• 350. You need to realize the ROI of coaching
    Sep 24 2024
    Many people recognize the value of hiring a coach. However, many others don't realize the potential ROI of coaching and let fear prevent them from working with a coach who could help them tremendously.

    I recently asked a potential client what would make her say YES to a coaching package. She said knowing there would be an ROI (return on investment) would help her say YES. I figured if she had that question, many others may, too. The ROI of coaching is multifold. There are many facts to evaluate if you are considering hiring a coach. Let's review some of them.

    Financial ROI of coaching

    There are a few ways to think about the ROI of coaching. The first is financial.

    Let's use the example of paying $5000 for a coaching program.

    If your clients pay you $2500 and you get two new clients while working with the coach, you have received a solid ROI on your investment. Essentially, the work you did with the coach paid for itself.

    However, the ROI doesn't stop there. You will not only attract two new clients by working with the coach. When working with a coach to identify problem areas in your business, mindset, strategy, offers, pricing, expenses, etc., you open the door for more opportunities. The best part is that you have someone to hold you accountable for implementing the recommendations and strategies you came up with together.

    The ROI of coaching is not one-time only.

    As you implement new strategies, adopt a better mindset, and make changes within your business, you create a lifetime of earning potential. You will attract not only one or two new clients but many more for years to come.

    For example, if you work with a coach and implement suggested strategies and you get 100 new clients, you have now made $250,000—you have an ROI of 50 times your investment.

    In addition, if you improve your mindset and simplify your business model, you will save time, energy, and money and have a better quality of life.

    Together, you create a lifetime of limitless earning potential.

    If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed, second-guessing yourself, feeling frustrated, and not seeing the results you want, consider hiring a coach. If you are interested in my business growth strategy and coaching programs, schedule a call with me. Here is the link to my calendar.

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    21 mins
  • 349. Heal the Mind Heal the Body with Connie Strasheim
    Sep 17 2024

    A famous phrase often heard is "Your words matter." Whether you realize it or not, your words and thoughts profoundly impact your life. Your words and thoughts shape your life experiences and even your physical health. So, this revolutionary concept is that humans can alter their brain's physical structure by changing negative thought patterns and eliminating trauma. This transformation to heal the mind and heal the body is not a solitary act but a cooperative effort with Christ and the Holy Spirit.

    Science and Scripture: Converging Paths

    Scripture states that humans are created in Christ's image and embody both a soul and a spirit. The body is viewed as an exterior part, where true healing starts from within, specifically through the soul and spirit, by fostering a relationship with God. This is a belief that traditional science is finally catching up and proving these scriptural assertions.

    Mind Renewal and Healing

    Changing the way you perceive yourself is crucial. Identity in Christ becomes a cornerstone in this transformative journey as you focus on healing the mind and the body. One's beliefs empower thoughts and influence emotions and actions, ultimately defining outcomes. Here are some practical methods to reverse negative thought patterns, enhance your mental and physical health, and wear the armor of God in your daily life.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Website for Connie Strasheim

    Connie's Book, Guard The Mind, Mend the Body

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    37 mins
  • 348. How to become an author with Sherry Ward
    Sep 10 2024
    Launching You: How to Become an Author and Transform Your Life and Business

    There's a constant buzz about launching programs, courses, businesses, or books in the contemporary business world. However, beyond these traditional milestones lies a deeper, more personal launch that can drive growth, healing, and myriad opportunities in business. Learn more about how to become an author and how writing a book is not just about publishing words; it's about launching oneself into new dimensions of personal and spiritual fulfillment.

    The Power of Writing

    Writing a book can be a divine process where personal faith and professional aspirations intertwine. It's a journey marked by transformative experiences and profound insights. The act of writing, particularly a memoir, often serves as a therapeutic process, guiding individuals through phases of hurt, healing, and ultimately helping others.

    Embracing Faith and Healing Through Writing

    For many, faith plays a crucial role in navigating the complexities of life. The journey of writing a book often begins with a divine nudge—a call to transcribe one's experiences, lessons, and wisdom onto the page. This process can be particularly significant during periods of difficulty, such as a wilderness season, where faith is tested and personal hardships are prevalent. On the journey of how to become an author, individuals often discover a path to healing and greater understanding through their writing.

