• Autumn Whispers: The Bond Forged in Leaves and Laughter
    Nov 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Whispers: The Bond Forged in Leaves and Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-22-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je hodil po stezi skozi Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, jesenski listi so šelesteli pod njegovimi čevlji.En: Matej walked along the path through the Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, autumn leaves rustling under his shoes.Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko.En: His heart felt heavy.Sl: Nedavno je končal dolgoletno zvezo in zdaj je iskal mir in smisel med barvami jeseni.En: He had recently ended a long-term relationship and now sought peace and meaning among the colors of autumn.Sl: Občutek je bil tako pomirjujoč, kot da bi mu drevesa šepetala skrivnosti o življenju.En: The feeling was so soothing, as if the trees were whispering secrets about life to him.Sl: Na klopi ob robu poti je sedela Nina.En: On a bench at the edge of the path sat Nina.Sl: Skicirala je liste, ki so v svojih rdeče-zlatih odtenkih prekrivali tla.En: She was sketching the leaves, which in their red-golden shades covered the ground.Sl: Na prvi pogled je bil to preprost prizor, vendar je Mateja pritegnila svetloba v njenih očeh.En: At first glance, it was a simple scene, yet Matej was drawn to the light in her eyes.Sl: Bil je radoveden.En: He was curious.Sl: Pogledal je preko njenega ramena in opazil žive barve v njenem zvezku.En: He looked over her shoulder and noticed the vibrant colors in her notebook.Sl: "Ti listi so res posebni," je nenadoma rekel, skoraj presenečen nad lastnim glasom.En: "These leaves are really special," he suddenly said, almost surprised by his own voice.Sl: Nina se je zasmejala in dvignila pogled.En: Nina laughed and looked up.Sl: "Hvala.En: "Thank you.Sl: Poskušam ujeti njihovo lepoto, preden jih odnese zima.En: I'm trying to capture their beauty before winter takes them away."Sl: " Matej je začutil njeno strah in dvom, ki sta ga njena umetnost skrivala med potezami čopičev.En: Matej sensed her fear and doubt, which her art hid among the strokes of the brushes.Sl: "Sliši se, kot da resnično čutiš naravo," je dodal, ko je sedel poleg nje.En: "It sounds like you truly feel nature," he added as he sat next to her.Sl: V srcu je začutil toplo pekočo žogo – prvi namig radosti, ki ga je že dolgo pogrešal.En: In his heart, he felt a warm, burning sensation—a first hint of joy he had long missed.Sl: Nina mu je pokazala nekaj svojih skic, negotovo, a z iskro upanja v očeh.En: Nina showed him some of her sketches, uncertain but with a spark of hope in her eyes.Sl: "Morda lahko poveš svoje mnenje," je rekla.En: "Maybe you can give your opinion," she said.Sl: Matej je z rahlim smehljajem preletel njene skice.En: With a slight smile, Matej glanced over her sketches.Sl: "Tvoja dela imajo dušo," je rekel.En: "Your works have soul," he said.Sl: "Čudovita so.En: "They are wonderful."Sl: " Ta priznanja so napolnila praznino, ki jo je čutila tudi sama.En: These acknowledgments filled the void that she also felt.Sl: Nenadna hladna sapica je razmetala Ninine skice po vsej poti.En: A sudden cold breeze scattered Nina's sketches all over the path.Sl: Matej in Nina sta skupaj naglo skakala okrog, lovila liste umetniških del z glasnim smehom, ki je odmeval med drevesi.En: Matej and Nina quickly jumped around together, catching the leaves of artwork with loud laughter echoing among the trees.Sl: Po tej nenadni preizkušnji sta se usedla na klop, ogrela roke ob toplih skodelicah kuhanega vina.En: After this sudden trial, they sat on the bench, warming their hands with cups of mulled wine.Sl: Vdihavala sta sladkobni vonj pijače in delila zgodbe iz svojih življenj, kot stara prijatelja, ki sta se končno našla.En: They inhaled the sweet scent of the drink and shared stories from their lives, like old friends who had finally found each other.Sl: Matej je začel odpirati svoje srce.En: Matej began to open his heart.Sl: Občutek radosti je bil resničen in vendar nov.En: The feeling of joy was real yet new.Sl: Nina je našla v utrinkih smeha in odkritem pogovoru novo samozavest.En: Nina found new confidence in bursts of laughter and open conversation.Sl: Njene skice so zdaj nosile pečat njenega pravega navdiha.En: Her sketches now bore the mark of her true inspiration.Sl: "Morava se srečati še enkrat," je predlagal Matej s toplino v očeh, ki je presegla hladno jesen.En: "We must meet again," Matej suggested with warmth in his eyes that transcended the cold autumn.Sl: "Razmisliva, kako lahko združiva tvojo umetnost in moje pesmi.En: "Let's think about how we can combine your art and my poetry."Sl: ""Z veseljem," je odgovorila Nina z novo energijo in zaupanjem.En: "With pleasure," Nina replied with renewed energy and confidence.Sl: Njuna zgodba še ni bila končana, vendar so semena prijateljstva in ustvarjalnega sodelovanja že rasla med jesenskimi listi botaničnega vrta.En: Their story was not yet...
