
    Feb 4 2025
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS HEALING FROM A STRANGER IN YOUR BODY 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. If you have friends who need healing or a miracle, email them this teaching. ______________________________________ HEALING FROM A STRANGER IN YOUR BODY Beverly Mitchell of Douglasville, Georgia (USA), returned home after a vacation to Greece. Much to her surprise she discovered that her house was NOT as she had left it. When she entered the house she could see that someone was redecorating. Carpet torn out, rooms repainted, photos on the walls of people she did NOT know. Washing machine and dryer installed that she did NOT own. A dog she did NOT own. A woman wearing her clothes she did NOT know. And the electrical utilities had been changed to the name of another person. This is a strange thing to happen. Another person you do NOT know taking over your house. However, this is WHY many people are sick physically as well as mentally. Another being has take over their house: taken over their body or mind. That other being is a spirit of affliction: a demon spirit sent by Satan to oppress with the end result of illness, disease, or breakdown. Remember, Yeshua taught, “The thief (Satan) only comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” But the Good News is, “(Yeshua) came that you may have life, and that you may have it abundantly.” SOME PEOPLE ARE BOUND BY A DEMON SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY There was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years, and she was bent over, and could not in any way straighten herself up. When Yeshua saw her, he called her, and said to her, "Woman, you are freed from your infirmity." He laid his hands on her, and immediately she stood up straight, and glorified God. (Brit Chadashah: Luke 13:11-13 – See also Mark 9:25 and Matthew 8:16) YOU CAN CAST OUT THE DEMON SPIRITS WITH THE NAME OF YESHUA (JESUS) “These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons.” (Brit Chadashah: Mark 16:17) SPEAK TO THE DEMON SPIRITS AND COMMAND THEM TO LEAVE The seventy talmidim (disciples or students of a rabbi) returned with joy, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!" (Brit Chadashah: Luke 10:17) FIRST, BIND SATAN IN THE NAME OF YESHUA, AND THEN CAST OUT THE DEMONS Yeshua said, “If I by the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you. How can one enter into the house of the strong man, and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man? Then he will plunder his house.” (Brit Chadashah: Matthew 12:28-29) “If Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he can not stand, but has an end. But no one can enter into the house of the strong man to plunder, unless he first binds the strong man; and then he will plunder his house.” (Brit Chadashah: Mark 3:26-27) ASK YESHUA TO BE YOUR LORD – THEN USE HIS NAME TO CAST OUT DEMONS Yeshua taught, “Whatever things you will bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever things you will loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Brit Chadashah: Matthew 18:18) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE SICKNESS OR DISEASE OR PAIN When evening came, they brought to Yeshua many people who were possessed with demons. He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying: "He took our infirmities, and bore our diseases." (Tanakh: Isaiah Chapter 53 / Brit Chadashah: Matthew 8:16-17) THE NAME YESHUA IS ABOVE THE NAMES: SICKNESS, DISEASE, AND PAIN USE HIS NAME IN FAITH AND CAST OUT THE STRANGERS IN THE HOUSE “Therefore God also highly exalted him, and gave to him the Name which is above every name; that at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, of those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Yeshua HaMashiach is LORD, to the glory of God the Father.” (Brit Chadashah: Philippians 2:9) Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai. Your friend, Prince Handley University of Excellence Copyright © Prince Handley 2025 All rights reserved. NOTE: This material may be shared with proper attribution. ______________________________________ OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit. A TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT WILL BE SENT TO YOU ______________________________________ OTHER KEY RESOURCES Prince Handley Videos and Podcasts Rabbinical & Biblical Studies The Believers’ Intelligentsia Prince Handley Portal (1,000’s of FREE resources) Prince Handley Books VIDEO ...
