
  • March 2025 Food Literacy Podcast
    Mar 11 2025

    This month's Food Literacy podcast is entirely devoted to gardening. Happy Meteorological Spring, here's to a great gardening season!

    It is March and the plant and gardening communities are raring to go. In fact, I have distributed thousands of seeds to our partners to begin seedlings and their crop plans.

    One site we like is Mind & Soil and their YouTube Channel where they have done numerous experiments on garden-related processes. I think the Mind and Soil website is worth a deep investigation—the following video details and experiments that will influence our soil mix for the upcoming season. The soil mix we will use this season will include 50% potting mix and 50% compost. Into the transplant hole, I will add worm castings and organic granular fertilizer. See the video for rationale and details:

    Garden Experiments With Mind and Soil-Compost vs Fertilizer

    Check out the videos from the site for tips on seed starting, grow lights and the optimal hours of light required for your seedlings, if you anticipate starting seedlings this season. Remember, do not rely solely on this information source do a search of keywords such as grow lights, best grow lights for vegetable seedlings, vegetable seed starting, best methods for starting vegetable seeds indoors, etc.

    The next consideration is a seed starting schedule for cool and warm weather crops, also see. In addition to the schedule other factors to consider are the last frost date for our area, soil temperature and soil temperature requirements for various crops. There are no hard and fast dates or rules, every year is different as you study various sites you will quickly see that for our USDA Hardiness Zone last frost dates vary widely from April 15th to May15th. It is critical for you to begin with cool weather crops because should your guess about frost dates be off it may not damage your crops, Collard greens can tolerate frost, tomatoes cannot. Frost dates are used to determine when to start seeds indoors if you are so inclined so pay attention. See Growfullly with Jenna also in Zone 6 for crops you may want to consider for March.

    Here are the links from the 2023 and 2024 March Food Literacy podcasts that you may find useful.

    Contact: orrinw@uic.edu

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, the CPHP, the CUT, or the RWH podcast series. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is about food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

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    24 m
  • Dr. Christy Garrison Harrison Southern University
    Feb 26 2025

    Please listen to this episode of the Roots Watering Hole podcast with Dr. Christy Garrison Harrison of Southern University. We asked Dr. Harrison to respond to a question we asked of respondents to our collaboration with the Center for Humans and Nature for their Questions for a Resilient Future series. The question is "What can we learn from the soil about our fundamental interconnectedness?"

    Additionally, we followed up by asking Dr. Harrison to respond to how people in the African Diaspora should deal with the meta-crisis or poly-crisis threatening all beings with extinction. For more information on the term see: https://www.realitystudies.co/p/explaining-polycrisis-and-metacrisis.

    We asked the question from the framework of acknowledging that the people of Africa and the African Diaspora are the oldest human populations on Mother Earth. After over 200,000 years of adapting to life, how do we take responsibility and leadership for the future of humans and all of our relations?

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, the CPHP, the CUT, or the RWH podcast series. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is about food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

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    1 h y 6 m
  • January 2025 Food Literacy Podcast
    Jan 14 2025

    Introductory podcast for the 2025 season. Tune in for updates about what to expect in 2025. Also, please share topics you would like to see us cover beginning in February 2025. We are looking for guests as we will offer video episodes with content experts in February or March of 2025. Stay tuned for that, in the meantime let us prepare for a healthy and happy gardening and food literacy season!

    National Seed Swap Day is January 25, 2025. Check out the Cool Beans website for more information. Thinking of doing a seed swap this year check out the Cool Beans video on the topic?

    Many of us who are advocates of home and community gardening, as well as urban farming, do so because we believe the future is a diversified food system, check out this video regarding why planning for the future is urgent.

    Check out this interview on unlocking the secrets of longevity and healthspan from the Center for Food as Medicine. Here is another article to consider regarding the treatment of diet-related diseases versus prevention.

    Finally, (and again I am not promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine), is food enough, or are other considerations required for health and well-being?

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, the CPHP, the CUT, or the RWH podcast series. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is about food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • December 2024 Food Literacy Podcast
    Dec 9 2024

    We are signing out of the Food Literacy Podcast for 2024 and anticipate having a wonderful 2025 with episodes and resources devoted to all things food literacy from gardening to cooking to consumer information and exciting programming being planned for 2025 in Chicago. Stay tuned!