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    15 mins
  • Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Listje je zletavalo z dreves, barvito kot slike na stenah v mali pražarni kave v Ljubljani.En: The leaves were falling from the trees, as colorful as the pictures on the walls in a small coffee roastery in Ljubljana.Sl: Notri so ljudje uživali v prijetni toplini in vonju sveže mlete kave.En: Inside, people enjoyed the cozy warmth and the smell of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Luka, Maja in Uroš so sedeli za leseno mizo v kotu, obkroženi s toplim vzdušjem in zvokom tihega čebljanja drugih obiskovalcev.En: Luka, Maja, and Uroš sat at a wooden table in the corner, surrounded by a warm ambiance and the soft chatter of other patrons.Sl: Luka je bil poln energije in pričakovanja.En: Luka was full of energy and anticipation.Sl: Njegove oči so iskrile in ni se mogel več zadrževati.En: His eyes sparkled, and he couldn't hold back any longer.Sl: "Prijatelji," je rekel z žarečim nasmehom, "imam presenečenje za Martinovanje!En: "Friends," he said with a glowing smile, "I have a surprise for Martinovanje!"Sl: "Maja je dvignila obrv in se skeptično nasmehnila.En: Maja raised an eyebrow and smiled skeptically.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj, Luka?En: "What now, Luka?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: Ona je raje imela stvari načrtovane, vsak korak vnaprej določen.En: She preferred things planned, every step predetermined.Sl: "Pripravil sem izlet," je Luka navdušeno razložil.En: "I've organized a trip," Luka eagerly explained.Sl: "Gremo na potovanje po Sloveniji, da doživimo Martinovanje v vseh barvah!En: "We're going on a journey around Slovenia to experience Martinovanje in all its colors!Sl: Morje vina in dobra družba.En: Seas of wine and good company.Sl: Kaj praviš, Uroš?En: What do you think, Uroš?"Sl: " Luka je pogledal proti njemu, vedoč, da bo Uroš pripravljen na katerokoli dogodivščino.En: Luka looked toward him, knowing that Uroš would be ready for any adventure.Sl: "Pogledamo, kam nas cesta pelje!En: "Let's see where the road takes us!"Sl: " je prikimal Uroš, ki je vedno pripravljen na spontanost.En: nodded Uroš, who was always ready for spontaneity.Sl: Maja pa je zavzdihnila.En: Maja, however, sighed.Sl: "Ne vem, Luka.En: "I don't know, Luka.Sl: Jaz raje ostanem tukaj, kjer je toplo in udobno.En: I'd rather stay here, where it's warm and comfortable."Sl: "Luka je razumel Majine skrbi, a ni hotel odnehati.En: Luka understood Maja's concerns, but he didn't want to give up.Sl: "Obljubim, da bo to nepozabno.En: "I promise it will be unforgettable.Sl: Zaupaj mi.En: Trust me.Sl: Slovenija je čudovita v jeseni.En: Slovenia is beautiful in the fall.Sl: Spomin bo vreden.En: The memory will be worth it.Sl: Pripravimo se na vinogradniško deželo.En: Let's prepare for wine country.Sl: Gremo na Ptuj, najstarejše mesto, kjer Martinovanje ne bo razočaralo!En: We're going to Ptuj, the oldest town, where Martinovanje will not disappoint!"Sl: "Maja je videla Luko, ki je bil vedno tako optimističen.En: Maja saw Luka, who was always so optimistic.Sl: Njeno srce je mehčalo ob misli na skupne trenutke.En: Her heart softened at the thought of shared moments.Sl: Morda pa si zasluži malo pustolovščine.En: Perhaps she did deserve a little adventure.Sl: "Vredu, Luka.En: "Alright, Luka.Sl: Prepričal si me.En: You've convinced me.Sl: Tvoje presenečenje sprejmem," je končno rekla Maja in nekoliko skeptično, a z nasmehom popustila.En: I'll accept your surprise," Maja finally said, a bit skeptically but with a smile, she gave in.Sl: In tako so se trije prijatelji tisto popoldne spakirali in sedli v Lukov avto.En: And so, that afternoon, the three friends packed up and got into Luka's car.Sl: Ceste so jih vodile mimo zlatih polj in skozi pisana jesenka drevesa.En: The roads led them past golden fields and through colorful autumn trees.Sl: Ko so prispeli na Ptuj, so jih pozdravili nasmejani obrazi, vonj praženega kostanja in zven harmonike, ki se je razlegal po ozkih ulicah.En: When they arrived in Ptuj, they were greeted by smiling faces, the smell of roasted chestnuts, and the sound of accordion music echoing through the narrow streets.Sl: Tiste noči so pozabili na skrbi in se predali trenutku.En: That night, they forgot about their worries and surrendered to the moment.Sl: Praznovanje Martinovanja, z dobrim vinom, pesmijo in plesom, jih je združilo.En: Celebrating Martinovanje with good wine, song, and dance brought them together.Sl: Maja je spoznala, da včasih nepričakovani načrti prinašajo najlepše spomine.En: Maja realized that sometimes unexpected plans bring the most beautiful memories.Sl: Zaupala je Luki in njegovim instinktom bolj kot kdajkoli prej.En: She trusted Luka and his instincts more than ever before.Sl: Ko so se nasmejano vračali proti Ljubljani, je vedela, da ima ...
