
  • Sticks and Stones
    Mar 12 2025

    We are all familiar with the way that saying ends, but it is not true. Words can hurt. The focus is more about the words directed at body shaming, then anything else. Where is the book that tells us we are all supposed to be wearing a certain size dress or pair of jeans. people choose to live a certain way just so they don't have to get hurt. How do you handle it? What do you say about yourself? How do you judge others who you feel fall below your standard? Be prepared for some truth around this very personal subject.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Finding Hope in a New Year
    Feb 23 2025

    It's true, many people see the new year as an opportunity for a fresh start, new habits, or new goals, well in fact a new you! But where do you start? And more importantly how do you finish. For many people who formed a new goal, they already gave up by this time. Sometimes the goal was too ambitious causing great difficulty. For some it was just a victim of neglect. But it is not too late to pick up the goal and start again. After all it is your goal and you can rewrite the parameters if you want.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Getting Comfortable with Singleness
    Feb 13 2025

    With Valentines Day right around the corner, the pressure, the hurt, the rejection all comes to some who don't have a partner. Today we look at the positive side of singleness. What? You say. It's true there is a perspective to life when you are in the season of singleness. You may be there longer than you had planned, you may never planned this, and you may only be there temporarily. However, this time in your life may be exactly what you need.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Peace in Politics
    Oct 18 2024

    Mom against Dads, Friend against Friend, We all know of people who have been caught up in this election cycle with strong feelings on both sides of the aisle. This episode doesn't tell you how to vote, but how to get along. Some would advise just not bring politics up, oh that it would be that simple. The reality is we are trading loving relationships to support personal beliefs. How can you find common ground? How can you discuss politics with respect and separate differing views from making the differing opinion an enemy? That is what this episode is all about.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Talk to Someone
    Aug 27 2024

    Is it shame, embarrassment or guilt, that keeps the hurt bottled up? Only you can answer that question. Either way holding it inside only wears on you physically, but begins to erode you emotionally. The bad news it will still leak out onto others. Affecting your job, family life and personal life. Find someone you can trust to share your pain. Someone who isn't in a hurry to "fix it," but someone who will support you, ask questions and keep it confidential. In this episode we talk about the value of sharing even if you are used to handle it alone.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Boundaries are a Safety Net
    Jul 24 2024

    Boundaries Keep Us Safe

    There is an old Swahili saying that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go with others.”

    Boundaries provide a safety net, but they are so much more. Today we are going to discuss how to set boundaries and why. When speaking of boundaries, the first thing that comes to mind might be relationships. May be its work. Or is it a combination of both, an office romance?

    If you have ever been in a toxic work environment, it was probably caused by a clashing of your boundaries with another. They want a romantic relationship, and you thought you were just being friendly. Or maybe they didn’t “Stay in their Lane.” interfering with your workflow. We talk all about the value of setting boundaries that will help you focus and keep you safe at the same time.

    Many think of boundaries as being restrictive, but if applied right, they can be liberating.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • When Pain Becomes an Addiction 2
    Jul 19 2024

    Our first episode on addiction came up a bit short because of technical issues, so we opted to extended our time together with a second episode. We continue to provide you with a non-judgmental discussion about addiction. For you it may be something you minimize calling it just a habit, like cigarettes, even thinking you can quit at anytime. Our as strong as a heroin addiction costing you your job and family, but you can't go a day without a hit. Wherever you are at on the spectrum of addiction and feelings of shame and guilt, we are standing with you. Even though you have had minimal success, you relapse. We offer some hope, additionally you can look at Michelle and she took the journey to freedom.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • When Pain Becomes an Addiction 1
    Jul 4 2024

    This is one of a two part podcast about addiction. It is more common than you realize. You may be struggling with an addiction even to a medication that was prescribed by your doctor. In your heart of hearts, you know its something more. As you watch it's tentacles control more and more of your life. At first it started off innocently, but soon you were rearranging your life to let this unwelcome visitor space. On this podcast we lay the ground work for an honest appraisal of it's influence. We are not judging, it is a journey with relapses, but today you can try again to just simply reduce the amount of the addictive element into your day.

    Write a comment to us in the show notes anytime. Good luck!

    Más Menos
    12 m