• Chasing Fog and Friendship: A Bled Autumn Adventure
    Nov 13 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Fog and Friendship: A Bled Autumn Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-13-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Jutro je bilo sveže in jasna modrina neba se je stekala z barvitimi listi, ki so okrasili drevesa okoli Blejskega jezera.En: The morning was fresh, and the clear blueness of the sky mingled with the colorful leaves that adorned the trees around Blejsko jezero.Sl: Mateja, Gregor in Andreja so stali na robu vode, vsak s svojim nahrbtnikom polnim malic in pričakovanj.En: Mateja, Gregor, and Andreja stood at the water’s edge, each with their backpacks full of snacks and expectations.Sl: Bil je dan šolskega izleta.En: It was the day of a school trip.Sl: Jesenske počitnice pri Bledu so se obetale kot popolna priložnost za spoznavanje narave in kulture ob Martinovanju.En: Autumn holidays at Bled promised to be a perfect opportunity for discovering nature and culture during the Martinovanje festival.Sl: "Vsi se zberimo," je ukazovala Andreja.En: "Everyone gather around," commanded Andreja.Sl: Njeni lasje so plapolali v jutranjem vetru, ko je usmerjala skupino po ustaljenem urniku.En: Her hair fluttered in the morning breeze as she directed the group according to the established schedule.Sl: "Najprej gremo do Blejske cerkve."En: "First, we’ll go to the Blejska cerkev."Sl: "Mateja, pohiti," je vzkliknil Gregor, ki je videl, kako njegova prijateljica že zamišljeno gleda okoli sebe, opazujoc svetlobo, ki je plesala po gladini jezera.En: "Mateja, hurry up," exclaimed Gregor, noticing how his friend was already lost in her thoughts, observing the light dancing on the lake’s surface.Sl: Mateja je bila znana po tem, da se je izgubila v svetu fotografije, vedno iščoč popoln posnetek.En: Mateja was known for getting lost in the world of photography, always searching for the perfect shot.Sl: Po peščeni poti so hodili mimo pisanih kmečkih hiš do višje točke, od koder je bil boljši razgled.En: They walked along the sandy path past colorful farmhouses to a higher point for a better view.Sl: Medtem ko je Andreja pripovedovala zgodbe o lokalnih šegah ob Martinovanju, je Mateja opazila, kako je megla začela plaziti čez jezero.En: While Andreja narrated stories of local customs during Martinovanje, Mateja noticed the fog beginning to creep over the lake.Sl: Vedela je, da se mora hitro premakniti, če želi ujeti pravi trenutek.En: She knew she had to move quickly if she wanted to capture the right moment.Sl: "Gregor, pridi! Mislim, da lahko najdem boljše mesto za fotografijo," je tiho rekla Mateja, a Gregor je le zmajal z glavo, previden pred tavanjem iz ustaljene poti.En: "Gregor, come! I think I can find a better spot for a photo," Mateja said quietly, but Gregor just shook his head, cautious about wandering off the beaten path.Sl: "Boljše, da ostaneva z Andrejo," je rekel.En: "Better to stay with Andreja," he said.Sl: "Ampak, če res misliš, da se splača..."En: "But if you really think it’s worth it…"Sl: Mateja je vedela, da časa ni veliko.En: Mateja knew there wasn’t much time.Sl: Pohitela je po stezi, čuteč pridušen talni šelestenje listov pod nogami, dokler ni našla majhno jaso.En: She hurried down the trail, feeling the soft rustle of leaves underfoot, until she found a small clearing.Sl: Megla je tanjšala in v tistem trenutku se je pred njo razkrila cerkev na otoku v vsej svoji lepoti.En: The fog thinned, and at that moment, the church on the island revealed itself in all its beauty.Sl: S srcem, ki ji je nagajalo od vznemirjenja, Mateja ni oklevala.En: With her heart racing with excitement, Mateja didn’t hesitate.Sl: Fotoaparat je izvlekla iz torbe in v utripu srčnega bitja zajela nepozaben prizor.En: She pulled out her camera from her bag and captured the unforgettable scene in the beat of a heart.Sl: Megla se je začela vračati, in s tem se je Mateja hitro vrnila k skupini.En: As the fog began to return, Mateja quickly rejoined the group.Sl: Ko so končno opravili računanje, Andreja ni opazila Matejinega kratkega odhoda.En: When they finally did a headcount, Andreja hadn’t noticed Mateja’s brief departure.Sl: Mateja je bila vesela, da je fotografijo lahko hitro pogledala.En: Mateja was pleased to glance at the photograph quickly.Sl: Slika je bila res popolna.En: The picture truly was perfect.Sl: "V šolskem časopisu jo bomo objavili," je povedala Andreja, ko so se vrnili na avtobus.En: “We’ll publish it in the school newspaper,” Andreja said when they got back on the bus.Sl: Njena odločenost je bila mehkejša, ko je videla, kako je Mateja našla ravnovesje med svojo ljubeznijo do pustolovščin in sodelovanjem s skupino.En: Her determination softened when she saw how Mateja had found balance between her love of adventure and collaboration with the group.Sl: Z Matejinim uspehom je prišel tudi občutek ponosa, ki se je razširil med njenimi sošolci,...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Inspiration: A Photographic Journey of Friendship
