• Get Moving to Manage OCD
    Oct 2 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Vicki highlights the therapeutic power of exercise and its potential to enhance mental well-being. She shares practical tips on incorporating movement into your daily routine if you have OCD.

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    9 mins
  • OCD Themes Revealed
    Sep 24 2024

    OCD themes can morph and change over time. Listen to this episode to hear Dr. Vicki describe the common themes.

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    13 mins
  • OCD Therapist Tracie Ibrahim Tells Her OCD Story
    Sep 17 2024

    It's a delight to welcome back Tracie Ibrahim. Tracie is an OCD/ERP therapist and practitioner. She also serves as the Chief Compliance Officer for NOCD.

    In this episode, Tracie shares the story of spending over 8 years of her childhood in inpatient psych facilities, and NO ONE--not one treating practitioner--ever considered the diagnosis of OCD.

    Don't miss this episode!

    You can learn more about OCD and find an ERP practitioner here. https://www.treatmyocd.com

    You can follow Tracie on Instagram @TabooTracie

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    48 mins
  • Sugar and OCD
    Sep 11 2024

    Could eliminating sugar from your help manage OCD? That's the topic for today.

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    9 mins
  • Who is the True You?
    Sep 4 2024

    In this empowering episode, Dr. Vicki Rackner dives into the powerful question: Who is the true you? She explores how our identities are shaped by experiences, societal labels, and, in the case of people with OCD, often by misleading thoughts. Dr. Rackner draws on her personal experience as a mother of a son with OCD, as well as her background as a physician and life coach, to discuss how those with OCD—and their families—can reclaim their true identity.

    Using engaging stories and reflections, Dr. Rackner highlights how false beliefs about ourselves can take root early in life, and how identifying the truth of who we are can help break these limiting perceptions. She shares a story about her son proving his math teacher wrong and a moving example of a woman with chemical sensitivities owning her truth. Dr. Rackner also discusses how people with OCD may be particularly vulnerable to forming false identities due to their neurodivergent experiences.

    Key Takeaways:

    • False Identities: Our sense of self is often shaped by others' perceptions and false assumptions, especially for those with neurodivergent brains. These false narratives can be challenged and replaced with empowering truths.
    • Truth of Who You Are: Identifying the truth of who you are is key. It's important to ask whether beliefs about yourself are rooted in fact or misconceptions.
    • Safety and OCD Management: The feeling of safety plays a crucial role in managing OCD. Creating environments and practices that foster safety can help empower individuals to regain control over their thoughts and behaviors.
    • Practical Steps: Dr. Rackner encourages listeners to reflect on the lies they've accepted about themselves, replace them with truth, and explore the environments where they thrive.

    Actionable Tips:

    1. Challenge False Beliefs: Take time to reflect on any limiting beliefs you have about yourself. Are they true?
    2. Find Your Environment: Identify the conditions where you thrive and take steps to spend more time in those environments.
    3. Prioritize Safety: Focus on creating safety in your daily life. Whether it's emotional or physical, the more secure you feel, the better equipped you are to manage OCD.

    Inspiration for Families: If you or someone you love is struggling with OCD, know you are not alone. This episode offers hope and practical insights into managing this challenging condition while celebrating your true self.

    Final Thoughts: Dr. Rackner leaves listeners with a call to action: Be the true you. Reclaim your identity, challenge false narratives, and spread the message of hope for families navigating OCD.

    • Link to Safety Survey
    • Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    10 mins
  • The Secret Power of OCD
    Aug 28 2024

    In this uplifting episode, Dr. Vicki Rackner flips the script on OCD by exploring how the same qualities that make OCD challenging can also serve as powerful gifts. From persistence and empathy to creativity and attention to detail, people with OCD possess remarkable strengths that can be harnessed and celebrated. Drawing from personal stories, including the inspiring tale of Gus Wahl, Dr. Rackner explains how reframing OCD from a liability into a potential superpower can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the unique strengths of the condition.

    Key Takeaways:
    - Persistence and Dedication: People with OCD are often incredibly determined, even in the face of discomfort. This persistence can lead to breakthroughs in many areas of life, from professional to personal.

    - Empathy and Insight: Individuals with OCD are highly empathetic and can read subtle emotional cues, which makes them skilled at understanding others in ways that can be valuable in relationships and various professions.

    - Problem-Solving Abilities: OCD wiring equips people with the ability to anticipate and address potential problems, making them invaluable in roles where foresight and prevention are key, such as in aviation, emergency preparedness, or security.

    - Attention to Detail: The keen observational skills of people with OCD allow them to notice details others might overlook, which can be an asset in fields such as medicine, design, or quality control.

    - Creativity and Completion: OCD often fuels imaginative thinking and the ability to follow through on tasks, making individuals with OCD excellent partners in creative collaborations and project management.

    Actionable Tips:

    1. Reframe Your Thinking: Recognize and celebrate the unique strengths that come with OCD, from empathy to problem-solving skills. These traits can serve you in countless ways.

    2. Find the Right Environment: Like choosing the right car for your journey, the key to managing OCD lies in understanding your brain and finding the environments where it can thrive.

    3. Manage with ERP: Actively managing OCD with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) can help keep obsessions and compulsions in check, allowing your unique gifts to shine.

    Final Thoughts:
    Managing OCD is a journey, but it’s important to recognize that alongside the challenges lie incredible strengths. Whether you’re living with OCD or supporting someone who is, take time to celebrate the gifts that come with this neurodivergent wiring. Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for a better tomorrow.

