• 110. How Resentment Builds Between Parents and Teens & What to Do About It
    Oct 1 2024

    We all know that feeling when something doesn’t sit right, but we shrug it off, telling ourselves, “It’s not a big deal.” Yet, over time, those little moments of unspoken frustration build up, slowly shrinking our emotional bandwidth until we snap over the tiniest thing. Whether it's a parent feeling taken for granted or a struggling teen wondering why they’re the only one doing all the hard work, resentment can do a lot of harm when left unchecked.

    In this episode, Seth and I tackle the tricky topic of resentment, how it sneaks up on us as parents and what we can do about it before it takes over, as well as the resentment our struggling teens might feel, especially those who have been in treatment.

    “A lot of my resentment comes from an unrealistic expectation that I have of somebody else that I have not yet expressed.” - Seth Gottlieb

    The truth is, resentment often grows from unspoken expectations and emotions. I share my journey of being the passive parent until my resentment boiled over, and Seth explains why teens, too, feel resentful when they’re the only ones expected to change or feel like they’re the only ones putting in all the work.

    In this episode on resentment between parents and teens, we discuss:

    • How resentment builds and why we often ignore it until it’s too late;
    • The importance of being emotionally honest with ourselves and our loved ones;
    • Why struggling teens may feel resentment towards us, especially those who have been in treatment;
    • How resentment can be an indicator that you’re not staying true to your values as a parent;
    • Strategies to prevent resentment by communicating expectations clearly and consistently;
    • And much more!

    Need support?
    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!

    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

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    Related podcast episodes:
    102. Why Your Teen Isn’t Acting Like an Adult
    66. How To Bring Up Backburner Issues With Tanya Hale

    And remember parents, the change begins with us.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

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    28 mins
  • 109. Sitting with Discomfort: Building Emotional Resilience And Problem-Solving Skills in Teens and Parents
    Sep 24 2024

    We are all wired to avoid uncomfortable feelings. We instinctively shy away from discomfort, parents and teens alike. Whether it’s solving a problem for our kids, distracting ourselves from uncomfortable feelings, or we’re trying to save the day, we often act to avoid the tension. But here’s the hard truth: our teens need to experience that discomfort in order to grow. In this episode, Seth and I explore why learning to sit with emotional unease, both for ourselves and our teens or young adults, is key to developing resilience and problem-solving skills.

    As parents, it’s all too easy to step in and “rescue” our kids when they’re struggling. But where’s the line between helping and enabling? Is stepping in actually saving them from distress, or is it preventing them from learning how to handle their own emotions? I share a story from one of my clients about how a teen’s persistent pushback led the parent to second-guess their boundaries, ultimately giving in to avoid discomfort. It’s a common trap, but real growth happens when we, as parents, can sit with that unease a little longer than our kids, helping them build the skills they need to handle life’s emotional challenges.

    In this episode on learning to sit with discomfort, we explore:

    • How long can you tolerate emotional discomfort before feeling the need to act?;
    • The fine line between helping and enabling your child;
    • Why sitting with your own distress can help your child develop problem-solving skills;
    • The importance of modeling emotional resilience for your kids;
    • How to balance support and structure when parenting teens.

    Listen now to learn how to help your teen build emotional resilience and problem-solving skills by managing your own discomfort first!

    Need support?
    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!

    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

    You can support the show by:
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    And remember parents, the change begins with us.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

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    16 mins
  • 108. Co-parenting Challenges: For Divorced, Separated, or Disagreeing Parents
    Sep 17 2024

    Co-parenting is hard - there’s no sugarcoating it. In an ideal world, both parents would align perfectly on every decision, from phone use to curfews to navigating friendships. But, as Seth and I explore in this episode, that’s often not the case.

    One of the biggest challenges I often see as a parent coach is when one parent holds firm boundaries while the other is more loose. It can feel like a tug-of-war, and the fear of "losing" your child to the more relaxed parent is real. But here’s the thing: I’ve consistently found that when healthy boundaries are set (and consequences stuck to) with kindness, compassion, and understanding, your child, teen, or young adult will still enjoy being around you.