    Nov 12 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Inspiration: A Photographic Journey of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Megleno jutro je na Blejskem jezeru prinašalo vzdušje pričakovanja.En: The foggy morning at Blejsko jezero brought an atmosphere of anticipation.Sl: Jesenski listi so se barvali v zlato in rdeče, gozd je dišal po svežem dežju.En: Autumn leaves were painted in gold and red, and the forest smelled of fresh rain.Sl: Matej, mlad fotograf, je hodil ob jezeru, njegov fotoaparat pa je visel z ramen.En: Matej, a young photographer, was walking by the lake, his camera hanging from his shoulders.Sl: Iskal je tisti en popoln posnetek, ki bi mu znova prižgal strast do fotografije.En: He was searching for that one perfect shot that would reignite his passion for photography.Sl: Toda megla je bila gosta, skoraj skrivnostna, in težko je bilo najti popoln pogled skozi objektiv.En: But the fog was thick, almost mysterious, and it was difficult to find the perfect view through the lens.Sl: Na drugi strani jezera je Tina sedela na klopci, zvezek je ležal odprt v njenem naročju.En: On the other side of the lake, Tina sat on a bench, a notebook lying open in her lap.Sl: Bila je pisateljica, ki je prišla iskati mir in navdih za svojo novo knjigo.En: She was a writer who had come to find peace and inspiration for her new book.Sl: A njene misli so tavale, okolica jo je vlekla stran od zgodb, ki jih je želela napisati.En: But her thoughts wandered, and the surroundings pulled her away from the stories she wanted to write.Sl: Matej je končno opazil Tino, kako je zamišljena strmela v daljavo.En: Matej finally noticed Tina, how she thoughtfully stared into the distance.Sl: Zdela se mu je zanimiva, kot del kraja, ki ga je skušal ujeti v fotoaparat.En: She seemed interesting to him, like part of the place he was trying to capture with his camera.Sl: Odločil se je pristopiti.En: He decided to approach.Sl: "Živjo," je pozdravil, "si tudi ti tu zaradi navdiha?En: "Hi," he greeted, "are you here for inspiration too?"Sl: "Tina se je sprva zdrznila, a nato se je nasmehnila.En: Tina was initially startled, but then she smiled.Sl: "Da," je odgovorila, "iščem mir, da bi pisala, ampak težko se osredotočim.En: "Yes," she replied, "I'm seeking peace to write, but it's hard to focus."Sl: "Matej je sedel zraven nje in pričel pogovor o fotografiji in pisanju.En: Matej sat beside her and started a conversation about photography and writing.Sl: Povedal je o svoji strasti, o trenutnem pomanjkanju motivacije, in Tina mu je zaupala o svojem pisateljskem bloku.En: He spoke of his passion, his current lack of motivation, and Tina confided in him about her writer's block.Sl: Skupna želja po ustvarjanju in boj z negotovostjo sta ju povezala.En: Their shared desire to create and struggle with uncertainty connected them.Sl: Pogovor je tekel, čas je mineval, in z vsakim trenutkom je megla počasi popuščala.En: The conversation flowed, time passed, and with each moment, the fog slowly lifted.Sl: Matej je skozi objektiv ujel pogled, ki ga je iskal, tokrat z Tino v ospredju.En: Matej captured the view he had been searching for through the lens, this time with Tina in the foreground.Sl: Bila je popolna kombinacija miru in globokega razmisleka.En: It was the perfect combination of peace and deep thought.Sl: Sočasno je Tina začela zapisovati sveže ideje, ki so se rodile iz njunega pogovora.En: Simultaneously, Tina began jotting down fresh ideas born from their conversation.Sl: Navdih je našla tako v pokrajini kot v besedah, ki sta jih delila.En: She found inspiration both in the landscape and in the words they shared.Sl: Ko se je dan končal, se je megla končno umaknila.En: As the day ended, the fog finally retreated.Sl: Matej je dobil svoj popoln posnetek, Tina pa novo energijo za pisanje.En: Matej got his perfect shot, and Tina gained new energy for writing.Sl: V tistih nekaj urah sta našla več kot le navdih - našla sta prijateljstvo, ki ju bo podpiral na ustvarjalni poti.En: In those few hours, they found more than just inspiration—they found a friendship that would support them on their creative journey.Sl: Oba, obogatena z novim pogumom in povezana skozi razumevanje, sta zapustila Bled z občutkom, da bo njuna pot odslej nekoliko lažja.En: Both enriched with new courage and connected through understanding, they left Bled with a feeling that their paths would be somewhat easier going forward.Sl: Njuna umetnost je zasijala v novem svetlobnem krogu, ki sta ga našla v meglenem jutru.En: Their art shone in a new circle of light that they found in the foggy morning. Vocabulary Words:foggy: meglenoanticipation: pričakovanjeatmosphere: vzdušjepainted: barvaliforest: gozdmysterious: skrivnostnaperfect: popolnlend: posnetekwriter: pisateljicanotebook: zvezekwandered: tavalecapture: ujetiapproach: ...