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    Dec 13 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS HEALING FROM ALIENATION HOW TO BE HEALED FROM REJECTION24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. If you have friends who need healing or a miracle, email them this teaching. ______________________________________ HEALING FROM ALIENATION HOW TO BE HEALED FROM REJECTION MUSIC / INTRO We receive interesting prayer and email requests from different countries. One of the most common areas of prayer needs among Christians is in the area of “alienation.” To "alienate" means "to cause to feel isolated." It also means to lose the support or sympathy of a person or people. It can be both proactive and subjective. A person can cause another person or people to feel isolated . . . or . . . they can cause themselves to lose the support or sympathy of others by their own actions. The origin of the of the word “alienate” is from the Latin “alienare” meaning “estrange” and the Latin “alius” meaning “other.” In other words, a person is caused to feel less close or friendly. We should never cause anyone to feel isolated. There is one guideline in Scripture covering a valid reason for separating from another believer (a person who claims to be a Christian), and that is found in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. The Holy Bible says you should not associate with immoral people. This does NOT mean UNbelievers - to avoid them you would have to get out of the world completely. This passage is talking about a person who says they are a brother or sister in the Lord (saved) but who is sexually immoral or greedy, or worships idols, or is a slanderer (gossip) or a drunkard, or lawbreaker. The Apostle Paul says, “To put away from yourselves the evil person.” The purpose of this podcast / teaching is not to discuss that kind of alienation. I am talking about the alienation caused by a Christian that is very grievous to the Holy Spirit: purposely causing another person - Christian or non Christian - to feel isolated, or to cause them to feel they do not have your support or sympathy. Follow the example modeled by Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). He made people feel accepted. His major confrontations were with the religious crowd, but only because of their religious and hypocritical viewpoints and actions. He spoke truth to them, because He loved them, but never shut them out as individuals. As a young man, when Mahatma Ghandi first came to the United States he visited a church; however they made him sit in the back, evidently because of the color of his skin. Think what a great spiritual force he could have been in the world if he had become a Christian! He admired the teachings of Jesus, but was not himself a Christian. Che Guevara, the Argentine Marxist activist and revolutionary, as a young boy had a bad experience with a Christian missionary. Think what a great spiritual force he could have been in the world if he had become a Christian! Both of these men were alienated by Christians. But ... we can turn the tide. You and I can believe God to use us to minister a spirit of acceptance under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pray daily for this. If physical evil (suffering and death) entered the world through sin (moral evil), then it stands to reason that physical evil can be cured (healed) through righteousness (the opposite of sin). Whenever you feel the urge to alienate a person, stop . . . back up one step . . . and ask the Holy Spirit to come in and anoint you with a spirit of acceptance. We will never be at one with ourselves if we are knowingly alienating others! God has made provision for our restoration with Him, with others, and with ourselves! Alienation from nature is a result of the Fall (of Adam). Alienation from others, also from self and from God, is also a result of the Fall. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) has purchased our acceptance with His own Blood on the cross-stake. How could we, as His children and representatives, shut out or alienate others! Since God has made it possible for us to be “at one” with Him, we can . . . if we will to . . . be at one with others and with ourselves. Also, if someone has alienated you simply forgive them. God accepts you … you are His child. You will reap HEALING from alienation by sowing FORGIVENESS. Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai. MUSIC Podcast time: 4 minutes, 57 seconds (with music) Copyright © Prince Handley 2024 All rights reserved. NOTE: This material may be shared with proper attribution. ______________________________________ OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit. A TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT WILL BE ...
