• Anxiety Over The Season of Singlehood
    Feb 15 2024

    Scripture Jar available at Heal7hySelf.com

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    55 mins
  • LadyPJ | Season of Isolation. What does that mean?
    Jan 18 2024

    Hey Ya'll! This episode is about healthy ways to Isolate, dangers of Isolating and spiritual benefits of isolating! I hope you enjoy and get something from it and please leave feedback, comments, questions or additional information on the topic!

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    24 mins
  • Self Accountability
    Jan 10 2024

    Self-accountability is the ability to take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. It involves understanding that the choices you make can have positive or negative effects on your work and personal life. Being self-accountable means that you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions and learn from your mistakes. It also means that you are committed to achieving your goals and are willing to put in the effort required to achieve them. Some ways to develop self-accountability include having an accountability buddy, using if-then planning, setting up pre-commitments, focusing on being, not doing, and reframing your language. Accountability to yourself is important because it shows you that you are important. You respect yourself. You take yourself seriously. And it shows everyone else they should respect you too.

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    16 mins
  • Spiritual Fast, Spiritual Hygiene, Anointing with Olive Oil
    Jun 11 2022
    Hi! Welcome to Episode 4. Whatever Platform you have utilized to access this podcast, I ask that you please SUBSCRIBE!! These are my Notes that guide my verbal discussion. Feel free to read them. Keep in mind, sometimes when I'm talking, I get off track, but overtime God will fix all that. I'm not too worried about it. I know I will improve with time. Thank you for visiting my podcast channel. Please download the episode and subscribe! Thank you!When I think of spiritual hygiene, I think of daily practices one would do to remain fresh and Clean.... spiritually. (smile). Let's discuss physical Hygiene for a second, every day when you wake up, what do you do? You brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face and body, and prep yourself for the day ahead, right? At night you likely have a very similar routine; you brush your teeth, wash away the day, and change into fresh clothes before climbing into bed. All of these things are important when it comes to keeping up with your overall health and wellness. Spiritual hygiene is no different and should become a consistent routine of "things" you do daily. Spiritual hygiene practices may include setting what I call "spiritual goals" whether that be memorizing a scripture for the day and then meditating on that scripture all day or any of the following:1. Self-accountability. It's when you hold yourself accountable for your thoughts, words and actions, apologize to those who you need to and repent to God. This is a daily practice, and this is something you should practice doing all day throughout the day. 2. Reading bible daily 3. Praying daily and several times throughout the day What do you pray about daily? -- God what do you want me to see today, I pray I have the right mindset throughout the day to see where you would like to use me. I pray I have an encounter that would glorify your name. Give me strength to walk in peace and truth and courage. Lord help me see the opportunities today where I could show Gods Love 4. Daily devotional. - if you did one devotion per day for 365 days, do you think you would have a closer relationship with God? of Course!The overall benefit of having a spiritually hygienic routine is an intimate relationship with God. I also believe spiritual hygiene practices brings you closer to discovering your purpose. To know God is to know yourself because God is in you. The development of knowing who you are, will come when you start looking for God.Matthew 6:33 says Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.The closer you get to God, the better you’re going to understand yourself. That’s because God is your Creator. The more you understand your Creator, the more you understand yourself because you are his creation._____________________________________________________FASTING___________________________________________________________________Fasting: traditionally, biblically fasting is about removing food intake. Fasting is a practice found throughout the scriptures and is a voluntary total abstinence from food for a set time for the purpose of devoting oneself to seeking God. Fasting denies our flesh what it wants so that we can focus more clearly on strengthening our spirit. (The same holy spirit that resides in each of us must be individually strengthened). Now days people fast from food for a certain number of hours per day and others fast from food for days at a time. I believe both are acceptable. In 2022, the distractions are so large/vast, its likely one would fast from more than just food. Fasting is about sacrificing the things you enjoy, to focus on the "one on one" time with God. So for folks of 2022, removing food, alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, tv, social media, sex, porn, all that is ok and acceptable. (some of which we shouldn't be doing at all ANYWAY!) We are offering our alertness to God during times where we would otherwise be eating, sleeping, shopping, watching TV, or on social media for example. So if you are thinking about doing a spiritual fast, please examine what sacrifices you would make and come to an agreement with God about it. Some people, during their fast, even sacrifice sleep if sleep is a serious past time. For example, one way to sacrifice sleep would be to wake up earlier than normal to provide time to praise and worship God in the morning. Literally get up an hour early and just listen to Christian Music. _________________________Jesus Fasted to prepare himself for His 3-year ministry _________________________________________________Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was repeatedly tempted by Satan, when Jesus was tempted, he used the word of God, not his own strength, to defeat those temptations. This is a perfect example of how fasting can strengthen us spiritually when we use it to draw closer to God. Before you fast you should know what you are trying to get out of the fast. Here are a few...