    How to become an author: From Personal Hardships to Professional Growth

    Writing about personal experiences, even those fraught with hardship can open doors to incredible opportunities. Whether overcoming health issues, family crises, or other significant life challenges, documenting these experiences can ultimately empower others. Personal stories of resilience and faith are therapeutic for the writer and serve as powerful testimonies to assist and inspire others facing similar obstacles.

    Launching You: Beyond the Book

    The essence of writing a book often goes beyond mere publishing. It's about launching the author into new realms of opportunity. A compelling example is presented through stories where book authors, grounded in faith and personal transformation, have seen their writings open significant doors. Whether connecting with influential organizations or sparking new career developments, the act of writing can catalyze unexpected and extraordinary outcomes.

    About Sherry Ward

    Founder and CEO of Square Tree, Sherry Ward is a seasoned publisher with over ten years in publishing. Her authors have been featured on numerous media outlets including CNN, Fox News, the Dr. Drew Show, and the OC Register. Square Tree has helped give authors a voice, from local state task force conferences to the United Nations.

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    Free eBook - 5 Crucial Strategies to Start and Grow a Sustainable Business

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    28 mins
  • 347. Strategies to create success without social media
    Sep 3 2024
    It is possible to create business success without social media.

    As a business coach for women, I often hear people say they do not want to be on social media. The world has told them that social media is the key to success. They are frustrated with social media because it isn't generating the desired results—attracting the right people who want to pay for their services. Every time, I assure them that it is possible to achieve business success without social media.

    Why would you want to avoid social media?

    As a business coach for women, I frequently hear women say that they hate social media. But they've been convinced that they can't create success without social media.

    Some of the reasons why women want to avoid social media include - it is:

    • Time-consuming.
    • Expensive and cuts into the bottom line.
    • A trigger for doubt.
    • An imposter syndrome instigator.
    • Pay-to-play and it feels impossible to reach soulmate clients.
    • Tiring, and they want a simplified, more powerful, and effective way to show up online and attract clients.
    • A distraction - the dreaded scroll!
    Being a business coach for women, it's essential to help women find more work-life balance.

    You get it if you have felt any of the emotions listed above. Social media can drag you down. And let's be honest. It can impact your work-life balance. When you feel overwhelmed by aspects of your business, like social media, you will be more irritable in your personal life, especially as a mom.

    This is why, as a business for women, I focus heavily on growing your business without social media.

    Is it possible to be a business owner and avoid social media altogether?

    This may sound crazy, but I believe it is. As a business coach for women who want to create success without social media, I've seen it happen multiple times. But for those who want to be on social media but want to avoid the distraction and limit time spent on it, know that is possible, too.

    Ways to use social media without having to be on social media all the time.

    Maybe you want to be on social media sometimes. It isn't all bad, after all.

    You want your brand and business to have a presence on social media, but you don't want to waste time creating content for it because you know there are better platforms where you can invest time and energy—platforms where you are more likely to be seen, heard, and discovered by your soulmate clients.

    Try these strategies.

    Read the full show notes.

    Register for the Online Visibility Workshop.

    To learn more about growing your business, download the free eBook, 5 Crucial Strategies to Start and Grow a Business for Sustainable Success.

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    24 mins
  • 346. Strategies to increase profitability with Kristen Hillman
    Aug 27 2024
    The Path to Financial Health: Strategies to Increase Profitability

    Embrace these strategies to increase profitability and take proactive steps to ensure that your business thrives both now and in the future.

    Three Key Strategies to Increase Profitability

    Ensuring the financial health of a business is a critical component that can determine both success and longevity. Many business owners, especially women, struggle with managing their business finances efficiently, often due to an entrepreneurial mindset that needs shifting. Understanding the three key strategies to increase profitability and reframe your money mindset can relieve stress and lead to more achievable financial goals.

    The Shift from Entrepreneur to CEO

    The primary strategy involves making a mental shift from thinking like an entrepreneur to thinking like a CEO. Entrepreneurs often do everything themselves, becoming "scrappy" to make ends meet. However, this can lead to burnout or stagnation in business growth. Transitioning to a CEO mindset means taking a step back and focusing on running the company. This involves understanding the business's financial health and planning strategically for growth and sustainability. The emphasis shifts from solely serving clients to also creating a healthy business structure that can scale.