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    5 m
    Nov 26 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT DIRECTION AND HEALING PROPHECY24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING There are several different reasons WHY you should want to listen to the Holy Spirit. However, the MAIN reason is that the LORD wants to give you a message for healing, direction, protection, or enablement. And, sometimes―if not many times―the message will be for someone else. Some people may NOT be able to listen to―or discern―the voice of the Spirit. Or, they may NOT want to listen to the voice of the Spirit due to rebellion or living in sin. Therefore, the LORD may send you a message via His Spirit to relay to the other person. In my experience the message is usually given for specific knowledge in an area where help or advice is needed: in my life or in the lives of others. The principles of God are timeless and transfer … and if we are students of God’s Word and have the knowledge of Proverbs we are able to navigate the problems and challenges of life. But when situations arise that are not clearly and specifically defined―as in ministry strategy or spiritual warfare or dream interpretation―then we need a “specific” word from the LORD. Many people read the Holy Bible, but they are NOT listening to the Holy Spirit. God wants us to apply His Word to our lives. This is where listening to the Spirit brings success, victory and accurate direction. ________________________________________ LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRITDIRECTION AND HEALING PROPHECY INTRODUCTION “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.” – Jesus: John 16:13 One of the Holy Spirit's assignments is to glorify Christ. When you receive direction, help and enablement, Christ is glorified in your victorious life and testimony thereof: by your word and your lifestyle. The Holy Spirit guides you into ALL truth; spiritual, business, family, prophetic, physical, travel and relational truth. Many people read the Holy Bible, but they are NOT listening to the Holy Spirit. God wants us to apply His Word to our lives. This is where listening to the Spirit brings success, victory and accurate direction. As you become attuned―skilled―in listening to the Spirit, you will begin to notice that sometimes shortly after you receive a message you will experience a confirmation. For example, [I recently had this happen] if you receive a message about advice you would give a person, that person may contact you not long after and ask you for advice concerning the same (not knowing that you have already heard from God concerning them or their situation). EXAMPLES Sometimes listening to the Holy Spirit will be synonymous with the gift of prophecy. For example, one time after a large seminar I was conducting at McCormick Place in Chicago a lady came up to me and said, “I have two wombs …” I had already finished praying with people and I was really wanting to go to the place where I was to stay and go to bed. When the lady said, “I have two wombs …” my first thought was, “I must have preached past the anointing.” (I wanted to be anywhere but there.) What the lady said in full was this, “I have two wombs. If I conceive in the one womb the life will live, but if I conceive in the other (womb) the life will die. Do you have a word for me?” Instantly―without thinking about it―I said to her, “You will have a son. He will live, and his name will be Samuel.” When I was in Chicago about a year later I met little Samuel. In similar manner, listening to the Spirit may sometimes by synonymous with the Word of Knowledge. For sure―if you operate in the gifts of the Spirit like Prophecy and the Word of Knowledge―you definitely need to be listening to the Holy Spirit. Study my book, How to Receive God’s Power with Gifts of the Spirit. But there are times that God wants to give you a message for yourself and it may be just for reflection, or to meditate thereon. He may want you to think about what you would do in a certain situation that may be coming up in the future and you do NOT know about it yet―or, the complete details have not dovetailed together yet―and may not for quite some time. PURPOSE OF LISTENING You have to realize that God is for you. As in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the motive for listening to the Spirit should be to edify, improve, deliver, make whole or provide intelligence. Thank God, He did ...
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    12 m
    Oct 14 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS HEALING FROM BACKPAIN ~ A MIRACLE PODCAST PRODUCTION ~ 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Twitter: princehandley Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to "Sign In".on LinkedIn Just click the "X" at top right to dismiss "Sign In" Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ DESCRIPTION: There are many types, as well as causes, of back pain. Also, there are severities ranging from moderate to extreme … and some, life threatening. Many people suffer for years with a condition that could have been taken care of in a short time … and some, instantly. God is the Healer and the Creator – and by virtue of this fact – He knows exactly what you need. There is nothing wrong with going to physicians or seeking medical help or advice. But what we should do is seek the LORD first to see what He wants us to do. He may want to heal us by His sovereign power, over a period of time, or instantaneously. ________________________________________ HEALING FROM BACKPAIN There are many types, as well as causes of, back pain. There is neck pain, upper back pain, mid and lower back pain, and then the sacrum related coditions at the base of the spine. You have probably heard someone complain of sciatica which is caused by irritation ot the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve coming out of the spinal cord in the lower back. A bulging or ruptured disc is usually the primary culprit is such a condition. However, there can be other conditions involved. Arthritis can cause bone spurs which can cause or exacerbate sciatica. Also, an injury can cause compression of the nerve roots. There are several other causes for sciatica, and the source of the irritation will