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    32 mins
  • Where to Begin to Start the Healing Process?
    May 23 2022
    Prayer personal prayer that I wrote for todayLord Father, I come to you first and foremost sincerely asking for forgiveness for anything I have knowingly and unknowingly thought, said or acted on that goes against your righteousness. I move forward knowing that I am forgiven, and I do not live in shame or guilt for anything in the past. Lord Father you are merciful, forgiving, benevolent omnipotent and omniscient. You are the Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. Lord father I am your servant and I ask that you speak through me. I pray that this podcast would bring souls to salvation, and for those already in the kingdom Lord I believe this podcast would spark the mind of a woman who is in need of healing. Thank you God For your grace and mercy, thank you for the provisions you make for us. We give you the glory and the honor forever, amen. This Podcast aims to encourage women on an Interntional scale to accept the journey towards spiritual healing and growth through the application of biblical principles. The reward for doing so, is an intimate relationship with Christ/God that builds a solid foundation of self-worth and identity that cannot be knocked down, So Good Day to all, I haven't posted an episode since the end of March. The next episode was due in early April. However, April served as a tough month for me because April is the month my father passed away 2 years ago. I thought I would be more upbeat and accepting of his death this time around but year 2 has been just as hard if not more difficult to cope with. So, to my sister listening, I do apologize for not at least publishing a short clip to explain my time away. But as a way of showing up for myself, i took the time off and I am not apologetic for that. Last episode we discussed the signs of emotional trauma. And let me just say that any type of abuse you may experience in life whether it be physical abuse, financial abuse, psychological abuse, mental and even spiritual abuse (yes that's a thing) it all gets categorized under emotional trauma in my opinion. Just wanted to outline that for some reason. so yeah. So, ON EPISODE 2 I said the next episode (3) would be about how to start the journey of healing. - Notes I use as I record. 1. You've recognized that you are feelingbroken, you have been traumatized in some way, you havent effectively processed the trauma and now you realize how it affects your personality and mindset.2. What do you do ? 1. Therapy, counsleing 2. Deeper relationship with God Submit, complete surrender to Gods power and wisdon, restore your faith and belief that God is the answer. He can and Will heal you if you let him Read Scriptures, Get to Know who God is on a deeper level, devotion, fasting - allows you to hear from God more clearlyA deeper relationship with christ will help you to make decisions that are inspired by God and not your desires. For example, you may want to date during a season where God is sayng no. and If you chose not to listen to that because you dont like being alone and you aren't sure how to begin the process of enjoying a season of just you and God, you may find yourself with someone that will make everything MUCH MUCH worse. That person may be fun at first but over time you will see that they are a complete disraction that took you away from what you were originally trying to do which is HEAL and blosson into a better , wiser version of yourself. A version that doesnt repeat the same mistakes or live in the past or live in a pithole of unforgiveness. . `3. Find a hobby if you dont already have one, and even if you have one, try somethng new PAINTING CLASS, YOGA, CROSSFIT, POETRY LOUNGE, CROCHET CLASS, COOKING CLASSES, KICKBOXING, JOURNALING, MUSIC INSTRUMENT, WHATEVER JUST MAKE DATES WITH YOURSELF. WHAT NOT TO DO: DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT YOUR TRAUMA TO PEOPLE THAT ARENT MEANT TO HEAR IT. BE VERY CHOSEY WITH WHO YOU SHARE YOUR STOREY WITH, BECAUSE SATAN USES PEOPLE TO RECREATE THE SAME PAIN YOU ARE TRYING TO HEAL FROM. LISTEN AGAIN AT THAT. IF YOURE SINGLE - DO NOT DATE RIGHT NOW . JUST GET TO KNW YOURSELF AGAIN, WHATEVER THAT LOOKS LIKE. -write down what you like about yourself, what you dont like and how you can either accept those dislikes or change them, SET BOUNDARIES THAT ALLOW YOU To OPROTECT YOUR SELF SUCH AS SAYING NO WHEN YOU WANT TO SAY NO, Do not emtionally dump on people, meaning- take the time to ask yourself, "do I really need to call this person to vent and complain and cry (whether it be your friend or husband or sibling) ., Be aware that other people may be going through things as well and maybe they aren't in a place to be your support person right now. But a therapist or counselor or prayer warrior (intercessor) are the people that are always available. Identify your safe person who gives you permission to make those emotional calls.
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    34 mins
  • Signs of Emotional Trauma and Healing
    Mar 28 2022

