• Recruiting great board members
    Jun 24 2024

    We keep hearing from organizations that they can't find board members. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah discuss some key components for ensuring your mission attracts great board members. They discuss different recruitment strategies, from the "open call" to "by invitation only." By the end of the episode, you'll have ideas on new ways to recruit members of your community to serve on your board.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
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    23 mins
  • Let's Talk about Risk
    Jun 6 2024

    The word "risk" can sound so.... well, risky! Risk often carries a negative connotation, evoking thoughts of danger and uncertainty. However, understanding and managing risk is crucial for the long-term success of any organization.

    In this episode, we invite you to think about risk and what that means for your nonprofit. We are joined by Ted Bilich, CEO of Risk Alternatives and author of Managing Your Nonprofit for Resilience, to explore how nonprofits can identify, address, and embrace risk. Ted shares practical insights and actionable strategies that will help you turn potential threats into opportunities and strengthen your organization’s foundation. Whether it's understanding the relationship between risk and insurance, engaging your board in risk discussions, or recognizing the positive side of risk, this episode is packed with valuable advice to help your nonprofit navigate the complexities of risk management with confidence and clarity.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    29 mins
  • Inviting legacy conversations into our organizations
    May 28 2024

    Nonprofits are supported by people at all stages of life. When we invite more conversations about legacy, we help the people who care about their mission consider how they can support the causes they care about when they aren't here anymore. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah reflect on some lessons Nancy learned with her mother's passing. They discuss:

    • Why it is helpful to have a fundraising strategy that offers many ways to support across donor life stages
    • What a nonprofit can do to encourage donors to create a will, which most Americans don't have in place (according to PlannedGiving.com )
    • How to have conversations about legacy with people in the last stages of their lives

    Your donors care about your mission. They want you to continue to achieve your mission after they are no longer around to write checks or show up at events. When you invite conversations about legacy into your organization, you invite the stories that remind us why people care about what we do. It is a gift to donors to hear those stories and give them ways to act on their legacy. You got this.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    18 mins
  • Why attend a conference
    May 9 2024

    Every spring and fall we receive invitations to attend a conference. It may be a nonprofit conference or a conference related to the mission of our organization. It can feel hard to take the time, and yet there is so much benefit. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah talk about conferences and how it is important to make time to learn, connect, and be inspired. They discuss:

    • Breaking Routine: How stepping away from daily tasks to attend a conference can refresh your perspective and enhance your effectiveness.
    • Learning Opportunities: How conferences serve as condensed learning experiences, providing valuable insights from experts that you can apply immediately.
    • Networking: How conferences offer unique networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with peers and experts who can relate to your challenges and inspire your journey.

    You can expect Nancy and Sarah's usual practical tips and tools. Tune in to learn why attending a conference might be one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your nonprofit this year.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    15 mins
  • Why investing in your organization matters
    Apr 16 2024

    Many nonprofit board members feel that being a good steward of money means that they shouldn't invest in themselves as a board or organization. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah challenge board members to let go that that scarcity mindset and recognize the value of investing in their organization. They talk about how people are our most important asset, and people need to feel competent and confident to be motivated in the work. They share a tip on how you might know if an investment is a good one. Our word of the week is invest-- did you know "invest" meant "to clothe" in the 16th Century? How are you going to clothe your organization to be out in the world? How steps will you take to ensure these clothes aren't threadbare but durable? Take a listen.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
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    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    19 mins
  • Reconnecting with donors
    Mar 19 2024

    We've been hearing from nonprofit colleagues that they feel like their donors have gone into hibernation. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah share six steps on how to bring spring into your fundraising program and reconnect with past donors. They talk about how reconnecting with your donors can be a great way to learn about the motivations of your donors and what excites them about your mission.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    19 mins
  • Find joy in nonprofit work
    Feb 22 2024
    Time for our regular break to discuss how to make nonprofit work joyful and fun! We are hearing a lot about nonprofit leaders needing a break after a long winter. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah share a few ideas for how to find moments of fun and joy in the very serious work of our nonprofits. Imagine that office bell ringing when something good happens-- how might that invite people to celebrate together? What would you want to read if you sent yourself a letter than you received a week later? Take a listen to these ideas, and then send us yours! We would love to hear them.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    17 mins
  • Worker-related rules apply to nonprofits
    Feb 22 2024

    It can be easy to forget among all of the good work that nonprofits do that we also need to follow the law! In this episode, Nancy and Sarah talk about the rules related to the people delivering our missions. There are work standards, safety and health laws, and workers' compensation rules that nonprofits need to follow. The good news is that there are helpful tools to help you make sense of it all. Consider this one of those episodes as a appetizer to help you know what you need to know more about.

    As a reminder, Nancy and Sarah aren't attorneys. This episode and all of the tools they share are for educational purposes only. Please consult an attorney about your specific situation.

    Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend. Want to request a topic? Email us at nonprofitradioshow@gmail.com.

    You can also follow us on these social media channels:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitradioshow
    • Twitter: @smallnonprofits
    • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-radio-show/

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    15 mins