• Can Childhood Abuse Shape Work Behavior? Emma Jane Taylor Explains
    Sep 15 2024
    Today, Jivan welcomes Emma Jane Taylor, a serial entrepreneur, radio broadcaster, author, and passionate campaigner for child protection through her charity Project 9010 and the Not My Shame movement. They delve into the critical issue of child sexual abuse, discussing the importance of open conversations and education to empower children and prevent future abuse. Emma Jane shares her personal journey as a survivor, highlighting the need for resilience and support in both personal and workplace environments. She also discusses her upcoming wedding and her innovative fitness program, Disco Shuffle, showcasing her commitment to well-being and advocacy. KEY TAKEAWAYS Addressing uncomfortable topics, such as child sexual abuse, is crucial for both children and adults. Open dialogue can empower individuals to speak up and seek help, breaking the cycle of silence and shame. Educating children about recognizing inappropriate behaviours and understanding concepts like trust and consent is essential. This proactive approach can help prevent abuse and equip children with the tools to protect themselves. Many adults who experienced childhood trauma, including sexual abuse, may face mental health challenges in the workplace. Recognizing and addressing these issues can lead to better support systems and improved employee performance. Organizations should foster an environment where employees feel safe to express their vulnerabilities. This can lead to a more engaged and productive workforce, as suppressed emotions can hinder individual and team performance. Building a supportive community for survivors and encouraging allies to engage in these conversations is vital. Allies can play a significant role in helping survivors feel understood and supported, ultimately contributing to a healthier society. BEST MOMENTS "We need to help children protect themselves, giving them a language so that they can understand what permission, awareness, trust looks like." "If we can help children identify what's right and wrong early enough, they won't repeat behaviours they've come across at home." "A supported employee is a loyal employee. We need to normalize uncomfortable conversations for everybody." "If I can leave some hope and protection for children and adults, then that will be something that I know will help me rest in peace." VALUABLE RESOURCES www.emmajanetaylor.com Emma-Jane (EJ) Taylor | LinkedIn HOST BIO Jivan Dempsey has first hand experience of workplace toxicity and bad boss behaviour. Triggered by the #MeToo movement she was compelled to talk about her experiences in her early career, groomed and assaulted by a boss at a work event, his subsequent aggression and bullying behaviour impacted her work performance, mental health and eventually cost her a job she'd loved. Listeners are drawn to her raw honesty and insightful reflections on change and resilience. Her forthcoming book, "The HR Change Manager's Handbook" and collaboration on "Can't Break Me," attest to her expertise and dedication to empowering others - from someone who's been in the trenches and emerged stronger. As a seasoned HR professional, consultant, psychologist and speaker, she offers bespoke consultancy and programmes to help companies navigate cultural shifts to create healthier, happier, and more inclusive workplaces for all. Please connect with me on Linked In: Jivan Dempsey FCIPD GMBPsS | LinkedIn Or send me an email at: jivan@fiverivers-consulting.com www.fiverivers-consulting.com Are you working in a toxic environment? Take our free quiz to find out https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiverivers-consulting.com%2Fis-your-business-a-toxic-work-environment%2F&data=05%7C02%7C%7Cf54c5d5d12754c93f5ab08dcd3f70262%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638618305080551188%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=fBhf1BfELju3%2FrXtUyJbVNv5GTFSOJ0AWed81uMTjz4%3D&reserved=0 HR Change Manager’s Handbook: The 3 Step Guide To Managing HR Transformation
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    28 mins
  • Why Millennials Matter: Perspectives from Jacqueline Cripps
    Sep 15 2024
    In this episode, Jivan sits down with Jacqueline Cripps, author of "Managing Millennials." They discuss the unique values and expectations of millennials in the workplace, exploring why this generation is often misunderstood and maligned. Jacqueline shares insights from her decade-long experience in workforce management, emphasizing the importance of understanding millennials' needs for flexibility, purpose, and feedback. KEY TAKEAWAYS Millennials are projected to make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025. It's crucial for organizations to understand their values, needs, and how to effectively manage and motivate them to ensure business success. Negative stereotypes about millennials often stem from misunderstandings and biases held by older generations. It's important to recognize that each generation has different experiences and expectations shaped by the societal context in which they grew up. Millennials value flexibility, autonomy, and work-life integration. Organizations that fail to adapt to these preferences risk losing talent, as many millennials are willing to leave jobs that do not accommodate their needs for a more flexible work environment. Millennials seek meaningful work and want to make a difference. Organizations should align their values with those of millennials, focusing on corporate responsibility, sustainability, and inclusivity to attract and retain this generation. Open communication and regular feedback are essential for engaging millennials. Managers should encourage millennials to articulate their needs and provide support for their growth, while millennials should take responsibility for expressing their expectations in the workplace. BEST MOMENTS "We are the now generation. By 2025, we're going to make up about 75% of the global workforce. Unless you're getting to know who we are, there's a big risk around the continuation of success for businesses." "The media tends to be quite negative about millennials and about Gen Zs. Do you know where that comes from?" "I think some of these stereotypes come out of a bias around, well, I've