• Lunar Eclipse in Pisces :: Foreshadow of the 2025 Collective Assignment
    Sep 17 2024

    Hello sweet, sensitive, powerful humans. I hope you enjoy this episode!

    We begin by laying the foundational groundwork of the Nodal Environment, which continues to refine us in the practice of trusting the legitimacy of our own experience, rather than "keeping the peace" by pleasing people. We are in the last 3-months of this Aries-Libra nodal axis.

    We review the importance of shifting our perceptual lens away of morality & into duality, as means of setting ourselves free,

    Meanwhile, we have had a full moon & partial lunar eclipse on 9/17 in the, which spans the Pisces - Virgo Axis, where the Moon's Nodes will shift come January 2025. We finish the episode considering relaxing into the harvest of the Sun in Virgo, de-conditioning force of Uranus in Taurus, and massive shifts from the last 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn.

    Cheers to the dance,


    The link for the Welcoming Eros pdf & audio freebie is ⁠here⁠.

    The map of consciousness is here.

    If you're down, please support this podcast & the body of work that is Magick in the Mundane by subscribing to the ⁠email list, here. T⁠hank you! Truly 🎢🍯

    If you're local, join me for the ⁠Human Design Summer Series ⁠in Boulder, CO.

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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • Virgo Season, Boundary Dissolution & Sex as Metaphor
    Aug 24 2024

    This episode of Under The Influence sets the cosmic stage, of a big week! Specifically, a week where we are collectively under the influence of two emotional solar plexus channels: The Channel of Intimacy & Mating as well as the Channel of Openness. Lots of mutable energy flowing from the solar plexus right now & you may feel it.

    Then, we spring board into down the rabbit hole of sex as metaphor, as we explore the sexual role gate, 59 of the sacral center & begin to explore the nexus points of human design, inner authority, impulse & the integration of eros.

    The link for the Welcoming Eros pdf & audio freebie is here.

    Other Links Mentioned:

    Apply for 1:1 Coaching Container

    Human Design Foundation Readings

    Map of Consciousness

    Cheers to the wacky, wild, glorious & very gritty dance, y'all,


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    2 hrs and 39 mins
  • Booby-Traps & Humility in Hindsight with Lawrence Mack
    Aug 21 2024

    This episode is one of my favorite feasts! Flavor palette: Goddamn human. I sat down - actually, at first we sat, but eventually we were seduced to the ground, to lay on the floor - with Lawrence Mack, manifesting gentleman.

    As our bodies softened into the hard floor, our minds bloomed into the hilarity of our deconditioning dances, the spoken soul-pacts we make with not-yet-embodied wisdoms, the “common sense” felt between us, humans & the booby traps of arrogance-turned-humility.

    Lawrence shared his experience of tuning into his body’s feedback as a navigation tool, reclaiming the power of his voice, studying the Gene Keys with Richard Rudd & how he has been deep in practice of a spiritual bottom.

    We noodled our way through the bubbling broth of this weird, rich, kinda-wacky experience of being an ordinary human in a day & age where we are blessed with tools of the Sage: Human Design & the Gene Keys.

    We go lots of places, contrast the golden chicken nuggets of our experience, share our mind-born fears, laugh at our tussles with arrogance & the dawning hope that comes with playing the game like the Fool, who wins by following the innocence of his uncontrived, perfectly unique path.

    I highly recommend tasting the flavors of Lawrence’s work. He deep studies the Gene Keys, lives in poetic justice & writes dynamically, in the way a word-romancer do.

    Find him at Keys To Freedom. Word play, baby. Subscribe! You can also find him on the gram @lawrence.lolol

    Cheers to the dance & thank you for your continued trust!

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    1 hr and 57 mins
  • Under the Influence :: Provocation as Invitation into Freedom & the Cosmic Instigator
    Jul 2 2024

    This episode of Magick in the Mundane explores the Cancerian New Moon on July 5th, which occurs in the root-center Gate of Provocation.

    This trickster energy is that of the Cosmic Instigator; it knows which buttons to push & pushes! them. But, provocation is an invitation to practice moving ourselves out of victim consciousness (which seems to be a habituated reaction for most of us) into the freedom of taking radical responsibility for the power of our emotional states.

    We focus on the square - aka the creative tension aspect - that the Sun & New Moon in the Gate 39 makes with the North Node in Aries Gate 21, of Control; a cosmic configuration which asks whether we will let the fear of rejection scare us away from our authenticity.

    We take a look at the refinement available to all of us, collectively as we continue to be under the influence of the Channel of the Wavelength.

    Plus, with 60% of the cosmic players in the gate of Individual Circuitry, we are deeply under the influence of individual mutation. Shifts on shifts on shifts are shifting. Ha! You feel this. Allow the shifts. Pay them your attention. Focus.

    If you're down, please support this podcast & the body of work that is Magick in the Mundane by subscribing to the ⁠email list, here. T⁠hank you! Truly 🎢🍯

    If you're local, join me for the ⁠Human Design Summer Series ⁠in Boulder, CO.