    You don’t have to undermine your co-parent to uphold your values, and you don’t have to be afraid of the different influences your child is getting from the other parent. Let’s take a deeper look at all of this in today’s episode!

    In this episode on co-parenting challenges, we discuss:

    • Why you don’t have to be afraid of ‘losing’ your child to the other parent by setting more strict boundaries;
    • How to uphold your value system without undermining the other parent;
    • The damaging effects of speaking negatively about the other parent or dismissing their boundaries;
    • The natural reaction of our brain to blame others and how to turn the reflection back on yourself;
    • And much more!

    If you ever think to yourself:

    • "What do I do if my ex undermines my parenting?"
    • "How can I co-parent without putting my child in the middle?"
    • "Why does my ex always get to be the fun parent?"
    • "Am I losing my child to the other parent by setting strict boundaries?"
    • "What’s the best way to co-parent when we don’t agree?"
    • "How can I co-parent without conflict?"

    …then this episode is for you! Let’s dive in!

    Need support?

    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!

    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

    You can support the show by:
    Leaving a review
    Subscribing to the show

    And remember parents, the change begins with us.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

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    30 mins
  • 107. Understanding Teen Brain Development With Junior High Counselor, Brittney King
    Sep 10 2024

    “An adolescent brain, it is what it is for a reason”- Brittney King

    The teenage years can feel like a rollercoaster. One moment your young teen is playing it cool, and the next, they’re literally rolling on the ground pretending to be a dog. Sound familiar? In this week’s episode, I sit down with Brittney King, a licensed counselor, mom of five, and creator of the Think Good Feel Good online courses, to dive into the world of teens, particularly those in Junior High, aged 11-15.

    “It’s such a key time for parents ... to be a guiding force.” - Brittney King

    Brittney has a unique insight into our teen’s brain development throughout these years and why this unpredictable phase is so crucial for their development, and for us as parents. Their unpredictability can feel frustrating for us as parents (I’m not the only one who thinks sometimes ‘WHAT am I going to do with my teen?!’, right?) but understanding the teenage brain can help us be more tolerant of our kids as they explore, learn, and develop.

    One thing Brittney has learned from being a counselor is that there is not one teenager out there who’s not struggling with something. What surprised her the most was how much they want to talk to adults about their problems. They don’t always show it and they certainly want some independence but that doesn’t mean they don’t need you to still be there and helping and supporting them through it.

    “Teachers, coaches, therapists, they will come and go. But there is no substitute for caring and intentional parenting.” - Brittney King

    It’s not about being a perfect parent or trying to be their therapist (they’ll see right through you!). What they care about is you connecting with them. They care about whether you’re showing up for them and whether they truly believe that you are there for them unconditionally, even when they don’t know how to ask for it.

    Let’s hear more invaluable wisdom from Brittney in today’s episode.

    In this episode on the brain development of teenagers, we cover:

    • Why unpredictability is actually part of teen brain development;
    • The importance of being a guiding force;
    • How to connect with your teen without trying to “fix” them;
    • The difference between helping and letting your teen solve their own problems;
    • The importance of developing emotional intelligence for parents raising teens;
    • What does it mean to be a safe person for your teen to open up to?;
    • What teens are looking for in their parents;
    • And more!

    Need support?

    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!

    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

    Links & resources mentioned in this episode:

    • You can reach out to Brittney on her website brittneykingcoaching.com or send her an email at brittney@brittneykingcoaching.com
    • Get 50% off the Think Good Feel Good online course bundle for parents and teens with promo code: bethcoaching
    • Research by Donald Winnicott: Good Enough Parenting
    • Book by Ellen Galinsky: The Breakthrough Years

    You can support the show by:

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

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    45 mins
  • 106. Be the Change You Wish to See in Your Teen: Improving Your Relationship With Your Struggling Teen Through Self-Awareness
    Sep 3 2024

    What if improving your relationship with your teen starts with changing yourself?

    Are you willing to look at your own behavior to improve your relationship with your teen? If you know me at all, you know I truly believe the change begins with us. In this episode, Seth and I dive deeper into what that actually means for you as a parent.

