“This is where impossible miracles begin.” ~Kristin Windsor
0:00 ~ Build Inner Self-Trust!
4:08 ~ Feel + Move!
10:24 ~ Love + Presence!
13:41 ~ Know Your Why!
21:24 ~ POWERful Daily Practices!
30:20 ~ Build Self-Trust!
33:26 ~ Respond to Thoughts?
37:37 ~ Your True Self!
40:57 ~ Kristin’s Story!
45:36 ~ 7 Takeaways!
54:25 ~ Magic Portal!
55:25 ~ Your Desire!
01:00:11 ~ SomaSoulLove
Pick 1 question.
Create an instagram post sharing your response.
Tag me @kristinsquantumcatalyzers
How do you direct your inner energy in everyday moments?
How is your body learning to FEEL and MOVE in everyday moments?
What state of BEing are you instinctively practicing in everyday moments?
How can you practice more love and presence in everyday moments?
What’s the deeper inner need BEHIND your automatic thoughts, feelings, and habits?
What do parts of you truly NEED in each segment of your everyday life?
What are 3 styles of daily practices you can implement RIGHT NOW to cultivate deep self-trust in everyday life?
Why is consistency so important?
How can you be your own best friend, life partner, and love for your inner child?
“Your body and soul are pulled towards a higher vision with a deeper purpose in ways that connect with your heart and the love you desire to experience + the love that is the truth of Who You Are.” ~Kristin Windsor
Key takeaways:
- Present inventory
- Love + Presence
- Vision + “WHY”
- Practices for each time of day
- Response to inner experience
- Connect with parts of Self
- Right here and now, choose *ONE* thing to start with, as you tend to inner relationships with Self
Are you ready to
✨heal pain from the past without looking back
✨expand your nervous system
✨harmonize masculine + feminine energies
✨elevate mind + body connection
✨awaken your SoulSelf + liberated identity
✨deepen embodiment + enlightenment
✨experience all the MAGIC described above
Journey into the greatest depths of PURE MAGIC and CREATE MIRACLES through Kristin’s 1:1 mentorship!
Connect on Social! www.instagram.com/kristinsquantumcatalyzers
FREE PLAYbooks + Magic Portal! https://kristinkarina.wixsite.com/consciousness
SelfGuided Journeys! https://kristinkarina.wixsite.com/consciousness/healing
Shop Merch! http://teespring.com/stores/compassionately-evolved
Free Live Event! 11/11 https://www.atransformedlifesummit.com