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    15 mins
  • Finding the Essence of Martinovanje in Ljubljana's Heart
    Nov 11 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding the Essence of Martinovanje in Ljubljana's Heart Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-11-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je dišala po jeseni.En: Ljubljana smelled like autumn.Sl: Barve listov so bile živo oranžne in rdeče, in mešana aroma svežega sadja je napolnila zrak na Ljubljanski mestni trg.En: The colors of the leaves were vibrant orange and red, and a mixed aroma of fresh fruit filled the air at the Ljubljanski mestni trg.Sl: Ljudje so se prerivali med stojnicami, obteženimi s pridelki in siri.En: People jostled among the stalls, laden with produce and cheeses.Sl: Med njimi je bila Anja, novinarka s posebnim navdušenjem za tradicijo.En: Among them was Anja, a journalist with a special enthusiasm for tradition.Sl: V mislih je že videla svojo stanovanje, polno ljudi za Martinovanje.En: In her mind, she could already picture her apartment filled with people for Martinovanje.Sl: Martinovanje je bil Anjin najljubši praznik.En: Martinovanje was Anja's favorite celebration.Sl: Občutila je veselje ob misli na prihodnje slavje, a pred njo je bila še ena naloga: najti popolne okraske, ki bi poudarili pravi pomen tega praznika – zahvalnost za letino.En: She felt joy at the thought of the upcoming festivity, but she had one more task ahead: to find the perfect decorations that would emphasize the true meaning of this holiday – gratitude for the harvest.Sl: Celotna ljubljanska tržnica pa se je zdela preveč moderna ali komercializirana za njen okus.En: The entire Ljubljana market seemed too modern or commercialized for her taste.Sl: "Petra, sem videla to isto stvar že na treh stojnicah," je pomenila svoji prijateljici, medtem ko je njen prijatelj Matej prinesel kavo.En: "Petra, I've seen this same thing at three different stalls," she remarked to her friend, while their friend Matej brought over some coffee.Sl: "Vse je tako potrošniško. Hočem nekaj posebnega."En: "Everything is so consumer-driven. I want something special."Sl: Petra, vedno polna idej, predlaga, da poskusijo manj znane stojnice, kjer mojstri izdelujejo ročne umetnine.En: Petra, always full of ideas, suggested they try less-known stalls where craftsmen make handmade art.Sl: Anja je bila skeptična, a tudi upala, da bo morda našla skriti zaklad.En: Anja was skeptical but also hopeful that she might find a hidden treasure.Sl: "Hodimo na drugo stran trga," je rekel Matej.En: "Let's go to the other side of the square," Matej said.Sl: "Tam sem videl nekaj zanimivega."En: "I saw something interesting over there."Sl: Anja je sledila prijaznemu zvoku njegovega glasu, odločna, da najde nekaj posebnega.En: Anja followed the friendly sound of his voice, determined to find something special.Sl: Po nekaj minutah hoje med starimi zgradbami, polnimi zgodovine, so prišli do manj obljudene stojnice.En: After a few minutes of walking among old buildings filled with history, they arrived at a less crowded stall.Sl: Tam je starejši gospod ponujal ročno izdelane okraske, lepe in skrbno izdelane.En: There, an elderly gentleman offered handmade decorations, beautiful and carefully crafted.Sl: "Dober dan," je rekel starec, oči so mu zaiskrile.En: "Good day," said the old man, his eyes twinkling.Sl: "Rokodelci iz Vipavske doline jih naredijo."En: "Craftsmen from the Vipavska dolina make them."Sl: Dekoracije so bile natančno izdelane iz naravnih materialov, z grozdjem in ptiči, simboli bogate jeseni in preprostega življenja.En: The decorations were meticulously made from natural materials, with grapes and birds, symbols of a rich autumn and simple life.Sl: Anja je občudovala njihovo lepoto, a cena je bila višja, kot je pričakovala.En: Anja admired their beauty, but the price was higher than she expected.Sl: Bila je v dilemi.En: She was in a dilemma.Sl: Matej, s svojim umirjenim načinom, jo je spomnil: "Anja, gre za bistvo Martinovanja.En: Matej, with his calm manner, reminded her: "Anja, it's about the essence of Martinovanje.Sl: Kaj ti je resnično pomembno?"En: What is truly important to you?"Sl: Anja je stisnila ustnice, dvignila eno od najlepših dekoracij in se obrnila k staremu možu.En: Anja pressed her lips together, picked up one of the most beautiful decorations, and turned to the old man.Sl: "Prosim, vzamem tole.En: "Please, I'll take this one.Sl: In... bi se nam radi pridružili na večeru?En: And... would you like to join us for the evening?Sl: Vedno je lepo spoznati človeka, ki ceni tradicijo, kot vi."En: It's always nice to meet someone who appreciates tradition, like you."Sl: Starec je bil presenečen in vesel.En: The old man was surprised and pleased.Sl: "Hvala vam, z veseljem!"En: "Thank you, with pleasure!"Sl: Anja se je odpravila domov, zadovoljna z izbiro.En: Anja set off home, satisfied with her choice.Sl: Spoznala je, da Martinovanje ni le o okrasju, temveč tudi o povezanosti med ljudmi.En: She realized ...
