• 296 \\ Building your own personal toolkit for success. How to stop drinking and love your life!
    Sep 12 2024

    Y'all, I am so stinkin' excited to let you know that the Summer Support Sisterhood Group was an absolute hit, and I'm bringing it back for the fall!

    This 7-week program is kicking off on September 30th, and we'll be meeting every Monday night at 7pm Eastern (that's 6pm Central for my friends in that time zone). Now, I know some of you lovely ladies are joining us from all over the world, so the timing might be a little different for you, but I promise I've tried to make it as accessible as possible.

    Here's the deal - this group is going to be small and intimate, under 10 participants. Why? Because I want to create a safe, personal, and private space for us to really connect, support each other, and dive deep. No judgment, just pure sisterhood. So what are we going to be doing in this group?

    We're going to be building our own personal "toolkits" to help us break free from this unhealthy relationship we've got going on with alcohol. I'm talking new routines, stress-busting strategies, commitment-making practices - the whole nine yards, baby.

    And it's not just the weekly meetings, either. We're also going to have a private WhatsApp group where we can check in, ask questions, and celebrate our wins together. This is a collaborative community, and I can't wait for you to be a part of it.

    Now, I know some of you might be a little nervous about taking this step. Heck, I was nervous too when I first started down this path. But can I just tell you - the transformation I've seen in the women who've gone through this program is nothing short of miraculous.

    One of my clients, B, said it best: "I'm finally finding a sense of peace. I'm establishing stronger boundaries with others and myself, and I'm working on understanding the different sides of me." Y'all, that's what I want for you. I want you to feel empowered, to feel at peace, to feel like you're finally in the driver's seat of your own life. And I know that together, we can get you there.

    So here's your next step: Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready! and let me know you're interested in joining the Fall Support Sisterhood Group.

    Space is limited, so don't wait! I can't wait to meet you and support you on this journey.

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    19 mins
  • 295 \\ The REAL reasons you are afraid to feel your emotions...AND what to do about it!
    Sep 5 2024

    In this episode, I opened up about a recent personal experience where I was overwhelmed, frustrated, and irritated. As someone who has been transparent about my journey of healing and self-discovery, I share how I navigated these difficult emotions and the importance of acknowledging, rather than suppressing, what we're feeling. I dive into the cultural and social pressures that often lead women to hide their emotions, from the fear of being perceived as weak to the desire to maintain a perfect public image. I walk you through the steps of mindfully identifying your feelings, accepting them without judgment, and finding healthy ways to express them. Through my own story and insight, my desire is to empower you to embrace the messy, beautiful journey of emotional honesty. We are all human and that navigating our emotions is a lifelong process. By cultivating self-compassion and vulnerability, we can find freedom and deepen our relationships with ourselves and others.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The importance of acknowledging and accepting our emotions, rather than trying to suppress them
    • Understanding the cultural and social pressures that contribute to hiding our feelings
    • Steps to mindfully identify, accept, and express our emotions in a healthy way
    • The power of self-compassion and vulnerability in the journey of emotional honesty
    • Strategies for seeking support and professional help when needed

    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    32 mins
  • 294 \\ The TRUTH about "finding your purpose". You might have it all wrong.
    Aug 29 2024

    In this episode, I share my personal journey of overcoming an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and rediscovering my sense of purpose. I provide guidance on how to identify your core values, align your daily actions with those values, and take steps towards living a more fulfilling life. I emphasize the importance of self-discovery, accountability, and building a supportive community. Whether you're struggling with over drinking or simply feeling disconnected from your true calling, this episode offers practical wisdom and encouragement to help you reclaim your purpose. Key Takeaways:

    • The meaning of "purpose" and how it can be applied to daily life
    • Identifying your core values and setting intentions to live in alignment with them
    • Recognizing signs that you may be out of alignment with your values (lack of fulfillment, low motivation, constant stress/frustration)
    • Strategies for assessing your environments and making necessary changes
    • Taking small, actionable steps each week to move towards greater purpose and fulfillment
    • Reaching out for support and accountability on your journey

    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here:


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    19 mins
  • 293 \\ If you do ANY of these 5 things, then you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.
    Aug 22 2024

    In this episode, I get real about the signs of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. If you find yourself constantly thinking about drinking, regularly overdoing it, or unable to handle stress without turning to the bottle, this message is for you. I also share my own personal struggle with alcohol and offer hope and practical next steps for breaking free. Key Takeaways:

    • The importance of getting honest with yourself about your alcohol use

    • 5 clear indicators of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol

    • How to surrender your struggle to God and take action

    • Michelle's 8-week coaching program to support your journey to sobriety

    Action Steps:

    1. Reflect on the 5 signs Michelle shared. Which ones resonate with you?

    2. Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal the truth about your relationship with alcohol.

    3. Email Michelle at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com to learn more about her 8-week coaching program.

    About the Host: Michelle Porterfield is a life coach and the founder of Set Free Sisterhood. After overcoming her own struggle with alcohol, Michelle is passionate about helping women find freedom, healing, and a deeper connection with God. Through her podcast, coaching programs, and community, she empowers women to live the vibrant, purposeful life they were created for.