    Seth dropped quite the truth bomb in this episode: "None of us is perfect in how we relate to everybody." And isn't that the crux of it? We go into situations armed with a laundry list of demands and expectations for our teens or partners, but how often do we take a step back and ask ourselves if we’re holding up our end of the bargain?

    Here’s the thing—no one wants to change when they feel attacked. Think about it: How would you feel if your teen came at you with a list of your shortcomings? You’d probably get defensive, right? Well, guess what? Your teen feels the same way.

    “If I’m asking someone else to be honest, I better look in the mirror and just ask myself ‘How honest am I being?’” - Beth Hillman

    Real change starts when we’re willing to look in the mirror and look at our own part first - a little self-reflection I challenge you to do as we explore these ideas in this week’s episode. Let’s dive in.

    In this episode on improving your relationship with your struggling teen through self-awareness, we discuss:

    • Self-Awareness in Parenting: Recognizing your own weaknesses and how they impact your relationships, especially with your struggling teen;
    • The Importance of Mutual Respect: Understanding that in any relationship, there must be a balance of give and take;
    • Avoiding an Authoritarian Approach: Realizing that setting rigid expectations and demands without self-reflection won't foster positive change in your teen;
    • Owning Your Role: Accepting responsibility for your part in the relationship dynamic and being open to self-improvement;
    • Effective Communication: Emphasizing the need to clearly communicate your needs to avoid resentment;
    • And more!

    Need support?

    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!

    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

    You can support the show by:
    Leaving a review
    Subscribing to the show

    And remember parents, the change begins with us.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

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    14 mins
  • 105. Becoming Aware Of Your Limits as a Parent and Why It Matters
    Aug 27 2024

    Have you ever snapped at your partner or your teen over something small, not really sure why you overreacted? Or like no matter how much sleep you get or how many cups of coffee you drink, there’s still a part of you that feels completely drained?

    Oof, believe me, you’re not alone. In this episode, Seth and I dive deep into a topic that resonates with every parent: understanding our limits and how to recognize when we’re stretched too thin.

    We often fill our days with obligations or even fun activities that keep us busy, but rarely do we pause to ask, “How am I really doing emotionally, physically, mentally, relationally, and spiritually?”

    “A lot of times when there’s emotional stress in my life, I’m giving out a ton of emotional energy, but I don’t realize the physical toll it’s taking on me.” - Seth Gottlieb

    It’s a reality many of us parents face: We push ourselves beyond our physical and emotional limits without even noticing the signs our bodies are sending us.

    Have you ever noticed how your energy automatically flows to your obligations? Work, your teen, … you name it. But what happens when our personal cup is empty? That’s when we tend to overreact to minor inconveniences, not because of the small things themselves, but because we are simply exhausted. And it’s hard not to let this exhaustion seep into our family dynamics, leading to unhealthy interactions.

    Seth and I break down how to become more self-aware and communicate your current emotional bandwidth to your partner and children. Don’t get me wrong, this is not about always being positive or suppressing emotions. It's about recognizing what's really going on inside you and being honest about it. Because let’s be real: until we’re fully taking care of ourselves, we can’t be fully present for others.

    But self-awareness takes practice. It requires us to pause and check in with ourselves regularly. Are we really okay, or are we just telling ourselves we are? What activities genuinely fill our buckets, and which ones are simply distractions?

    Let’s explore this more together in today’s episode!

    In this episode on becoming aware of our own limits as parents, we discuss:

    • Recognizing our own physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual limits as parents;
    • Understanding how our capacity can impact those around us;
    • The cost for ourselves and our families of Ignoring our needs as parents;
    • The connection between physical and emotional energy and how this impacts our behavior and family dynamics.
    • Differentiating between enjoyable and restorative activities;
    • Having empathy for the energy needs of others, especially our struggling teens;
    • Learning to communicate our current emotional state and limitations to our family members;
    • Building healthier interactions within the family by understanding and managing our own energy levels;
    • How self-regulation and self-awareness are key to being the best parent we can be.

    Need support?

