• COVID CABIN FEVER: MINDRAMP's Virtual Cognitive Activity Design project.
    Feb 24 2020

    This special episode features clips from a radio interview conducted by Robin Gun for her radio show in Oklahoma city. MINDRAMP co-founders Roger Anunsen and Michael C. Patterson are featured monthly on Gunn's Oklahoma Senior Journal, discussing various aspects of positive aging and brain health.

    This episode focuses on MINDRAMP's Virtual Cognitive Activity Design project (VCAD), which MINDRAMP is now offering for free on our website at www.mindramp.or. The project is designed to help professional and family caregivers to continue serving older adults within the stay-at-home constraints imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. VCAD provides a system for design and implement engaging activities for older adults that: a) promote brain health, and b) take full advantage of virtual communication mechanisms like phones, radio, and virtual meetings on Zoom or Facetime.

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    49 mins
  • COVID CABIN FEVER: Helping Older Adults Cope and Thrive Amid Coronavirus Cabin Fever
    Feb 25 2020

    How are organizations that serve older adults keeping in touch and staying engaged with clients and prospects? How are they using virtual communication methods to help their people cope with coronavirus induced cabin fever?

    This podcast episode pulls excerpts from a radio interview by host Robin Gunn on her Oklahoma Senior Journal radio program. Joining Robin by conference call are Julie David with Concordia Life Plan Community and Marilyn Olsen, Executive Director of Villages Oklahoma City along with Roger Anunsen and Michael C. Patterson from MINDRAMP Consulting.

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    31 mins
  • COVID CABIN FEVER: The Silver Lining to Coronavirus Cabin Fever
    Feb 26 2020

    Cabin Fever may be a useful metaphor for the psychological impact of staying at home and social distancing during the COVID-19 epidemic. The common symptoms of cabin fever are either being stir-crazy (agitation and irritability) or withdrawal and depression. In this podcast, MINDRAMP's co-founders discuss how their methods to promote brain health and mental flourishing can be useful in combatting the negative psychological effects of coronavirus cabin fever.

    The podcast consists of excerpts from a radio interview Roger Anunsen and Michael C. Patterson had with Robin Gunn, editor of the Oklahoma Senior Journal and host of a weekly radio show in Oklahoma City.

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    34 mins
  • #31 - VCAD - Combinatorial Interventions
    Mar 1 2020

    One of MINDRAMP’s guiding principles is that effective interventions for multi-factorial conditions - like premature aging and dementia - require multi-factorial interventions. Decline, disease and debility are caused by multiple factors. Each one of the factors must be addressed, in combination, to have a significant impact on the health of your brain and the wellbeing of your mind. (See the episode on The CogWheels of Brain Health).

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    5 mins
  • #30 - VCAD CASE STUDY - Salute to a Sailor
    Mar 2 2020

    Art Kempf struggled with dementia and a loss of meaning until Roger and Art’s wife got him to a wear his navy uniform at a Tommy Dorsey concert during their salute to the military. Art’s patriot salute to the music transformed him and the people around him.

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    12 mins
  • #29 VCAD - Reminiscence and Autobiography
    Mar 3 2020

    Like the memory mining techniques, people’s reminiscences and reflections about their past lives can suggest topics for activities that help them to engage more fully with their present lives.

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    7 mins
  • #28 - VCAD - Memory Mining
    Mar 4 2020

    This episode explores a number of techniques that help you tap into people’s memories and reflections about past passions that, once rekindled, have the power to renew people’s spirits and get them re-engaged with the present.

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    4 mins
  • #27 - VCAD CASE STUDY - Hiram Lifts Off
    Mar 5 2020

    Hiram was remote and withdrawn until Roger did some "memory mining" around their shared passion for baseball. As Hiram reminisced about his past a fascinating story about his past were revealed.

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    10 mins