• How to Help Children Through Trauma
    Oct 3 2024
    Get your copy of Darby’s Children’s book, Something Scary Happened (Comfort for Children in Hard Times)Get your copy of Darby’s booklet, When Children Experience Trauma: Help for Parents and CaregiversLearn more about Darby and her workDarby Strickland is a Christian counselor who works with individuals and families facing a variety of issues. She was trained at Westminster Theological Seminary where she obtained a Masters of Divinity specialized in Counseling.  If you are a parent, grandparent, or caregiver counselor Darby wants you to know that you are just the right person to help the child or children in your life when they experience trauma. After a child endures a distressing event, a parent’s (or grandparent’s or caregiver’s) shepherding can play a vital role in the healing process—providing love and security. You can help the children you love to navigate their fears, guide them through their distress, and assist their recovery. The struggling child in your life does not need you to be an expert in trauma; they need you to engage with them as they suffer, pointing the way toward hope and healing. KEY QUESTIONS:What are the signs that a child is coping with past or present trauma?Do you know how to provide what your child (or a child you love) needs when they’ve gone through a traumatic experience?How can you lean on God to develop the patience, confidence, and compassion to meet the children you love in their suffering? KEY SCRIPTURE:Psalm 23:The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your rod and your staff, they comfort me.You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.Find all podcast resources and message our team. Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training. Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.
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    28 mins
  • Joni Eareckson Tada Shares Her Heart on Chronic Pain
    Sep 26 2024

    Millions of people throughout the world struggle with chronic pain. And in the United States alone, an estimated 20% of adults experience chronic pain. That’s around 51 million people!

    So if you’re listening today, there’s a chance that you live with chronic pain, just like Joni. If you are suffering in an ongoing way from physical pain, grief, isolation, or relational strife, it can be overwhelming! It’s why Joni invites you to turn to God in your pain, leaning on Bible promises and drawing on grace. When you do, the Lord can use your pain to draw you closer to him.

    Get your copy of Joni’s book, Songs of Suffering, which includes 25 hymns with accompanying devotions and photography designed to spark hope in hardship. Opening with a special message from hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty, this book is a source of comfort for anyone who needs biblical encouragement, prompting readers to seek refuge in the Lord and rejoice in his goodness.

    Pain and chronic illness can erode your joy like acid, and can lead you to question God and his power. Join Joni in taking a close look at what the Bible says about pain and the sovereign providence of God in her 14-page pamphlet, Pain and Providence.

    You can find more resources for coping with chronic pain and illness on the Joni and Friends ministry website.


    How can you invite Jesus into your suffering?

    Who around you suffers from chronic pain (and how can you encourage them today)?


    2 Corinthians 4:8: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair.”

    Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

    You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.

    Find all podcast resources and message our team.

    Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

    Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training.

    Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.

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    8 mins
  • Finding Hope in the Mourning: A Conversation with Author Emily Curtis
    Sep 19 2024

    How do you help someone who is grieving? Or, if you’re experiencing grief yourself, what do wish others knew about what helps—and what just makes things worse? Poet Emily Curtis joins Stephanie Daniels to talk about bringing hope to those who are grieving. inspire you with biblical insight and heartfelt encouragement for facing grief.

    Emily is the compiler and author of the bestselling book Hope in the Mourning. Featuring real life testimonies and a foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada, this book offers hope to the hurting heart and will equip you to confidently minister to the grieving. Learn what to say, what not to say, and how to effectively serve those in the deepest, darkest valleys.

    Get your copy today!

    Emily Curtis lives in North Carolina with her husband, Brent, and their four children, Micah, Avia, Malachi, and Alayah. She has a passion for ministering to hurting people and learning how to love them as Christ would. She serves at Twin City Bible Church in the nursery and music ministries. She enjoys homeschooling, writing poetry, singing, and playing piano.


    • What encouragement does the Bible offer for when we suffer deep loss?
    • What well-intentioned “encouragements” can actually weigh down a grieving heart?