usually dictate the treatment prescribed: physical therapy, medicine and sometimes surgery. Be very careful of exercise regimen with any type of back condtion, especially spinal related, as you could be aggravating the situation. Always check with your medical professional concerning any type of workouts, exercise and even stretching. CAUTION: There is a condition known as Cauda Equina Syndrome which you might think is sciatica; however, it is very dangerous and without a MIRACLE from God may require urgent surgical treatment. It's symptoms can be similar to sciatica, and causes can be: A severe ruptured disk in the lumbar area (the most common cause). Narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis). A spinal lesion or tumor. A spinal infection, inflammation, hemorrhage, or fracture. A complication from a severe lumbar spine injury such as a car crash, fall, gunshot, or stabbing. A birth defect such as an abnormal connection between blood vessels. There are types of bone pain attributed to bone fusion or where the vertebrae grow over. One such conditon is known as Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). It affects the spine with pain and stiffness from the neck down to the lower back and does not necessarily confine itself to older people; it happens most often to teenagers and men in their twenties, and is characterized by stiffness from the neck down to the lower back, and can result in a rigid spine. Back pain can be caused from injury, work, poor posture (sitting or standing), sports and recreation. But … the Good News is that YOU can be healed of back pain! You may be thinking … or saying … “I've had this condition for years!” Well, let me tell you, my friend, that Jesus, the Healer, has been healing for years! There are some practical things you can do to help your situation: 1. Exercise (check with a medical professional before starting an exercise or stretching regimen); 2. Take proper nutrition and supplements; 3. Get the required amount of sunshine (for Vitamin D); 4. Rest your body and your mind. 5. Take advantage of physical helps like the “Teeter HangUps” inversion table. This helps reverse the effects of gravity and disc compression. (Check with your medical professional before using.) The scope of this teaching is NOT to discuss specific types of therapy or treatments, but rather to present an alternative solution to problems that you or a loved one may be experiencing with back related issues.You can be healed today...NOW...by calling on the name of the LORD: Who forgives all your sins, and Who heals all your diseases [Psalm 103:3] The LORD's healing nature never changes. It is God's will to heal you! Remember the lady in the Bible who was bent over for 18 years? “And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together (bent over), and could not in anyway lift herself up. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity. And he laid his hands ...
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    18 m
    Sep 15 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS HEALING FROM SHOULDER, ARM & HAND PAINOPTIONS FOR RELIEFYou can listen to the above message NOW.LISTEN HERE >>> LISTEN NOW 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Twitter: princehandley Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and Health Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ DESCRIPTION Pain in the shoulder for some people is at times almost unbearable―especially when trying to sleep at night. For somepeople there is NO permanent relief. However, what many people―even some in the medical profession―don't realize is that there are sometimes multiple factors involved. The purpose of this teaching is to present some IDEAS that may help in reducing pain significantly OR altogether. Our GOAL is YOUR complete DELIVERANCE, HEALING and FUTURE HEALTH. ________________________________________ HEALING FROM SHOULDER, ARM & HAND PAINOPTIONS FOR RELIEF The normal treatment sequence for shoulder pain is: as follows: 1. Physical Therapy; 2. Cortisone injections; and, 3. Surgery (after MRI analysis) if #1 and #2 above do NOT help. Notice that #1 and #2 above may sometimes be scheduled by a medical practitioner in reverse order OR simultaneously. THE SEVERITY OF CHRONIC PAIN If left unattended―or IF treatment is suspended due to NO relief―chronic pain can escalate, causing depression and anxiety, sleep deprivation, social isolation, and even economic and financial burden. ____________________________________________ Data from the National Center for Health Statistics finds that more than 1 in 10 adults 65 and older say they have pain that limits their life most days, or all the time! ____________________________________________ Pain management in the last 10 years has been disheartening. Efforts at treating chronic pain with medication resuted in opioid abuse; overdoses are now among the leading causes of death for adults age 50 to 70. In this teaching I want to share with you some non-drug options that may help you. PAIN CAN BE MORE THAN PHYSICAL Your body and your emotions both feel pain: especially chronic pain. You can experience emotional, social and psychological damage in addition to physical damage. FIND OUT WHAT IS DRIVING YOUR PAIN Sometimes it is easy to identify. For example house painters who have reached overhead for years may end up with severe shoulder pain. Or certain athletes who do repeated arm movements may exacerbate the situation. In addition to the “area of pain” there MAY be some other “culprits” contributing to the problem. Ask yourself these questions: When did my pain start? Do I feel other part(s) of my body that seem to be connected to the KEY area at times? What causes my pain to increase: sitting, standing, computer use, reclining (i.e., at night), lifting, eating, driving (steering wheel operation)? What makes my pain feel better? (Does it help for long?) Does my pain ever go away? You may find a “co-conspirator” or the actual cause … like I did! YOU CAN TRY THESE STEPS STEP ONE Schedule an appointment with an Orhopedic Surgeon and explain your problem. They may suggest Physical Therapy and/or Cortisone shots. NOTE: Cortisone injections should NOT be taken over three (3) times a year in a single joint [and no more than six (6) times a