lived this way. Therefore, everybody else should be doing exactly the same thing." "Millennials have a different view. We're very purpose-oriented. If we feel stagnant or floundering, then this is where we start to come disengaged." "There's no shame in actually saying, I've done everything I can; actually, it's time to move on." VALUABLE RESOURCES www.jacquelinecripps.com hello@jacquelinecripps.com Jacqueline Cripps | LinkedIn HOST BIO Jivan Dempsey has first hand experience of workplace toxicity and bad boss behaviour. Triggered by the #MeToo movement she was compelled to talk about her experiences in her early career, groomed and assaulted by a boss at a work event, his subsequent aggression and bullying behaviour impacted her work performance, mental health and eventually cost her a job she'd loved. Listeners are drawn to her raw honesty and insightful reflections on change and resilience. Her forthcoming book, "The HR Change Manager's Handbook" and collaboration on "Can't Break Me," attest to her expertise and dedication to empowering others - from someone who's been in the trenches and emerged stronger. As a seasoned HR professional, consultant, psychologist and speaker, she offers bespoke consultancy and programmes to help companies navigate cultural shifts to create healthier, happier, and more inclusive workplaces for all. Please connect with me on Linked In: Jivan Dempsey FCIPD GMBPsS | LinkedIn Or send me an email at: jivan@fiverivers-consulting.com www.fiverivers-consulting.com Are you working in a toxic environment? Take our free quiz to find out https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiverivers-consulting.com%2Fis-your-business-a-toxic-work-environment%2F&data=05%7C02%7C%7Cf54c5d5d12754c93f5ab08dcd3f70262%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638618305080551188%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=fBhf1BfELju3%2FrXtUyJbVNv5GTFSOJ0AWed81uMTjz4%3D&reserved=0 HR Change Manager’s Handbook: The 3 Step Guide To Managing HR Transformation
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    32 mins
  • Creating a Positive Company Culture with Executive Coach Penny de Valk
    Sep 15 2024
    In today's episode, Jivan engages in a thought-provoking conversation with leadership coach and educator Penny de Valk about the critical role of leadership in shaping company culture. They explore the dynamics between male and female leadership styles, the importance of trust and psychological safety in the workplace, and the shared responsibility of both leaders and employees in fostering a positive work environment. Penny shares her insights on the characteristics of effective leaders, the significance of self-awareness, and the detrimental effects of toxic leadership behaviours. KEY TAKEAWAYS Leaders are crucial in defining and influencing company culture. Their behaviours and decisions set the tone for how things are done and felt within the organization. Building trust takes time and consistency. It involves transparency, showing genuine interest in team members, and creating an environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than failures. Employees also play a vital role in shaping company culture. They should feel empowered to speak up about toxic behaviours and contribute to a positive work environment. Effective leadership can be developed through self-awareness, active listening, and the ability to adapt one's leadership style to different situations. Leaders should focus on their strengths and seek to complement them with the skills of their team. While there may be stereotypes about different leadership styles between genders, the focus should be on collaboration and the ability to take charge when necessary. Both men and women can exhibit a range of leadership qualities that contribute to a healthy workplace. BEST MOMENTS "I think sometimes women will default to collaboration, and that can often be a really good thing as opposed to competition." "Leaders are the owners and the creators of culture and climate. All of your behaviours, all of your statements, everything is amplified." "Trust takes ages to build and it's just about the consistency and transparency of our behaviours, and it takes seconds to break." "It's not just the leaders; it's about taking agency and actually calling it out themselves in terms of finding a voice." "I don't believe leaders are born; they're all made. Our self-management is the quality of our leadership." ABOUT THE GUEST Penny de Valk Fuelling Women Leaders T: +44 (0)7768 410592 pennydevalk.com penny@pennydevalk.com HOST BIO Jivan Dempsey has first hand experience of workplace toxicity and bad boss behaviour. Triggered by the #MeToo movement she was compelled to talk about her experiences in her early career, groomed and assaulted by a boss at a work event, his subsequent aggression and bullying behaviour impacted her work performance, mental health and eventually cost her a job she'd loved. Listeners are drawn to her raw honesty and insightful reflections on change and resilience. Her forthcoming book, "The HR Change Manager's Handbook" and collaboration on "Can't Break Me," attest to her expertise and dedication to empowering others - from someone who's been in the trenches and emerged stronger. As a seasoned HR professional, consultant, psychologist and speaker, she offers bespoke consultancy and programmes to help companies navigate cultural shifts to create healthier, happier, and more inclusive workplaces for all. Please connect with me on Linked In: Jivan Dempsey FCIPD GMBPsS | LinkedIn Or send me an email at: jivan@fiverivers-consulting.com www.fiverivers-consulting.com Are you working in a toxic environment? Take our free quiz to find out https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiverivers-consulting.com%2Fis-your-business-a-toxic-work-environment%2F&data=05%7C02%7C%7Cf54c5d5d12754c93f5ab08dcd3f70262%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638618305080551188%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=fBhf1BfELju3%2FrXtUyJbVNv5GTFSOJ0AWed81uMTjz4%3D&reserved=0 HR Change Manager’s Handbook: The 3 Step Guide To Managing HR Transformation
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    34 mins
  • Surviving and Thriving in a TOXIC Workplace! Chloe Bisson Shares Her Tips
    Sep 15 2024