    • Romans 12:15: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”
    • Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

    You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.

    Find all podcast resources and message our team.

    Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

    Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training.

    Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.

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    26 mins
  • From Heartbreak to Hope: New Life for Vicki’s Wheelchair
    Sep 12 2024
    This episode features the stories two beautiful young women, Vicki and Liz. Though they never met, God wove their lives together through a beloved purple wheelchair and the power of his grace.Vicki lived with profound disabilities. She also exuded joy and made others happy everywhere she went. When she died unexpectedly the day after Mother’s Day at 27 years old, Vicki’s parents were heartbroken beyond belief. They held on to Vicki’s beloved purple wheelchair, too grieved to let it go. But as God brought healing to their hearts, he also brought Vicki’s parents a beautiful idea: to donate their daughter’s wheelchair. According to the World Health Organization, the majority of people who need assistive technology—such as a wheelchair—have to do without. Through our Wheels for the World program, Joni and Friends changes the lives of individuals and families living with disability by hand-delivering wheelchairs and Bibles to people in need.  Each year Joni and Friends collects thousands of used wheelchairs, which get restored to like-new condition by incarcerated men and women in prison-based restoration centers. Working on the wheelchairs allows these individuals to make a difference for others and experience redemptive purpose in their own lives. By the time a wheelchair is restored, delivered, and custom-fitted to its new owner, it carries with it more than one story of God’s grace in action.  You can join Joni and Friends in serving people with disabilities at home and around the world. Join a Wheels for the World outreach teamVolunteer locally with Wheels for the WorldDonate a used manual wheelchair KEY QUESTION:Where can you take a step of faith by extending generosity or support to someone you know who is suffering? KEY SCRIPTURE:Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.Find all podcast resources and message our team. Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training. Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.
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    21 mins
  • Overcoming Fear: A Conversation with Michael Hingson
    Sep 5 2024

    Michael Hingson, blind since birth, was born in Chicago to sighted parents who believed in raising their son with a can-do attitude. Treated like all other children in his family, Michael rode a bike, did advanced math in his head, and learned to read and write. He later went to college receiving a bachelor’s and master’s degree in physics along with a secondary teaching credential from the University of California at Irvine. Michael then enjoyed a nearly 30-year career working for high tech companies spending most of his time in management roles.

    Michael’s life changed dramatically on September 11, 2001, when he and his guide dog, Roselle, escaped from the 78th floor of Tower One in the World Trade Center moments before it collapsed. Soon after, Michael and Roselle were thrust into the international limelight where Michael began to share his unique survival story and 9-11 lessons of trust, courage, heroism, and teamwork. Mike has served as The National Public Affairs Director for one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the nation, Guide Dogs for the Blind. Currently Michael lives in Victorville, California with Alamo, his eighth guide dog and his rescue feline, Stitch.

    Get your copy of Michael Hingson’s book, Thunder Dog: The True Story of a Blind Man, His Guide Dog, and the Triumph of Trust

    Check out Michael’s Unstoppable Mindset podcast

    Learn more about Michael’s life and work


    How can you lean on God today to overcome fear and move forward?

    Who in your church, workplace, or neighborhood might need assistance during a crisis or natural disaster? What can you do to be part of their team in these circumstances?


    Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

    Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.

    Find all podcast resources and message our team.

    Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

    Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training.

    Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.

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    24 mins
  • Joni Eareckson Tada Shares on Healing
    Aug 29 2024

    Don’t miss this installment of Joni Eareckson Tada’s “Heart of the Founder” series where Joni digs into the topic of healing. Imagine you’re an athletic, ambitious teenager looking forward to starting college. It’s a hot day at the beach. On a whim, you plunge into the water and your neck snaps as your head hits the sandy bottom. Life will never be the same…

    After her diving accident, Joni recalls fervently asking God for healing—to walk again and regain use of her hands; to get out of bed on her own. Poring over stories of Jesus miraculously healing people, Joni waited for her miracle healing. But God had something different in mind for her.

