sixty-five percent of fourth graders in the United States are not proficient readers. Kids need to learn specific skills to become good readers, and in many schools, those skills are not being taught.

    Read: Emily Hanford’s reading list
    Read: Transcript of this episode
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    Sold a Story is proud to be an Apple Podcasts Series Essential. To celebrate, we’re making it available without ads or other announcements for a limited time.

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    33 m
  • 2: The Idea
    Oct 20 2022

    Sixty years ago, Marie Clay developed a way to teach reading she said would help kids who were falling behind. They’d catch up and never need help again. Today, her program remains popular, and her theory about how people read is at the root of a lot of reading instruction in schools. But Marie Clay was wrong.

    Read: Emily Hanford’s reading list
    Read: Transcript of this episode
    Watch: The story behind Sold a Story
    Support: Donate to APM Reports
    More: soldastory.org
    En español: soldastory.es

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    51 m
  • 3: The Battle
    Oct 27 2022

    President George W. Bush made improving reading instruction a priority. He got Congress to provide money to schools that used reading programs supported by scientific research. But backers of Marie Clay’s ideas saw Bush’s Reading First initiative as a threat.

    Read: Transcript of this episode
    Watch: The story behind Sold a Story
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    En español: soldastory.es

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    41 m
  • 4: The Superstar
    Nov 3 2022

    Teachers sing songs about Lucy Calkins. The longtime professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College is one of the most influential people in American elementary education today. Her admirers call her books bibles. Why didn't she know that scientific research contradicted reading strategies she promoted?

    Read: Transcript of this episode
    Watch: The story behind Sold a Story
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    More: soldastory.org
    En español: soldastory.es

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    34 m
  • 5: The Company
    Nov 10 2022

    Teachers call books published by Heinemann their bibles. The company's products are in schools all over the country. Some of the products used to teach reading are rooted in a debunked idea about how children learn to read. But they've made the company and some of its authors millions.

    Map: Heinemann’s national reach
    Read: Transcript of this episode
    Watch: The story behind Sold a Story
    Support: Donate to APM Reports
    More: soldastory.org
    En español: soldastory.es

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    47 m
  • 6: The Reckoning
    Nov 17 2022

    Lucy Calkins says she has learned from the science of reading. She's revised her materials. Fountas and Pinnell have not revised theirs. Their publisher, Heinemann, is still selling some products to teach reading that contain debunked practices. Parents, teachers and lawmakers want answers.

    Map: How states approach reading instruction
    Organize: Sold a Story discussion guide
    Read: Transcript of this episode
    Watch: The story behind Sold a Story
    Support: Donate to APM Reports
    More: soldastory.org
    En español: soldastory.es

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    42 m
  • Hard to Read: How American Schools Fail Kids with Dyslexia
    Mar 16 2023

    The parents knew something wasn’t right. The school said everything would be fine. But their kids weren’t learning how to read. In this documentary, originally published in September 2017, we look at why kids with dyslexia have a hard time getting the help they need in school.

    Read more: How American schools fail kids with dyslexia
    Q&A: What is dyslexia, with neuroscientist Guinevere Eden

    Support this show: Donate to APM Reports

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    54 m
  • Hard Words: Why Aren't Our Kids Being Taught to Read?
    Mar 23 2023

    Jack Silva had a problem. He was the chief academic officer of a school district in Pennsylvania, and more than 40% of the kids in his district were not proficient readers. He didn't know much about how kids learn to read, but he knew he had to figure it out. Originally published in September 2018, this documentary helped ignite a national conversation about the science of reading. Winner of an EWA Public Service Award.

    Read more: Why aren't kids being taught to read?
    Read in Spanish: Translation by Aptus

    Support this show: Donate to APM Reports

    Dive deeper into Sold a Story with a multi-part email series from host Emily Hanford. We’ll also keep you up to date on new episodes. Sign up at soldastory.org/extracredit.

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    52 m