• Airports and their reliance on key stakeholders
    Feb 7 2023
    Business Studies.

    Managing large complex businesses and the critical reliance on key stakeholders.

    On review of the following NACAP update on a recelty completed oil pipeline to Melbourne Airport highlights the critical strategic reliance some businesses have with their key stakeholders.

    In this case, the relationship between Melbourne Airport and Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd (Mobil).At some point during your business studies, you’ll be required to research and docuement commentary on the strategic alliances business have with their key stakeholders.By example; Large international airports, are worth considering. Realising the complexities and a multitude of operational activities going-on behind-the-scenes day in, day out.

    One of which is, Fuel supplies to the aircraft for refuelling. Fuel that is shipped and stored directly to the airport using a network of dedicated pipelines and large on-site storage tanks.The other consideration, is the importance of managing the supply chain and the inherent risks associated with ensuing a reliable seamless supply of high-quality jet fuel is provided to meet the customer demands (the airlines). Press to Play.
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