year in total if in different joints] preferably four (4) months apart IF needed, Any more can cause deterioration of the soft muscle tissue and is NOT advised. Getting too many cortisone shots can cause serious problems like damaged cartilage and bone death. It can also make it harder to manage other conditions such as diabetes. HOW CORTISONE INJECTIONS WORK The goal of a cortisone injection is to improve pain and inflammation. Cortisone does not treat the underlying condition; it only treats the symptoms. Cortisone injections are used to treat many joint problems, including: Bursitis Tendonitis (including shoulder and arm) Trigger finger (can aggravate OR cause shulder pain) Carpal tunnel syndrome Tennis elbow Knee arthritis Many types of overuse injuries NOTICE: You may find that the cortsone shot helps successfully after the first few days BUT in some cases it may start to “wear off” after a couple months; hopefully, it will last longer. Cortisone is a type of steroid hormone that works by decreasing inflammation. Inflammation is the body's normal response to an injury, infection, or disease as a means to heal itself. However, when a condition is persistent and the inflammation is chronic, the symptoms of inflammation—including pain and swelling—can become intolerable. Ultrasound can also be used to guide injections. Ulrasound isn't just a diagnostic tool. When some type of injection treatment is needed, such a corticosteroid shot into a joint, unltrasound can be used to ...
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    15 m
    Sep 5 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince Handley >>> 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS <<< HEALTH, TELOMERES AND AGINGPROLONGING YOUR LIFE 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and Health Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ DESCRIPTION In this teaching we will discuss the importance of telomeres, describe WHERE they are, HOW they function, and WHAT you can do possibly to improve them … to enhance and prolong your life. I want to help you develop your skills—spiritual, mental and physical—to help you be super productive for the LORD the rest of your life. My purpose in this message is present some very simple KEYS to assist you in a successful future. ________________________________________ HEALTH, TELOMERES AND AGING PROLONGING YOUR LIFE You probably have specific goals defined—either mentally or written—for short, medium or long term seasons. Let me assist you in accomplishing those with some very simple steps, as well as some information to enlighten you physiologically. I want to focus on prolonging your life. The longer you live, the more you can accomplish. When you're dead, you can't help anyone here on earth! I want, also, to present information on one of your best biological tools: telomeres! WHERE ARE TELOMERES A telomere is the end of a chromosome. Telomeres are made of repetitive sequences of non-coding DNA that protect your chromosomes from damage. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become so short that the cell can no longer divide. Also, telomeres keep the chromosome from becoming frazzled or damaged. And every time the cell divides, the telomeres also divide. But sometimes they can become shorter. And as telomeres become shorter, that's a clock that the cell is counting to know how old it is, and that will limit how many times the cell can divide without losing some of the important DNA on the chromosome. HOW TELOMERES FUNCTION AND HOW OUR BODIES AGE As more of our cells lose their telomeres and go out of commission, without others to take their place, the body follows and begins breaking down. And telomeres don’t leave (or shorten) quietly. Their shortening process has been linked with aging, cancer and a higher risk of death. [1] WHAT YOU CAN DO TO POSSIBLY IMPROVE YOUR TELOMERES While science still isn’t 100 percent sure HOW telomere length affects how we age, it’s clear that the longer our telomeres are, the better. The good news is that there are a variety of lifestyle changes you can make today to lengthen your telomeres. [2] Below I have listed four (4) lifestle changes you might want to try. 1. Control and Reduce Stress Study the following teachings by Prince Handley pertaining to stress: “Stress, Anxiety and Your Brain” “Dealing with Stress in the End Times” “Healing from Stress” Don't forget to REST. “In returning and rest you shall be saved;In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15) 2. Exercise Regularly You can NOT serve God effectively if you do not feel well. Eat right … exercise right … think right. Listen, see and speak right. Remember the three monkeys you learned about in grade school: "Hear no evil; see no evil; and speak no evil?" In clandestine op situations―like Special Forces and US Navy Seal operations―you must learn to observe the environment: to size it up. It is the same with YOUR every day life. Stop, look and listen. What's going on? Is something “out of place” … stealing your peace? Get back on track. The faster you get back on track, the LESS STRESS you will have in life … and you will be more effective in serving God productively … with a longer life! 3. Eat Right and Fast Occasionally Your mind―and therefore your body―can be abused by many things. At times there are hindrances to healing: things or conditions that are causing the sickness or affliction, and that must be dealt with before healing can take place permanently. Foods high in vitamins are believed to protect cells and their telomeres from oxidative damage. A diet high in antioxidant foods, like berries and artichokes, can slow down aging and help prevent or reduce cell damage. Additionally, taking a multivitamin supplement to bridge the gap between the foods you’re eating and what your body needs might lengthen telomeres as well. One study found that women who took a daily supplement had telomeres that were about 5 percent longer than nonusers. [3] Proper nutrition, rest, sunshine, and exercise are all beneficial to a proper mental attitude and maintenance of good health. Scriptural fasting and honoring the Lord’s Day or Sabbath contribute, also, to a proper mental attitude; and are laws of God with built-in bonuses of health and blessing. Read Isaiah Chapter...
