• Zulia Frost, MD, DCMAc, Healing and Recovery With Red Light Therapy
    Jan 30 2025

    Have you ever stumbled upon a solution to a problem you were told could never be fixed naturally? This has happened to me more times than I can count. I had been sharing the benefits of frequency therapy for five years before I needed it myself. And only then, in a time of intense pain, did I truly understand its power. When the founder of FlexBeam, Zulia Frost, MD, DCMAc, experienced her car accident, her recovery allowed her to experience how these frequencies can manage and reverse pain. Dr. Zulia will share her story and educate us on how red-light therapy can improve our health and life!

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    58 mins
  • Jennifer Gramith, ND, New Year, New You, New Lab Insights
    Jan 29 2025

    It is the new year and many of us have health goals. But we do not know how to get beyond our comfort zone. We are so fortunate that Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness, has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. Now it is time to take all the information she has taught us and add one more option… labs! There are many kinds of labs that could be our missing link. Dr. Jen will teach us how to use our lab work as a roadmap towards optimal health.

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    58 mins
  • Claire Stagg, DDS, Oral Health New Year Commitments!
    Jan 23 2025

    Claire Stagg, DDS, has researched and proven that EVERYTHING in our body is connected to oral health. I realized that dental care goes beyond prevention in the body and hopefully you have as well. Our oral health sets the tone for our overall health. What is the best indicator that we are on the right track? Dr. Stagg will share how we can establish healthy oral habits that will support us for 2025 and beyond. Get Dr. Stagg’s book, Smile, It’s All Connected!

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    58 mins
  • John Silva, DC, Resolving ADHD with Neurofeedback Training
    Jan 22 2025

    Many with focus or impulse control issues might go through life thinking, or being told, “Do better, try harder!” But what if your life could change and become better? John Silva, DC, is making a difference in his clinic by helping patients understand the mind and neurologic disorders and how neurofeedback can help. Do you have ADHD? If so, would you like to improve your focus and symptoms? Dr. Silva offers a functional, natural, non-invasive, holistic approach to help reverse your symptoms. Dr. Silva will share how to improve your focus, control, and attention with neurofeedback training, even if you have an ADHD diagnosis.

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    59 mins
  • Carl Wagner, BeatCancer.org Can Help You!
    Jan 16 2025

    It saddens my heart when I hear of someone getting a cancer diagnosis, especially when fear is instilled in them. Many times, these same people are not given all the options that will help them make an informed decision towards their cancer journey. I cannot imagine anyone who would like to make a life-changing decision without considering all the options available. That is why, when I learned about the work BeatCancer.org was doing, I wanted to make sure everyone else knew how this organization is making a difference. Carl Wagner, CEO of BeatCancer.org, wants us all to know that not only do they offer free holistic cancer coaching for someone in need, they offer courses that will educate those who are seeking New Truths about cancer. Carl will share how BeatCancer.org is making a difference for those who have been diagnosed with cancer, holistically.

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    59 mins
  • Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Resolving Cardiac Arrhythmias
    Jan 15 2025

    Board-Certified cardiologist, Thomas Levy, MD, JD, has taught us the benefits of vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, and how toxins in the mouth can cause disease. We completed The Roadmap to Health and Optimal Treatment of Disease virtual workshops that are now available to you online. Dr. Levy has a way of bringing a new awareness to our lives, especially when other medical practitioners are leading us towards cardiac procedures. Have you been experiencing unusual palpitations and were told to have an invasive procedure? Before you opt for that procedure, it is time to get informed. Dr. Levy will share what you need to know about cardiac arrhythmia and how to resolve this condition.

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    57 mins
  • Michelle LaMasa Dawson, PhD, Finding Freedom in Forgotten Wounds
    Jan 9 2025

    Do certain simple situations, people, places, or things bother you more than you think is normal. Even when you are not paying attention, a word, a sound, or a song, can evoke anger, frustration, short temperedness, and can make you confused or sad. Consciously, there is no real reason why this reaction is felt. Could there be something underneath driving your emotions? Do you ever wonder why you feel the way you do? Could there be something trapped inside that you do not remember? Recall Healing and Mindbody medicine expert Michelle LaMasa-Dawson, PhD, knows how trapped emotions can change our lives, even when these memories are suppressed. Dr. Michelle will share how we can find freedom by discovering forgotten wounds.

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    57 mins
  • Joel Fuhrman, MD, Favorite Must Haves For 2025
    Jan 8 2025

    Have you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to after today’s class. Since August 2015, world renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, has been sharing evidence-based research about healing our bodies with a Nutritarian lifestyle. It became a tradition on the last class of the year for Dr. Fuhrman to share his favorite “must haves” for the upcoming year. But as we thought about it… why not start the year learning what Dr. Fuhrman recommends? Dr. Fuhrman is back to share his must haves for 2025!

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    57 mins