    Episode 2: Signs of Emotional Trauma and Healing.

    The first step to healing is recognizing that you need to heal. All physical wounds will heal, even if there is a scar left behind, the body will heal. So is the same for ourselves emotionally psychologically, spiritually and mentally. Today we focus on Emotions. How do you know you need to heal from emotional trauma? Do you lash out at people, over-react, easily angered? Are you easily offended? Is it difficulty to fall or stay asleep? Does you mind race when it should be at peace? Do you isolate, live in shame or guilt? Do you care what everyone around you thinks of you to the point where it consumes you? Do you need validation? Do you just HAVE TO BE understood by others for you to feel heard? These are indicators that you have some pain/trauma that has shaped the way you behave and respond to others. Todays episode is about identifying negative behaviors and where they may be stemming from.***Side note: Ladies, I hope the volume is not too low. I apologize if it is. I do my own recording and editing and I have come across some challenges along this journey but with a positive mindset, I'll be a pro in no time!! Also, my audio trimmer was acting crazy today so I didn't get to trim out some things like "um, um" or moments of silence.

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    29 mins
  • Introduction to S.A.L.T. Women's Ministry
    Mar 20 2022

    The focus of Salt of the Earth Women’s Ministry will be to bring healing and deliverance to areas of women’s lives where there is unhealed trauma or pain.

    Who wants unhealed issues from our past whether recent or years ago , to manifest as part of personality and show up as anger, bitterness, fear, anxiety , unforgiveness, amongst other insecurities. That is not who you are!

    Salt Ministry aims to encourage women on an international scale to accept the journey towards spiritual healing and growth through the application of biblical principles. The reward is an intimate relationship with Christ/God that builds a solid foundation of self worth and identity that can not be knocked down.

    This ministry and its framework is based on 5 scriptures :

    Salt: Matthew 5:13

    Serve: Romans 12:1

    Assemble: Hebrews 10:25

    Love: Colossians 3:12-14

    Transform: Romans 12:2

    Mission : Empower women to be SERVANTS of God, & exhort one another, bestow Christ's LOVE & TRANSFORM into the Salt & Light of the Earth

    Location: Agape Community Bible Church is the physical location for Online Podcast recordings. 9896 Bissonnet Street Ste 500

    If you would like to be a guest speaker on a S.A.L.T. podcast episode, please contact us here saltministrypodcast@gmail.com

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    14 mins