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    17 mins
  • Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves
    Nov 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-20-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V zgodnjem jesenskem jutru sta Aljoša in Mateja, brat in sestra, prispela do Škocjanskih jam.En: On an early autumn morning, Aljoša and Mateja, brother and sister, arrived at the Škocjanske Caves.Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi rumene liste, ko sta se spustila v hladno senco, ki jo je ustvarjal gozd okoli vhoda v jame.En: The sun shone through the yellow leaves as they descended into the cool shade created by the forest around the entrance to the caves.Sl: Aljoša je z velikim korakom vodil pot, Mateja pa je hodila nekoliko zadržano za njim.En: Aljoša led the way with large steps, while Mateja walked slightly hesitantly behind him.Sl: Škocjanske jame so bile vedno poseben kraj za Aljošo.En: The Škocjanske Caves had always been a special place for Aljoša.Sl: Njihova lepota mu je vlivala mir in jasnost misli.En: Their beauty instilled peace and clarity of thought in him.Sl: Upal je, da bo ista atmosfera pomagala tudi njemu in Mateji, da premagata preteklost in obnovita svojo vez.En: He hoped that the same atmosphere would help both him and Mateja overcome the past and rebuild their bond.Sl: Ko sta stopila v prvo dvorano, ju je obdala tišina.En: As they entered the first chamber, they were enveloped by silence.Sl: Mateja je pogledovala okoli sebe.En: Mateja glanced around.Sl: Stalaktiti so viseli kot ledene sveče s stropa, podzemni tok je brnel v daljavi.En: Stalactites hung like icicles from the ceiling, and the underground stream murmured in the distance.Sl: „Kako mogočno,“ je zamrmrala.En: "How powerful," she murmured.Sl: Aljoša je prikimal.En: Aljoša nodded.Sl: Čutil je, da je pravi trenutek, da začne pogovor.En: He felt it was the right moment to start the conversation.Sl: „Mateja,“ je začel, ampak ona ga je prekinila.En: "Mateja," he began, but she interrupted him.Sl: „Pusti, da povem,“ je rekla.En: "Let me speak," she said.Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale odločnost.En: Her eyes radiated determination.Sl: „Dolgo sem imela občutek, da me nihče ne razume.En: "For a long time, I felt that no one understood me.Sl: Prepiri zaradi dedovanja so me ranili.En: The arguments about inheritance hurt me.Sl: Ni šlo za denar, ampak za občutek, da nisem enakovredna.“En: It wasn't about the money, but about the feeling that I wasn't equal."Sl: Aljoša je poslušal.En: Aljoša listened.Sl: Telo je imel napeto, a si je prizadeval ne prekinjati.En: His body was tense, but he tried not to interrupt.Sl: V prostoru je odmeval samo njen glas.En: Only her voice echoed in the space.Sl: „Rada bi, da bi se vrnila tisti občutek bratstva, ki sva ga imela kot otroka,“ je nadaljevala Mateja.En: "I wish we could return to that sense of siblinghood we had as children," Mateja continued.Sl: „Ne vem, kako začeti. Oprosti...“En: "I don't know how to start. I'm sorry..."Sl: S komaj slišno šepetajočim glasom je Aljoša zbral pogum.En: With a barely audible whisper, Aljoša gathered the courage.Sl: „Ti... ti si mi pomembna, Mateja.En: "You... you matter to me, Mateja.Sl: Razburjenje okoli dediščine me je zaslepilo.En: The turmoil around the inheritance blinded me.Sl: Želim si, da bi lahko popravila stvari.En: I wish I could fix things.Sl: Rabiva začeti komunicirati bolj odprto.“En: We need to start communicating more openly."Sl: Z besedami težo sta stala tam dolgo.En: They stood there with the weight of words for a long time.Sl: Med njih jima je padla svetloba svetilk iz skritih kotičkov jame.En: The light from hidden corners of the cave fell upon them.Sl: Potem je Mateja stopila bliže.En: Then Mateja stepped closer.Sl: „Lahko začneva tukaj,“ je rekla mehko.En: "We can start here," she said softly.Sl: „Prvi korak.“En: "The first step."Sl: Počasi, skupaj, sta nadaljevala pot po jami, a sedaj je bila tišina polna novih obetov.En: Slowly, together, they continued their path through the cave, but now the silence was full of new promises.Sl: Oba sta vedela, da ničesar ne moreta popraviti čez noč, a pomemben temelj je bil položen.En: Both knew that nothing could be fixed overnight, but an important foundation had been laid.Sl: Ko sta iz Škocjanskih jam spet stopila v svetlo jesen, sta bila njuna srca že malce lažja.En: When they stepped out of the Škocjanske Caves into the bright autumn day, their hearts were already a little lighter.Sl: Aljoša se je učil biti bolj odprt in ranljiv.En: Aljoša was learning to be more open and vulnerable.Sl: Mateja pa je, izgovorjena iz navzkrižja besed in čustev, izkusila moč izrekanja svojih misli.En: Mateja, spoken out from a tangle of words and emotions, experienced the power of voicing her thoughts.Sl: Pred njima je bila dolga pot, vendar sta stopala po njej skupaj.En: Before them lay a long journey, but they were...
