
  • Upping Your Elvis!
    Jan 30 2025

    In this podcast I am chatting with Chris Barez-Brown and Jim Lusty from "Upping Your Elvis", an organization designed to help businesses and professionals get their energy right to unleash more creativity, performance and well-being!

    Through our conversation, we explore how our ancient make-up as humans is not necessarily geared to thrive in a modern world and we consider how we can navigate this environment by getting our energy right from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

    Chris and Jim also talk about their latest product called Talk It Out, an app designed to help people explore their subconscious to express what they are thinking, feeling and what really lights them up! Where burnout rates and anxiety levels across the world are at an all time high, this app has the potential to make a real difference!

    At the end of the day, to Up Our Elvis, we need to more purposefully establish a routine that fires and preserves our energy so that we might live our most awesome and impactful life!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • The Power of Wonder
    Sep 30 2024

    In this podcast I am speaking with Monica Parker about her wonderful book, The Power of Wonder.

    The chances are that we have all experienced wonder at some time in our life, but have we ever stopped to think about it's impact?

    Ultimately, wonder has the potential to make us kinder, more empathetic, more open, humbler and can even help us to improve both our mental and physical health.

    Through our discussion, Monica reveals the wonder lifecycle i.e., the key states and stages we must go through to experience wonder. She also highlights the techniques we can adopt at each phase to more readily have wonder in our every day lives.

    As Monica’s book title says, wonder is the extraordinary emotion that will change the way you live, learn and lead. Take a listen to bring more wonder to your life today!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • The Power of Art
    Sep 23 2024

    This podcast reveals the power of art and it's potential to help us live a more creative, connected and healthy lifestyle.

    Katherine Templar Lewis, (cognitive scientist, science communicator and founder of Kinda Studios), discusses neuroaesthetics, the science behind how humans respond to art.

    We explore what happens in our brains and bodies when we engage with art and the impact these reactions can have.

    We also consider what constitutes art and how we can more readily adopt "art time" in our lifestyle to realise its benefits.

    Ultimately, art invites us to be more connected with ourselves, each other and the world around us.

    Might this deeper sense of connection help to address some of the worlds biggest challenges?

    Take a listen to find out…

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • The Art of Creative Rebellion
    Jul 16 2024

    In this podcast I explore the “Art of Creative Rebellion” with John S. Couch and JC Caldwell.

    We discuss creativity from a spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual point of view to help define what is a creative rebel and how can we unleash ours.

    Ultimately, we consider that a “creative rebellion” is a gentle movement that can be stirred where we dare to awaken our innate creativity and curiosity.

    Listen to this podcast to unlock your creativity and to curiously discover your bliss!

    For more information, you can purchase a copy of John’s book, “The Art of Creative Rebellion” from Amazon and can also visit his website: https://www.john-couch.com/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 55 m
  • Rewild Your Imagination!
    Jun 13 2024

    This podcast explores how art, storytelling and nature can help both adults and children "rewild" their nascent creativity.

    In a world where we are "always on", are we necessarily creating the space we need to just be and allow our thoughts to wonder?

    The neural networks in our mind are a "secret garden" of creative opportunity as they create the potential for random connections to spark across our memories, experiences, knowledge and beliefs.

    This is where the opportunity for ideas come from yet, if we don't give ourselves time to get lost in and express the wilderness of our mind, are we losing touch with our creative potential and confidence?

    Human creativity is literally in our nature! It has been found that neuronal arbours and plants grow according to the operation of the same mathematical laws*. In addition, our brains also need to "weed, prune and fertilise" in order to flourish!

    Pia discusses how getting back to nature can help us rewild our imagination so that we might be able to restore our natural creative capability and create conditions for it to grow and ultimately take care of itself.

    *Reference: The Well Gardened Mind, Sue Stuart-Smith

    For more information about Rewilding Britain, as mentioned in the show, please visit this website:


    Más Menos
    1 h y 46 m
  • Curiosity is a superpower!
    Mar 30 2023

    In this podcast I am chatting with the team from Architecting Curiosity, an organization designed to help businesses and individuals live their most curious lives!

    The friends behind Architecting Curiosity include, Pim Schachtschabel, Monica Canfield-Lenfest and Anthony Rocco.

    During our conversation, we deep dive into Monica and Pim’s curious life journeys so far, as well as explore the principles of curiosity and how they fit into our every day lives.

    Ultimately, through our discussion we reveal that curiosity is a superpower which is open to everyone!

    For more information about my guests and to learn more please visit The Architecting Curiosity website: https://www.architectingcuriosity.com/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 53 m
  • "Getting curious about the power of curiosity!"
    Feb 23 2022

    In this podcast I am chatting with experience designer, management consultant and entrepreneur, Anthony Rocco.

    The focus of our conversation is exploring the practice of curiosity and the value that living a more curious lifestyle can bring. We explore the ideas and impacts of living a more curious lifestyle including how curiosity can help us discover more about ourselves, connect more deeply with others, create cultures and unlock new opportunities.

    For me, curiosity is at the heart of enabling us to think differently so I invite you to embrace an inquisitive mindset and tuck into this edition of the Natural Born Thinkers Podcast.

    For more information, please visit: https://www.architectingcuriosity.com/

    Note: This podcast was recorded in summer '21.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 20 m
  • "You have a creative brain!"
    Nov 8 2021

    In this episode I talk to Shelley Carson, psychologist and lecturer at Harvard University and author of, “Your Creative Brain, Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life.”

    Shelley's research centres around creativity neuroscience. Her book outlines the key network, processes and geography of the brain that are involved in creative thinking and also explains 7 key brainsets that we can engage to think creatively.

    In summary, Shelley's book highlights that we are all wired to think differently. Each of us is blessed with a unique neural network that positions us to contribute creative ideas that no-one else can!

    In this podcast, Shelley and I explore the creative brain and discuss how individuals can discover and build their nascent creative potential.

    Please visit Shelley's website to learn more about her work and why not take "The Brainsets Quiz" to learn about your brain's creativity "hot spots"!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 32 m