    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!
    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

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    23 mins
  • 104. Encouraging vs. Enabling: How to Help Your Teen Without Holding Them Back With Therapist Trevor Allen
    Aug 20 2024

    As parents, it’s natural to want to do everything we can to support our struggling teens or young adults. But where do we draw the line between encouraging them to grow and enabling them to remain dependent?

    It’s a delicate balance and I’m joined again by therapist Trevor Allen to dive into one of the more challenging questions for any parent: How do we figure out what our teens are truly capable of?

    How much should you be doing for your kids? Should you be doing something for them when they can do it themselves?

    It’s tempting to step in and help, especially when you see your teen struggling. But here’s the catch: by doing too much, we might be taking away the very opportunities they need to learn, grow, and mature.

    Because the truth is: growth happens in the struggle.

    It’s in those moments of challenge and difficulty that our teens build resilience and develop the skills they’ll need for life.

    In this episode, we also explore the concept of self-efficacy, or the belief in one’s ability to succeed.

    “As parents, we have to somehow be able to open up the possibility of them actually being successful, which does open up the possibility of them failing again. But we have to be willing to open up a certain amount” - Beth Hillman

    It’s a tricky balance, but it’s essential for their growth.

    If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how much is too much when it comes to helping your teen, this episode is for you. Trevor and I unpack these complex questions and offer practical insights on how to support your teen in a way that empowers them to take charge of their own life.

    In this episode on encouraging vs. enabling, we discuss:

    • How can you determine what your struggling teen or young adult is capable of in order to set appropriate expectations and boundaries based on their capabilities?;
    • How to decide how much you can help your teen without enabling dependency;
    • The growth that comes from struggle and the importance of allowing your teen to face challenges independently;
    • Avoiding the mindset of “they’re not doing it, so they can’t do it,” and recognizing when your actions cross the line from supportive to enabling;
    • The importance of getting to know your child deeply to understand what they truly need, rather than focusing on getting them to do more or less;
    • How you can help your teen without doing things entirely for them by taking baby steps out of enabling;
    • Your role as a parent in helping your teen build the necessary skills to overcome their challenges without overwhelming them;
    • The need for you to open up the possibility of your teen being successful, even if it means risking failure;
    • The importance of self-efficacy and its role in your teen’s development.

    And remember parents, the change begins with us.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

    Show more Show less
    54 mins
  • 103. Sobriety: What Does It Mean and Is It Really That Important?
    Aug 13 2024

    You want your teen to be sober, don’t you? But aren’t you focusing on the wrong goal by expecting your teen not to drink any alcohol or take any substances? And what does being sober actually mean? Does it mean the same thing to you as it does to your teen?

    “Progress, navigation, experimentation, these are normal parts of teenage and young-adult life” - Seth Gottlieb

    Sobriety is a complex topic and I’m grateful to be having a deep discussion with Seth today, who has some interesting takes while sharing about his own thoughts and feelings from his path to sobriety.

    Here’s one big takeaway from today’s episode: We have to remember the goal. Is the goal to check a box, out of fear and insecurity? Or is the goal a happy and healthy teen?

    “There’s this one little piece, [sobriety] and if we focus on that piece, … you’re missing the entire context of other things that they’re accomplishing and other progress they’re making in their lives” - Beth

    As parents, we often go black and white. Sober or addict. I get that. First of all, I’ve been there. Second of all, we’re often dealing with very young brains and it feels like there’s so much at stake!

    But what if they need this experimentation to figure out whether or not this is something that can be a part of their life?

    Join us today in this discussion about what sobriety means, to you and to your struggling teen, and whether it should be a goal to strive for or not.

    In this episode on what it means to be sober and whether it’s really that important, we discuss:

    • A multiple pathways approach versus a one-shoe-fits-all, abstinence policy;
    • Focussing on the root cause versus the symptom of drinking or using drugs;
    • Creating a safe space for your teen to confide in you;
    • What does sobriety mean to you? And what does it mean to your teen?;
    • Is sobriety a good goal to strive for or should we be focusing on something else?;
    • And much more!

    Need support?

    🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!

    🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.

    You can support the show by:
    Leaving a review
    Subscribing to the show

    And remember parents, the change begins with us.

    Got a question or something to share? You can always send me a message by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you!

    Show more Show less
    24 mins