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    16 mins
  • Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale
    Nov 19 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-19-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Lake Bled leži miren in mističen, ko se začetek zime prepleta z zadnjimi vzdihi jeseni.En: Lake Bled lies calm and mystical as the beginning of winter intertwines with the last breaths of autumn.Sl: Okolica je tiha, pokrita s tančico snega, ko se turisti in domačini zberejo, da izkusijo čarobnost drsanja na zamrznjeni površini.En: The surroundings are quiet, covered with a veil of snow, as tourists and locals gather to experience the magic of skating on the frozen surface.Sl: Mateja se počuti drugačna v tem idiličnem kraju.En: Mateja feels different in this idyllic place.Sl: Preselila se je v majhno vasico blizu jezera in od takrat išče povezave, prijateljstva, ki bi ji pregnala osamljenost.En: She moved to a small village near the lake and has since been searching for connections, friendships to chase away her loneliness.Sl: Njena prijateljica Tina, polna energije in odločnosti, jo je pripeljala na led.En: Her friend Tina, full of energy and determination, brought her to the ice.Sl: "Skupaj bova drsali," je Tina opogumljala Matejo.En: "We'll skate together," Tina encouraged Mateja.Sl: "Lepo bo, ti boš uživala!"En: "It'll be nice, you'll enjoy it!"Sl: Z drsalkami na nogah Mateja okleva, občutek ledu pod čevlji ji je neznan.En: With skates on her feet, Mateja hesitates, the feeling of ice under her shoes unfamiliar.Sl: Vsak korak je negotov.En: Every step is uncertain.Sl: "Samo dihaj," si Mateja reče.En: "Just breathe," Mateja tells herself.Sl: Tina, vedno polna nasvetov, ji pokaže osnove drsanja in kmalu se obe smejeta.En: Tina, always full of advice, shows her the basics of skating, and soon they are both laughing.Sl: Na jezeru je še veliko ljudi.En: There are many people on the lake.Sl: Otroci se smejijo, odrasli pazljivo drsijo po gladini.En: Children are laughing, adults carefully gliding on the surface.Sl: Med njimi je tudi Jaka, ki išče navdih za nove začetke.En: Among them is Jaka, who seeks inspiration for new beginnings.Sl: Rad ima naravo, gre mu za svežino novega.En: He loves nature and is all about the freshness of the new.Sl: Ko se Mateja premika po ledu, se nenadoma neprevidno zamaje.En: As Mateja moves on the ice, she suddenly wobbles carelessly.Sl: Seveda Tina ni daleč za njo, vendar Mateja zgreši ravnotežje in s treskom pade.En: Of course, Tina isn't far behind her, but Mateja loses her balance and crashes down.Sl: Nekaj trenutkov zatem jo prime močna roka.En: Moments later, a strong hand grabs her.Sl: "Oprosti, da sem te prestrašil," reče Jaka z nasmehom.En: "Sorry I scared you," says Jaka with a smile.Sl: "Ti si v redu?"En: "Are you okay?"Sl: Mateja se sramežljivo nasmehne, "Da, hvala, sem."En: Mateja shyly smiles, "Yes, thank you, I am."Sl: Njuni pogledi se srečajo, v trenutku oba začutita nekaj posebnega.En: Their eyes meet, and in an instant, they both feel something special.Sl: Jaka jo dvigne in prijateljsko predlaga, "Greš na čaj, da se ogreješ?"En: Jaka lifts her up and friendly suggests, "How about some tea to warm up?"Sl: Začno hoditi skupaj po ledu, pogovor teče gladko kot zamrznjena površina jezera.En: They start walking together on the ice, the conversation flowing as smoothly as the frozen surface of the lake.Sl: Mateja se počuti živa, kot da se led v njenem srcu topi.En: Mateja feels alive as if the ice in her heart is melting.Sl: Pripoveduje o svoji ljubezni do umetnosti, Jaka pa govori o svojih zimskih pustolovščinah kot smučarski učitelj.En: She talks about her love for art, and Jaka shares his winter adventures as a ski instructor.Sl: Ko se sonce spušča nad jezero, Mateja čuti, da se je spremenila.En: As the sun sets over the lake, Mateja feels changed.Sl: "Je kaj, kar si želiš poskusiti? Nekaj novega?" vpraša Jaka, medtem ko skupaj gledata čarobno pokrajino.En: "Is there anything you'd like to try? Something new?" asks Jaka, as they gaze together at the magical landscape.Sl: Mateja se zazre v zimo, ki prihaja.En: Mateja looks into the approaching winter.Sl: "Mislim, da bi rada bolj spoznavala to novo okolje."En: "I think I'd like to get to know this new environment better."Sl: Njegov nasmeh ji da pogum, spremljanje novosti in novih ljudi.En: His smile gives her courage, the prospect of new things and people.Sl: Dogovorita se, da se bosta znova srečala, odkrivala še neznane kotičke Bleda.En: They agree to meet again to discover yet unknown corners of Bled.Sl: Ko se vrne domov, Mateja ve, da ni več sama.En: When she returns home, Mateja knows she's no longer alone.Sl: Našla je več kot le prijatelja.En: She's found more than just a friend.Sl: Našla je vez do skupnosti, ki jo začne vedno bolj privlačiti.En: She's found a connection to a community that increasingly draws her in.Sl: Njen strah pred ...