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    16 mins
  • Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast
    Nov 10 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-10-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V jesenskem dnevu, ko so se listi počasi spuščali na tla, je Ljubljana Business District žarel v barvah rdeče in zlate.En: On a fall day, when the leaves were slowly descending to the ground, the Ljubljana Business District glowed in shades of red and gold.Sl: V restavraciji "Pri babici", ki je dišala po štrudlju in sveže stisnjenem moštu, je bilo vzdušje prijetno.En: In the restaurant "Pri babici," which smelled of strudel and freshly pressed must, the atmosphere was pleasant.Sl: V zraku je bila čutiti tudi napetost, saj je bilo pred vrati Martinovanje, praznik, ki v Sloveniji pomeni spremembo mošta v vino.En: There was also a sense of tension in the air, as Martinovanje was just around the corner, a holiday in Slovenia that marks the transformation of must into wine.Sl: Jure je sedel pri mizi blizu okna in opazoval mimoidoče.En: Jure sat at a table near the window, observing passersby.Sl: Bil je najstarejši od treh otrok in njegov cilj je bil ohraniti družinsko harmonijo.En: He was the oldest of three children, and his goal was to maintain family harmony.Sl: Družina je pravkar izgubila babico, ki jim je zapustila skromno, a dragoceno dediščino.En: The family had just lost their grandmother, who had left them a modest but valuable inheritance.Sl: Vedel je, da Anja in Matej ne delita vedno istega mnenja kot on.En: He knew that Anja and Matej did not always share the same opinion as he did.Sl: Anja je prispela prva.En: Anja arrived first.Sl: S svojim odločnim korakom in rahlo zagrenjenim izrazom na obrazu je takoj sedla nasproti Jureta.En: With her determined step and slightly bitter expression, she immediately sat across from Jure.Sl: "Tokrat bom jaz odločala," je dejala.En: "This time I will decide," she said.Sl: "Vedno vse na koncu vi odločate. Ne bom več spregledana."En: "You always end up making all the decisions. I won't be overlooked anymore."Sl: Matej je vstopil nasmejan, a malo slep za napetost, ki je že tlela.En: Matej entered with a smile, but somewhat oblivious to the tension that was already simmering.Sl: "Kaj bomo jedli? Upam, da ima restavracija kej posebnega za Martinovanje!" je vzkliknil.En: "What will we eat? I hope the restaurant has something special for Martinovanje!" he exclaimed.Sl: Njegova lahkomiselnost je včasih razburila Anjo.En: His lightheartedness sometimes upset Anja.Sl: Ko so si naročili jedi, je ozračje postajalo zasičeno.En: As they ordered their meals, the atmosphere grew tense.Sl: Jure je začel pogovor o dediščini.En: Jure started a discussion about the inheritance.Sl: "Potrebujemo plan," je rekel.En: "We need a plan," he said.Sl: "Trebamo se pravično dogovoriti."En: "We need to agree fairly."Sl: Anja je hitro prekinila.En: Anja quickly interrupted.Sl: "Jure, vedno vi govorite o pravičnosti. Kaj pa moje potrebe?"En: "Jure, you always talk about fairness. What about my needs?"Sl: Njen glas je bil trd in obremenjen s preteklostjo, kjer je čutila, da je bila zanemarjena.En: Her voice was firm, burdened by a past where she felt neglected.Sl: Matej se je žvečil svoje jedi in ni razumel teže trenutka.En: Matej was chewing his food and failed to grasp the gravity of the moment.Sl: Začel je humorno. "Ah, bom pa kupil kaj luskuznega!"En: He began jokingly, "Ah, I might buy something luxurious!"Sl: Jure se je zavedel, da mora ukrepati.En: Jure realized he needed to take action.Sl: "Poslušajta," je rekel pomirjujoče.En: "Listen," he said soothingly.Sl: "Kaj če bi ustanovili družinski sklad? Dediščino bi uporabili za nekaj, kar bo koristilo vsem.En: "What if we set up a family fund? We could use the inheritance for something that benefits everyone.Sl: Ohranimo vrednost tega, kar nam je babica zapustila."En: Let's preserve the value of what grandma left us."Sl: Anja in Matej sta utihnila.En: Anja and Matej fell silent.Sl: Anja je razumela, da Jure resnično želi najbolje za vse.En: Anja understood that Jure genuinely wanted the best for everyone.Sl: Matej je razmislil o tem, kar mu je bilo ponujeno.En: Matej considered what was being offered.Sl: "To ni slabo.En: "That's not bad.Sl: Na koncu, babica bi bila ponosna na nas."En: In the end, grandma would be proud of us."Sl: Ko so zaključili obrok, je zunaj začel padati rahel dež, listi so se vrtinčili v vetru.En: As they finished their meal, a light rain began to fall outside, and the leaves swirled in the wind.Sl: Jure, Anja in Matej so zapustili restavracijo z večjim spoštovanjem drug do drugega.En: Jure, Anja, and Matej left the restaurant with a greater respect for each other.Sl: Vsak je našel nekaj novega v svojih odnosih; spoštovanje, sprejemanje, povezavo.En: Each found something new in their relationships: respect, acceptance, connection.Sl: Ustanovitev ...