    Today, Jivan welcomes guest Chloe Bisson, a serial entrepreneur and book publisher, to discuss the critical topic of employee mindset in the face of toxic workplaces. With alarming statistics highlighting the impact of workplace toxicity on productivity and mental health, Chloe shares her personal journey from a successful corporate career to overcoming severe clinical depression. She emphasizes the importance of resilience, self-awareness, and the tools she developed to navigate challenges.


    • Resilience develops over time through facing challenges. Embracing discomfort and leaning into challenges can strengthen one's ability to withstand future difficulties.

    • Having a toolkit for mental health is essential. This can include journaling to express feelings and creating a "happy list" of quick activities that can provide distraction and uplift mood.

    • Surrounding oneself with inspiring individuals, whether through books, podcasts, or social media, can provide motivation and perspective during tough times. Learning from others' experiences can help normalize personal challenges.

    • It's important to differentiate between seeking comfort and exercising courage. Challenging oneself to step out of comfort zones can lead to personal growth and resilience.

    • Understanding when to step away from a toxic environment is crucial for mental well-being. Sometimes, leaving a situation is necessary to prioritize one's health and happiness.


    "I found out through lots of therapy and a lot of work that the person I was striving to be wasn't actually me. It was who I thought I had to be."

    "Who asks those sort of questions in a corporate world?"

    "If I can't stomach that, let me create my own world, my own ecosystem, my own business."

    "Every time I've had a struggle in business, the tools that I was given right back at the beginning of the depression still help me."


    Chloë Bisson | LinkedIn




    Jivan Dempsey has first hand experience of workplace toxicity and bad boss behaviour. Triggered by the #MeToo movement she was compelled to talk about her experiences in her early career, groomed and assaulted by a boss at a work event, his subsequent aggression and bullying behaviour impacted her work performance, mental health and eventually cost her a job she'd loved.

    Listeners are drawn to her raw honesty and insightful reflections on change and resilience. Her forthcoming book, "The HR Change Manager's Handbook" and collaboration on "Can't Break Me," attest to her expertise and dedication to empowering others - from someone who's been in the trenches and emerged stronger.

    As a seasoned HR professional, consultant, psychologist and speaker, she offers bespoke consultancy and programmes to help companies navigate cultural shifts to create healthier, happier, and more inclusive workplaces for all.

    Please connect with me on Linked In:

    Jivan Dempsey FCIPD GMBPsS | LinkedIn

    Or send me an email at:



