• Ep.17 Align with Divine Self, Relationships, and Community
    Mar 3 2025

    What happens when Palestinian and Jewish co-hosts get together with a being of divine light, Mirabai Mirjana Dorozan? A truly uplifting conversation! Mirabai is a coach and guide who works with individuals to help them reclaim their voice, activate unconditional love for self and others, and discover an authentic relationship with their higher Self.

    Mirabai shares from her years of study with enlightened masters, and brings the conversation home to the vital question of peace in the Holy Land between Jews and Muslims, Israelis and Palestinians, and really for all of us.

    Cohosts Walid Seyam and Matt Lakenbach of the Middle East Peace Civic Forum (www.mepcf.org) are happy to share this wonderful Peace Tribe Rising podcast episode with you!

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    2 hrs
  • Facilitating Israeli-Palestinian Peace: How to Have the Difficult Conversations
    Dec 6 2024

    In this episode of Peace Tribe Rising, cohosts Matt Lakenbach and Peter van Geldern interview Bill Phillips, an experienced facilitator and trainer in the field of Neurolinguistic Programming. The technique gets to the core of upsets and interpersonal conflicts, and provides a way to move forward through previously intractable disagreements.
    The Peace Tribe Rising podcast is a product of the Middle East Peace Civic Forum.
    Visit us at www.mepcf.org to learn more.

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Share Your Light in Times of Darkness: Healing our Relationships and Transforming Conflict in the Middle East and Beyond
    Oct 23 2024

    Relationship coach and healer Ionit Sabatello joins Peace Tribe Rising podcast host Matt Lakenbach for an enlightening conversation on healing relationships, raising our vibrations, and transforming conflicts. Ionit is an award-winning spiritual mentor and relationship healer. Their conversation covers everything from healing ourselves to transforming the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ionit and Matt explore relationship, conflict, and healing dynamics between individuals and among groups. Peace Tribe Rising is a project of the Middle East Peace Civic Forum, www.mepcf.org.

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Two Indigenous Peoples, One Holy Land: Majid Alsayegh, Jess Bryan and Matt Lakenbach - Peace Tribe Rising Ep. 14
    Dec 9 2023

    Repeat guest Majid Alsayegh joins hosts Matt Lakenbach and Jess Bryan of the Middle East Peace Civic Forum for this critical conversation about the Israel-Hamas war and prospects for ending the fighting.
    Join us as we discuss the implications of two indigenous peoples, the political challenges facing the Biden Administration and regional actors, and the immense suffering being experienced by Palestinians and Israelis and their family, friends, and sympathizers around the world.

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    54 mins
  • Jess Bryan and Matt Lakenbach: Peace Tribe Rising #13: Israel-Palestine at War
    Oct 20 2023

    October 7, 2023 will go down in history as a dark day for the Jewish people. More than 1,400 Jews were murdered in cold blood. The dead included hundreds of civilians: women, men, children, babies and the elderly, with more than 260 alone killed at an outdoor music festival a few miles from the Gaza Strip. At least 200 hostages were captured and are being held in Gaza. In response, Israel has launched an unprecedented and devastating military campaign designed to remove from power Hamas, an organization whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel and Holy War against the Jewish people. All of this has happened in the context of more than 60 years of violence, with two peoples fighting for legitimacy and land. On this episode Peace Tribe Rising host Matt Lakenbach is joined by our newest cohost and fellow Middle East Peace Civic Forum director and peacemaker Jess Bryan.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Emyrald Sinclaire: Peace Tribe Rising #12, with host Matt Lakenbach
    Sep 8 2023

    Emyrald Sinclaire is a dating and manifestation coach for women, helping clients find the love of their life and create a life they love. Emyrald brings a rare blend of intuition, wisdom, and intelligence (not to mention beauty) to support her clients and followers. She can be found on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Insight Timer, and beyond. Listen in on this engaging conversation about dating, intuition, conflict resolution, and life.

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Antonio Goodwin: Peace Tribe Rising #11, with host Matt Lakenbach
    Sep 7 2023

    Marking the first time that Peace Tribe Rising has interviewed another podcast host, our guest on this episode is Antonio Goodwin. Antonio is the host of the Freedom Now! Travel Podcast, which explores how people from all over the world experience Freedom and Passion expressed through different kinds of travel. On this fascinating and lively episode, Matt and Antonio discuss communication during conflict, dating, work travel, and a range of entertaining topics. Come laugh with Matt and Antonio in this fast-paced conversation.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Majid Alsayegh: Peace Tribe Rising #10, with host Matt Lakenbach
    Feb 23 2023

    Join Majid and Matt for a fascinating and inspiring conversation about peacemaking, including the power of music and the arts to soften perceptions and create openings for dialogue. Majid also shares about the calling to speak out for peace in a world that often suppresses those voices. Says Majid, "Many people would like to speak out but they fear being ostracized by their own family, their own tribe. But the world is hurting. There are too many conflicts in this world, and some of us are called to make the world whole. And to me that calling is much stronger than my fear of being ostracized. And I've been called out, been put on websites, blacklisted, because I've promised steps toward s understanding the another, steps toward resolving conflict, steps toward compromise, rather than beating that drum of demonizing the other, which I refuse to do. It takes courage. Each person has to decide for themselves if they want to be a change agent or if they want to be satisfied with the status quo. I'm not satisfied with the status quo."
    Listen in to this enlightening discussion and discover what it means to live from a commitment of being pro-peace rather than a partisan for one side or the other.

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    53 mins