    Long-Term Perspective and Planning

    Adopting a long-term perspective is critical to the three strategies to increase profitability. This means thinking beyond immediate returns and considering the business's growth over three, five, or even ten years. This shift allows business owners to move past the day-to-day chaos and focus on strategic planning for the future. It's essential to consider what the business is being built for and the long-term goals, which could include an exit strategy or building a company that can be sold.

    Personalized Financial Guidance Based on Personality

    One innovative strategy for managing business finances is recognizing that individual personality traits impact how financial information is processed. Different business owners require different presentation styles for financial data. This understanding has led to the development of personality quizzes that identify financial personalities and tailor financial strategies accordingly. This approach reduces stress and increases confidence in handling business finances. It's not just about the data; it's about how this information is presented and understood based on individual preferences and strengths.

    About Kristen Hillman

    Kristen Hillman is the founder and CEO of Viticula, LLC. Before launching Viticula, Kristen spent over 25 years working for private equity investment and management companies in accounting and finance leadership roles. Her expertise lies in empowering founders and CEOs to make confident and informed decisions while creating predictable profitability, growth, and achieving long-term goals. She helps her clients adopt strategies to increase profitability.

    Website for Kristen Hillman

    More Resources

    Matthew 25:14-30

    Free Resources for Entrepreneurs 37 Bible Verses for the Christian Entrepreneur to live by

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    35 mins
  • 345. The Pinterest marketing strategies you need with Kate Ahl
    Aug 20 2024
    The Power of Pinterest for Business: Tips and Insights for Pinterest Marketing Strategies

    Pinterest has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to drive traffic to their websites and grow their online presence. You can leverage Pinterest for business success. Learn different Pinterest marketing strategies, common pitfalls, and practical advice for getting the most out of the platform.

    Understanding Pinterest: A Search and Discovery Engine

    Pinterest should be viewed not as a social media platform but as a search and discovery engine, much like Google, with a visual twist. Users flock to Pinterest for ideas and inspiration rather than for social interaction. This key distinction sets it apart from platforms like Instagram, where the emphasis is on social engagement. Think of Pinterest as a library where people come to curate their own lives, in contrast to Instagram's bar-like atmosphere where social interaction is the focus.

    Should Your Business Be on Pinterest?

    For businesses that thrive on web traffic—be it for leads, ad income, or other revenue streams—Pinterest can be an invaluable tool. However, its utility varies depending on the nature of the business. For instance, local businesses that rely on a community presence may find Pinterest less effective due to its broad, global reach. Conversely, businesses with a national or international audience can significantly benefit from Pinterest's traffic-driving capabilities.

    Challenges and Successes with Pinterest Marketing Strategies

    Many businesses invest years into Pinterest, posting content religiously, and still need help to see significant conversions. The cold nature of Pinterest's audience means that engagement and growth can be slow, often taking six to nine months to see substantial results. While warmer traffic sources like podcasts and summits may yield faster growth, the cold traffic from Pinterest signifies a different kind of success. Given the platform's unique audience behavior, even achieving a steady trickle of email sign-ups from Pinterest is notable.

    About Kate Ahl

    Kate Ahl is the owner and founder of Simple Pin Media, a Pinterest management and marketing agency. Her company has worked with over 1000 Pinterest accounts over the last 10+ years. Their goal is to help business owners understand how to leverage the platform to grow their email list, find cold leads, and make more sales. Kate is a Pinterest speaker, teacher, podcaster, and strategist.

    Simple Pin Media Website

    Additional Resources

    Learn more strategies to grow your business without social media by downloading the free eBook 10 Strategies to Grow your business without Social Media

    Grow Your Business without Social Media

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    33 mins
  • 344. You need these strategies to grow your email list fast with Dolly DeLong
    Aug 13 2024
    Using Bundles effectively to grow your email list fast.

    It is immensely beneficial to grow your email list fast because the value of an email list cannot be overstated—it serves as a critical marketing tool, helping build community, keep audiences engaged, and maintain a presence in the minds of potential clients.

