• #141: Don't Show Up For The Minimum - USAJFKSWCS Command Chief Warrant CW5 Gary Ostrander
    Jul 5 2024

    Special Forces Warrant Officers are subject matter experts in unconventional warfare, operations and intelligence fusion, and planning and execution. They also advise commanders on all aspects of special operations and are responsible for the integration of emerging technologies.

    To explore the unique role of the Special Forces Warrant Officer, Fran Racioppi asked the Command Chief Warrant Officer of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School Chief Warrant Officer 5 Gary Ostrander to join him from the Special Warfare Museum at Fort Liberty, NC.

    With over 30 years in the Army, Gary advises the commander and sergeant major of SWCS on best practices for training and developing our US Army Special Operations soldiers.

    After they defined what it takes to succeed as a Special Forces Warrant, they explained SWCS 2030, the importance of duration in assessment and selection, how technology is being integrated into training, how to create a training program that prepares people for anything and innovation in recruiting initiatives.

    Take a listen, watch, or read our conversation with one of Special Forces most experienced leaders then head over to our YouTube channel to watch CW5 Ostrander share the lineage of America’s first Special Forces in the Jedburgh Media Channel’s first documentary, Unknown Heroes, Behind Enemy Lines at D-Day, the story of Operation Jedburgh.


    • 0:00 Introduction
    • 3:01 What’s the role of the Special Forces Warrant Officer?
    • 11:51 What is SWCS 2030?
    • 17:11 What technology is paramount on the next battlefield?
    • 19:04 The evolution of the peer-to-peer fight
    • 23:56 What are the innovative ways ARSOF is recruiting?
    • 29:30 What are you most excited about in the next generation?
    • 31:18 Daily Foundations to Success


    • “The warrant specifically focuses on those long term planning operations and actions.”
    • “We focus on that end product. How do we produce the best product?”
    • “More than likely you will be seen by an unmanned system.”
    • “We’re the melting pot for the operational force’s #1 select cadre to come back and train and mentor the next generation.”
    • “How do they look at a problem set and become the world’s most adaptive problem solvers?”
    • “If you show up for the minimums there’s a very slim chance that you are going to be one of the ones selected.”

    The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation. Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube.

    Special thanks to Roxanne Merritt and the entire team at the Special Warfare Museum for graciously hosting this series.

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    36 mins
  • C-47's, War In Europe, Immigration & The State Of Congress - FL Representative Mike Waltz (80th Anniversary of D-Day Series)
    Jun 28 2024

    The 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion included many reenactment jumps, but none as visually captivating as the one in Mont St. Michel. A jump that featured multiple sorties of C-47s and some of America’s most important leaders donning the battle uniform of our airborne predecessors.

    Included in this stick was Florida Congressman and fellow Green Beret Mike Waltz. After a quick exit and soft landing, Congressman Waltz spent some time with Fran Racioppi on the drop zone to talk D-Day, World Order and the current state of Congress.

    With Mont-Saint Michel in the background, and jumpers still falling, they dug into our national security challenges in the Middle East, Ukraine and China; and how immigration policy is rapidly becoming the decisive issue. They also unpacked the need for professionalism in Congress, how polarization is affecting getting things done and what we can expect from our political leaders as we gear up for an election cycle that looks more like a night combat jump with high winds and a small drop zone.

    Take a listen, watch, or read our conversation from one of the most surreal spots on the globe then head over to our YouTube channel to as we share the lineage of America’s first Special Forces in the Jedburgh Media Channel’s first documentary, Unknown Heroes, Behind Enemy Lines at D-Day, the story of Operation Jedburgh.


    • 0:00 Introduction
    • 02:10 Jumping into Mont St. Michel
    • 5:20 What is NATO’s role in global conflict?
    • 9:35 Can America mobilize a whole of society approach?
    • 12:34 Why is DOD calling for a reduction in Special Forces?
    • 14:14 Why can’t we just close the border?
    • 17:01 What can we expect during the upcoming election cycle?


