• Communicating from Oneness
    Jun 30 2024

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    When we speak to each other and there is a common ground in our communication we enjoy it. When we discuss something and disagree there is disharmony. It can become a war of the ego of each person declaring they are right and the other is wrong. I like to take the stand that the purpose of communication is not only to get your point across but it is to please each other. Then right or wrong doesn't become the purpose of communication as we know it is always changing. Unchanging harmony becomes the purpose of communication.

    When you meditate you see the Oneness of all Beings free from ego and mind. When you start with this premise then you know that you can accept whatever the other is saying knowing it is just another viewpoint from their life experience or learning which has to be different than yours. Two people, or two minds, can never always agree. Therefore, you don't expect to always agree. Instead, you see the Oneness that we all share regardless of opinion. Opinion changes but Onesness never changes. When you communicate from Oneness you don't need to prove anything. Then you can accept a different opinion. You want to please others and, therefore, please the one Self that is alone everywhere.

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    20 mins
  • Happiness if Self Effulgent
    Jun 30 2024

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    Most people think that happiness only comes from fulfilling desires. When you get something that you think you want or need you can feel happy. When you don't get something that you want or when you don't have your preferences met, you feel unhappy. This is human nature which is always based on sometimes getting happiness and other times feeling unhappy. This up and down of happiness can't be helped as it is the human condition. However, when you understand how the human system works, then you don't only seek happiness through the human system. In meditation, you experience a state of peace or bliss which is self-effulgent. This means it is not based on any cause, such as fulfilling a desire or meeting a preference. It is not based on a sensual experience such as being with someone you love, eating delicious food, achieving success, or winning a contest. True, unchanging happiness is your true nature. It is self-effulgent as it is always there behind all of your thinking, feeling, and experiencing. It is the quiet or background space that is forever present.

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    20 mins
  • Maintaning Awareness of the Self
    Apr 25 2024

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    You come to know through meditation that you are the pure Self that is not a victim of the mind and body. However, to maintain that awareness when you have practiced being a body and mind from the time you were born. Then the habit has been the identification only as that human being. In meditation, you experience, or become aware of, yourself first as the Knower of the mind and body and then as the pure Knower or Self. From this direct experience, you may know it, but the question will often come up as to how to maintain this awareness. As soon as you try to maintain this awareness through using your mind it becomes impossible. So then the only way that you can maintain it is to know you are already it! You don't have to find it or look for it just be with the space of peace that you forever are in meditation!

    If you are enjoying and benefiting from these talks, kindly subscribe to this podcast channel so that we can continue this program.

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    16 mins
  • You are Before Birth and Death
    Mar 23 2024

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    In this talk, Shree guides you into knowing your own Self which is never born and never dies. Most human beings identify as only a body, mind, and personality, so they are afraid of leaving the body or of being in pain and suffering. The body and mind suffer but the true Self or You, the Being, never suffers. Unless you know and identify as your true Self you with suffer either from situations that are difficult or from the mind's fears, worries, and doubts about the future. So the only way to be fully free from suffering or future pain is to know that unborn and undying Pure Self, that you are! That You never suffers. When someone else is suffering in their body and mind you do not suffer in the same way as them. YOu may feel compassion but you don't feel the same pain. Also when you are in deep sleep you never suffer so you are alive but not suffering every night when you go to sleep. This confirms that it is possible to be free from the body and mind that you call you, and not suffer!

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    19 mins
  • Create Light in the Mind and Body
    Mar 23 2024

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    When one is living an unhealthy lifestyle of eating the wrong food, not exercising, or drinking or using drugs then the system gets filled with tamas, or inertia. There are three gunas or qualities known in the yogi system, tamas, inertial, rajas, over activity, and sattwa, light or balance. To bring about more light, or balance in the system one needs to follow the yogic lifestyle. Then the meditation comes naturally.

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    25 mins
  • Trust in the Self as the Solution
    Mar 23 2024

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    In this audio podcast by Shree, she guides you to the ultimate solution for all difficulties. We think the solution is to solve the problem or change something. This certainly may need to be done, however, the ultimate solution comes when you tune into the purity of your own being. When you direct your attention to the one who is Knowing or Watching the mind you begin to know the true Self that is forever free from the problem or difficulty. Once you know that space, the energy and freedom unfold to make the best decisions to live your life in peace and freedom.

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    20 mins
  • Choose the Self or Peace and not the Mind and It's Thoughts.
    Oct 6 2023

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    We have the choice in every interaction whether to argue and fight and create the division of me and you or to choose peace even when we disagree. Two minds can never see eye-to-eye. Everyone has different backgrounds, training, and input so it is not possible. Our egos want agreement and to be right. So you have to realize that everyone is right from their perspective. Then you choose peace rather than the divisive thought within the mind. Meditation allows you to know that Vision of Oneness whereby you are not just a mind but the same Self alone is everywhere.

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    17 mins
  • The Mind and the Self; Division and Oneness
    Oct 6 2023

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    Once you become aware of your own mind you realize the division that the human being is living. There is me and there is you. There are always two. In meditation, you experience a Vision of Oneness whereby you know that the space you are perceiving is the same space alone everywhere. Then you begin to see yourself and everyone as One with the Whole. Everyone is united with their original nature or true Self. Through this vision of oneness, you never hurt anyone with words or deeds. Your communication and actions begin to support that same life that exists in all!

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    18 mins