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    17 mins
  • Unveiling Lake Bled: Mysteries Beneath the Mist
    Nov 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unveiling Lake Bled: Mysteries Beneath the Mist Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-18-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Sredi jeseni je jezero Bled obdano z rjavimi in oranžnimi drevesi.En: In the middle of autumn, Lake Bled is surrounded by brown and orange trees.Sl: Meglica počasi pleše nad vodo.En: A mist slowly dances over the water.Sl: Na malem otoku se dviga cerkev, ki jo obkroža skrivnost.En: On the small island, a church rises, surrounded by mystery.Sl: Stari grad na pečini kot da pazi na vse.En: The old castle on the cliff seems to watch over everything.Sl: Na tem čarobnem kraju se zgodi nekaj skrivnostnega.En: In this magical place, something mysterious happens.Sl: Matej, radovedni novinar, je prišel na Bled.En: Matej, a curious journalist, arrived at Bled.Sl: Hotel je raziskati izginotje turista.En: He wanted to investigate the disappearance of a tourist.Sl: Njegov cilj je pisati članek, ki mu bo prinesel slavo.En: His goal was to write an article that would bring him fame.Sl: Vendar ga domačini niso hoteli sprejeti.En: However, the locals didn't want to accept him.Sl: O nesreči niso hoteli govoriti.En: They didn't want to talk about the incident.Sl: Tanja, lokalna vodnica, je Mateju ponujala pomoč.En: Tanja, a local guide, offered Matej her help.Sl: Sprva je bila previdna.En: Initially, she was cautious.Sl: Vedela je več, kot je povedala.En: She knew more than she revealed.Sl: Ona je namreč poznala izginulega turista.En: She was, in fact, acquainted with the missing tourist.Sl: Ravno zato ni želela govoriti.En: That's exactly why she didn't want to talk.Sl: Toda Matej je videl priložnost v njeni lokalni modrosti.En: But Matej saw an opportunity in her local wisdom.Sl: »Potrebuješ mojo pomoč,« je rekla.En: "You need my help," she said.Sl: »Bled skriva mnogo skrivnosti.En: "Bled hides many secrets."Sl: «Matej je počasi začel zaupati Tanja.En: Matej slowly began to trust Tanja.Sl: Skupaj sta raziskovala stare zgodbe.En: Together, they explored old stories.Sl: Govorice o starih jamah in skrivnih poteh okoli jezera so jih pritegnile.En: Rumors about ancient caves and secret paths around the lake intrigued them.Sl: Eden od starejših domačinov je omenil, da se okoli jezera prepletajo dolgi tuneli.En: One of the older locals mentioned that long tunnels intersect around the lake.Sl: Nekega hladnega jutra sta se Matej in Tanja odločila preveriti te govorice.En: One cold morning, Matej and Tanja decided to check out these rumors.Sl: Hodila sta okoli jezera, mimo gostih dreves in skrivnostnih stez.En: They walked around the lake, past dense trees and mysterious paths.Sl: Po dolgem iskanju sta našla vhod v staro jamo.En: After a long search, they found the entrance to an old cave.Sl: Matej je začutil, da je blizu resnice.En: Matej felt that he was close to the truth.Sl: V jami je bila tišina.En: In the cave, there was silence.Sl: Pot ju je vodila globoko v hladno temo.En: The path led them deep into the cold darkness.Sl: Nenadoma sta našla nahrbtnik in ostalo opremo.En: Suddenly, they found a backpack and other equipment.Sl: Vse je pripadalo manjkajočemu turistu.En: It all belonged to the missing tourist.Sl: Zdaj sta spoznala, da se je revež v temi izgubil.En: Now they realized that the poor man had gotten lost in the darkness.Sl: Ob vrnitvi na svetlobo je Matej spoznal, da je tu pomembnejša zgodba.En: Upon returning to the light, Matej realized there was a more important story here.Sl: Ne le o izginulem turistu, temveč o zgodovini in legendah Bleda.En: Not just about the missing tourist, but about the history and legends of Bled.Sl: Spoznal je, da so včasih zgodbe o ljudeh in kulturi enako pomembne kot dejstva.En: He realized that sometimes stories about people and culture are just as important as the facts.Sl: S Tanjo sta skupaj sestavila članek.En: Together with Tanja, he put together an article.Sl: Povedala sta zgodbo o Bledu, njegovih legendah in ljudeh.En: They told the story of Bled, its legends, and its people.Sl: Matej je spoznal, da se resnica vedno razkriva, ko so srca in um odprta za sodelovanje.En: Matej realized that the truth is always revealed when hearts and minds are open to collaboration.Sl: In da je priznanje posledica dela v skupnosti in s srčnostjo.En: And that recognition is a result of work in the community and with heart. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jesenimist: meglicajournalist: novinardisappearance: izginotjeaccept: sprejetiincident: nesrečicautious: previdnaacquainted: poznalasecrets: skrivnostirumors: govoriceancient: starihdense: gostihpaths: stezentrance: vhodcave: jamabelonged: pripadalodarkness: temicommunity: skupnostirecognition: priznanjeexplore: raziskovatiguide: vodnicainvestigate: raziskatimysterious: skrivnostnocurious: radovedniprovided: ponujalaopportunity: priložnostintersect: prepletajolost: izgubillegends: legendefacts: dejstva