    • “Vintage birds. Vintage uniforms. But the parachutes are new Mr. Speaker.” (2:53)
    • “We can’t keep asking the American taxpayer to dig deeper and deeper into their pocket while the European taxpayer isn’t being asked to do the same thing.” (7:09)
    • “We should be flooding the world with cleaner, cheaper American oil and gas.” (8:00)
    • “What I want is that every time Chairman Xi gets out of bed and looks across the Taiwan Strait he says ‘ah…they're still too tough, we’re not ready.’" (10:56)
    • “The more the Chinese Communist Party are looking over their shoulder, the less they’re looking across the Pacific.” (12:25)
    • “Those support men and women for the Special Operations community keep us out of wars. Those are the left of bang.” (13:55)
    • “The cartels are behind all of this…We know from Plan Colombia how to take down cartels.” (16:04)
    • "The world is a calm place when America is strong.” (18:35)

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    21 mins
  • #140: You Better Be More Than A Good Dude - Medal of Honor Recipient CSM Matt Williams & LTC Dave Lucas, Special Forces Qualification Course MOS Phase
    Jun 21 2024

    Stress is the great equalizer in leadership. When you're cold, you're wet, you're tired, your company’s losing money, you have no revenue, you’re pinned down by enemy fire, or you're down by five with two minutes left, great organizations need leaders who stand up, take charge, make decisions and act. America’s Green Berets are the best in the world at leading under stress.

    To unpack just how we’re selecting the next generation of Special Forces Operators, Fran Racioppi sat down with the team responsible for training them; LTC Dave Lucas and Medal of Honor Recipient Command Sergeant Major Matt Williams; the command team for 4th battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group, otherwise known as the MOS phase of the Qualification Course.

    From the JFK Special Warfare Museum at Fort Liberty’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School they cover the Q-course; what it takes to be a successful Alpha, Bravo, Charlie or Echo; how they’re upholding the standard and preparing the force for the peer-to-peer battlefield and the difference between motivation and leadership.

    Plus CSM Williams shares his account of the Battle of Shok Valley and why sometimes the greatest displays of leadership have nothing to do with rank, position, or tenure.

    Take a listen, watch, or read our conversation then head over to our YouTube channel to watch this episode and watch CSM Williams & LTC Lucas share the lineage of America’s first Special Forces in the Jedburgh Media Channel’s first documentary, Unknown Heroes, Behind Enemy Lines at D-Day, the story of Operation Jedburgh.


    • 0:00 Introduction
    • 5:35 Succeeding in the Special Forces Qualification Course
    • 10:10 Scenario-based training to a standard
    • 15:30 Preparing Special Forces for the next battlefield
    • 22:15 Motivation isn't leadership
    • 28:57 CSM Williams Medal of Honor battle in Afghanistan
    • 413:40 Daily Keys to Success


    • “Our job is to teach them the fundamental skills that they will utilize, that they will bring to their operational detachments.” (6:43)
    • “When it’s cold, it’s wet and it sucks, we want guys that understand why they're here.” (7:56)
    • “What we really try to do is eek out your capabilities under stress.” (11:48)
    • “The standard is the standard, is the standard, is the standard.” (13:46)
    • “We’re sending guys out to the force to do some of the hardest things in the world, and they can’t just be because you're a good dude.” (15:13)
    • “Motivation and leadership are not the same thing.” (23:42)
    • “It’s two junior bravos on the side of a cliff figuring out what we’re going to do.” (36:55)

    Special thanks to Roxanne Merritt and the entire team at the Special Warfare Museum for graciously hosting this series.