    Are you working in a toxic environment? Take our free quiz to find out


    HR Change Manager’s Handbook: The 3 Step Guide To Managing HR Transformation

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    31 mins
  • Are White Men Being Discriminated Against? - DEI Insights with Keiran Kevan
    Sep 15 2024
    In this episode, Jivan engages in a thought-provoking discussion with social media marketing expert Kieran Kevan about the complexities surrounding diversity, equality, and inclusivity (DEI) initiatives in the workplace. They explore whether these initiatives inadvertently discriminate against men, particularly white men, and how this sentiment may contribute to a more toxic work culture. KEY TAKEAWAYS Diversity, Equality, and Inclusivity (DEI) initiatives aim to support underrepresented groups in the workplace, such as women, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals, who have historically faced barriers to advancement. There is a growing sentiment among some white men that DEI initiatives may be disadvantaging them, leading to feelings of exclusion. This highlights the need for open conversations about inclusivity that address the concerns of all employees. Navigating cultural differences in global organizations is crucial. What may be acceptable in one region could be offensive in another, making it essential for companies to develop policies that respect diverse cultural norms. Emphasizing diversity is not only a moral imperative but also a business strategy. Diverse teams can lead to better decision-making, increased innovation, and improved financial performance, making it beneficial for all employees, including white men. It is important to foster an environment where all employees feel comfortable discussing DEI issues without fear of backlash. Open conversations can help bridge gaps in understanding and promote a more inclusive workplace culture. BEST MOMENTS "I think going through different areas of my career, how people are treated and how people are seen is always interesting and is always very important." "We can't replace you because we need to hit this quota, but you're actually really good for this job." "You've had 200 years of good stuff, so you're getting 200 years of bad stuff now." "If 70% of their study feel that white men feel that all they want is to feel wanted, then actually it's a very valid point that we need to be taking on board." "Controversy causes conversation and conversation is always good, especially for an algorithm, especially on social media." VALUABLE RESOURCES Kieran Kevan | LinkedIn www.kierankevancoaching.com kieranjameskevan@outlook.com HOST BIO Jivan Dempsey has first hand experience of workplace toxicity and bad boss behaviour. Triggered by the #MeToo movement she was compelled to talk about her experiences in her early career, groomed and assaulted by a boss at a work event, his subsequent aggression and bullying behaviour impacted her work performance, mental health and eventually cost her a job she'd loved. Listeners are drawn to her raw honesty and insightful reflections on change and resilience. Her forthcoming book, "The HR Change Manager's Handbook" and collaboration on "Can't Break Me," attest to her expertise and dedication to empowering others - from someone who's been in the trenches and emerged stronger. As a seasoned HR professional, consultant, psychologist and speaker, she offers bespoke consultancy and programmes to help companies navigate cultural shifts to create healthier, happier, and more inclusive workplaces for all. Please connect with me on Linked In: Jivan Dempsey FCIPD GMBPsS | LinkedIn Or send me an email at: jivan@fiverivers-consulting.com www.fiverivers-consulting.com Are you working in a toxic environment? Take our free quiz to find out https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiverivers-consulting.com%2Fis-your-business-a-toxic-work-environment%2F&data=05%7C02%7C%7Cf54c5d5d12754c93f5ab08dcd3f70262%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638618305080551188%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=fBhf1BfELju3%2FrXtUyJbVNv5GTFSOJ0AWed81uMTjz4%3D&reserved=0 HR Change Manager’s Handbook: The 3 Step Guide To Managing HR Transformation
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    30 mins
  • Time Out for Toxic Bosses - Stopping Bad Boss Behaviours and Toxicity in the Workplace
    Sep 15 2024

    In this very first episode of HR Hacks and Halos, Jivan Dempsey delves into the critical issue of toxic workplace cultures and the detrimental effects they have on employees and organizations alike. With over 20 years of experience in HR, Jivan shares a personal story of overcoming a harrowing experience with a bullying boss, highlighting the importance of speaking out against bad behaviours in the workplace.


    • A significant portion of our lives is spent at work, making it essential for employees to feel happy, safe, and valued in their work environment. Toxic workplace cultures can lead to negative outcomes for both employees and employers.
    • Working in a toxic environment can severely affect an employee's motivation, morale, and mental health, while also harming a company's productivity and overall success.
    • Jivan shares a personal story of experiencing workplace bullying and assault, highlighting the long-term effects of such trauma on mental health and career.
    • There is a need to call out bad boss behaviours and workplace toxicity to foster a more positive and productive work culture. Everyone involved in the workplace suffers from a toxic environment.
    • Jivan's aim is to create a community where listeners can share their stories and seek advice on workplace issues, emphasizing the importance of speaking out against toxic behaviours and supporting one another.


    "We should also be happy at work. Don't we all deserve to be content? Enjoy our work in an environment that we feel safe."

    "Millions of us work in a toxic culture, face unreasonable demands, not feeling listened to, or perhaps just scared, anxious, or just feeling disempowered."

    "If you're an employee, working in a toxic environment is going to affect your motivation, your morale, and ultimately your mental health."

    "I was on this awful kind of toxic cycle and I didn't know how to get off. It cost me my job and I had loved that career very much."

    "Now I'm speaking out, now I'm calling it out, and by sharing my story. It's so important to do something about it."


    Jivan Dempsey has first-hand experience of workplace toxicity and bad boss behaviour. Triggered by the #MeToo movement she was compelled to talk about her experiences in her early career, groomed and assaulted by a boss at a work event, his subsequent aggression and bullying behaviour impacted her work performance, mental health and eventually cost her a job she'd loved.

    Listeners are drawn to her raw honesty and insightful reflections on change and resilience. Her forthcoming book, "The HR Change Manager's Handbook" and collaboration on "Can't Break Me," attest to her expertise and dedication to empowering others - from someone who's been in the trenches and emerged stronger.

    As a seasoned HR professional, consultant, psychologist and speaker, she offers bespoke consultancy and programmes to help companies navigate cultural shifts to create healthier, happier, and more inclusive workplaces for all.

    Please connect with me on Linked In:

    Jivan Dempsey FCIPD GMBPsS | LinkedIn

    Or send me an email at:



    Are you working in a toxic environment? Take our free quiz to find out


    HR Change Manager’s Handbook: The 3 Step Guide To Managing HR Transformation

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    7 mins