• How Much Adaptation Tax Are You Paying?
    Mar 3 2025

    There's been a lot of talk recently about quiet quitting and burnout.

    Tony Walmsley talks about something he's made me think a lot about... the cost of adapting.

    For starters we work in a world that is stressful for our biology.

    When we then have to change our natural personality to fit a culture or our colleagues it stresses us. These adaptations come at a cost. When we make too many, for too long, we burnout.

    Friction comes at the cost of efficiency. Sometimes the business pays the cost in lower profit. And sometimes the employees pay the cost personally.

    As a Manager or an Employee it's something to think about... how much adaptation tax are you paying?

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    40 mins
  • Setting The Culture Of Your Team
    Feb 24 2025

    What is the key task of a leader?

    Ask 100 people and you’ll get 100 answers. When you abstract at the most universal truth of leadership. The key is to connect people to the reality of their situation.

    We are a world of 8 billion people.

    Each with our own interpretation of the world. What it means. And what is good or bad.

    A Leader creates a frame that fences the boundaries of the group.

    The team then operate within this frame of reality. This defines shared objectives, values and standards. It becomes the culture that creates the performance.

    What do you think is the key task of a Leader?

    Today’s podcast episode with Clark Ray and Tony Walmsley discussed how Managers can set and control the operating frame.

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • How Fragile Are Your Plans, Your Team And Your Career?
    Feb 17 2025

    What's the opposite of fragile?

    Most people would say something robust. But Nassim Nicholas Taleb says that's a mistake. He argues that the opposite is something antifragile.

    Something which gains from disorder.

    In an increasingly volatile world, he says we shouldn't try to protect the fragile. But instead to be more resilient through anti-fragility. Industries like restaurants become better as the fragile get weeded out.

    The system as a whole becomes stronger.

    How can we use this principle in our work and life?

    In this episode Eduardo Dos Santos Silva, Neil Hamilton and I discussed the implications.

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    39 mins
  • The Dance Between Leaders, Managers And Followers
    Feb 10 2025

    Is a referee a leader or manager?

    Often today we use the term referee or leader interchangeably. This dilutes the difference those roles have. Which poses the question... is a sports referee a leader or a manager?

    Establishing the differences, allows us to define the responsibilies of each.

    In today's podcast, Clark Ray, Tony Walmsley and I discussed Managers, Leaders and Followers.

    What are the rights, responsibilities and duties of each?

    What happens when team members fall short or disengage?

    Is it the responsibility of team members to follow? Or for leaders to inspire followers to want to follow?

    Share your thoughts below and as part of The Building Better Leaders Research Project


    Clark Ray’s Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/10thman/

    Clark’s Website: https://www.clarkray.com

    Tony Walmsley’s Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-walmsley/

    Tony’s Website: https://theleadersadvisory.com

    Rob McPhillips’s Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robmcphillips/

    Building Better Leaders Research: https://robmcphillips.com/building-better-leaders-project/


    00:00 Ben White's Gamesmanship: A Controversial Tactic

    00:39 Referee's Role: Leadership or Management?

    01:25 Defining Leadership: A Philosophical Debate

    02:33 Ethics in Sports: Comparing Football and Rugby

    03:28 Historical Leaders: Churchill, Blair, and More

    04:23 The Complexity of Leadership and Followership

    05:31 The Referee's Ethical Dilemma

    08:52 Leadership in Crisis: Trust and Authority

    14:42 The Role of Vision in Leadership

    20:13 Permission vs. Commitment in Leadership

    31:42 The Essence of Leadership

    33:25 The Problem with Modern Leadership

    34:02 Historical Examples of Leadership Failures

    35:50 Character and Integrity in Leadership

    37:12 Leadership in Family and Society

    39:39 Challenges of Leading in Today's World

    44:22 The Role of Vision in Leadership

    54:06 The Importance of Moral Leadership

    55:45 The Need for Collective Vision

    58:58 Final Thoughts on Leadership and Followership

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • The Importance of Self Awareness and Team Awareness
    Feb 3 2025

    Who do you serve?

    How do you serve them? Why? And what are the boundaries of that service?

    The answers to these questions go a long way to clarifying our work.

    They help define the contexts of our relationships in coming together. They ensure we fulfil our purpose. And they help us frame the decisions we make.

    This starts with understanding who we are and how us and our colleagues work.

    Today's episode was a discussion into self awareness informed by Tony Walmsley's work on his SCORE Profiling Tool.


    Clark Ray’s Linkedin Profile

    Clark’s Website

    Tony Walmsley’s Linkedin Profile

    Tony’s Website

    Rob McPhillips’s Linkedin Profile

    Rob’s Website

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    42 mins
  • The Surprising Ways We Fool Ourselves
    Jan 27 2025
    How good are you at making decisions?How confident are you in your answer? The more aware you are of the way your mind works, the less sure you will be of your answer. Our decisions are fraught with biases and distortions.Thinking Fast and Slow is one of the most respected books on decision making. Daniel Kahneman's work won him a Nobel Prize for Economics. Some call it the bible for the developing field of Behavioural Economics.In it he shows a number of surprising ways we fool ourselves.Eduardo dos Santos Silva, Michael Ward, Romana Prochazkova and I met to discuss our insights from the book.Links:Eduardo Dos Santos SilvaMichael WardRomana ProchazkovaRob McPhillipsChapters:00:00 Introduction: Understanding Decision-Making Systems00:17 Key Insights from the Book01:10 Exploring Biases and Decision-Making01:40 The Importance of Diverse Teams02:55 Personal Reflections and Comparisons04:51 Frustrations with System One and System Two05:16 Regression to the Mean: A Key Concept06:13 Psychological Soundness and Boredom06:58 Head, Heart, and Gut: Different Systems?09:27 Decision-Making Processes and Logical Thinking13:04 The Book's Audience and Writing Style21:17 The Legacy of Kahneman and Tversky23:00 Visual Learning in Mathematics24:08 The Pyramid Pattern and Pattern Recognition26:57 Heuristics, Algorithms, and AI28:10 Cultural Differences and Fairness28:39 Book Readability and Summaries
    Show more Show less
    43 mins
  • How Identity And Psychology Impact Our Leadership Style
    Jan 21 2025

    Clark, Tony and I discussed our ideas of leadership. We talked about how our own sense of identity and our psychology impacts our thinking and behaviour as a leader using examples from history and personal experiences.


    Clark Ray’s Linkedin Profile:

    / 10thman

    Clark’s Website: https://www.clarkray.com

    Tony Walmsley’s Linkedin Profile:

    / tony-walmsley

    Tony’s Website: https://theleadersadvisory.com

    Rob McPhillips’s Linkedin Profile:

    / robmcphillips

    Rob’s Website:

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    53 mins
  • Managing Conflict To Raise Performance
    Dec 16 2024

    Want to really know someone?

    Get into a fight with them. Especially one that hits all their hot buttons. You’ll soon see the worst of them.

    Conflict does funny things to people.

    It is one of the few times we drop our carefully crafted social masks. It’s one of the reasons couples think their partner has changed. Because they just didn’t get to see this side when everything was smooth sailing.

    Work is the other place where conflict can often happen.

    It happens because we care. We see our future as being tied up with the future path we choose. And so we get threatened.

    How we deal with conflict is the key determinant of how effective we will be.

    All too often, we avoid conflict. Or we become over-aggressive. In today’s episode Clark Ray, Tony Walmsley and I talked about conflict at work.

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    40 mins