
  • Ladislav's Alpine Quest: A Tale of Discovery and Courage
    Nov 13 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Ladislav's Alpine Quest: A Tale of Discovery and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-13-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vo vysokých Tatrách, kde zlatisté lístie padá na zem ako jemné plátno a jeseň preniká chladným horským vzduchom, sa konala exkurzia z geografie.En: In the Vysoké Tatry, where golden leaves fall to the ground like a gentle tapestry and autumn permeates the cold mountain air, a geography field trip was held.Sk: Ladislav, tichý študent so snom o objavení neznámej flóry, kráčal po úzkych skalnatých chodníkoch.En: Ladislav, a quiet student with a dream of discovering unknown flora, walked along the narrow rocky paths.Sk: Bol nerád stredobodom pozornosti, no jeho srdce túžilo osloviť učiteľku Michaelu zaujímavým objavom.En: He disliked being the center of attention, but his heart longed to impress his teacher, Michaela, with an interesting discovery.Sk: Skupina študentov, medzi ktorými bol aj rázny a vždy usmievavý Jakub, sa zastavila, aby si oddýchli a obdivovali nádheru prírody.En: The group of students, among whom was the resolute and always smiling Jakub, stopped to rest and admire the beauty of nature.Sk: Michaela im rozprávala o horských rastlinách, ktoré tu rastú.En: Michaela spoke to them about the mountain plants that grow here.Sk: Ladislav, so slúchadlom zastrčeným do vrecka, spomenul si na obrázok vzácneho kvetu, ktorý čítal v knižke.En: Ladislav, with an earbud tucked in his pocket, remembered an image of a rare flower he had seen in a book.Sk: Volal sa plesnivec alpínsky.En: It was called the alpine edelweiss.Sk: To bola jeho šanca!En: This was his chance!Sk: S odvahou, ktorú v sebe na chvíľu našiel, sa jemne odpojil od skupiny.En: With a courage he found within himself for a moment, he gently detached from the group.Sk: Smeroval hlbšie do lesa.En: He headed deeper into the forest.Sk: Okolité stromy ho privítali pokojom, no zároveň sa v ňom prebúdzal pocit neistoty, či sa stihne vrátiť včas.En: The surrounding trees welcomed him with calm, yet he was simultaneously awakened to a sense of uncertainty about whether he could return in time.Sk: Kráčal ďalej, kým nenarazil na malé rúbanisko.En: He walked further until he came across a small clearing.Sk: Medzi kameňmi, ktoré kedysi skrývali drobné tajomstvá zeme, uvidel, čo hľadal.En: Among the rocks, which once hid the small secrets of the earth, he saw what he was looking for.Sk: Tam bol!En: There it was!Sk: Plesnivec alpínsky, s jemnými bielymi kvetmi, ako by sám jeseň zastúpil v svojom pokoji a kráse.En: The alpine edelweiss, with its delicate white flowers, seemed to embody autumn itself in its calm and beauty.Sk: Ladislav zrazu pochopil, že sa trochu strateni.En: Ladislav suddenly realized he was a bit lost.Sk: Okolité stromy vyzerali rovnako a konáre šumeli mierne znepokojivým hlasom.En: The surrounding trees looked the same, and the branches rustled in a slightly unsettling voice.Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlejšie, no jeho túžba bola zobudená.En: His heart beat faster, but his desire was awakened.Sk: Musel sa vrátiť, musel svetu ukázať, čo našiel.En: He had to return, he had to show the world what he had found.Sk: Použil logiku a znalosť krajiny, ktorú sa naučil.En: He used logic and knowledge of the landscape that he had learned.Sk: Viedol ho instinkt a nakoniec sa vrátil na cestu, kde ostatní študenti čakali.En: His instinct guided him, and he eventually found his way back to the path where the other students were waiting.Sk: Ladislav so zadržaným dychom vystúpil pred Michaelu a Jakuba.En: With bated breath, Ladislav stepped forward to Michaela and Jakub.Sk: "Našiel som ho," povedal s iskrou v očiach.En: "I found it," he said with a spark in his eyes.Sk: Ukázal im fotografiu vzácneho plesnivca alpínskeho na svojom telefone.En: He showed them a photograph of the rare alpine edelweiss on his phone.Sk: Michaela sa usmiala a poplácala ho po pleci.En: Michaela smiled and patted him on the shoulder.Sk: "To je naozaj skvelé, Ladislav," povedala obdivne.En: "That's really great, Ladislav," she said admiringly.Sk: "Tvoja vášeň pre prírodu je zjavná.En: "Your passion for nature is evident."Sk: "Ladislav pocítil príliv hrdosti.En: Ladislav felt a surge of pride.Sk: Zrazu bol viac než len tichý študent.En: Suddenly, he was more than just a quiet student.Sk: Bol Ladislav, objaviteľ!En: He was Ladislav, the discoverer!Sk: Z tohto dňa si odniesol nie len skúsenosť, ale aj novú dôveru v seba sameho.En: From this day, he took away not just the experience, but also a newfound confidence in himself.Sk: Pri stretnutí s priateľmi pri sviečkach na Sviatok všetkých svätých už vedel, že sa nemusí báť ukázať svetu, čo má rád.En: At the gathering with friends by candlelight on Sviatok všetkých svätých, he...