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    50 mins
  • #139: SWCS 2030 – Special Warfare Training For The Peer-To-Peer Fight – BG Will Beaurpere & CSM Lee Strong
    May 23 2024
    One hundred men will test today. But only three win the Green Beret. Developing America’s Green Berets takes a vision for the future, knowledge of the past, and an understanding of the present. The John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School is the home of both training Green Berets and developing the policy and doctrine our Special Forces operate by. To share the mission of SWCS, Fran Racioppi sat down with Commanding General Brigadier General Will Beaurpere and Command Sergeant Major Lee Strong from the JFK Special Warfare Museum at Fort Liberty, NC. BG Beaurpere and CSM Strong explained how SWCS 2030 will develop a more prepared Special Forces Regiment through the establishment of three Branch Schools for Green Berets, Civil Affairs and Psyops, each under their own O-6 level command. They also break down irregular warfare, why it’s important, and how it’s complemented by psychological operations; another school being developed through SWCS 2030. Finally they talk recruiting as the GWOT generation of soldiers is retiring and SOF was directed to cut personnel, while enforcing the standard, continuously improving professionalism, and integrating technology and automation into the force. Take a listen, watch, or read our conversation about the past, present and future of SWCS. Then head over to our YouTube channel to watch BG Beaurpere and CSM Strong share the importance of the Jedburghs in the Jedburgh Media Channel’s first documentary, Unknown Heroes, Behind Enemy Lines at D-Day, the story of Operation Jedburgh. The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation. Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube. Highlights:0:00 Welcome to the Special Warfare Museum 2:27 The SWCS mission8:42 SWCS 203012:03 Commandants, Irregular Warfare & the Psywar School22:00 SOF’s role in Strategic Disruption30:33 How do you maintain the Special Forces Standard?36:08 Integrating technology but building leaders first49:08 The 3 Keys to Daily SuccessQuotes: “We watch the battlefield of the modern era and we draw that into our doctrine.” (5:02)“The cadre is where you really achieve mastery.” (8:04)“Psychological Warfare is something we’ve conducted for the preponderance of our history as a military.” 17:01“That’s what SOF does…conduct operations and activities forward, before conflict.” (20:06)“The one place we will not assume risk, and cannot assume is risk, is in the production of world class special forces, civil affairs and psyops soldiers.” (28:37)“What is the one or two percent we can do to improve to ultimately make this better, myself better, the team better.” (34:45)“You're only as hard as your last hard thing.” (53:04)Special thanks to Roxanne Merritt and the JFK Special Warfare Museum for graciously hosting this series.
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    59 mins
  • #138: Un-mythed! No Loyalty Between Veterans - Alpha Elite Performance Founder Travis Wilson (2023 Army Navy Game Series)
    May 3 2024

    Social Media doesn’t tell the real story. It might look like we’re crushing it online, but the reality is that it’s held together by toothpicks and dental floss. For the final episode of the 2023 Army Navy Game Tailgate Series, Fran Racioppi welcomed back Travis Wilson; fellow Green Beret, entrepreneur, and Green Beret Foundation’s Director of Mission & Program Delivery.

    Travis and Fran debunk the myth behind Green Beret to Green Beret support; and why supporting each other’s businesses, families and initiatives is an important part of post-military success. As Green Berets we would have given our lives for the guy next to us; but when we get out, we forget that our brothers need the same level of support in the next chapter.

    In a Jedburgh Podcast first, Travis flips the script and asks Fran how he’s doing. Plus they catch up on the newest products from Alpha Elite Performance and how the AEP Outdoors is taking Veterans fishing in Mexico and heli-hunting across the world.

    Veterans know better than anyone the challenges other Veterans face in service and beyond; yet they’re often the last to volunteer support physically or financially to Veteran Service Organizations. We need Veterans to match civilian levels of support.

    Take a listen, watch, or read our conversation. Then grab a pre-workout, some GBNT Sleep and Rally and Recover.

    The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation. Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube.


    • 0:00 Welcome to the Army Navy Game Tailgate
    • 4:47 The most support comes from those who didn’t serve
    • 7:24 Green Berets need to support other Green Berets
    • 10:46 Extreme outdoors with AEP Outdoors
    • 11:50 Alpha Elite Performance drops Rally & Recovery
    • 13:45 Army by 7
    • 15:18 How’s Fran doing?