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    11 m
    Sep 5 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince Handley >>> 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS <<< WWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG HEALING EMOTIONAL WOUNDS 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and Health Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ HEALING EMOTIONAL WOUNDS There is nothing more vexing to the people I have counseled through the years than emotional hurt, or to put it simply: a broken heart. People can have physical, even mental disease, and sometimes compensate for them in their own way. However, wounds of the emotions (for example, a broken heart, rejection, scorn) are not only difficult to assess, but can elude instant deliverance. In the Hebrew Tanakh (the Old Covenant scriptures) we read: “A man's spirit will sustain him in sickness, But a crushed spirit, who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14) Another translation reads: “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?” The scripture is informing us that a crushed or wounded spirit is a burden almost too heavy for an individual to bear. Realize that the primal cause of this attack against your emotions – your spirit – was not the person or people who offended you. It was the devil (Satan) that used them. The enemy of your soul is NEVER fair, and NEVER honest. He likes to hurt people and lie to them. He likes to kick you when you are down. That's WHY you need to take your authority SOON after the attack(s) against you. The enemy (Satan) knows that if he can wound your spirit you will be defeated if you do not take decisive AND immediate action.If you have been baptized in the Ruach ha Chodesh, power pray in tongues and break the attack of the wicked one against you. NOTICE If you have never received this POWER, then go to: How To Receive God's Power for instruction. Or, read the unabridged book by Prince Handley, How To Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit. The scar over your wounded spirit will develop to the place of shielding the wound, thus serving two (2) purposes: Protecting it from future attacks, hurts, and vulnerability; and, Disguising it – camouflaging it – hiding it from view. The enemy of your soul does not care HOW he achieves this wound: through personal loss (material loss or the loss of a loved one), through demons, through mental assaults, through a friend, through a relative, through a religious person, or thru an immoral person. No one is perfect; therefore, even a person who lives a normally holy life may have a moment where he / she slips and attacks another person verbally or in gossip or in behavior. A person can also be wounded emotionally through discouragement of any kind: possibly the result of a friend or loved one going astray. WHAT IS THE ANSWER? There are two things you must do: First, Rise up and take your authority over this attack. No matter WHAT the cause of your hurt, it is an attack from the enemy of your soul: Satan, the devil. Even if it was another person (which it usually is) that caused your spirit (your emotions) to be wounded, the source is the devil: he hates you. The other person may not even know they have done you wrong. On the other hand, they may have wanted to do you wrong. In either case, they unwittingly were pawns in the hands of the devil. The scriptures tell us in the Brit Chadashah: “The thief (the devil) only comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy.” “[Jesus said] I came that they may have life, and that they may have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” – John 10:10-11 Second, forgive the person or people who offended you. This is tough to do, but you have to do it. Otherwise, they are preventing or hindering your healing and deliverance from the wound(s) you have experienced. Since they have already caused you enough trouble, why would you let them bother you anymore?! Release them (by forgiving them) so you will NOT be tied to them (bound to them) any longer. The scriptures also tell us: “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Messiah Jesus forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32 DO IT NOW FIRST: In the name of Jesus the Messiah, bind the devil (Satan) and break his hold upon you that was caused from the emotional wounds you received. SECOND: PRAY and tell God you forgive the person, or the people, who have wounded you. Release them into the hands of God, who has told us: “To me belongs vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time.” “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine; I will repay', says the Lord.” I know this teaching is going to help you, my friend. Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai. Your friend, Prince Handley Real Miracles OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD...
