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    Prince Handley
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    Feb 4 2025
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS HEALING FROM A STRANGER IN YOUR BODY 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. If you have friends who need healing or a miracle, email them this teaching. ______________________________________ HEALING FROM A STRANGER IN YOUR BODY Beverly Mitchell of Douglasville, Georgia (USA), returned home after a vacation to Greece. Much to her surprise she discovered that her house was NOT as she had left it. When she entered the house she could see that someone was redecorating. Carpet torn out, rooms repainted, photos on the walls of people she did NOT know. Washing machine and dryer installed that she did NOT own. A dog she did NOT own. A woman wearing her clothes she did NOT know. And the electrical utilities had been changed to the name of another person. This is a strange thing to happen. Another person you do NOT know taking over your house. However, this is WHY many people are sick physically as well as mentally. Another being has take over their house: taken over their body or mind. That other being is a spirit of affliction: a demon spirit sent by Satan to oppress with the end result of illness, disease, or breakdown. Remember, Yeshua taught, “The thief (Satan) only comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” But the Good News is, “(Yeshua) came that you may have life, and that you may have it abundantly.” SOME PEOPLE ARE BOUND BY A DEMON SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY There was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years, and she was bent over, and could not in any way straighten herself up. When Yeshua saw her, he called her, and said to her, "Woman, you are freed from your infirmity." He laid his hands on her, and immediately she stood up straight, and glorified God. (Brit Chadashah: Luke 13:11-13 – See also Mark 9:25 and Matthew 8:16) YOU CAN CAST OUT THE DEMON SPIRITS WITH THE NAME OF YESHUA (JESUS) “These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons.” (Brit Chadashah: Mark 16:17) SPEAK TO THE DEMON SPIRITS AND COMMAND THEM TO LEAVE The seventy talmidim (disciples or students of a rabbi) returned with joy, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!" (Brit Chadashah: Luke 10:17) FIRST, BIND SATAN IN THE NAME OF YESHUA, AND THEN CAST OUT THE DEMONS Yeshua said, “If I by the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you. How can one enter into the house of the strong man, and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man? Then he will plunder his house.” (Brit Chadashah: Matthew 12:28-29) “If Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he can not stand, but has an end. But no one can enter into the house of the strong man to plunder, unless he first binds the strong man; and then he will plunder his house.” (Brit Chadashah: Mark 3:26-27) ASK YESHUA TO BE YOUR LORD – THEN USE HIS NAME TO CAST OUT DEMONS Yeshua taught, “Whatever things you will bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever things you will loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Brit Chadashah: Matthew 18:18) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE SICKNESS OR DISEASE OR PAIN When evening came, they brought to Yeshua many people who were possessed with demons. He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying: "He took our infirmities, and bore our diseases." (Tanakh: Isaiah Chapter 53 / Brit Chadashah: Matthew 8:16-17) THE NAME YESHUA IS ABOVE THE NAMES: SICKNESS, DISEASE, AND PAIN USE HIS NAME IN FAITH AND CAST OUT THE STRANGERS IN THE HOUSE “Therefore God also highly exalted him, and gave to him the Name which is above every name; that at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, of those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Yeshua HaMashiach is LORD, to the glory of God the Father.” (Brit Chadashah: Philippians 2:9) Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai. Your friend, Prince Handley University of Excellence Copyright © Prince Handley 2025 All rights reserved. NOTE: This material may be shared with proper attribution. ______________________________________ OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit. A TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT WILL BE SENT TO YOU ______________________________________ OTHER KEY RESOURCES Prince Handley Videos and Podcasts Rabbinical & Biblical Studies The Believers’ Intelligentsia Prince Handley Portal (1,000’s of FREE resources) Prince Handley Books VIDEO ...
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    5 m
    Dec 13 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS HEALING FROM ALIENATION HOW TO BE HEALED FROM REJECTION24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. If you have friends who need healing or a miracle, email them this teaching. ______________________________________ HEALING FROM ALIENATION HOW TO BE HEALED FROM REJECTION MUSIC / INTRO We receive interesting prayer and email requests from different countries. One of the most common areas of prayer needs among Christians is in the area of “alienation.” To "alienate" means "to cause to feel isolated." It also means to lose the support or sympathy of a person or people. It can be both proactive and subjective. A person can cause another person or people to feel isolated . . . or . . . they can cause themselves to lose the support or sympathy of others by their own actions. The origin of the of the word “alienate” is from the Latin “alienare” meaning “estrange” and the Latin “alius” meaning “other.” In other words, a person is caused to feel less close or friendly. We should never cause anyone to feel isolated. There is one guideline in Scripture covering a valid reason for separating from another believer (a person who claims to be a Christian), and that is found in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. The Holy Bible says you should not associate with immoral people. This does NOT mean UNbelievers - to avoid them you would have to get out of the world completely. This passage is talking about a person who says they are a brother or sister in the Lord (saved) but who is sexually immoral or greedy, or worships idols, or is a slanderer (gossip) or a drunkard, or lawbreaker. The Apostle Paul says, “To put away from yourselves the evil person.” The purpose of this podcast / teaching is not to discuss that kind of alienation. I am talking about the alienation caused by a Christian that is very grievous to the Holy Spirit: purposely causing another person - Christian or non Christian - to feel isolated, or to cause them to feel they do not have your support or sympathy. Follow the example modeled by Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). He made people feel accepted. His major confrontations were with the religious crowd, but only because of their