• Ep 74 The Power of Mentorship and How Kindness Shapes Our Growth. Paying Kindness Forward: A Journey of Learning and Gratitude
    Jul 17 2024

    n my journey through life, I've been fortunate to learn from incredible mentors who profoundly shaped my perspective and growth. Their guidance fostered my curiosity, allowing me to ask questions—even the difficult ones—that ignited my passion for learning. Through brainstorming sessions and adventurous explorations, these experiences have influenced how I approach learning as an adult.

    To my mentors, I express my heartfelt gratitude for embodying the principles of kindness and generosity. Your examples of paying kindness forward have not only enriched my life but also inspired a ripple effect of positive growth and hope in others. Thank you for your invaluable lessons.

    Embrace kindness, nurture your curiosity, and remember to walk well on your journey.

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    23 mins
  • Ep 73 Language and Communication. Unlocking the Power of Metaphor: the Impact of Language and Metaphor on Health and Healing of the Body and Mind
    Jul 4 2024

    Communication takes various forms to transmit information, but often our interpretations can be inaccurate. Language serves as an imperfect medium to convey the messages and thoughts of our minds to others. Aristotle once described spoken language as "sound with meaning," emphasizing its role as a conduit of thought. Metaphor, a product of language, persuades through its hyperbolic nature and symbolic power, fostering profound changes in both body and mind. There is much to ponder here. Reflect deeply and tread wisely. Walk well.

    Give ten minutes save a life:

    My assumption of safety:

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    27 mins
  • Ep 72 We Tend to Follow our own Placebos. Navigating Life's Path:The Role of Psychological Placebos in Decision Making
    Jun 24 2024

    Placebos are known for their powerful effects in pharmaceutical experiments. In our daily lives, we rely on beliefs, expectations, and predictions to guide our ethical decisions, adhere to guidelines, and shape our behaviors. These psychological placebos are crucial as we strive for success. Our personal experiences and observations profoundly influence our beliefs, serving as life-guiding principles, whether beneficial or not. It's essential to reflect deeply and navigate wisely. Walk well.

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    25 mins
  • Ep 71 Use of Biofeedback Tools for Improving Your Skills of Self Regulation Skills for When it Counts
    Jun 14 2024

    Mastering any skill, including self-regulation, demands consistent practice and repetition. Achieving the level of unconscious competence where skills are second nature requires ongoing dedication. However, you don't have to reach this pinnacle to reap rewards from self-regulation techniques. Throughout your journey, you can benefit significantly.

    Utilizing tools such as a stopwatch, health watch metrics for blood pressure, or simply monitoring your pulse provides tangible feedback on how your body responds to stress—whether during exercise, rest, or contemplation. This practical approach shifts us from subjective experiences to actionable insights, empowering us to apply these skills effectively in our daily lives.

    Start enhancing your self-regulation skills today and walk well."

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    25 mins
  • Ep 70 Time is on My Side; How we Experience Time Jumping in the Bouncy House and Under Stress
    May 27 2024

    Time is an element of every human experience. How we experience fun and joy often goes hand in hand with time moving too quickly leaving us whishing we could do things again or wishing the fun would last forever. When we experience painful events we feel the dilation or even the dragging or "hanging time" that makes the uncomfortable and painful, excruciating and long. When we focus on ourselves time tends to expand in the experience, when we shift our attention to what we are doing outside of ourselves and then we tend toward absorption in the experience and enjoy a lengthening of that activity we are so enjoying. Have fun, you have time. Time is on your side. Walk well.

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    26 mins
  • Ep 69 Understanding Time Perception in Stress and Flow States: When One Second is Forever
    May 20 2024

    Explore how stress and anxiety affect our perception of time. Learn about time dilation in relation to familiar skills and the flow state, and discover how self-regulation skills can influence these experiences positively.

    When faced with stress and anxiety, many people perceive time as slowing down or even stopping—a common experience during challenging situations. Conversely, in activities where skills are well-practiced and responses are automatic, time can appear to dilate, often associated with the flow state.

    Engaging in healthy, generative activities—whether anticipating social interactions or preparing for exhilarating experiences like surfing—involves expecting, predicting, and practicing responses. Developing self-regulation skills is crucial in shaping how we experience time during these events.

    Explore the dynamics of time perception in stress and flow states, and discover how mastering self-regulation can enhance these experiences. walk well.

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    26 mins
  • Ep 68 Traditions, Conservation and Innovation: the Role of Tradition in Skill Building and Self-Regulation
    May 10 2024

    Explore the significance of tradition in skill preservation and self-regulation. Understand how deeply embedded behaviors affect reactions and learn to evaluate their relevance in modern contexts for improved self-awareness and growth.

    Tradition often evokes images of family gatherings and preservation of valuable skills across generations. In skill development, traditions play a crucial role in conserving knowledge that withstands time, ensuring its relevance beyond passing trends or obsolete practices.

    When it comes to self-regulation skills, our behaviors and reactions can be deeply rooted in tradition, sometimes leading to overreactions in situations that might otherwise be inconsequential. It's essential to introspect and question whether these 'traditions' of behavior still serve us well in today's context.

    Reflect deeply, evaluate the relevance of these traditions, and pave the way for personal growth. Start your journey towards better self-regulation today. Walk Well.

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    24 mins
  • Ep 67 Understanding the Dynamics of Attention: Beyond On/Off Responses; the Cost of Attention, Speed Of Perceptual Presentation and Prosopagnosic Events
    May 3 2024

    Explore how attention functions beyond simple on/off responses. Learn about the role of novelty and survival instincts in shaping our focus, and discover practical tips for maintaining attentiveness in daily life.

    Attention is more than a simple on/off switch—it’s a dynamic process influenced by the novelty and perceived value of incoming information. Whether it’s identifying danger, food, potential mates, or threats, our attention is drawn to stimuli that hold immediate significance.

    When information is presented rapidly, our brain’s survival instincts can lead to misinterpretations and mistaken identities, prioritizing rapid responses over nuanced social thinking. This primal response to novelty can also lead to mental fatigue.

    Understanding these dynamics can help us navigate our attention more effectively in everyday situations. Stay mindful, cultivate attentiveness, and navigate life's challenges with clarity. Walk Well.

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    25 mins