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    16 mins
  • Artistic Encounters: A Fusion of Inspiration in Tivoli Park
    Nov 9 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Artistic Encounters: A Fusion of Inspiration in Tivoli Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-09-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V Tivoli parku v Ljubljani je bil čudovit jesenski dan.En: In Tivoli park in Ljubljana, it was a beautiful autumn day.Sl: Listi na drevesih so sijali v toplih odtenkih oranžne, rdeče in zlate barve.En: The leaves on the trees shone in warm shades of orange, red, and gold.Sl: Zrak je bil hladen, potke pa prepletene z živobarvnimi listi.En: The air was cool, and the paths were intertwined with colorful leaves.Sl: Zvok listja pod nogami je dodal prijeten občutek narave.En: The sound of leaves underfoot added a pleasant sense of nature.Sl: Počasi se je približevalo Martinovanje, čas, ko nova vina postanejo stara, in duh veselja zapolni zrak.En: Martinovanje was slowly approaching, a time when new wines become old, and the spirit of joy fills the air.Sl: Anže se je že zgodaj pripravljal na fotografsko sejo.En: Anže was preparing early for a photography session.Sl: Njegov cilj je bil ujeti popolno jesensko podobo za bližajočo se razstavo.En: His goal was to capture the perfect autumn image for the upcoming exhibition.Sl: Vedel je, da bo moral narediti nekaj posebnega.En: He knew he would have to do something special.Sl: Vendar pa so oblaki zagrinjali nebo in ga silili, da je čakal na sončni trenutek.En: However, clouds were covering the sky, forcing him to wait for a sunny moment.Sl: Na drugi strani parka je Mateja sedela na klopi s skiciranim blokom.En: On the other side of the park, Mateja sat on a bench with a sketchbook.Sl: Njen um je bil poln dvomov.En: Her mind was full of doubts.Sl: Dolgo ni našla ideje, ki bi navdihnila njena dela.En: For a long time, she hadn't found an idea that would inspire her work.Sl: Danes je sklenila, da bo poskusila nekaj novega.En: Today, she decided to try something new.Sl: Risala bo, kar čuti, ne le kar vidi.En: She would draw what she feels, not just what she sees.Sl: Minute so minevale in Anže je izgubil potrpljenje.En: Minutes passed, and Anže lost patience.Sl: Ampak nekaj ga je držalo tam.En: But something kept him there.Sl: Morda je bilo nekaj v svežem zraku, nekaj, kar ga klanjanja edinstvenim trenutkom.En: Maybe there was something in the fresh air, something that bowed to unique moments.Sl: Mateja prav tako ni našla pravega razpoloženja.En: Mateja also couldn't find the right mood.Sl: A nato, ravno ko se je pripravljala oditi, se je zgodilo nekaj čudovitega.En: But then, just as she was about to leave, something wonderful happened.Sl: Sonce se je prebilo skozi oblake in obsijalo listje z zlatimi žarki.En: The sun broke through the clouds and illuminated the leaves with golden rays.Sl: Njeni dvomi so se pričeli topiti, ko so sončni žarki oživeli njeno platno.En: Her doubts began to melt as the sun’s rays brought her canvas to life.Sl: V istem trenutku je Anže dvignil svoj fotoaparat.En: At the same moment, Anže lifted his camera.Sl: Zajemal je svetlobo, ki je plesala po drevesih.En: He captured the light dancing through the trees.Sl: Takrat so se njegove oči ustavile na rokah Mateje, ki so nežno premikale čopič po skicirki.En: Then his eyes stopped on Mateja's hands, gently moving a brush across her sketchbook.Sl: Njune poti so se križale.En: Their paths crossed.Sl: Osupnjen od trenutka je Anže spregovoril: "Takoj sem opazil, kako nežno vijugaš po papirju.En: Awestruck by the moment, Anže spoke: "I immediately noticed how gently you swirl across the paper."Sl: " Mateja je dvignila pogled in se nasmehnila.En: Mateja looked up and smiled.Sl: "In jaz sem ujela tvojo odločnost, kako natančno zajameš svetlobo.En: "And I caught your determination, how precisely you capture the light."Sl: "Spoznala sta, da delita strast do umetnosti.En: They realized they shared a passion for art.Sl: V tistem trenutku sta si izmenjala osebne podatke.En: At that moment, they exchanged personal information.Sl: Dogovorila sta se, da se bosta znova srečala in sodelovala.En: They agreed to meet again and collaborate.Sl: Ko sta odšla vsak v svojo smer, je Anže začutil nekaj novega.En: As they each went their separate ways, Anže felt something new.Sl: Povezava z Matejo mu je ponudila drugačno perspektivo, svež navdih.En: The connection with Mateja offered him a different perspective, a fresh inspiration.Sl: Mateja pa je našla samozavest, ki jo je iskala.En: Mateja found the confidence she had been seeking.Sl: Njuna nova prijateljstva sta jima širila obzorja.En: Their new friendship broadened their horizons.Sl: Tivoli je nadaljeval svoje vsakdanje življenje, vendar sta Anže in Mateja odšla z novo energijo.En: Tivoli continued its everyday life, but Anže and Mateja left with new energy.Sl: Jesen je prinesla novo obdobje, polno upanja in kreativnosti.En: Autumn brought a new era, full of hope and creativity. Vocabulary ...
