• Elections, Airbnb, Mortgages, Valencia Property News and The Good Ole US of A
    Jul 5 2024
    Elections, Airbnb, Mortgages, Valencia Property News and The Good Ole US of A. In a bumper election issue of the podcast this month we give you some news from the Valencia Property market, have a chat about what's happening on the ground with one of our team, talk with Maz about modernisations and what's going on and going down with them at Valencia Remodels and take a look at the latest happenings at Stepping Stone Rentals. You can find all of the links mentioned in the episode below too, there are quite a few, make sure to explore and the podcast will be back with series 3 in the Autumn, we're taking a well deserved break for the summer after this one. https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/07/01/goodbye-new-world-heres-to-a-new-beginning/ Goodbye New World https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/06/24/valencia-property-summer-2024/ VP Summer 2024 https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/06/17/you-cant-just-move-here-you-need-a-plan/ You Can't Just Move Here https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/06/10/how-to-keep-cool-in-the-spanish-summer/ How to Keep Cool https://www.valencia-property.com/new/2022/11/14/how-to-work-with-valencia-property/ Fill in the form on this page to work with us https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/12/18/the-valencia-property-2023-review/ A record year for Valencia Property https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/03/04/the-increasing-difficulty-of-finding-a-property-in-valencia/ The increasing difficulty of finding a property in Valencia https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/04/22/the-number-one-realtor-in-valencia-for-americans/ The number one realtor for Americans in Valencia https://valenciaproperty.podbean.com/ Listen to our podcast here
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    45 mins
  • The Valencia Market Situation, Beach Bars, Car Parks and Golden Visas
    Jun 6 2024
    The Valencia Market Situation, Beach Bars, Car Parks and Golden Visas It's June and the summer has started in Valencia. So welcome to the Valencia Property podcast. This month we are looking at a whole host of things, the latest blogs, the timing of the end of the Golden Visa, the state of the market and why we might be looking at a huge price boom... or not, Also, beach bars for the summer in and out of the city and our two areas this month are Cabanyal and Ribarroja. Our Valencia story this month is all about why there are so few car parks in certain parts of Valencia and believe it or not it's interesting ;-) Our links for this month are as follows https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/05/06/can-you-make-offers-and-have-them-accepted/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/05/11/your-valencia-questions-answered/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/05/20/how-to-meet-people-in-valencia/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/05/27/is-it-really-time-for-the-big-boom/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/06/03/is-it-really-time-for-part-two-of-our-big-boom-article/
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    20 mins
  • Visa Options, Best Areas, Abandoned Spas and a Whatsapp Event
    May 5 2024
    Welcome back to the Valencia Property podcast in what has been a monumental month in terms of sales, news and more in Spain. We'll get into it in the pod. In this month's pod we are talking about the news about Spain's Golden Visa finishing, at least for people looking to get it through buying property, the alternatives in terms of visas for coming to live in Spain for non EU clients and we start a new section this month all about neighbourhoods and towns in and around Valencia, one neighbourhood and one town each month until I get bored or run out of inspiration. In our Valencia story this month we are looking at the strange story of an abandoned spa in Chulilla and why hope is rising like a phoenix from the flames. Here are the articles mentioned in the Podcast. Options for Visas https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/03/13/your-visa-options-for-coming-to-spain/ 25 Years of VP https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/04/01/25-years-of-valencia-property/ Why we don't deal with rustic property https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/04/08/why-we-dont-deal-with-rustic-property/ The end of the Golden Visa https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/04/08/the-end-of-spains-golden-visa-announced/ Spain is Different Remember https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/04/15/spain-is-different-remember/ The Number One Realtor in Valencia for Americans https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/04/22/the-number-one-realtor-in-valencia-for-americans/

    Remember you can contact us on information@valencia-property.com and the whatsapp for the event is 0034 657994311

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    20 mins
  • Why Does Valencia Have the Biggest Garden in Spain? And More
    Apr 7 2024
    Welcome back to the latest Valencia Property podcast. We have reached April after the Fallas fiestas in Valencia and we are now at the end of Easter week where once more lots of people take lots of time off work. I'm actually recording this while away for a few days but I'll be back up and running next week and our whole team will also be back from their sojourns around Spain and Europe. Speaking of the team, this month we are talking to Jess about working with Valencia Property and have a word with Cath who runs Stepping Stone Rentals with me. We also take a look at the posts that you may have missed in the last couple of months after missing this out of last month's podcast and our Valencia story for this month is why Valencia has the biggest garden in Spain and it is there where we start. https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/02/05/the-first-step-to-buying-property-in-valencia-updated/ www.steppingstonerentals.com https://valencia-property.com/new/2021/02/05/we-are-your-buyers-agent-in-valencia/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/09/25/why-vpo-is-a-big-vp-no/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2021/07/04/why-we-dont-list-bank-properties-usually/
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    27 mins
  • Valencia Stories - The Rise of Airbnb, The Campanar Fire and a Q+A
    Mar 3 2024
    This month on the VP pod we are finishing our Valencia Story about the financial crisis, bringing you up to date with the market and how it has developed after the flatlining in the years following 2008 up until 2014 when Airbnb arrived on everyone's doorstep and interest rates were low. First though we talked about what happened with the Campanar fire and the consequences and we had a q and a with some of our team about certain aspects of their interactions with clients and experiences in Valencia. The links mentioned in today's episode are simply our email address at information@valencia-property.com and our homepage and blog at https://valencia-property.com and https://www.valencia-property.com/new
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    30 mins
  • The Aftermath of the 2008 Financial Crisis and More
    Feb 3 2024

