
  • Season 2 Episode 16 - HHQ- Hard Hitting Questions
    Mar 10 2025

    On this week's episode of the podcast Tyler and Heidi tackle some of the toughest questions of the season! Okay so that isn't exactly what happened, on this episode Tyler and Heidi have fun asking each other random questions- and none of them are all that serious. If you need to laugh, relax and get to know your podcast hosts a little better- this episode is right up your alley!


    Catch/Conversation- :35

    Overview- HHQ- the real hard-hitting questions- 15:45

    HHQ-#2- Would you rather- Get a 5 million dollar check today or get 1 dollar for every step over the next year? - 18:15

    HHQ #3- What subject have you pretended to know as an adult? - 21:45

    HHQ #4- What has recently made you laugh? - 30:00

    HHQ #5- Weirdest thing you googled this past week? - 35:30

    HHQ #6- Weird habit you can't seem to break lately? - 42:00

    HHQ #7- You have 5 years- what Olympic event are you trying to qualify for? - 45:45

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Season 2 Episode 15- Slump Busting
    Mar 3 2025

    On this week's episode of the podcast Heidi and Tyler look at one of the most common issues we face in all aspects of our lives, the slump. Whether it's our health, our daily lives or the office- we have all felt the slump. On this episode we take your through our approaches to break through these slumps or better yet, find ways to avoid ever getting into one in the first place. Listen to this episode and you'll find a way to break your next slump!


    Catch up and conversation- :35

    Topic Overview: How to spot and analyze slumps in your life- 17:15

    What is the next step-20:00

    The day-to-day slump-24:15

    The working slump-32:45

    200,000 Dollar Question-42:00

    Thanks for listening and have an amazing week!

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Season 2 Episode 14- Buzzworthy- Are Buzz Words Worth the Hype?
    Feb 24 2025

    On this week's episode of the podcast Heidi and Tyler have a fun time looking at various buzz words we hear throughout the day. Buzz words are meant to provide, inspiration, context and define areas of our lives, they are meant to direct us....but are they doing all this? Are they having the impact and meaning that we are told they are? Well in this episode they picked their favorites and broke each of them down. Listen and learn, maybe they will change your perspective about how you see buzzwords in your daily life!

    Catch Up- :35

    Topic Overview- Buzzworthy- Buzz Words- are buzz words worth the hype-20:00

    1-Culture- 22:00

    2-Authenticity- 32:30

    3-Negativity/Energy Vampires - 42:15

    4-Nothing worth having comes easy-48:30

    5-The New Normal-55:45

    6-Winner Never Quit/ Quitters Never Win- 59:30

    Thanks for listening and have a great week!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Season 2 Episode 13- Addicted to Productivity
    Feb 17 2025

    On this week's episode of the podcast Tyler and Heidi tackle an interesting topic- when people are addicted to productivity. There are many reasons and many ways that this appears in someone's life and the topic has more layers that will be covered in due time in the podcast. Today they take an overview of the topic and give you ways of identifying if this is something that might be seen in your day-to-day life. They also give your ideas of how to break this cycle and give yourself the gift of more time and a better version of yourself each day!


    Catch up and conversation- :35- 16:15

    Topic Overview- Slowing down when productivity is your drug-16:15-21:15

    Working against yourself-21:15-28:45

    Productivity= self-worth- 28:45- 33:00

    Tips for breaking the cycle- 33:00-37:00

    You need a massage- 37:30- 44:00

    Carve out time-44:00-

    Thanks for listening and have a great week

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Season 2 Episode 12- Resiliency over Perfection
    Feb 10 2025

    On this weeks' episode of the podcast Heidi and Tyler talk about how to balance idea that perfection can be the greatest obstacle in moving forward in life. They help you build a strong infrastructure and be resilient to move forward. The concept of building an anti-fragile infrastructure so that no matter what comes at you your will be ready. They tackle ideas and concepts that allow you to carry forward in any endeavor in life!!

    Intro- 00- :35

    Catch-up and conversation- :35-13:45

    Topic Overview- Being Resilient- Build an Anti-Fragile Life- 13:45-20:15

    Lean into Neutrality- set real expectations- 20:15-25:15

    Progress over Perfection- 25:15-29:15

    Evaluate and Prioritize- 29:15- 35:15

    Fear of Failing-35:15-36:00

    How have you built resiliency- Heidi- 36:00-40:00

    How have you built resiliency- Tyler- 40:00-

    Thanks for listening and have a great week!!

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Season 2 Episode 11- Actions are a language
    Feb 3 2025

    On this week's episode of the podcast Tyler and Heidi jump into a deep discussion about a topic that most of us don't recognize each day, the idea that actions are a language. Our actions, the boss' actions and even our spouse's action is all a language that we need to listen to. During this episode we take a good long look at actions in all aspects of life and how we can do a better job of identifying what they are saying and how we can do a better job of listening. Listen and learn how to hone your skills on this subject!!

    Thanks for listening and have a great week!

    Intro- 00-:35

    Catch-up- :35-14:45

    Topic Overview- Actions are a language-14:45-19:15

    Making Lists- putting actions on paper- 19:15-22:15

    Pockets of Life- 22:15-29:00

    The Importance of Reflection- 29:00-35:00

    Punting- 35:00-39:00

    Assessing Actions- 39:00-

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Season 2 Episode 10- The Season's 1st Question and Answer Session
    Jan 27 2025

    On this week's episode of the podcast Tyler and Heidi do one of their first episodes a listener question and answer. They collect question from social media and answer them live on the podcast. Whatever is on your mind, whatever questions you may have, they will answer!! If you have any questions, follow Heid or Tyler on social media and they can get read on the air!!!

    Intro- :00-:35
    Conversation and Catch Up- :35- 15:30
    Question and Answer Overview- 15:30- 16:00
    Question #1- How do you juggle all the different components of life? 16:00-30:30
    Question #2- Latest book you read and podcast that you are listening to- 30:30- 42:15
    Question #3- What foods are in your regular rotation? 42:15- 52:15
    Question#4- How do you start a new thing in life? 52:15-

    Thanks for listening and have a great week!!!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Season 2 Episode 9- A Less Stressful Conversation
    Jan 20 2025

    On today's podcast Heidi and Tyler tackle the subject of stress. We all have stress in our lives, work, family, or any other place you can find it- it will show up. We have an in-depth conversation about ways to identify it and how to manage it. Without a doubt there will be something in our conversation today that will help you tackle the stress in your life and help you better deal with it, regardless of when it shows up!

    Introduction: 00-:35
    Catch and conversation- :35 - 14:45
    Topic Overview- Life and Stress- 14:45- 22:00
    There is always something that can be done- 22:00- 31:15
    1 way to empty your bucket- make a bigger bucket- 31:15-35:00
    Resiliency- 35:00-38:00
    Recognize the Struggle- 38:00- 41:15
    1-10 rate yourself- 41:15-53:30
    Take care of yourself - 53:30

    Thanks for listening and have a great week!!!

    Más Menos
    1 h