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    6 m
    Aug 3 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince Handley >>> 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS <<< WWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG PROPHECY TO WOMAN WITH TWO WOMBS IMPORTANCE OF PROPHECY IN HEALING 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Twitter: princehandley Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and Health Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ DESCRIPTION At a seminar I was teaching in Chicago, a lady came up to me and said, “I have TWO WOMBS; if I conceive in the one the life will live. If I conceive in the other the life wil die. Do you have a word for me?” (By “word” she meant a prophecy.) My first thought was, “I must have taught past the Anointing!!!” However, immediately out of my mouth came these words: “You will have a son. He will live. His name will be Samuel.” In this message we will discuss HOW prophecy, visions, and words of healing are received. ________________________________________ PROPHECY TO WOMAN WITH TWO WOMBSIMPORTANCE OF PROPHECY IN HEALING Messianic synagogues and churches are at a turnng point: they are in a new leading position of effectiveness—a place of unique and overwhelming influence. However, to be in the vertex of God's Anointing and Will they must know HOW prophecy, visions, and words of healing are received—and to implement the same. We are at a turning point for the Body of Christ. God is dealing in the earth—in nations and regions, including the USA—to prepare workers in Messianic Synagogues and Holy Spirit Power Churches, readying them and placing them into position for the Great Harvest before the coming of the LORD. Ministers of God who have been faithfully serving behind the scenes will now begin to emerge to the forefront. It will be a forefront, not of pride, but a leading position of effectiveness: a place of UNIQUE and OVERWHELMING INFLUENCE to the nations of the world. This influence will begin to flow into the leaders of every strata of society, and then from these leaders this Spirit anointed influence will emanate to their respective circles of influence. Many of you reading listening to this podcast or reading this teaching will be affected by this move . . . and many will transition into a prophetic-healing ministry. To be faithful to this calling, you must first listen to God … and this presupposes that: You daily spend time in God’s Word. You daily spend time in your private place of prayer and intercession. You live holy. You harbor NO unforgiveness towards any person, ministry, or church. You fast as the Holy Spirit leads you. The above are mandatory for all true ministry giftings, not just the prophetic office. You must have a platform to stand upon. From such a platform, God will create other platforms of confidence for ministry … all created via His Word. Satan will try to spawn lies about some of you and use loved ones, as well as fellow ministers, to spread these attacks of deception. Forgive them and pray for them. For whatever reason they take part in these rumors, they will pay a great price. You will not need to fight in this battle, for “the battle is the LORD’s.” You will ultimately be cleared of these attacks and those who have participated will come to you for forgiveness, or receive more severe judgment. Many of you reading this teaching will be affected by this move . . . and many will transition into a prophetic-healing ministry. You will know if this is YOU as God will already have given you waymarks along the way that—if you haven’t recognized them already—you will now be able to look back and SEE (with spiritual eyesight) how they have been placed in your life. For example, when I was 11 years of age I gave a DOUBLE prophecy at the same time to my older sister and a neighbor who was in our dining room. I remember the exact spot. I told them that men would one day travel to the moon (this was many years before such exploration had even been pondered) and, also, that I would one day be a minister. (The latter, because they knew me, probably seemed more preposterous than the former!) Both came to pass. I loved Jesus at that age and won a Bible for inviting 17 kids to my Sunday School class, but after my father died four years later I wandered into sin. Praise God, I gave my life to Christ after graduating from college. Starting in the early 1970's I prophesied several times that God was going to elevate Holy Spirit baptized African Americans into positions of political leadership. This came to pass after several years. At times, the Lord would give me specific prophecies (not words of knowledge) for specific individuals. For example, one man who had been involved politically and who was an attorney, had dedicated his life to ministry. Yet, he had not experienced an answer to what he had received as a vision for God’s will for him. After a few years, I was ...
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