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    15 mins
  • Beneath the Autumn Leaves: A Bond Forged at Bled Lake
    Nov 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Beneath the Autumn Leaves: A Bond Forged at Bled Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-17-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na robu mirnega Blejskega jezera sta Luka, Mateja in Jure začela svojo pot.En: At the edge of the peaceful Blejsko jezero (Bled Lake), Luka, Mateja, and Jure began their journey.Sl: Jesenski zrak je bil hladen, listje pa se je lesketalo v odtenkih oranžne in zlate.En: The autumn air was cold, and the leaves shimmered in shades of orange and gold.Sl: Luka je globoko vdihnil svežino jutra, odločen, da dokonča pohod.En: Luka took a deep breath of the morning freshness, determined to complete the hike.Sl: V sebi je čutil nekoliko skrbi, a je skril svoje občutke.En: He felt a bit of anxiety inside but hid his feelings.Sl: Dolgo je načrtoval ta pohod, zdaj pa se ni želel ustaviti zaradi zdravstvenih težav, ki jih ni razkril niti najboljšima prijateljema.En: He had been planning this hike for a long time, and now he didn't want to stop due to health issues he hadn't disclosed to even his best friends.Sl: Mateja se je veselo smejala, kazala je na otoček sredi jezera, kjer se je cerkev zinila proti nebu.En: Mateja laughed cheerfully, pointing to the little island in the middle of the lake, where a church reached for the sky.Sl: "Poglej, kako čudovito je danes," je rekla Mateja.En: "Look how beautiful it is today," Mateja said.Sl: Jure je prikimal, držal je v roki svoj telefon in slikal pokrajino.En: Jure nodded, holding his phone and taking pictures of the landscape.Sl: "To bo fantastičen dan za pohod," je dodal.En: "This will be a fantastic day for a hike," he added.Sl: Luka je hodil nekaj korakov za njima.En: Luka walked a few steps behind them.Sl: Srce mu je močno bilo, čutil je nenavadno utrujenost.En: His heart was pounding, and he felt unusually tired.Sl: Celo tako enostaven korak se mu je zdel težaven.En: Even such an easy step seemed difficult to him.Sl: Kljub vsemu se je prisilil naprej, nočeč priznati slabosti.En: Despite everything, he forced himself to continue, not wanting to admit weakness.Sl: Ko so krenili v gozd, se je pot zožala.En: As they headed into the forest, the path narrowed.Sl: Vetrič je rahlo pihljal skozi drevesne krošnje, listje je padalo okoli njih kot pisana praprotna preproga.En: A breeze gently blew through the tree crowns, and leaves fell around them like a colorful fern carpet.Sl: Luka je občasno zaostal, njegov dih je postal neenakomeren.En: Luka occasionally lagged behind, his breath becoming uneven.Sl: Mateja in Jure sta ga opazovala, a še nihče ni nič rekel.En: Mateja and Jure observed him, but no one said anything yet.Sl: "V redu si?En: "Are you okay?"Sl: " je končno vprašala Mateja, ko je Luka nenadoma zastal in se oprijel drevesa.En: Mateja finally asked when Luka suddenly stopped and leaned against a tree.Sl: Luka je le prikimal, skušajoč se nasmehniti.En: Luka just nodded, trying to smile.Sl: "Samo malo zadihan," je rekel, vsaj poskušal.En: "Just a little out of breath," he said, or at least tried to.Sl: Toda kmalu zatem je Luka omahnil na tla.En: But soon after, Luka collapsed to the ground.Sl: "Luka!En: "Luka!"Sl: " sta hkrati zavpila Mateja in Jure ter hitro pritekla do njega.En: Mateja and Jure shouted simultaneously and quickly ran to him.Sl: Luka je zaprl oči, njegov obraz je bil bled.En: Luka closed his eyes, his face pale.Sl: Po nekaj trenutkih tišine se je Luka odločil povedati resnico.En: After a few moments of silence, Luka decided to tell the truth.Sl: "Žal mi je," je povedal s tresočim glasom.En: "I'm sorry," he said with a trembling voice.Sl: "Imam zdravstvene težave.En: "I have health issues.Sl: Nisem vam povedal.En: I didn't tell you."Sl: "Mateja in Jure sta se zaskrbljeno spogledala, a brez oklevanja sta mu pomagala.En: Mateja and Jure exchanged worried glances, but without hesitation, they helped him.Sl: "Zakaj nam nisi rekel?En: "Why didn't you tell us?"Sl: " ga je vprašal Jure, ko sta ga počasi dvignila.En: Jure asked as they slowly lifted him.Sl: "Ne vem," je priznal Luka s sklonjeno glavo.En: "I don't know," Luka admitted with his head bowed.Sl: "Nisem hotel biti breme.En: "I didn't want to be a burden."Sl: "Mateja je prijela Luka pod ramo in ga podprla, medtem ko je Jure poklical pomoč s telefonom.En: Mateja took Luka under his arm and supported him while Jure called for help on his phone.Sl: "Nismo tukaj, da bi sodili.En: "We're not here to judge.Sl: Smo prijatelji, tukaj smo, da si pomagamo," je rekla Mateja.En: We're friends, we're here to help," Mateja said.Sl: Po nekaj napornih minutah so prišli do ceste blizu jezera.En: After a few strenuous minutes, they reached the road near the lake.Sl: Tam jih je čakala mala koča, kjer so se lahko spočili.En: There, a small cabin awaited them, where they could rest.Sl: Mateja je stisnila Luko, medtem ko se je Jure smejal, poskušajoč spraviti ...