    Joni had good reason to believe that God would heal her after her accident. She looked at Scriptures like Matthew 7:9–11 where God promises good gifts to his children. Wasn’t a healed spine a good gift?

    Why, more than five decades later, still in a wheelchair living with quadriplegia, can Joni attest to the fact that God has deeply healed her? It’s because, over years of Bible reading and trusting in Jesus, Joni began to see the heart healing and powerful purpose God intended for her—all while living with paralysis. Joni still hasn’t walked again, squeezed her husband’s hand, or gotten up in the morning on her own. But a deep and lasting healing is hers, through the power of the Lord Jesus.


    Where in your life do you need healing?

    Might God want to heal you in a way you don’t expect, or maybe wouldn’t choose?


    Matthew 7:9–11: “‘Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!’”

    Isaiah 55:8–9: “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways.’”

    You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.

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    Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

    Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training.

    Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.

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    10 mins
  • Why Doesn’t God Remove Our Pain? A Conversation with Philip Yancey
    Aug 22 2024
    Philip Yancey, a renowned author and avid investigator of the mysteries of the Christian faith, joins Crystal Keating for a deep and honest conversation you won’t want to miss. No stranger to wrestling with doubt and suffering, Philip often writes about encountering God in our pain. In this episode he shares about his latest book and opens up about his own recent hardships, including diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease and cancer. He points to the life-giving truth while God may not remove our suffering, he is always faithful to redeem it.Philip Yancey is a best-selling author of more than 25 books, which have sold more than 17 million copies and been published in 50 languages. His works share from his personal experiences and exploration of the most basic questions and deepest mysteries of the Christian faith.Yancey’s recent release, Undone: A Modern Rendering of John Donne's Devotions, tells of John Donne’s confrontations with God, and combines Donne’s timeless reflections with present-day commentary.In his memoir, Where the Light Fell, Yancey reveals secrets of his turbulent childhood and teen years. Serving as a type of prequel to all his other books, this memoir takes the reader on a journey from that strict fundamentalism of his youth to Yancey’s dedicated search for grace and meaning. In piecing together his fragmented personal history and his search for redemption, Yancey gives testament to the enduring power of our hunger for truth and the possibility of faith rooted in grace instead of fear.Yancey recently revised his best-loved What’s So Amazing About Grace?, a startling exploration of grace at street level, revealing it to be the healing force we need and the key to transforming a broken world.Philip Yancey and his wife live in the foothills of Colorado, where they enjoy mountain climbing, skiing, hiking, bicycling, and other pursuits in the Rocky Mountains.Find more from Philip Yancey at www.philipyancey.com You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.Find all podcast resources and message our team. Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training. Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.
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    43 mins
  • Finding God’s Purpose in Relationships: Rachel and Caleb LeMaster’s Christ-Centered Love Story
    Aug 15 2024

    Rachel LeMaster lives with both Turner syndrome and a traumatic brain injury. But she doesn’t let her troubles keep her from pursuing God’s call on her life. In the midst of following Christ’s example, encouraging and serving others, she met her husband, Caleb. Now the two live out their Christ-centered mission to love one another and those around them, all for the glory of God. As Rachel says, “to live is to give!”

    • Watch Rachel’s 2012 interview
    • Resources for welcoming someone with a disability in your church
    • Find opportunities to volunteer with Joni and Friends


    • How can you step out in faith to serve others?
    • Where have you seen God turn struggle into celebration in your life?


    • Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
    • Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

    You make this podcast possible! Thank you for your support.

    Find all podcast resources and message our team.

    Follow Joni and Friends on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

    Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, we provide Christ-centered care through Joni's House, Wheels for the World, Retreats and Getaways, and disability ministry training.

    Find more encouragement on Joni Eareckson Tada's Sharing Hope podcast and her daily devotional.

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    30 mins