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    16 mins
  • Escape from the Depths: A Journey Through Postojna Cave
    Nov 8 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Escape from the Depths: A Journey Through Postojna Cave Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-08-23-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Postojna jama je veličasten kraj.En: Postojna jama is a magnificent place.Sl: Hladni zrak in meglica ustvarjata skrivnostno vzdušje.En: The cold air and mist create a mysterious atmosphere.Sl: Matej, previden geolog, vodi skupino turistov.En: Matej, a cautious geologist, leads a group of tourists.Sl: Med njimi sta Nina, radovedna turistka s strahom pred zaprtimi prostori, in pogumni raziskovalec Gregor, ki hrepeni po pustolovščinah.En: Among them are Nina, a curious tourist with a fear of enclosed spaces, and the brave explorer Gregor, who longs for adventures.Sl: Skupina počasi hodi po hodnikih, obkrožena s čudovitimi stalaktiti in stalagmiti.En: The group walks slowly through the corridors, surrounded by beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.Sl: Luči svetilk mečejo dolge sence, ki plešejo po stenah.En: The lantern lights cast long shadows that dance on the walls.Sl: Naenkrat se jama močno strese.En: Suddenly, the cave shakes violently.Sl: Glasen hrup preplavi prostor.En: A loud noise fills the space.Sl: Padec kamenja zasuje izhod.En: A rockfall blocks the exit.Sl: Turisti obstojijo v tišini, odmeva le kapljanje vode.En: The tourists stand still in silence, with only the sound of water dripping echoing.Sl: Panika naraste, ko ugotovijo, da je pot nazaj zaprta.En: Panic rises when they realize the way back is closed.Sl: Matej poskuša umiriti situacijo.En: Matej tries to calm the situation.Sl: Njegov glavni cilj je varnost vseh.En: His main goal is everyone's safety.Sl: Preveri telefon, a signala ni.En: He checks his phone, but there's no signal.Sl: Odločiti se mora: čakati na reševalce ali najti drugo pot ven.En: He must decide: wait for rescuers or find another way out.Sl: Spomni se na svojo izkušnjo.En: He recalls his experience.Sl: V jamo je prišel že mnogokrat, pozna vsako njeno skrivnost.En: He has been to the cave many times and knows all its secrets.Sl: Vendar zdaj mora tvegati.En: However, now he must take a risk.Sl: Medtem ko skuša misliti, Nina stisne roko ob telo.En: While he tries to think, Nina clasps her hands to her body.Sl: Strah napolni njen obraz, a zaupa Mateju.En: Fear fills her face, but she trusts Matej.Sl: Gregor, nasproti, razburjeno predlaga raziskovanje novih poti.En: Gregor, on the other hand, excitedly suggests exploring new paths.Sl: "Matej, na levi sem videl neznan prehod.En: "Matej, on the left I saw an unknown passage.Sl: Morda je naša rešitev," pogumno pravi Gregor.En: Maybe that's our solution," Gregor says courageously.Sl: Matej okleva, a ve, da časa ni več veliko.En: Matej hesitates but knows there isn't much time left.Sl: "Gremo," po kratkem premisleku reče in vodi skupino proti nevarni poti.En: "Let's go," he says after a brief pause and leads the group toward the dangerous path.Sl: Pot je ozka in nejasna.En: The path is narrow and unclear.Sl: Skrbi ga za varnost, toda srce mu govori, naj verjame.En: He worries about safety, but his heart tells him to believe.Sl: Gregor za njim pogumno preverja, ali je pot stabilna.En: Gregor follows, bravely checking if the path is stable.Sl: Po dolgem in izčrpljujočem iskanju, skozi katakombe in ozke tunele, končno vidijo svetlobo.En: After a long and exhausting search, through catacombs and narrow tunnels, they finally see light.Sl: Počasi pridejo do novega izhoda.En: Slowly they reach a new exit.Sl: Navdušenje napolni vse.En: Excitement fills everyone.Sl: Matej je premagal dvome in strahove.En: Matej has overcome doubts and fears.Sl: Z Gregorjevo pomočjo je skupino pripeljal na varno.En: With Gregor's help, he has brought the group to safety.Sl: Na svežem zraku, pod jesenskimi listi dreves, Matej ponosno pogleda okoli sebe.En: In the fresh air, under the autumn leaves of the trees, Matej proudly looks around.Sl: Naučil se je zaupati sebi in v svojih odločitvah.En: He has learned to trust himself and his decisions.Sl: Nina se končno nasmehne.En: Nina finally smiles.Sl: Gregor pa ve, da ga čakajo še mnoge avanture.En: Gregor knows that many adventures still await him.Sl: Skupina odide iz Postojne, hvaležna za svojo varno vrnitev in prelep spomin na avanturo v jami.En: The group leaves Postojna, grateful for their safe return and the beautiful memory of the cave adventure. Vocabulary Words:magnificent: veličastenmist: meglicacautious: previdenenclosed: zaprtimistalactites: stalaktitistalagmites: stalagmitilantern: svetilkeshadows: senceviolently: močnorockfall: padec kamenjadripping: kapljanjeechoing: odmevapanic: panikarescuers: reševalcesecrets: skrivnostclasp: stisneunknown: neznancourageously: pogumnohesitates: oklevanarrow: ozkaunclear: nejasnaexhausting: izčrpljujočemcatacombs: katakombeventure: pustolovščinahsafety: varnosttrust: zaupatidecision: ...