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    17 mins
  • Ljubljana's Market Surprise: A Day of Friendship and Strategy
    Nov 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Ljubljana's Market Surprise: A Day of Friendship and Strategy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-16-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana.En: Ljubljana.Sl: Jesen v mestu.En: Autumn in the city.Sl: Centralna tržnica živi.En: The central market is alive.Sl: Prodajalci ponujajo sveže sadje, zelenjavo, domače izdelke.En: Vendors offer fresh fruit, vegetables, and homemade products.Sl: Po zraku diši po cimetu in klinčkih.En: The air is scented with cinnamon and cloves.Sl: Listje leži na tlakovanih poteh kot zlat pregrinjalo.En: Leaves lie on the cobblestone paths like a golden blanket.Sl: Matej se sprehaja med stojnicami.En: Matej strolls among the stalls.Sl: Skrbi ga.En: He is worried.Sl: Rad ima, da je vse popolno.En: He likes everything to be perfect.Sl: Danes mora organizirati presenečenje za prijatelja Andreja.En: Today, he must organize a surprise for his friend Andrej.Sl: Želi si, da bi bilo vse brezhibno.En: He wants everything to be flawless.Sl: Z njim je Nina.En: With him is Nina.Sl: Energija, ki kar žari od kreativnosti.En: An energy glowing with creativity.Sl: A včasih pozabi na malenkosti.En: But sometimes she forgets the details.Sl: »Nina, ali imaš seznam?En: "Nina, do you have the list?"Sl: « vpraša Matej.En: Matej asks.Sl: »Seveda,« odgovori Nina in mu pokaže kos papirja, kjer je nekaj na hitro napisanih točk.En: "Of course," replies Nina, showing him a piece of paper with a few hastily written points.Sl: Tržnica je gneča.En: The market is crowded.Sl: Težko se slišita.En: It's hard to hear each other.Sl: Matej skrbi.En: Matej is worried.Sl: "Kaj če bo šlo kaj narobe?En: "What if something goes wrong?"Sl: " se vpraša.En: he wonders.Sl: »Matej, glej, stojnica s svečami!En: "Matej, look, a stall with candles!Sl: Povsem naravne!En: Completely natural!Sl: Si predstavljam, kako lepo bi bile na mizi!En: I can imagine how beautiful they would be on the table!"Sl: « vzklikne Nina.En: Nina exclaims.Sl: Matej se osredotoča na načrt.En: Matej focuses on the plan.Sl: »Sveče so na seznamu.En: "Candles are on the list.Sl: Preverim,« pravi z resnim glasom.En: I'll check," he says seriously.Sl: Po nekaj minutah so vrečke že polne.En: After a few minutes, the bags are full.Sl: Oreški, suho sadje, nekaj malenkosti.En: Nuts, dried fruit, a few trinkets.Sl: Matej išče darilo, ki ga je imel v mislih.En: Matej looks for the gift he had in mind.Sl: A trg je brez njegove izbrane stvari.En: But the market is without his chosen item.Sl: Razprodan.En: Sold out.Sl: Panika.En: Panic.Sl: »Nina, darila ni!En: "Nina, the gift is not there!Sl: Kaj pa zdaj?En: What now?"Sl: « izdavi v zadregi.En: he utters in embarrassment.Sl: Nina se prijateljsko nasmeji.En: Nina smiles kindly.Sl: »Najdi okraske.En: "Find the decorations.Sl: Jaz poskrbim za darilo,« obljubi.En: I'll take care of the gift," she promises.Sl: V trenutku izgineta v različne smeri.En: In an instant, they disappear in different directions.Sl: Matej izbere lesene okraske in misli o prazni svoji vrečki.En: Matej picks wooden decorations and thinks of his empty bag.Sl: Čez nekaj ur stojita v Andrejevem dnevnem prostoru.En: A few hours later, they stand in Andrej's living room.Sl: Vse je pripravljeno.En: Everything is ready.Sl: Svečane lučke mežikajo, miza je polna dobrot.En: Festive lights twinkle, the table is full of treats.Sl: Andrej stopi skozi vrata, slepariti se je moral, a zdaj vidi svoje presenečenje.En: Andrej walks through the door, he had to be tricked, but now he sees his surprise.Sl: Zasliši smeh, čestitke.En: He hears laughter, congratulations.Sl: »Kako ti je uspelo, Matej?En: "How did you manage this, Matej?Sl: To je neverjetno!En: This is incredible!"Sl: « reče Andrej, vidno ganjen.En: says Andrej, visibly moved.Sl: Matej se nasmehne in pogleda Nino.En: Matej smiles and looks at Nina.Sl: »S sodelovanjem.En: "With cooperation.Sl: Hvala, Nina,« izjavi.En: Thank you, Nina," he states.Sl: Nina pomežikne.En: Nina winks.Sl: »Kdo pravi, da spontano ne more biti popolno?En: "Who says spontaneous can't be perfect?"Sl: « Matej z novega pogleda sprejme nauk.En: Matej learns a lesson from a new perspective.Sl: Tistih nekaj improvizacij je bilo ključno.En: Those few improvisations were crucial.Sl: Nauči se, da je včasih treba prepustiti nekaj nadzora, da vse steče tako kot mora.En: He learns that sometimes you have to let go of some control for everything to work as it should.Sl: Najpomembneje pa je: Andrej je presrečen.En: Most importantly, Andrej is overjoyed.Sl: Vsi se smejijo, prijateljstvo sij je svetlo kot sveče.En: Everyone is laughing, the glow of friendship is as bright as the candles.Sl: Ljubljana, jesen, prijatelji.En: Ljubljana, autumn, friends.Sl: Ne pozabi se.En: It should not be forgotten. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jesenvendor: prodajalecscented: dišicinnamon: cimetcobblestone: ...