    Resources Mentioned:
    - https://www.treatmyocd.com/
    - Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters (Book on visionary-implementer partnerships)

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    9 mins
  • Thoughts about Thoughts 2 of 2
    Aug 20 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Vicki Rackner explores the power of thoughts and how they shape our lives. Building on the previous episode about the origins of thoughts, today’s focus is on the importance of intentionally choosing your thoughts and thinking on purpose. Through relatable stories and practical exercises, Dr. Rackner explains how thoughts create feelings, actions, and ultimately, the results in our lives. She offers actionable steps for shifting from reactive thinking to strategic thinking—helping you take control of your mental landscape and create the life you want.

    Key Takeaways:

    - You Are Not Your Thoughts: It’s important to understand that thoughts are separate from who you are. You are the thinker of your thoughts, and just because a thought arises doesn’t make it true or define you as a person.

    - Curiosity Over Judgment: Rather than judging yourself for having certain thoughts, adopt a curious mindset. Ask yourself why certain thoughts pop up and how they might be influencing your actions and feelings.

    - Choose Which Thoughts to Keep: Like fishing, you can decide which thoughts are worth keeping and which ones to throw back. Not every thought needs to stay.

    - Thoughts Create Your Results: Our thoughts influence our feelings, which in turn affect our actions and inactions. Those actions then shape the results we experience in life. Learning to swap out unhelpful thoughts for more empowering ones can help change your life trajectory.

    - Working Backwards: If you want a different result in your life, reverse engineer it by thinking about the actions, feelings, and thoughts that would lead to that result. Practice replacing limiting thoughts with ones that support your goals.

    Actionable Steps:

    1. Daily Thought Download: Write down the thoughts running through your mind each day without judgment. This will help you recognize which thoughts are shaping your actions.

    2. Differentiate Thoughts and Facts: Learn to separate facts (things that can be objectively proven) from the thoughts you have about those facts. This distinction is crucial to understanding how your interpretation of facts can shape your experience.

    3. Replace Judgment with Curiosity: When a challenging thought comes up, ask yourself: What feelings are associated with this thought? What actions does it prompt? What are the results of holding onto this thought?

    4. Practice Thought Swapping: If you want different results, practice replacing limiting thoughts with empowering ones. For example, instead of thinking, “Things never go my way,” try, “I am open to things working out for me.”

    5. Be Patient with Thought Transitions: Changing thoughts is a gradual process. Start by taking small steps toward your desired thought rather than forcing an immediate change.

    Final Thoughts:
    Thinking on purpose may sound simple, but it requires consistent practice. By intentionally choosing the thoughts you entertain, you can reshape your emotional and mental well-being. Remember, you are in control of your thoughts, and with time, you can cultivate the mindset that leads to the life you want.

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    19 mins
  • Thoughts About Obsessions and Other Thoughts 1 of 2
    Aug 8 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Vicki Rackner explores the critical role thoughts play in shaping our lives, especially for those living with OCD. She breaks down how thoughts, whether they are fleeting or obsessive, create feelings that drive our actions, which ultimately shape the results we experience in life. Dr. Rackner shares personal insights from her experience as a mother to a son with OCD and discusses how understanding and managing thoughts can help take control of OCD.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Thoughts Are Powerful: Obsessions, the O in OCD, are just thoughts, and they have the power to shape your feelings and behaviors. Recognizing thoughts as mere sentences in your brain can be a crucial step toward managing them.

    - You Are Not Your Thoughts: Just because a thought arises doesn’t mean it’s true or that you are defined by it. Your thoughts are separate from who you are, and you have the power to choose which thoughts to hold onto and which to release.

    - Thoughts Shape Results: Your thoughts create feelings, which drive your actions and ultimately the results in your life. If you’re unhappy with your current circumstances, consider the thoughts that might be contributing to them.

    - Where Thoughts Come From: Thoughts come from various sources, including biology, childhood lessons, peer groups, and external marketing. Each of these influences shapes how we interpret our world and the beliefs we hold.

    - The Danger of Unquestioned Thoughts: When we don’t challenge our thoughts, we may stay stuck in limiting beliefs that hold us back. Thoughts like “I’ll never find a partner because of OCD” or “I’ll never succeed” create feelings of resignation, leading to actions that make those thoughts self-fulfilling.

    Actionable Steps:

    1. Understand the Source of Your Thoughts: Recognize that thoughts come from various places—your biology, family upbringing, peer groups, and societal messaging. Once you see where thoughts originate, you can begin to question them.

    2. Challenge Your Thoughts: Instead of accepting every thought as truth, ask yourself: Is this thought helpful? Is it factual? What evidence do I have that this thought is true or false?

    3. Pay Attention to the Connection: Realize that your thoughts create feelings, which then influence your actions. If you want different results in your life, start by examining and changing the thoughts that drive those results.

    4. Practice New Thoughts:
    Just like anything, thinking new thoughts takes practice. Identify thoughts that will serve you better and intentionally practice them regularly. Over time, these new thoughts will lead to better results.

    Final Thoughts:

    Understanding the role thoughts play in your life, especially when living with OCD, is key to managing compulsions and moving toward the life you want. Dr. Rackner encourages listeners to start paying attention to their thoughts, question them, and practice choosing thoughts that will lead to the results they desire.

    Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:

    • Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
    • Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.

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    19 mins