
  • #156 - President and Regional Manager tesa China, Stephen Hauber: Wie wird aus „Gib mal das tesa“ eine Weltmarke?
    Mar 12 2025

    Stephen Hauber, President & Regional Manager China bei tesa, weiß, dass Klebeband weit mehr ist als das, was man aus dem Büro oder dem Haushalt kennt. In seinem Bereich geht es um Hochtechnologie: Materialien, die Stöße absorbieren, Elektroschirmung ermöglichen und Temperaturen von 500°C standhalten, oft in einer Dicke, die 20-mal dünner ist als ein menschliches Haar. tesa ist ein multinationales Unternehmen mit Produktionsstandorten auf drei Kontinenten, das weltweit innovative Lösungen entwickelt.

    Allein ein Smartphone enthält bis zu 70 verschiedene Klebebandanwendungen, für Wasserbeständigkeit, Stoßdämpfung und Hitzeschutz. Gleichzeitig werden Geräte immer dünner, leistungsfähiger und komplexer. Die Herausforderung: Materialien müssen mehr leisten, dabei aber immer weniger Platz einnehmen. Wie bleibt man da innovativ?

    Stephen erklärt in der aktuellen Podcastfolge, wie tesa durch F&E neue Lösungen entwickelt und warum China als einer der globalen Standorte eine Schlüsselrolle in der Innovationsstrategie des Unternehmens spielt.

    Gast: Stephen Hauber
    Moderation: Damian & Thomas

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  • #155 - IKEA without stores? How China is changing the way we shop – Momo Estrella, Digital Product Experience Officer
    Mar 4 2025

    We know IKEA, we love IKEA. In Germany, a visit to IKEA is an experience, from the iconic blue bags to the lifelike showrooms and, of course, the obligatory hot dog at the end. But what happens when you bring this concept to China, where shopping is faster, more digital and characterized by completely different habits?

    We invited Momo Estrella, Digital Product Experience Officer at IKEA China, to find out. He tells us how IKEA is adapting to a market where customers prefer delivery to DIY, where mobile-first shopping is beating traditional stores and where social commerce is posing new challenges for retailers. Some of IKEA's biggest experiments have been tested - and failed - in China, while others are shaping the future of shopping worldwide.

    And yes, we also asked the most important question: How much does an IKEA hot dog cost in China?

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  • #154 - Is NOW the best time to invest in China’s retail market? Zino Helmlinger, CBRE - Executive Director, Head of Retail China
    Feb 25 2025

    If you live in Shanghai, you see it every day. Some shopping centers are overcrowded, while others are almost empty. China's retail landscape is changing rapidly, but what does this mean for brands and investors?

    Welcome, you've come to the right place. Today we're talking to none other than Zino Helmlinger, Executive Director and Head of Retail China at CBRE. With more than 20 years of experience in the market, he explains why now could be the perfect time to invest in China's retail sector. He talks about the most common mistakes that international brands make and what they can learn from Chinese retailers. We also discuss how offline and online retail work together in China and why some shopping centers are coming to life while others are disappearing.

    Zino also talks about his personal journey, how he came to China in the first place and where he would like to live in Shanghai. You don't want to miss this interview!

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  • #153 - Ist Luxus bald nichts mehr wert? Dr. Daniel Langer, CEO von Équité & Experte für Luxusmarken
    Feb 19 2025

    Luxus ist mehr als ein hoher Preis. Es geht um Storytelling, echten Wert und die Fähigkeit, Kunden zu begeistern. Doch viele Marken verlieren in China an Bekanntheit und Ansehen. Warum? Und wie können sie es besser machen?

    Dr. Daniel Langer gehört zu den führenden Experten für Luxusstrategie. Als CEO von Équité berät er globale Top-Marken, unterrichtet an der NYU und Pepperdine University und schreibt Kolumnen, die in der Branche von tausenden Entscheidungsträgern gelesen und geschätzt werden.

    In dieser Folge sprechen wir über die größten Herausforderungen für Luxusmarken, den Einfluss von Social Media und die Frage, warum viele Unternehmen den Anschluss verlieren. Daniel erklärt, was eine starke Marke heute ausmacht und warum klassisches Storytelling nicht mehr ausreicht.

    Eine spannende Folge für alle, die den Luxusmarkt verstehen wollen.

    • Connect: dl@equitebrands.com
    • Instagram @drdaniellanger
    • Website: equitebrands.com
    • Personal website: daniellanger.digital
    • Digital luxury learning platform: equiteintelligence.com
    • Future of Luxury Podcast: https://equiteintelligencepodcast.podbean.com/

    Gast: Daniel Langer
    Moderation: Damian & Thomas

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  • #152 - Boxing was illegal—she did it anyway: Michele Aboro’s unstoppable journey
    Feb 12 2025

    Michele Aboro is more than an undefeated boxing world champion. In this episode, she explains how growing up in Peckham, where women’s boxing was illegal, shaped the woman she is today. She talks about her career, the challenges she faced, why she moved to Shanghai and how she built the Aboro Academy. Michele shares what she learned from boxing, how music influenced her life and why helping others develop confidence is her mission today.

    A story about discipline, focus and building something that lasts.

    Visit the Aboro Academy

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  • #151 - Charles Zeng, Founder & CEO of Charlie’s Burger: From Wall Street to Shanghai
    Feb 5 2025

    Charles Zeng started his career as a financial advisor in New York before moving to Shanghai, initially just for a break. He took over a failing restaurant in Shanghai, turned it around and what began as a small bar quickly grew into a thriving food empire.

    Today, he runs Charlie’s Burger with 17 locations across China and plans to expand further. In this episode, he talks about his unconventional career shift, the challenges of the F&B industry in China and what it takes to build a successful brand.

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  • #150 - Happy CNY! Mario Aron, die 'Nase Chinas' über Fake Wine, Luxus & die Wahrheit über Chinas Weinmarkt
    Jan 29 2025

    China und Wein – passt das zusammen? Mario Aron, auch bekannt als die Nase Chinas, kennt die Antwort. Als ehemaliger COO von ASC Fine Wines, dem größten Weinimporteur Chinas, hat er die Weinkultur des Landes maßgeblich mitgeprägt. In dieser Folge sprechen wir über den Aufstieg des Weins in China, Prestige, Fake Wine und was den chinesischen Markt so besonders macht. Ein Muss für alle Weinkenner und Feinschmecker!

    Gast: Mario Aron, Weinexperte und ehemaliger COO von ASC Fine Wines
    Moderation: Damian & Thomas
    Themen: Weinkultur in China, chinesischer Weinmarkt, Premium-Weine, E-Commerce, Wein-Trends

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    38 m
  • #149 - From Customer to User: New perspectives on modern business strategies with Jacob Johansen
    Jan 23 2025

    What do companies need to stay relevant in today's fast-changing world? Jacob Johansen, author of From Customer to User, provides a unique insight into the shift companies need to make to truly understand and serve their users.

    In this episode, Jacob Johansen explores the core ideas of his book and explains why organisations need to move beyond traditional customer-centric models and take a broader, user-centric approach. He explains how technology has changed consumer expectations and why companies that fail to adapt risk losing their competitive edge.

    Drawing on over two decades of experience in China, Jacob provides practical advice for anyone looking to rethink their strategy and build a deeper connection with their customers. A must listen and read for anyone looking to drive their business forward.

    Jacob's Book: From Customer to User

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