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    16 mins
  • Art Meets Tech: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation
    Nov 15 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Art Meets Tech: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-15-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljanski grad je sijal pod jesenskimi sončnimi žarki.En: Ljubljanski Castle shone under the autumn sunlight.Sl: Rdeči in zlati listi so se vrtinčili okoli njegovega stolpa.En: Red and golden leaves swirled around its tower.Sl: Dane je bil dan Svetega Martina, praznik vina in veselja.En: It was the day of St. Martin, a festival of wine and joy.Sl: Grad je bil poln ljudi, vsak od njih pripravljen uživati v tradiciji.En: The castle was bustling with people, each one ready to enjoy the tradition.Sl: Na kulturnem dogodku v grajski dvorani je Mateja, mlada umetnica, skrbno pregledovala svojo razstavo.En: At a cultural event in the castle hall, Mateja, a young artist, was carefully reviewing her exhibition.Sl: Njena dela so govorila o slovenski dediščini.En: Her works spoke of Slovenian heritage.Sl: Želela je prikazati lepoto teh tradicij.En: She wanted to showcase the beauty of these traditions.Sl: A nekje v njej je bila majhna senca dvoma.En: But somewhere inside her was a small shadow of doubt.Sl: Luka, tehnični vodič gradu, je opazoval Matejo z drugega konca sobe.En: Luka, the castle's technical guide, was observing Mateja from the other side of the room.Sl: Luka je bil nadarjen v ustvarjanju interaktivnih doživetij.En: Luka had a talent for creating interactive experiences.Sl: Ljubil je zgodovino.En: He loved history.Sl: In danes je občudoval, kako je Mateja z umetnostjo ujela preteklost.En: And today he admired how Mateja captured the past through art.Sl: "Mateja," ga je poklicala Anja, Matejina sodelavka.En: "Mateja," called out Anja, Mateja's colleague.Sl: "Si že videla Lukov najnovejši projekt?En: "Have you seen Luka's latest project?Sl: Sliši se zanimivo.En: It sounds interesting."Sl: "Mateja se je zazrla v Luka in zardela.En: Mateja looked at Luka and blushed.Sl: Vedela je, da Anja čuti nekaj več do Luka, vendar ni želela škodovati njunemu prijateljstvu.En: She knew that Anja felt something more for Luka, but she didn’t want to harm their friendship.Sl: Luka je pristopil bližje.En: Luka approached closer.Sl: "Mateja, tvoje delo me navdihuje," je rekel z nasmeškom.En: "Mateja, your work inspires me," he said with a smile.Sl: "Kaj če povežemo tvojo umetnost z mojimi tehnologijami?En: "What if we connect your art with my technologies?Sl: Ustvarimo nekaj res posebnega za razstavo.En: Let's create something truly special for the exhibition."Sl: "Mateja je oklevala, vendar je prikimala.En: Mateja hesitated but nodded.Sl: Njeni dvomi so se umikali navdušenju.En: Her doubts gave way to excitement.Sl: Naslednje tedne sta Mateja in Luka skupaj delala.En: In the following weeks, Mateja and Luka worked together.Sl: Ustvarila sta interaktivne postaje, kjer so obiskovalci lahko raziskovali slovensko kulturo skozi umetnost in tehnologijo.En: They created interactive stations where visitors could explore Slovenian culture through art and technology.Sl: Na dan Svetega Martina je bila razstava pripravljena.En: On St. Martin’s day, the exhibition was ready.Sl: Matejina srca je poskočilo, ko se je dvorana napolnila z obiskovalci.En: Mateja's heart leaped as the hall filled with visitors.Sl: Turisti in domačini so se smukali med njenimi umetninami, očarani nad kombinacijo tradicije in inovacije.En: Tourists and locals meandered among her artworks, enchanted by the fusion of tradition and innovation.Sl: Medtem ko sta Mateja in Luka opazovala reakcijo ljudi, Anja ni mogla spregledati njune sreče.En: While Mateja and Luka watched people's reactions, Anja couldn’t overlook their happiness.Sl: Njeno srce je bilo težko, vendar je vedela, da je čas, da odstopi.En: Her heart was heavy, but she knew it was time to step aside.Sl: Ko so se luči obarvale mehko rdeče, je Luka stisnil Matejino roko.En: As the lights turned a soft red, Luka squeezed Mateja's hand.Sl: "Hvala, da si zaupala meni in mojem delu," je rekel.En: "Thank you for trusting me and my work," he said.Sl: Mateja je začutila toplino v njegovih besedah.En: Mateja felt the warmth in his words.Sl: Skupaj sta stala in uživala v njunem uspehu in na novo rojeni vezi.En: Together they stood, enjoying their success and the newly formed bond.Sl: Anja je pristopila z nežnim nasmehom.En: Anja approached with a gentle smile.Sl: "Ponosen sem na vaju," je priznala.En: "I’m proud of you two," she admitted.Sl: "Vidva res lahko skupaj premikata meje.En: "You two really can push boundaries together."Sl: "Mateja je našla novo energijo v svoji umetnosti.En: Mateja found new energy in her art.Sl: Naučila se je, da sodelovanje prinaša lepše stvari kot samostojni napori.En: She learned that collaboration brings more beauty than solo efforts.Sl: Z zaupanjem in navdihom, ki ga je našla v Luki, je odločena, da še naprej ...
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    16 mins