• Sexual Harassment Positive Duty
    Sep 15 2023
    In this eposode we discuss in details the updates with the Sex Discrimination Act 1984; Organisations and businesses now have a positive duty to eliminate, as far as possible, the following unlawful behaviour from occurring: discrimination on the ground of sex in a work context. sexual harassment in connection with work. sex-based harassment in connection with work.

    This is a must listen if you're in business.
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    18 mins
  • Criminal Checks and Discrimination
    Sep 15 2023
    In this eposode we discuss the sensetive issues of employers face when seeking information on the background of a potient employee. You will learn the key elements of protecting your business and detailing with person's who have a criminal record.
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    19 mins
  • Fair Work Act. 'Secure Jobs, Better Pay'.
    Feb 23 2023
    The this episode, Melbourne based employment lawyer, Paul Maguire outlines the key elements and changes to the Fair Work Act 2009. Namely: Secure Jobs, Better Pay'.

    The are areas Pauls discusses are pertinet to employment issues for small businesses accros Australia.

    Main topices covered are:
    • Prohibative pay secrecy

    • Flexible employment arrangements

    • Harassment - Workplace sexual harassment

    • Fixed term contracts.

    If you have any current workplace issues or would like to contact us on employment matters. Please feel welcome to contact us via email or phone.

    Kevin Egan and Paul Maguire.
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    16 mins
  • KevinEgan_PaulMagurie Podcast Session 1
    Dec 19 2022
    Managing a small business is a challenge at the best of times. A big part of managing business is leading and managing people. These sessions provide the business owner / operator insights into the myriad of employment law issues. These sessions provide stacks of tips and recommendations to improve the efficiencies, minimise risk and maintain a committed and loyal workforce. Thus, reducing stress and saving you money.
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    7 mins
  • KevinEgan_PaulMaguire Podcast Session 2
    Dec 14 2022
    COVID-19 Unleased a title wave of complexity to the Australia workforce. In this session, we discuss strategies to deal with the myriad of HR issues with managing staff around COVID-19 restrictions and employee/ employer obligations etc.
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    19 mins