    What are Bundles, and how can they help grow your email list fast?

    Amid growing concerns about email list size and the intimidating prospect of expanding it without constantly relying on social media, there lies a solution in using bundles to grow your email list fast. Bundles are packages of various resources, templates, or courses that hold substantial value and are all focused on a unified theme. Bundles offer contributors a platform to showcase their paid resources, often bundled at a reduced price or even for free, to entice a broader audience. The primary objective is to grow your email list fast by offering significant value within a limited timeframe. Even if the recipients aren't ready to hire immediately, they might refer services to others.


    The Power of Collaboration

    Collaboration and community are pivotal in growing an email list using bundles. Engaging with a network of trusted business owners and experts ensures the bundled resources are top-notch and genuinely valuable to the targeted audience. Building connections with business owners also helps combat the isolating nature of running an online business, fosters meaningful connections, and provides more cross-promotional opportunities.

    Planning and Execution: The Backbone of Successful Bundles

    Success in launching a bundle hinges on meticulous planning and execution.

    Here are some key steps to consider:
    1. Market Research and Theme Selection: Perform market research to understand the audience's needs and interests. This helps in selecting a relevant and compelling theme for the bundle.
    2. Pitching to Contributors: Develop a clear pitch template and reach out to potential contributors. Personalizing pitches and providing a professional vision of the bundle project is essential to gain their interest and participation.
    3. Content Collection and Pre-Launch Preparations: Once contributors agree to participate, collect their information, including headshots, bios, and the resources they'll provide. Create promotional materials and ensure everything is ready well before the launch date. This step is crucial to avoid last-minute rushes and ensure a smooth operation.
    Additional Resources

    Access the hype event - learn quick strategies for systems and SEO workflows that increase visibility

    Purchase the complete bundle

    Read the full show notes and access all links in the blog post
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    34 mins
  • 343. How to sell without selling- Strategies you need to adopt today with Buki Ekeowa
    Aug 6 2024
    How to Master Marketing, Sales, and Live Launches for Your Business- Learn how to sell without selling

    Learn how to sell without selling. If you're feeling stuck or are struggling to attract new clients to your business, these strategies are for you. Using Buki's actionable advice, you can turn your mindset around and help your business thrive.

    The Journey of an Entrepreneur

    Entrepreneurship can lead you down many different paths before you find where you have been called to be. Your initial business venture may have shown great success, but not all triumphs last forever. Experiencing a downturn can leave one feeling like a failure, but this period of reflection and spiritual guidance can also lead to new paths and greater understanding.

    Embracing Digital Transformation

    The shift from offline to online business strategies is pivotal in many entrepreneurial journeys. Launching a YouTube channel, despite initial skepticism and limited knowledge about the platform, can become a significant turning point. Sharing your unique insights and strategies from past experiences can help you connect with a broad audience.

    YouTube, in particular, is a powerful tool for visibility and audience engagement. It's not just about the number of subscribers but also about the quality of interactions and the ability to nurture relationships over time. Utilizing YouTube for live launches and integrating it with other social media platforms like Instagram enhances its effectiveness as a nurturing tool.
    Link to Treena Little Episode

    Building a Funnel Strategy

    Creating a funnel strategy involves a series of steps that effectively lead potential clients through the sales process. This approach can begin with the sale of low-ticket digital products. These products help generate leads and bring new people into your ecosystem. They serve as an introductory point, allowing potential clients to get a taste of what you offer. Consistent nurturing through high-quality content on platforms like YouTube is crucial in warming up these leads.

    Weekly live streams or pre-recorded videos provide valuable insights and maintain engagement. When it's time for a live launch, the audience is already primed and familiar with your expertise. They have been spending time with you each week on your channel and feel like they know you. This nurturing process makes the transition to high-ticket sales smoother and more effective.

    Structuring a Live Launch to sell without selling

    Executing a successful live launch requires careful planning and a clear structure. Buki's most successful format has been a five-day challenge. Each day of the challenge should focus on delivering valuable content and actionable tasks, ensuring participants see real benefits. The key to engagement is not just delivering information but creating an interactive and supportive environment. Including Q&A sessions and encouraging participants to share their wins and challenges fosters a sense of community.

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    37 mins