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    16 mins
  • Unlocking Heritage: A Journey Through Time in Bratislava
    Nov 12 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unlocking Heritage: A Journey Through Time in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V úzkych uličkách Bratislavy sa nachádza skrytý obchod, Schránka Tradícií.En: In the narrow alleyways of Bratislava, there is a hidden shop called Schránka Tradícií.Sk: Tento obchod je plný starobylých remeselných výtvorov a vône drevených pilín, ktoré napĺňajú vzduch.En: This shop is full of ancient handcrafted creations and the smell of wood shavings fills the air.Sk: Je jeseň a Marek, mladý muž s čiernymi vlasmi, vstupuje do obchodu s istým úmyslom.En: It is autumn, and Marek, a young man with black hair, enters the store with a certain purpose.Sk: Hľadá darček pre svojho starého otca na sviatok svätého Martina.En: He is looking for a gift for his grandfather for the feast of Saint Martin.Sk: Steny obchodu sú pokryté policami s farebnými krojmi, keramikou a drevenými výrobkami.En: The walls of the shop are covered with shelves holding colorful costumes, ceramics, and wooden products.Sk: Marek sa cíti stratený medzi všetkými týmito krásnymi predmetmi.En: Marek feels lost among all these beautiful items.Sk: Jeho starý otec vždy hovoril príbehy o slovenských tradíciách.En: His grandfather always told stories about Slovak traditions.Sk: Marek si veľmi želá nájsť niečo, čo spája ich spoločnú kultúru.En: Marek dearly wishes to find something that connects their shared culture.Sk: Jana, majiteľka obchodu, vidí jeho váhanie a priateľsky ho osloví: „Hľadáš niečo špeciálne?En: Jana, the shop owner, sees his hesitation and addresses him in a friendly manner: "Are you looking for something special?"Sk: “ Marek kývne a vysvetlí, že hľadá darček pre deda, ktorý má hlboký význam.En: Marek nods and explains that he is searching for a gift for his grandfather that holds deep meaning.Sk: Jana zamyslene prikývne a navrhne: „Skús sa pozrieť na naše vyrezávané drevené rúrky.En: Jana nods thoughtfully and suggests, "Try looking at our carved wooden pipes.Sk: Sú ručne vyrobené a každá má svoju vlastnú históriu.En: They are handmade and each has its own history."Sk: “Marek sa pomaly presunie ku sklenenej vitríne, kde sú vystavené krásne drevené fajky.En: Marek slowly moves to the glass display case where beautiful wooden pipes are exhibited.Sk: Jednu z nich zdobí jemný vyrezávaný vzor.En: One of them is adorned with a delicate carved pattern.Sk: Pripomína mu staré príbehy, ktoré mu dedko vždy rozprával.En: It reminds him of the old stories his grandfather used to tell him.Sk: Cíti v sebe zvláštny pocit spomienok a dedičstva.En: He feels a strange sense of memories and heritage within himself.Sk: „Toto je tá pravá,“ rozhodne Marek, uznávajúc svoju voľbu.En: "This is the right one," Marek decides, acknowledging his choice.Sk: Upokoji sa a v očiach mu zaiskrí istota.En: He calms down and his eyes sparkle with certainty.Sk: Drevená rúrka bude dokonalý symbol ich zdieľaných histórií.En: The wooden pipe will be the perfect symbol of their shared histories.Sk: Po zaplatení vojde Marek na uličku, drží svoj darček pevne v rukách.En: After paying, Marek walks out onto the alley, holding his gift firmly in his hands.Sk: Cíti sa spojený so svojimi koreňmi a spokojný s rozhodnutím, ktoré spravil.En: He