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    15 mins
  • Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana
    Nov 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je stala pred vhodom v poljsko bolnišnico v Ljubljani.En: Mateja stood in front of the entrance to the field hospital in Ljubljana.Sl: Listje je padalo z dreves, vetrič je nosil zlato-rumene liste po tleh.En: Leaves were falling from the trees, and a breeze was carrying golden-yellow leaves across the ground.Sl: Bolnišnica je bila le začasna postavitev, velika telovadnica, polna postelj in kaosa.En: The hospital was only a temporary setup, a large gymnasium filled with beds and chaos.Sl: To jesen so hudo prizadeta območja v Sloveniji zaradi poplav.En: This fall, areas badly hit by floods in Slovenia were in dire need.Sl: Mateja je že teden dni spala le po nekaj ur na noč.En: Mateja had slept only a few hours each night for a week.Sl: Kljub temu je bila odločena pomagati vsakemu, ki je prišel po pomoč.En: Despite this, she was determined to help anyone who came seeking aid.Sl: "Bojan, kje potrebujemo več zalog?En: "Bojan, where do we need more supplies?"Sl: " je poklicala mladega zdravniškega pomočnika.En: she called to the young medical assistant.Sl: Bolnišnica ni imela dovolj materiala.En: The hospital didn't have enough materials.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora biti inovativna.En: Mateja knew she needed to be innovative.Sl: Potreben je bil vsak par rok.En: Every pair of hands was needed.Sl: "Potrebujemo več gaz in oblog, hitro!En: "We need more gauze and bandages, quickly!"Sl: " je Bojan odgovoril, medtem ko se je ukvarjal s pacienti.En: Bojan replied while attending to patients.Sl: Naravna nesreča je prinesla val ljudi v bolnišnico.En: The natural disaster had brought a wave of people to the hospital.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili utrujeni, polni skrbi.En: Their faces were tired, full of worry.Sl: Mateja je videla, da so potrebovali njeno pomoč.En: Mateja saw that they needed her help.Sl: Pogoltnila je utrujenost in se predala delu.En: She swallowed her fatigue and dedicated herself to her work.Sl: Ljudje so bili prestrašeni, a Mateja jih je pomirila z nasmehom in vestnim delom.En: People were scared, but Mateja reassured them with a smile and her diligent work.Sl: Sredi živahne telovadnice je zazvonil telefon.En: Amid the bustling gymnasium, the phone rang.Sl: "Zoran, potreben si na vhodu," je zaklicala Mateja.En: "Zoran, you're needed at the entrance," Mateja called out.Sl: Zoran, izkušen zdravnik, je bil večno na poti od enega konca bolnišnice do drugega.En: Zoran, an experienced doctor, was constantly moving from one end of the hospital to the other.Sl: Njegova usta so bila resna, a njegove oči so oddajale toplino.En: His mouth was serious, but his eyes radiated warmth.Sl: Skupaj sta delala brez predaha.En: Together, they worked tirelessly.Sl: Vsak trenutek je bil dragocen, vsaka odločitev ključna.En: Every moment was precious, every decision crucial.Sl: Nenadoma je prišel klic.En: Suddenly, a call came.Sl: "Mateja, tu je kritični primer!En: "Mateja, there's a critical case!"Sl: " srce ji je poskočilo.En: her heart jumped.Sl: Pacient je bil starejši moški, njegova diha plitka, koža bleda.En: The patient was an elderly man, his breathing shallow, his skin pale.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora hitro odločiti.En: Mateja knew she had to decide quickly.Sl: Njena ekipa se je zbrala okoli nje.En: Her team gathered around her.Sl: Zdelo se je, da čas teče počasneje, a v resnici je šlo vse zelo hitro.En: Time seemed to slow down, but in reality, everything was moving very fast.Sl: Odločila se je, da bodo uporabili preostale zaloge za stabilizacijo moškega.En: She decided they would use the remaining supplies to stabilize the man.Sl: Starejši gospod je s težavo dihati, a z Matejino oskrbo je njegovo stanje kmalu bilo stabilizirano.En: The elderly gentleman struggled to breathe, but with Mateja's care, his condition soon stabilized.Sl: "Dobro delo," je pohvalil Zoran, ko je opazoval Matejo.En: "Good job," Zoran praised as he watched Mateja.Sl: Vedela je, da so te besede pomenile več kot katerikoli počitek.En: She knew those words meant more than any rest.Sl: Po dolgem dnevu je sedla na klop, zadvoljna z rezultatom.En: After a long day, she sat on a bench, satisfied with the outcome.Sl: Kljub vsemu je našla trenutek notranjega miru.En: Despite everything, she found a moment of inner peace.Sl: Ko se je sonce spustilo za oblake, je Mateja pogledala proti vratom.En: As the sun set behind the clouds, Mateja looked toward the doors.Sl: Venku so listi še vedno padali.En: Outside, the leaves were still falling.Sl: Utrujena, a zadovoljna, je poglobila spoštovanje do ekipnega dela.En: Tired but satisfied, she deepened her appreciation for teamwork.Sl: Razumela je, koliko lahko dosežejo skupaj.En: She understood how much they could achieve together.Sl: ...