    December 2024 Food Literacy Podcast Show Notes

    Urban Farmer Zone 6 Planting Calendar Guide

    Farmers’ Almanac Seed Starting 101

    The Garden Magazine 15 Tips for Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors

    Botanical Interests Seed-Starting for Beginners the Complete Guide

    In the Garden Budget Indoor Seed Starting Set Up (Video: Tell us what you think and share other budget ideas you may have.)

    MI Gardener The Easiest Seed Starting Mistakes to Avoid

    Food Literacy

    Satisfying Fruit and Vegetable Recommendations Possible for Under $3 Per Day

    Harvard Chan School of Public Health No One Size Fits All For Improving Longevity

    Contact Orrin Williams at orrinw@uic.edu

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, or the CPHP. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is designed to promote the development of healthy communities through food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • November 2024 Food Literacy Podcast
    Nov 12 2024

    This is a very brief episode of the food literacy podcast so as usual pay attention to the show notes for what we hope is useful information. More importantly, I want to make sure to thank all of the people and organizations I work with throughout the year.

    The new year is just about 7 weeks away and 39 days away from the winter solstice and the journey of the return of the sun and longer days. Spring arrives in just 128 days from the date of this recording. The last frost date is usually reported as April 15th for our USDA hardiness zone 6a but we know better and recommend using May 1st as the last frost date. There is no certainty about frost dates. See the chart here with a planting schedule for various crops and flowers you may find useful.

    Here is an excellent article about the benefits of gardening that I think you will enjoy.

    On the food as medicine front, I have a link to an American College of Lifestyle publication of 23 articles regarding food as medicine.

    Finally, we have heard a lot about the impact sugar consumption has on health, so here is an article about how low sugar consumption early in life may cut the risk of developing chronic diseases later in life. Perhaps these offerings will help you and your family make food choices during the upcoming holiday season.

    I will close this brief episode before returning in December and beyond with plenty of information regarding programs from Chicago Grows Food and our partners. Have a wonderful holiday, and if possible, spend quality time with family and friends. Peace!

    Contact Orrin Williams at orrinw@uic.edu

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, or the CPHP. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is designed to promote the development of healthy communities through food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • October 2024 Food Literacy Podcast
    Oct 8 2024

    Hello, listeners to the October 2024 Food Literacy Podcast. Harvest time is upon us but as strange as it may seem it is also time to think about the 2025 gardening season. Get ready for winter and 2025!

    Here are some resources I hope will inform your decision(s). In doing research for this episode, I came across the Gardenary YouTube channel and an episode that suggested we stop using fertilizers to grow our gardens. The title was a bit misleading, but I agreed well sort of. The host talked about synthetic fertilizers so check out the entire video for useful information.

    That said for those of us using grow bags for our gardening projects I recommend using a bit of organic fertilizer with the techniques described in the video because containers need a bit more nutrient support. For some excellent information regarding organic fertilizers see the Ecofriendly Homestead site regarding organic fertilizers, I recommend reading the entire post. I repeat I agree with the Gardenary host about the importance of compost and in her words poop for fertilizing our gardens. The host recommended manure and worm castings, and I recommend worm casting and staying away from animal manure in our home gardens. Generally, I recommend organic fertilizers in the beginning stages of your garden such as when transplanting seedlings into the grow bags and when seed you direct sowed have germinated, after that you can get by with compost and worm castings although I mix a very small amount of organic fertilizer to the worm casting say 10% of the mixture.

    I will provide information about local sources for local compost for those that are not making compost at home in an upcoming episode.

    Gardenary, offered some additional information that I think you will find useful regarding potential growing opportunities to consider for October. Also see the Gardenary 2024 calendar and watch for the 2025 edition. The general information will not change regarding frost dates, seed starting schedules, etc.

    Think of your budget for items such as amendments, hoses, garden tools, etc. you can usually find them at a lower price now and into the winter. Once, spring arrives the prices go up...

    I saw interesting videos from America’s Heartland regarding cultural foods and the food as medicine benefits of cultural foods and gardening that resonated deeply with me as I have been promoting cultural food primarily from the African Diaspora this past season and we will be continuing the program in 2025 while adding cultural food from other cultures in the ethnosphere. What is the ethnosphere you ask? The ethnosphere according to Dr. Wade Davis is defined here.