    • “Our biggest support has come from people who didn’t serve.” (5:52)
    • “The true impact for guys like you and I is it creates an environment for us to get together.” (6:37)
    • “It’s very healing to get back together with other Green Berets and their families.” (7:47)
    • “These guys are hurting and struggling because they’re not getting the support of the brotherhood.” (9:50)
    • “The only person that ever failed is the one that quit. So don’t quit.” (17:29)
    • “I don’t look at anything and say I can’t do it. I look at everything and I say how do I make it happen.” (17:53)
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    19 mins
  • #137: Screwdrivers Can't Change Tires - Home Base CEO BG(R) Jack Hammond (2023 Army Navy Game Series)
    Apr 26 2024

    America’s military must return our service members back to society ready to lead. Special operators are given the best tools in the military to do their jobs. They’re also completely immersed into the special forces lifestyle with almost no distractions. Yet when they leave service, they’re often left to themselves to find the right tools and to figure out what training they need to be successful in the next chapter.

    Two of America’s most important organizations have partnered to bring our Veterans the best tools and training all wrapped up into an immersive, life changing program.

    For the third episode of our 2023 Army Navy Game tailgate series Fran Racioppi sat down with retired Brigadier General Jack Hammond, CEO of Home Base. Home Base is founded and supported by the Boston Red Sox and Mass General Hospital; a formidable team dedicated to winning and solving the most complex challenges in medicine and athletic performance.

    Home Base provides leading edge clinical care to the medical challenges faced by our veterans; including the effects of prolonged blast exposure, mental trauma, diabetes and even cancer. Veterans train directly with the best medical and athletic performance professionals in the industry with one goal in mind; return our military personnel back to society ready to perform at the highest level and continue to lead others.

    Take a listen, watch or read our conversation…and whether you’re from Beantown or not, this is a Red Sox game you want to be a part of.

    The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation. Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube.


    • 0:00 Welcome to the Army Navy Game Tailgate
    • 3:50 Home Base is built by the Boston Red Sox & Mass General
    • 7:06 Two months of therapy in two weeks
    • 11:18 How Home Base is treating Operator Syndrome
    • 16:38 How to support Home Base
    • 17:50 Proven results of the program


    • “When you look at the opportunity with those two powerhouse organizations and what the potential is to actually bend the curve and make a difference; they had me at hello.” (5:30)
    • “We have access to the best clinical resources in the world. Bar none.” (6:12)
    • “We created this 14-day intensive clinical program…that compresses two years of therapy into two weeks.” (8:55)
    • “We’re gonna be able to figure out what are the downstream chronic illnesses associated with concussive injury.” (13:49)
    • “If you don’t have the tools to do a job, it’s like a monkey trying to change a tire with a screwdriver.” (19:50)

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    22 mins
  • #136: The Mission, the Men, Me - Life After the Green Beret - Cold Zero Spirits Founder Casey Maxted & Secret Service Agent Bill "Hawk" Albracht (2023 Army Navy Game Series)
    Apr 19 2024

    “The mission. The men. Me.” The “3 M’s” of leadership taught to officers in Vietnam and still applicable to building great leaders in any industry. As leaders we put people first, but sometimes the mission must happen regardless of the people.

    For the second episode of our 2023 Army Navy Game tailgate party, we warmed up with a little Cold Zero Whiskey and a conversation with two former Green Berets of very different generations who left service for federal law enforcement.

    Casey Maxted and Bill “Hawk” Albracht joined Fran Racioppi to share why grit and teamwork were critical to their careers in Special Forces, in the FBI and Secret Service, and now as they build a spirits company.

    Grab a glass of Cold Zero then take a listen, watch or read our conversation as Casey breaks down the opportunities and challenges that come with starting a spirits brand, and Bill shares what it was like to go back to Vietnam and walk the battlefield he once fought on.

    The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation. Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube.


