
  • Change Is Inevitable — Making It Work for You
    Mar 12 2025

    Do you ever struggle with change? Do you find yourself digging in your heels when change is something you don’t want? Just know that you are not alone!

    Listen to this episode to gain some insight into coping with change!

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas who works with people all across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from external things to preparing ourselves from within to handle whatever comes our way. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • From Reacting to Reflecting: Harnessing Pauses to Empower Your Future Self
    Nov 27 2024

    Jenni and Suze come to the end of season four with a message to not get stuck in the triggers and to use the PAUSE as our emergency or first responder plan. Owning triggers and not blaming others is a boundary mindset that enables us to gain insight. This insight can be used to psychologically prepare ourselves for similar events in the future.

    They encourage everyone to ask “How” questions to get insight and create a plan for interacting with others or reacting to life. Thinking about our future selves, we can plan how we want to respond when we’re feeling activated, especially around others. Slowing down and thinking things through help us to use tools and feel more peace inside. Suze and Jenni wish everyone peace in this time and always, as much as is possible!

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from the external things to preparing ourselves from within for handling whatever comes our way. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas who works with people across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Learning Forward: Using Insights to Shape Better Interactions
    Nov 13 2024

    As Jenni and Suze worked out the Maxer Method, looking at a personal problematic pattern, they acknowledged that feeling activated or triggered is an ongoing part of the human experience. Continuing their work on acceptance has helped to reveal alternatives to dealing with situations in their lives. Pausing, when activated, still proves helpful in assisting them to feel better about how they navigate situations!

    They agree that it’s easy to look at other people as the cause of their issues, yet that doesn’t ever solve the problematic patterns. Looking at ourselves with compassion, what we want and need, and putting into action new ways of being can help change these pesky patterns!

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from external things to preparing ourselves from within to handle whatever comes our way.

    Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas who works with people all across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Reflections for Tomorrow: Using Past Reactions to Shape a Future-Ready Mindset
    Oct 30 2024

    The past is the past, right? Not according to Jenni and Suze! In the continued effort to gain insight and use it for better interactions internally and with others, Suze and Jenni discuss how insights from the past can help us plan for the future.

    They remind us that ignoring the past can potentially cause issues internally and with others. It can also lead to repeating impulsive reactions over and over and expecting different results, which they learned is the definition of insanity from the perspective of 12-step groups.

    They discuss thinking when having an emotion, which is different from what our society usually promotes, so the insight gained can be used to have a different outcome in the future. This episode’s Maxer Method will help them, and you will start using insight to plan for a different future!

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from the external things to preparing ourselves from within for handling whatever comes our way. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas who works with people across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Calm in the Chaos: Living the Wisdom of the Serenity Prayer Daily
    Oct 9 2024

    Suze and Jenni continue their exploration into how to create acceptance for challenging things in life. They reviewed
    their thoughts about acceptance, including the fact that this topic was never taught to them when they were growing
    up. Actually, quite the opposite was something they experienced in their families!

    Jenni generously shared her example of applying the Serenity Prayer to a recent situation that challenged her. As a
    result of their experience with this Maxer Method, they decided to create a worksheet that everyone can use to do this
    work faster and easier. Be sure to download your copy of this new tool at www.insightmaximizers.com/handouts to gain

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers
    to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events.

    We’re shifting our focus from external things to
    preparing ourselves from within to handle whatever comes our way.

    Join us at

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Texas and Oregon.

    Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas who works with people all across the
    United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:
    ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers
    ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/
    ● LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Adopting Acceptance: Discovering Lasting Peace of Mind
    Sep 25 2024

    What would life be like for us if we decided to accept things just as they are? Jenni and Suze know that they weren’t taught by their parents about acceptance because it was seen as a weakness. It was only through all their psychological work as adults did they learned what acceptance is and the power of it.

    Listen as they discuss the benefits of acceptance and consider doing the Maxer Method for this episode like they will be.

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from the external things to preparing ourselves from within for handling whatever comes our way. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas, who works with people all across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Continuing Forgiveness: A Gift to Yourself-Releasing Resentment
    Sep 11 2024

    Now that Jenni and Suze have said the "F" word, they review what forgiveness means and what it isn’t. They remind us of the hazards of resentment and its darkness. They question why to even forgive in the first place, and thankfully there are benefits such as peacefulness, better health, compassion, self-confidence, and more!

    To continue encouraging their listeners to do the Maxer Methods, they discuss the challenges and insights they gained from doing the latest Maxer Method. They were surprised to learn that they both had unexpected options come to them after doing the 9 steps of forgiveness. If you haven’t downloaded the handout yet, you’ll find it here: www.insightmaximizers.com/handouts.

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from the external things to preparing ourselves from within for handling whatever comes our way. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas, who works with people all across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Understanding the Process: Releasing Resentment to Facilitate Forgiveness
    Aug 28 2024

    Here comes a really challenging topic: forgiveness! Suze and Jenni look at what forgiveness isn’t and what gets in the way of forgiving, including looking at resentment.

    In their usual fashion, Jenni and Suze look to Merriam-Webster's current and 1828 to define forgiveness. They learned about the 9 steps of forgiveness from Dr. Frederic Luskin of the Stanford Forgiveness Project, which they have adapted in a handout so they, and all you Maxers out there, can become more comfortable and skilled at forgiving! Please go to www.insightmaximizers.com/handouts to download the handout so you too can do the next Maxer Method!

    The Maxers Community Facebook group continues to grow! Consider joining this private group for fellow insight seekers to give and receive insights. Join us in changing how we do events. We’re shifting our focus from the external things to preparing ourselves from within for handling whatever comes our way. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524983982549427.

    Suze Gadol Anderson lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing in Texas and Oregon. Request a free consult to work with Suze at https://www.authenticinsights.com.

    Jenni Hubby is a Certified Professional Coach with a team of coaches in Texas, who works with people all across the United States. To schedule a free consult for coaching, visit https://www.jhubconsulting.com/.

    Find previous episodes and more about Suze and Jenni at http://www.insightmaximizers.com.

    Contact Jenni and Suze at Maxers@InsightMaximizers.com

    Join Insight Maximizers’ Community:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsightMaximizers

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightmaximizers/

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightmaximizers

    Más Menos
    22 m