religious and hypocritical viewpoints and actions. He spoke truth to them, because He loved them, but never shut them out as individuals. As a young man, when Mahatma Ghandi first came to the United States he visited a church; however they made him sit in the back, evidently because of the color of his skin. Think what a great spiritual force he could have been in the world if he had become a Christian! He admired the teachings of Jesus, but was not himself a Christian. Che Guevara, the Argentine Marxist activist and revolutionary, as a young boy had a bad experience with a Christian missionary. Think what a great spiritual force he could have been in the world if he had become a Christian! Both of these men were alienated by Christians. But ... we can turn the tide. You and I can believe God to use us to minister a spirit of acceptance under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pray daily for this. If physical evil (suffering and death) entered the world through sin (moral evil), then it stands to reason that physical evil can be cured (healed) through righteousness (the opposite of sin). Whenever you feel the urge to alienate a person, stop . . . back up one step . . . and ask the Holy Spirit to come in and anoint you with a spirit of acceptance. We will never be at one with ourselves if we are knowingly alienating others! God has made provision for our restoration with Him, with others, and with ourselves! Alienation from nature is a result of the Fall (of Adam). Alienation from others, also from self and from God, is also a result of the Fall. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) has purchased our acceptance with His own Blood on the cross-stake. How could we, as His children and representatives, shut out or alienate others! Since God has made it possible for us to be “at one” with Him, we can . . . if we will to . . . be at one with others and with ourselves. Also, if someone has alienated you simply forgive them. God accepts you … you are His child. You will reap HEALING from alienation by sowing FORGIVENESS. Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai. MUSIC Podcast time: 4 minutes, 57 seconds (with music) Copyright © Prince Handley 2024 All rights reserved. NOTE: This material may be shared with proper attribution. ______________________________________ OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit. A TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT WILL BE ...
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    5 m
    Nov 26 2024
    HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT DIRECTION AND HEALING PROPHECY24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING There are several different reasons WHY you should want to listen to the Holy Spirit. However, the MAIN reason is that the LORD wants to give you a message for healing, direction, protection, or enablement. And, sometimes―if not many times―the message will be for someone else. Some people may NOT be able to listen to―or discern―the voice of the Spirit. Or, they may NOT want to listen to the voice of the Spirit due to rebellion or living in sin. Therefore, the LORD may send you a message via His Spirit to relay to the other person. In my experience the message is usually given for specific knowledge in an area where help or advice is needed: in my life or in the lives of others. The principles of God are timeless and transfer … and if we are students of God’s Word and have the knowledge of Proverbs we are able to navigate the problems and challenges of life. But when situations arise that are not clearly and specifically defined―as in ministry strategy or spiritual warfare or dream interpretation―then we need a “specific” word from the LORD. Many people read the Holy Bible, but they are NOT listening to the Holy Spirit. God wants us to apply His Word to our lives. This is where listening to the Spirit brings success, victory and accurate direction. ________________________________________ LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRITDIRECTION AND HEALING PROPHECY INTRODUCTION “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.” – Jesus: John 16:13 One of the Holy Spirit's assignments is to glorify Christ. When you receive direction, help and enablement, Christ is glorified in your victorious life and testimony thereof: by your word and your lifestyle. The Holy Spirit guides you into ALL truth; spiritual, business, family, prophetic, physical, travel and relational truth. Many people read the Holy Bible, but they are NOT listening to the Holy Spirit. God wants us to apply His Word to our lives. This is where listening to the Spirit brings success, victory and accurate direction. As you become attuned―skilled―in listening to the Spirit, you will begin to notice that sometimes shortly after you receive a message you will experience a confirmation. For example, [I recently had this happen] if you receive a message about advice you would give a person, that person may contact you not long after and ask you for advice concerning the same (not knowing that you have already heard from God concerning them or their situation). EXAMPLES Sometimes listening to the Holy Spirit will be synonymous with the gift of prophecy. For example, one time after a large seminar I was conducting at McCormick Place in Chicago a lady came up to me and said, “I have two wombs …” I had already finished praying with people and I was really wanting to go to the place where I was to stay and go to bed. When the lady said, “I have two wombs …” my first thought was, “I must have preached past the anointing.” (I wanted to be anywhere but there.) What the lady said in full was this, “I have two wombs. If I conceive in the one womb the life will live, but if I conceive in the other (womb) the life will die. Do you have a word for me?” Instantly―without thinking about it―I said to her, “You will have a son. He will live, and his name will be Samuel.” When I was in Chicago about a year later I met little Samuel. In similar manner, listening to the Spirit may sometimes by synonymous with the Word of Knowledge. For sure―if you operate in the gifts of the Spirit like Prophecy and the Word of Knowledge―you definitely need to be listening to the Holy Spirit. Study my book, How to Receive God’s Power with Gifts of the Spirit. But there are times that God wants to give you a message for yourself and it may be just for reflection, or to meditate thereon. He may want you to think about what you would do in a certain situation that may be coming up in the future and you do NOT know about it yet―or, the complete details have not dovetailed together yet―and may not for quite some time. PURPOSE OF LISTENING You have to realize that God is for you. As in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the motive for listening to the Spirit should be to edify, improve, deliver, make whole or provide intelligence. Thank God, He did ...
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