    If you get to the point in the episode where I suggest moving energy with movement & music,⁠ this playlist is for feeing, moving & expressing ANGER⁠, which seems to be coming UP! a lot these days for many many humans.


    Cheers to the dance,


    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 17 mins
  • Under The Influence :: Self-Love as Driver of Behavior & the Magnetism of Extremes
    Jun 21 2024

    After months of building life force, we celebrate the Sun passing through Summer Solstice Gate 15, of Extremes, a Cancerian Gate that brings us to the highest-of-high peak of the cycle: Climax Season. We have arrived. Meanwhile the Earth & Moon, full in its lunation, sit in the Gate 10, Treading on the Tail of the Tiger, aka thee Gate of Individual Behavior.

    This episode unpacks the G-Center's mechanics, focusing on how the G-Center communicates with the external world through the metaphorical language of frequency & the context of "self", not as an isolated individual, but as part of the Collective Self. When speaking about frequency, we use Dr. David Hawkins Map of Consciousness, as a means of making "vibes" a bit more tangible.

    As you listen, recall: The Cringe is Hot.

    Tune in & enjoy!

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    2 hrs
  • Under the Influence :: Intent Causes Effect, Jupiter in Gemini & Sexual Hunger
    Jun 3 2024

    This episode of Under the Influence weaves wild cosmic threads between :

    1. Jupiter, the planet of increasing awareness, intuition & sometimes exaggeration, entering Gemini through the breath-centric Gate of the Now.

    2. The nodal shift of North Node into the Aries, heart-gate 21, Biting Through, which invites us to learn how to influence our environment through electrical intention, rather than forceful control.

    and, 3. the beautiful, buzzing Gemini New Moon (6.6), conjunct Venus in the gate 35 of Progress, also called "Wormholes & Miracles" or Sexual Hunger, which affords us the opportunity to sublimate lustful frenzied compulsions into deeply satiating Love. Not, mind you, because lust is "bad", but because intent might just cause the effect. So, lust away, but not until you ground into the kind of L O V E that expects nothing in return.

    We explore how "self-care", when integrated into lifestyle, creates a biochemical baseline of resilience, and how that supports us as individuals in "raising our vibration", which in turn supports the collective frequency. This is Gate 41 shit, which Pluto recently retrograded out of, but will return to after grounding us into our Limitations (60). Emanation is contagious through vibration. Raise your frequency & others around you will rise with you & you with them.

    Apply for 1:1 Coaching Container

    Human Design Foundation Readings

    Human Design Guidance Session (1x drop in sesh)

    Magick in the Mundane

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    2 hrs and 22 mins
  • Understanding is Intimacy & Human Design
    May 25 2024

    Tessa Powell of Social Alchemy Institute brings her buzzing sacral & human design study into a casual, detailed conversation. Is there anything easier to enjoy than an intimate conversation? I don't think so!

    Tessa & I share how Human Design has empowered us in relationships, and in life at large. We revel in our uniqueness, comparing & contrasting the energies available to us as different energetic types (Emotional Generator vs. Self-Projected Projector) with the same 6/2 (Role Model/Hermit) profile.

    We unpack core HD mechanics like the differences between tribal, individual & collective circuitry & share how you can apply this knowledge to your relationships in real time.

    We close out by reflecting on the learning available to us as we view our most intimate relationships through the lens of differentiation, as guided by the signposts & markers of Human Design.

    Tessa & I invite you to join us for the Human Design Summer Series, which is a series of educational gatherings at the Social Alchemy Institute in Boulder, CO. Details here. Come to aa single session, a handful of them, or join us for all 6. Bring your loved ones & deepen into intimacy through the understanding Human Design provides.

    BodyGraphs are here if you care to follow along visually.

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    2 hrs and 6 mins
  • Human Design isn't what you think it is...
    May 15 2024

    This episode is Part 1 of what "should" have been the first episodes of Under The Influence. I learn as I go & what I've been learning from your feedback ((thank you!)) is that we need some structures for better flow.

    What you'll find here is the zoomed out lens that dials you into the (secret!) understanding of what Human Design does in your life. It's actual function.

    So, here you go. It's orientation time.

    To what? To the actual function of the technology, the system, the language of Human Design.

    Please listen all the way through. This will build the foundation for Part 2, which will take you through how to actually track the transits. Please use the links below to get yourself set up.

    Recommended Apps:

    Human Design App (HD personal & transits)

    Time Passages (astrology personal & transits)

    Places to generate your BodyGraph:

    Genetic Matrix

    Jovian Archive

    Places to pull your astrology:


    Or, if you want all the juice, with less squeeze, hire me:

    Human Design Foundations Reading (~4 hours of personalized content)

    1:1 Human Design Based Coaching Container

    IRL Human Design Summer Series in Boulder, CO

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    1 hr and 52 mins