• Leaving Your Business Behind w/ Jason Van Orden [RED 295]
    Dec 12 2021

    Jason Van Orden had the first podcast dedicated to making money online and a huge business related to it.

    Then he walked away.

    He's still podcasting, this time with a show called Impact: How to Grow a Thought Leadership Brand and Business.

    Why make the jump? How do you make the jump? When do you know it's time to move forward to something new?

    We talk about these things and more on this episode of RED Podcast.


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    37 mins
  • Influencer Marketing – How to Make it Work for You [RED 294]
    Sep 30 2021

    This podcast used to be known as "The Marketing Podcast for Influencers." Then the definition of "influencer" changed to mean people like Kim Kardashian.

    Nothing wrong with Kim Kardashian, but this podcast is for experts, not social media socialites and cable television stars.

    So the name changed...

    But I still look at "influencer" marketing techniques and it's still a topic worth talking about, even for people like you, experts and those with specialized knowledge.

    Why? Because "influencer marketing" can work for you.

    More in this episode...

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    19 mins
  • 50% of Your Customers Will Be Pissed – So What? [RED 293]
    Sep 9 2021

    You've heard the saying, "People buy from those they know, like, and trust." 

    I'll also add, "People buy from those they agree with."

    And never has the "agree with" part of this been so prevalent. We've got a lot to have opinions on these days and we've got a lot of ways to find the opinions of others.

    You didn't sign up for Facebook to see what your friends in high school think about COVID-19 vaccines, but here we are...

    Which brings me to the point of this episode – everybody and his brother has an opinion when it comes to COVID-19 and how to handle it. And as somebody who travels, has to make a living, and maybe even does live events with a lot of people in close proximity, how do you handle this?

    I have some thoughts. But know no matter how you slice this, you're going to piss some people off.

    Are you ready?

    Jessica Kupferman runs an organization for female podcasters called She Podcasts. Next month, she's doing a live event with the same name in Arizona – a COVID-19 hot spot where they've put "anti-vaccine" laws in place.

    It's gotten messy. And it's arguably a dangerous place to be, so people are scared.

    Jessica is doing a great job letting the people who listen to her know what she expects from them if they want to attend her event as well as what to expect when they come. I encourage you to do the same thing, regardless on which side of the mask/vaccine debate you fall. Don't leave your people hanging, even if it make half of them angry.

    More in this episode...

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    20 mins
  • The Costs (and Benefits) of Exclusivity [RED 292]
    Sep 4 2021

    Joe Rogan has an exclusive deal with Spotify. Lots of people do.

    Is it worth it? Maybe for Joe Rogan, because he got paid a lot of money, but his guests aren't getting the boost from his podcast that they did previously.

    Howard Stern has similar things happen to him when he signed an exclusive deal with Sirius.

    I've got a few exclusive deals for my content. My book on podcasting has couple of exclusive deals – the ebook version is exslusive to Amazon and the audiobook version is exclusive to Audible.

    Worth it? I guess. I'll fill you in on how the numbers work and why I went exclusive in this episode. Then you can decide for yourself whether exclusive deals are right for your content.

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    12 mins
  • The Wrong Call [RED 291]
    Aug 23 2021

    What happens if you say something that later comes back to be wrong? What happens when the stakes are so high that something you said (and believed) pulls you off the air?

    That happened to a nationally-known radio host and it can happen to you – it can happen to all of us.

    Thoughts on what to do about it are in this episode...

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    17 mins
  • Hooker vs. Wife [RED 290]
    Aug 13 2021

    Expectations are fine for relationships, as long as the parties involved are on the same page. For example, I expect to pay for a drink at the coffee shop, but I don't expect to pay for one when visiting a friend's house.

    Things get messy if you think one thing is happening and the other party thinks something else.

    Unfortunately, this happens a lot in business. And you may be doing this without even realizing it.

    Recently I saw a message from Jeff Brown of Read to Lead Podcast about an experience he had with a situation like this and how he handled it. 

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    11 mins
  • Pre-Selling Yourself (and Your Products) w/ Dave Jackson [RED 289]
    Aug 11 2021

    You've probably heard the saying about college professors, "Publish or perish." 

    Like it or not, the same could be said about experts. And fortunately, we're in a world where getting out information out to the world is easier than ever.

    But how hard should be push?

    In this episode, I share a story about something that happened just this weekend, at a podcasting event I attended with Dave Jackson from School of Podcasting. In this story, his "sale" just happened, because the customer was already pre-sold on Dave, even though the two had never met before.

    This is something that can happen to everybody, even you. But you've got to get confortable letting people know you exist.

    Want to do this via your podcast? Visit BigPodcast.com for help.

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    8 mins
  • Oops! I Was Wrong! w/ Jeff Sanders [RED 288]
    Jul 27 2021
    You take a risk any time you share a message, especially if you lean in to something. What happens if you say something that later comes back to be wrong?

    This happened to a local (but nationally-known) radio host. After months of posting anti-vaccination information and conspiracy theories about COVID-19, he got the virus. He's currently in the critical care unit of a local hospital, fighting for his life.

    It's a situation that we've all been in – we believe something (and act on it), only to have that "reality" flipped on its head. And, if you interview or work with other people, you've likely been in the situation of spreading the false beliefs of somebody else.

    In This Episode:
    • The process of vetting podcast guests, guest post authors, and business partners
    • When to kill an inteterview or partnership
    • How close should a "values match" be when deciding who to work with?
    • The Christian Pedophile (more info on this situation here)
    • Going against guest or business partner opinions
    • Removing "bad information" you've released
    • Owning your past and making it work for you

    If you're releasing information to the world and want to keep on top of your reputation as well as make sure what you're saying is both accurate and helpful to your audience, listen up!

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    22 mins