• Transition into Fall Meditation with Breathwork
    Sep 9 2024

    A wonderful meditation to explore various breathwork techniques that will support your transition from summer to fall with the breath of grounding, the breath of letting go, and the breath of balance (alternate nostril breathing).

    Take a moment to notice the changes around you as summer fades and fall begins. Feel the cooler air on your skin, the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze, the shifting light of the season. Imagine these changes as a gentle invitation from nature to slow down, to turn inward, and to embrace the season of transition.

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    12 mins
  • PAUSE breathwork practice
    Sep 2 2024

    The body is always breathing for us. How often do you notice it? I mean really notice it with conscious effort? Sometimes our thought patterns can keep us away from noticing the breath. There isn’t enough space to focus – or so we think – but perhaps this space is exactly what we need to declutter the mind. If you feel that you have been ruminating or observing thought patterns, perhaps negative ones or thoughts that don’t serve you well – offer this pause in your day. Come back to this breathwork practice whenever you need to center yourself and bring your focus away from those thoughts and on to your breath.

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    9 mins
  • Releasing Discomfort Meditation
    Apr 1 2024

    As you breathe, bring your awareness to the areas of your body where you feel discomfort or tension. Imagine dissolving that area of tension or discomfort, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Become aware of where you feel this sense and use your breath to release it.

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    9 mins
  • Ocean Breath Work Practice
    Mar 25 2024

    The Ocean Breath Work Practice is a guided meditation technique aimed at inducing relaxation and a sense of calm by synchronizing breath with the imagery and rhythm of ocean waves.

    The Ocean Breath Technique:

    Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely, as you exhale, imagine the sound of ocean waves gently rolling onto the shore as you find a slight constriction in the back of your throat and breathe out through your nose. Imagine linking your breath with the cadence of the ocean waves.

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    7 mins
  • Simply Observe to Soften and Relax (Guided Meditation + Breath Work)
    Mar 18 2024

    In this guided meditation the focus will be simply on observing the breath to soften and relax into the body and mind. By consciously observing each breath that flows in and out the mind has less opportunity to wander and more time to be present.

    As you continue to breathe deeply and consciously, imagine each breath as a wave of relaxation washing over your entire body. With each inhale, imagine drawing in peace, clarity, and positivity. With each exhale, imagine releasing any negativity, doubt, or tension that you may be holding onto.

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    7 mins
  • Focus on Being Content (Guided Meditation)
    Mar 11 2024

    In this guided meditation the center focus is on contentment – a profound feeling of having enough, finding gratitude for your life circumstances, and embracing the simplicity of the present moment, just as it is, instead of yearning for more.

    Focus on the feeling of having enough. Simply observe without judgment. In this space of contentment, recognize that you have everything you need within you to feel at peace.

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    12 mins
  • Breathing Yourself to Sleep (Guided Meditation)
    Mar 4 2024

    This guided meditation will allow you to find comfort in your body and to tune into the breath. Taking deep, long, slow, steady, relaxed breaths. With every breath finding more and more comfort. Begin to surrender to sleep with this rhythmic breathing. Finding softness in your body, find the most comfort you have ever felt, and relax in your bed observing each breath. As each exhale passes through your nose let yourself sink deeper.

    Imagine every breath floats you into a state of deep relaxation. Your bed becomes so soft, your body so light, so effortless as you lull yourself to sleep.

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    7 mins
  • Shifting your Focus into a State of Being (Guided Meditation)
    Feb 25 2024

    In this guided meditation we will cultivate a shift in the body to find a state of rest to create this same shift in the mind and go from “doing” to “being”. Often in life, we are hurrying, busy from one task to the text, checking off our to-do list but feeling as if something hasn’t been completed. Find a pause in your day and release the notion that you have to get something done. The busier you are the more you need meditation because the mind and body need moments of rest, contemplation, and reflection. 

    In this practice, steps will be outlined on how to shift from "doing" to "being" as well as a guided meditation to journey into the self of present awareness.

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    12 mins