    • 0:00 Welcome to the Army Navy tailgate
    • 3:48 Hawk volunteers for Vietnam
    • 4:32 Casey volunteers after 9/11
    • 5:27 Hawk protected four Presidents in the Secret Service
    • 7:56 Casey joins the FBI
    • 8:48 The character traits needed to build elite teams after Special Forces
    • 12:21 Founding Cold Zero
    • 14:09 Biggest challenge of starting a spirits company
    • 16:27 How Warrior Rising is supporting Veteran entrepreneurs
    • 17:46 The Greatest Generations Foundation takes Veterans back to their battlefields


    • “I want to join the Army. I want to be a paratrooper. I want to go Infantry. And I want to go to Vietnam.” (4:09)
    • “Air Force One flew right over me and I don’t know what happened, but that moment is when I was like ‘I’m gonna serve’.” (5:04)
    • “The protection of Jimmy Carter, or Ronald Reagan, or George Bush, it never varied…time seems to by quicker when you’re with somebody that you admire.” (7:40)
    • “You look for grit in almost everything that you do. People that are gonna stick with it when the cards are stacked against you.” (9:06)
    • “There’s the three M’s of leadership: the mission, the men and me.” (10:18)
    • “If we truly understand our mission….in those moments when we’re under pressure, when there’s chaos, when there’s confusion, we can come back to that guiding fabric.” (11:40)
    • “It’s not about the individual. It is about the team. The team going forward. The team accomplishing the mission.” (12:15)
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    23 mins
  • #135: A Green Beret's Hardest Mission - Green Beret Foundation CEO Charlie Iacono & Green Beret Nick Lavery (2023 Army Navy Game Series)
    Apr 12 2024

    There’s a dangerous difference between a Quiet Professional and Silent Professional. We’re conditioned as Green Berets to put the mission first and get the job done. That’s why Army Special Forces are the tip of the spear in both wartime and peace.

    For our first tailgate interview, and to kick off The Jedburgh Podcast’s new home as an official program of the Green Beret Foundation, Fran Racioppi sat down with CEO Charlie Iacono and America’s largest Green Beret Nick Lavery.

    Charlie shares his vision to enhance educational opportunities, make benefits the easiest part of transition and how he’s preparing the organization for America’s next battlefield. Nick explains how he’s committed to keeping Green Berets first in the fight and why telling our stories is critical to both retention and recruiting the next generation.

    Americans in combat may be out of the spotlight, but Green Berets continue their mission in every corner of the world and supporting them and their families will always be the core mission of the Green Beret Foundation.

    You decide if we’re in a 1939 moment and never forget… the Boston Tea Party was an Army operation…

    Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube.


    • 0:00 Tailgating from Gillette Stadium
    • 3:27 The Boston Tea Party was an Army operation; NOT Navy!
    • 5:37 Charlie’s vision as CEO of Green Beret Foundation
    • 9:25 Why demand for Green Beret support is greater now than during the War on Terror
    • 12:13 GBF advocates are in every active duty Special Forces Group
    • 17:45 The dangerous difference between Quiet Professional & Silent Professional
    • 27:17 Are we living in a 1939 moment?
    • 30:44 A cameo from US Army Special Operations Command Commanding General LTG Jonathan Braga


    • “This is where it all started. A couple of guys in a bar with some ideas…and look where we are today.” (4:17)
    • “We are one of the few organizations that service and support the Veteran community of the Regiment and also the active duty space.” (7:12)
    • “It’s a commitment I made since day one. When that phone rings we’re gonna pick it up.” (8:55)
    • “The Special Forces ODA has been the most requested SOF unit of action since the beginning of the Global War on Terrorism.” (9:48)
    • “Just because it’s not as obvious, do not mistake that for the need to no longer exist.” (11:20)
    • “Why does it seem like the hardest mission a Green Beret has to deal with is when he gets out he’s trying to get his benefits.” (13:529)
    • “My biggest challenge that I ever faced was not becoming a Green Beret…it was actually not being a Green Beret anymore.” (15:13)
    • “There’s a massive difference between being a quiet professional and being a silent professional.” (18:45)

    The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation.

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    33 mins