The Naked Truth Podcast – Episode 1: Meet the Founders & Join the Movement Welcome to the very first episode of The Naked Truth, where we’re breaking down stigmas, sparking conversations, and celebrating freedom through nudity, CBD, and creativity!
In this episode, hosts Estelle Keeber and Vicky Borman, the founders of the Naked Truth Campaign, share their inspiring stories and the mission behind this bold, year-long movement.
What to Expect: • Meet the Founders: Learn about Estelle’s expertise in social media and her passion for nudity advocacy, as well as Vicky’s journey as an award-winning CBD entrepreneur and founder of @cbdangeluk. •
The Campaign Unveiled: Discover how the Naked Truth aims to destigmatise CBD and nudity while promoting their incredible health, wellness, and creative benefits.
• Exciting Events: Get a sneak peek into the upcoming experiences, including a naked firewalk, nude-in-nature photoshoot, and an art exhibition celebrating the beauty of vulnerability.
• World Record Finale: Hear about the ambitious plan to set a world record naked event this December and how YOU can be part of history.
Get Involved: Stay connected with all the latest updates, events, and behind-the-scenes moments by following us on Instagram: 📸 @nakedadventureswithme 📸 @cbdangeluk We’re just getting started, and there’s so much more to come!
Don’t miss the next episode, where we’ll deep dive into The Naked Truth, the full calendar of events and share how you can join this groundbreaking campaign.
Tune in, get inspired, and let’s strip back the stigma—together.