    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

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    17 mins
  • 292 \\ Too busy for Self-Care? Reclaiming Your Time: Practical Strategies for Busy Women.
    Aug 15 2024

    In this episode, I open up about the challenges of parenting during the back-to-school season and the importance of prioritizing self-care. I explore the societal and psychological factors that lead women to neglect their own needs, including the pressure to be selfless, the mental load of managing a household, and the fear of confronting deeper issues.

    I provide practical strategies for creating space for self-care, such as starting small with 5-10 minute daily practices, learning to say "no" to obligations that drain your energy, and communicating your needs to your support system. I also emphasize the importance of self-compassion and seeking help when needed, whether through relationships, community, or professional coaching. Key Takeaways:

    • Recognize the societal and internal beliefs that lead you to prioritize others' needs over your own

    • Start small with self-care practices like breathing, reading, or taking a short break

    • Learn to say "no" to requests that don't align with your priorities

    • Communicate your needs to your family and ask for help

    • Seek support through relationships, community, or professional coaching

    • Reframe self-care as essential, not selfish

    Action Steps:

    1. Commit to a small daily self-care practice (5-10 minutes)

    2. Identify one obligation you can say "no" to this week

    3. Reach out to a friend or family member and ask for support

    4. Consider reaching out to Michelle for one-on-one coaching

    You don't have to face these challenges alone. I'm here to provide support, accountability, and guidance as you navigate this season. If you're ready to make some positive changes, I encourage you to reach out.

    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here:


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    33 mins
  • 291 \\ 6 Years Alcohol Free!! My Biggest FEARS Before I FINALLY Gave Up Wine!
    Aug 8 2024

    Hey there, my friends! I'm so excited to share this episode with you today. As you know, I'm Michelle Porterfield, and I'm celebrating 6 years of being alcohol-free. Can you believe it? It's been such an incredible journey, with so many ups and downs, but I'm just so grateful to be where I am today.

    In this episode, I really wanted to get vulnerable and share some of the fears and struggles I faced before and during my journey to being alcohol free.

    I know so many of you can relate to that feeling of being stuck, unsure of how to make a change, and worried about what others might think. Well, I've been there, and I'm here to tell you that it is possible to break free. I open up about my fears around addiction, judgment, and even my identity as a Christian woman. I share how I wrestled with the idea of having to go to meetings or label myself as an "alcoholic" (which, by the way, is not something I'm comfortable with). And I talk about the struggle of learning to feel and express my emotions, rather than just stuffing them down with a glass of wine. But through it all, I found the strength and support I needed to keep moving forward.

    And now, 6 years later, I can honestly say that my life is so much richer, more fulfilling, and more aligned with who I truly am. I hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire you to take that first step and start your own journey to freedom.

    So, if you're ready to break free from the hold that alcohol has on your life, I encourage you to reach out to me. You can book a call with me using the link in the show notes, or you can email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com I'm here to walk alongside you, offer support and guidance, and help you create the life you've been dreaming of. I love you, my friends. Let's do this together!

    30 minute Coaching/Connection - michelle porterfield
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    37 mins
  • 290 \\ How does alcohol affect men vs. women especially in midlife?
    Aug 1 2024

    Ladies, I wanted to share an important message with you all. In this episode, I dove into the unique ways alcohol affects women, especially as we go through perimenopause and menopause.

    The research is clear - our bodies process alcohol differently than men's, and it can have a more significant impact on our health during this midlife transition. Things like hot flashes, mood swings, bone density loss, and increased risk of heart disease can all be exacerbated by alcohol consumption. I know this isn't easy to hear, but I share this information out of care and concern for your wellbeing.

    You don't have to face these challenges alone. I'm here to provide support, accountability, and guidance as you navigate this season. If you're ready to make some positive changes, I encourage you to reach out. Let's work together to find freedom, peace, and vibrant health on the other side of this. You deserve it.

    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here:


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    26 mins
  • 289 \\ Overcoming an Offensive Heart: How to Stop Being Easily Offended (even if you think you don't)
    Jul 25 2024

    In this episode, I explore the concept of having an "offensive heart" and provide practical steps to overcome being easily offended

    • The importance of acknowledging offense and seeking God's help through prayer

    • Steps to transform an offended heart: - Choosing forgiveness - Extending grace and compassion - Focusing on God's bigger picture - Practicing patience and love - Developing self-awareness

    • Personal experiences of recognizing and overcoming offensive behavior

    • The ongoing journey of personal growth and the importance of modeling kindness

    • How to maintain peace in a world full of potential offenses Resources mentioned:

    • YouVersion Bible app - "Search for an Unoffendable Heart" devotional

    • Set Free Sisterhood program for overcoming overdrinking setfreesisterhood.com/roadmap

    Join us to learn how to find peace and transform your heart in today's often offensive world.

    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here: (July 2024 - use code CELEBRATE for 20% off)


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    28 mins