    In the latest episode of the Valencia Property podcast we take you through the last two months on the blog, tell you all about Valencia's rise to number 5 in the best places to live in the World for Quality of Life and in the latest of our Valencia Stories we have the second part of our story of the financial crisis in 2008 in which we look at the aftermath of the crisis.

    We mention a lot of things on the blog this month and you can see everything we mentioned at the following links.

    Show notes. https://valencia-property.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/British-people-moving-to-Spain-because-UK-a-shit-show-says-expat-estate-agent.pdf (We were featured in the iPaper here) Article list from December and January https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/12/04/the-best-places-to-buy-in-valencia-for-your-budget-part-two/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/12/11/why-doesnt-valencia-property-appear-on-property-portals/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/12/14/stepping-stone-rentals-available-properties/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/12/18/the-valencia-property-2023-review/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/01/01/welcome-to-2024-in-valencia/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/01/08/the-philosophy-of-valencia-property/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/01/15/the-ten-most-annoying-things-about-living-in-spain/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/01/22/electrifying-your-life-in-valencia-european-green-capital-2024/ https://valencia-property.com/new/2024/01/29/improve-the-quality-of-your-life-in-valencia/ Other articles mentioned https://environment.ec.europa.eu/news/valencia-kicks-2024-new-european-green-capital-2024-01-11_en https://valencia-property.com/new/2021/06/22/the-first-step-to-buying-property-in-valencia/ First Step https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Valencia Cost of Living in Valencia
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    25 mins
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Pt 2 and The Spanish Financial Crisis Pt 1
    Jan 2 2024

    What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Part 2 and The Spanish Financial Crisis Pt 1.

    Today we continue with our investigation of what can go wrong when buying your property in Spain and what you need to look out for. We started this series in the last podcast and today we conclude with more discussions about the problems that can happen and what you need to look out for in order to avoid them. We also take a look back over the last year in the world of Valencia property and the market in general and a small look forward to 2024 and we have another Valencia Story, this time a really fun theme, yeah right, all about the 2008 Financial Crisis and the ramifications for Valencia over the next few years following that seismic shock, what happened to the Valencia Property market in the lead up and the aftermath... Links for this episode https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/12/18/the-valencia-property-2023-review/ The 2023 Valencia Property Review https://www.euribor-rates.eu/en/euribor-charts/ Euribor historical rates as mentioned in the story of the Financial Crisis Recommendations You should be reading our essentials page, everything you need to know when starting your Valencia Property search and the link is in the show notes. https://valencia-property.com/new/essential-reading/ Regarding videos we have this excellent video channel we saw the other day from the Bioparc as a couple of baby pumbas have been born. https://www.youtube.com/@BioparcValencia-channel and our recommended property... well just go to our homepage and choose your favourite https://valencia-property.com
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    40 mins
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong and Klaus the Dead German Builder
    Dec 2 2023

    Welcome to the latest podcast, a different one from usual as we discuss what could possibly go wrong with your Valencia Property purchase at each stage (We'll conclude that in the next episode) and start our series of Valencia Stories with "Klaus the Dead German Builder". We quickly talked about our articles for this month and they are linked below along with other things we mention in the show.

    ABC Article about the Zodiac Villas scam

    https://www.abc.es/espana/comunidad-valenciana/abci-condenado-alcalde-montroi-y-otras-15-personas-delitos-urbanisticos-201802081939_noticia.html Our articles from this month https://valencia-property.com/new/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-stupid-question No such thing as a stupid question https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/11/13/interest-rate-rises-and-demand-in-valencia/ Interest rate rises and demand in Valencia https://valencia-property.com/new/2023/11/20/valencia-property-services-2023-2024/ Valencia Property Services 2023-24 https://valencia-property.com/newedit/2023/11/27/the-best-place-to-buy-in-valencia-for-your-budget/ The best place to buy in Valencia for your budget https://valencia-property.com Our Valencia Property homepage
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    44 mins