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    17 mins
  • Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph
    Nov 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je trdno stiskal roke v žepih.En: Matej firmly clenched his hands in his pockets.Sl: Hladno jesensko jutro je prineslo ostre vetrove, ki so brisali po neskončni beli tundri.En: The cold autumn morning brought sharp winds that swept across the endless white tundra.Sl: Vsak njegov vdih je bil izziv.En: Every breath he took was a challenge.Sl: Ana je hodila poleg njega, resna in zamišljena.En: Ana walked beside him, serious and pensive.Sl: Njihovo potovanje po Arktični tundri ni bilo le raziskava, bilo je tudi iskanje.En: Their journey across the Arctic tundra was not just an exploration, it was also a quest.Sl: Za Mateja je bilo pomembno, da uspe.En: For Matej, it was important to succeed.Sl: Pretekle napake so bile kot sence, ki so ga spremljale.En: Past mistakes were like shadows that followed him.Sl: Ana je to vedela.En: Ana knew this.Sl: Ni bila prepričana, če lahko sledi njegovemu vodstvu, a ga je podpirala.En: She wasn't sure if she could follow his lead, but she supported him.Sl: Gregor, njihov vodnik, je bil vedno korak pred njima.En: Gregor, their guide, was always a step ahead of them.Sl: Njegova močna postava je dajala vtis neuničljivosti, a tokrat je bil videti drugačen.En: His strong frame gave an impression of invincibility, but this time he appeared different.Sl: Nenadoma se je Gregor zatresel in omahnil na tla.En: Suddenly, Gregor shuddered and collapsed to the ground.Sl: Mateja in Ano je zajela panika.En: Panic consumed Matej and Ana.Sl: Hipotermija.En: Hypothermia.Sl: Bili so več ur oddaljeni od najbližje medicinske postaje.En: They were hours away from the nearest medical station.Sl: Gregorjev ponavadi trden obraz je postal bled in brezizrazen.En: Gregor's usually strong face turned pale and expressionless.Sl: Čas se je neusmiljeno odmikal.En: Time was relentlessly slipping away.Sl: "Matej," je rekla Ana, njene oči so bile polne skrbi.En: "Matej," Ana said, her eyes full of concern.Sl: "Moramo pohiteti.En: "We need to hurry.Sl: Potrebujemo načrt.En: We need a plan."Sl: "Matej je vedel, da so možnosti omejene.En: Matej knew their options were limited.Sl: Predlagal je, da počakajo na pomoč, a Ana ni bila prepričana.En: He suggested they wait for help, but Ana was uncertain.Sl: Hlad je bil preveč intenziven.En: The cold was too intense.Sl: Odločiti se je moral.En: He had to make a decision.Sl: Zadnje napetosti so se strnile v njegovem srcu.En: Recent tensions condensed in his heart.Sl: Nato se je spomnil Gregorjevega nasveta o bližnjici skozi tundro.En: Then he remembered Gregor's advice about a shortcut through the tundra.Sl: Bila je nevarna, vendar je ponudila možnost hitrejšega prihoda do medicinske postaje.En: It was dangerous, but it offered the possibility of reaching the medical station faster.Sl: "Sprejeli bomo bližnjico," je rekel Matej odločno, čeprav ga je strah tiščal.En: "We'll take the shortcut," Matej said decisively, though fear gripped him.Sl: Ana se je strinjala in pomagala.En: Ana agreed and helped.Sl: Skupaj sta dvignila Gregorja in se podala na pot.En: Together, they lifted Gregor and set off.Sl: Vetrovna tišina je bila zastrašujoča, a Matej je bil odločen.En: The windy silence was daunting, but Matej was determined.Sl: Vodil je ekipni korak, sledil je nasvetom in pozornosti svoje ekipe.En: He led the team’s pace, following the advice and attention of his team.Sl: Ko so se približali medicinski postaji, je Matej čutil, kako se led na njegovem srcu topi.En: As they approached the medical station, Matej felt the ice on his heart melting.Sl: Prebujala se je nova samozavest, občutil je pomen zaupanja in sodelovanja.En: A new confidence awakened, and he sensed the importance of trust and cooperation.Sl: Ko so prispeli, so medicinski delavci hitro poskrbeli za Gregorja.En: When they arrived, the medical staff quickly took care of Gregor.Sl: Njegove trepetajoče ustnice so se sprostile in vračal se je rdeč v obraz.En: His trembling lips relaxed, and color returned to his face.Sl: Matej je stisnil Ano k sebi in ji hvaležno pokimal.En: Matej pulled Ana close and nodded gratefully to her.Sl: Kljub težki poti so uspeli.En: Despite the arduous journey, they succeeded.Sl: Naučil se je, da ni sam in da se lahko zanese na svojo ekipo.En: He learned that he is not alone and can rely on his team.Sl: Skupaj so prebrodili nevarnost, in Matej je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izzive.En: Together, they overcame the danger, and Matej was ready for future challenges.Sl: Odlomil je košček svojega dvoma in ga pustil za sabo – v neskončni belini arktične tundre.En: He broke off a piece of his doubt and left it behind—in the endless whiteness of the Arctic tundra. Vocabulary Words:clenched: stiskalpockets: ...
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    16 mins