
  • is self-love biblical?
    Sep 21 2024

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    girlllllll. this is a top i know none of you wanna talk about but we have to talk about it!

    the world is so heavily consumed with self to the point where it's beginning to literally seep into christian culture. but why? is this God's plan?

    and on a surface level, self-love is the very thing you should have as a human. surely that's a completely innocent, good thing that God would want you to have. well... it's more complex than that.

    in this episode, i'll be talking about...

    • how thinking too heavily of 'self' can impact you
    • idols and why putting yourself as an idol is the worst idea ever
    • why Jesus' love is better than our love

    it's one of those topics where it sounds hard hitting and overwhelming, but when you truly know God's heart on it, i pray it takes the weight away.

    God wants the very best for you, and leaning on yourself to provide yourself the best simply isn't HIS BEST <3

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    47 mins
  • i love God but i don't like His rules.
    Sep 14 2024

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    hey homegirlssssss.

    you probably gave this title the side eye and i get it. i struggled with understanding and even agreeing with God’s rules for a HOT MINUTE.

    if you’ve ever felt guilty, confused, or frustrated trying to live up to what it means to be a 'good Christian,' you’ll definitely relate.

    but God's idea of you following His rules aren't what you think.

    in this episode, i talk all about...

    • why you need to acknowledge God's love FIRST
    • what the grace of God really means for you
    • why God's rules make sense
    • how recognising His holiness was what took me to the next level

    i pray this gives you an insight into the Father's heart <3

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    41 mins
  • i put my job above God.
    Sep 7 2024

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    hey homegirls, it’s ya gurlll (if you remember me).

    it’s been a while, and life’s been a bit all over the place soooo keeping up with the podcast has been put on the back burner. but i'm back and this episode will explain.

    Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my job and the drive i've had for it – especially with goals like saving for a house (gotta love adulting).

    the real issue though, is that I realised i’ve been putting my job before EVERYTHING – even God...

    and if i'm honest, it’s SO easy to let work take over and turn it into an idol, especially with how society tells you you gotta be earning 6 figures by the time you're 30. (so not realistic btw)

    in this episode, i dive into...

    • how i’m learning to balance ambition with my faith
    • realising my job isn’t my real purpose
    • letting go of control and letting God lead

    basically, this is just a brain dump of where i'm at and how God’s challenging me to rethink things.

    i pray this episode gets you thinking about the idols you might not even realise you've made in your heart... KNOWING that God is greater.

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    56 mins
  • church has no use for me.
    Mar 17 2024

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    some would say church has no use for them - and i was one of them. being raised in church can either make you a lover of church or a hater of it. and maybe hate was a strong word but i definitely had strong feelings about it. even as a christian those feelings didn't immediately go away but in this episode i delve into my feelings and how i challenged myself to get out of my comfort zone and find a church community where i truly feel at home.

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • God wants you to have money.
    Feb 3 2024

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    controversial title i know. but He does.

    i recently bought a new macbook air... scary. i didn't want to spend that level of money, i was tight fisted, holding on to my money. but then i realised: it's not my money. it's God's.

    i'm a frugal person and my first thoughts when spending money on anything are:

    • is it necessary?
    • does it harm my saving plans?
    • (and the worst one) do i deserve it?

    but if i truly sat and got in my word I would discover one thing: God is a God of abundance and He delights in blessing His WORTHY children.

    but i thought i was a sinner not worthy of anything? if you look at yourself in the lens of the enemy, you will see that, but if you look at yourself in the lens of Christ, you'll see the opposite. it's time to reframe your mind and let God show you how valuable you are and how much you deserve things that bring you value.

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    55 mins
  • i'm too busy for God.
    Jan 27 2024

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    busyness: probably one of the hardest things to navigate as an adult... especially as an adult in the 21st century. not only are we busy navigating our day-to-day lives, but we're also being drained by the busyness of dreaming and planning. but what does God think? does He care? how does He want us to manage our time?

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    47 mins
  • new year, same God.
    Jan 20 2024

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    girl. i have been gone for TOO long. God has been convicting me on a lot and i promise this episode will explain. but also, happy new year! today i'm talking all about why we must commit our plans to God for this year to be truly prosperous — surrendering our ideas and leaning on God's eternal plan.

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    39 mins
  • what you consume is what you become.
    Nov 11 2023

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    “you are what you listen to” is a phrase my mum would drill into me as a child.

    did it truly understand what it meant? no.

    do i understand it now as i reflect on the things i consumed and how they impacted me, both mentally & spiritually? yes.

    but it’s a road that i don’t ever think i’ll get to the end of. we have to convict ourselves constantly about our mental diet and whether it’s glorifying to God.

    in this episode, we delve into what things we need to be mindful of, such as TV, social media, influencers, politics, and music, as well as the things i personally have been convicted on.

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelessofmepodcast | https://www.instagram.com/elodiechristina

    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elodiechristina?_t=8pi97EYTp2X&_r=1

    buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elodiechristina

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    50 mins