    Additional resources:

    Can you still plant crops in October? Check it out.

    Preparing now for your seed starting projects in the spring.

    Thinking about growing an herbal apothecary? (Remember to consult with your health care provider.)

    Orrin Williams contact: orrinw@uic.edu

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, or the CPHP.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • August 2024 Food Literacy Podcast
    Aug 6 2024

    Hello Listeners, this is a concise episode devoted to encouraging our listeners to establish a fall vegetable garden Longer episodes will begin in September 2024 where we will discuss myriad food literacy and wellness issues as well as follow up on fall vegetable gardening methods.

    I am having a hard time believing that it is August but alas it is! But it is fall garden and crop time, personally because of early season illness the fall season will be crucial for us as we will be planting many cool weather crops. Also, I have had several conversations with growers of all types and there is a lot of interest in growing at least a fall crop. It is the beginning of August and in terms of the traditional garden season here in Chicago is about 70 days left before the first frost date of around Oct. 15th some estimates that I have seen suggest that it may be pushed back to Nov 1st.

    You never know but early frost is not a problem for many crops such as green leafy vegetables like turnip, mustard and collard greens, kale, spinach, etc. There are a lot of wonderful sites for information but one I recommend is Harvest to Table with their wealth of information. Check the show notes for more information about crops to grow in August.

    On that note, we are distributing seeds for fall crops to many of our partners as part of the African Diaspora Crop Project. We are contemplating changing the name to the Ancestral Crop Project as we will be adding seeds from around the world to the distribution for 2025 to integrate our friends and neighbors from various ethnicities. Are you South Asian, Latinx, or any other ethnic background please give us recommendations for next years project. This year’s pilot program is a success, and I will be discussing how it went and changes for 2025 in an upcoming episode.

    Here are a couple of videos about fall gardening Growfully with Jenna and Chicago Gardener. There are advantages to growing a fall garden such as cooler days and reduced pest pressure to name a couple. Embrace the fall and extended gardening opportunities.

    We have talked about it before and will cover season extension in more detail in the September episode. Season extension will lengthen your growing season making it possible to grow into the winter and even in some cases next spring.

    Bonus: The Gardening Channel with James Prigioni and the same site...

    Orrin Williams contact: orrinw@uic.edu

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, or the CPHP. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is designed to promote the development of healthy communities through food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

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    10 m
    Jul 9 2024

    The Food Literacy podcast resumes after a hiatus. I am better now and returning to the microphone with the July 2024 Food Literacy Podcast. This is probably more accurately described as a shortcast but we will cover some gardening topics for July and a few Food as Medicine items in the show notes. I hope you enjoy the episode!

    I have commissioned carpenter friends Mike Reynolds and Rudy Taylor to design and build garden tables to enhance the gardening experience for elders and those with mobility challenges, that can be included in the home garden kits distributed by the CGF coalition.

    Check out the videos included in the show notes. Remember there is plenty left of this season with things you can start in July and a selection of crops appropriate for the upcoming cool season. According to the tool at Almanac.com, the first frost date is predicted to be November 1, 2024, and our growing season is 197 days which may be increased with season extension and appropriate crop selection strategies.

    Check out the Gardening Channel with James Prigioni for ideas about what to plant in July and July garden tasks. Near us in Michigan check out the MI Gardener video with suggestions for July, it is a little long so fast forward a bit. Remember you still have about 100 days of growing season left if you choose wisely. Reach out to Chicago Grows Food for technical support regarding what to plant in July and for fall, cool weather crops.

    Check out this episode from Hollis and Nancy and Nancy’s Homestead about container gardening that inspired our decision to create an elevated table system for home gardening solutions or elders and those with limited mobility.

    On the Food as Medicine front check out the Guardian article on how healthy childhood diets may mitigate cognitive problems as we age underscoring the importance of providing nutritious food and diets to our children.

    However, it is not too late as a study reviewed in Eureka Alert suggests that eating well in your 40s is a boost to healthy aging influencing your life at and into your 70s. Here is more information about the NUTRITION 2024 conference held in Chicago, which is the source for the Eureka Alert article.

    Stay tuned for the August 2024 Food Literacy podcast, happy warm season growing!

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, or the CPHP. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is designed to promote the development of healthy communities through food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.

    Más Menos
    14 m