feels connected to his roots and satisfied with the decision he made.Sk: Keď prechádza pod padajúcimi listami, vie, že jeho dedko bude ohromený.En: As he walks beneath the falling leaves, he knows his grandfather will be amazed.Sk: Skrytý chrám zostáva pokojný, no jeho poklady našli zaslúžený domov.En: The hidden temple remains peaceful, but its treasures have found a deserved home.Sk: Marek odchádza s pocitom naplnenia a hlbokého porozumenia k dedovej láske k tradíciám.En: Marek leaves with a sense of fulfillment and deep understanding of his grandfather's love for traditions. Vocabulary Words:narrow: úzkychalleyways: uličkáchhidden: skrytýhandcrafted: remeselnýchpurpose: úmyslomfeast: sviatokshelves: policamicostumes: krojmiceramics: keramikouhesitation: váhaniefriendly: priateľskysuggests: navrhnecarved: vyrezávanépattern: vzorheritage: dedičstvaacknowledging: uznávajúcsparkle: zaiskrícertainty: istotasymbol: symbolfulfilled: naplneniadeserved: zaslúženýtemple: chrámpeaceful: pokojnýtreasures: pokladyconnected: spojenýroots: koreňmifulfillment: naplneniaunderstanding: porozumenialove: lásketraditions: tradíciám
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    13 mins
  • Unveiling the Spirit Secrets of Vysoké Tatry Mountains
    Nov 11 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling the Spirit Secrets of Vysoké Tatry Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-11-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V chladnom jesennom ráne, horám vo Vysokých Tatrách vládla tichá majestátnosť.En: On a cold autumn morning, the mountains in the Vysoké Tatry were enveloped in a quiet majesty.Sk: Jozef, skúsený turista a nadšenec legiend, stál pred horskou chatou.En: Jozef, an experienced tourist and enthusiast of legends, stood in front of the mountain cabin.Sk: Vôkol nej sa do farieb jesene ponárali lesy, jednou vetvou sa ich očakávanie zimy už dotýkalo.En: Around it, the forests were immersing themselves in the colors of autumn, with one branch already touching the expectation of winter.Sk: Martina a Zuzana, jeho priatelky, ešte oddychovali vo vnútri pri krbe.En: Martina and Zuzana, his friends, were still resting inside by the fireplace.Sk: Hmla klesala zo skalnatých vrcholov a Jozef premýšľal o legende, ktorú často počúval od starých miestnych: duchovia hôr, ktorí vedia odhaliť tajomstvá pradávnych čias.En: Fog descended from the rocky peaks, and Jozef pondered the legend he often heard from the local elders: spirits of the mountains, who can reveal secrets of ancient times.Sk: Včera, počas summitu milovníkov hôr, našli zvláštny predmet.En: Yesterday, during a summit of mountain lovers, they found a peculiar object.Sk: Bol to starý kameň s neznámymi symbolmi.En: It was an old stone with unknown symbols.Sk: Jozef veril, že je to dôkaz toho, o čom vždy sníval — dôkaz existencie horských duchov.En: Jozef believed it was proof of what he had always dreamed of—evidence of the existence of mountain spirits.Sk: Martina však bola skeptická.En: Martina, however, was skeptical.Sk: "To sú len rozprávky pre turistov," povedala s úsmevom, zatiaľ čo Jozef stále obdivoval kameň.En: "These are just stories for tourists," she said with a smile, while Jozef continued to admire the stone.Sk: Prípravky sa zintenzívnili, pretože počasie sa rýchlo menilo.En: Preparations intensified as the weather was changing rapidly.Sk: Snehová búrka sa blížila.En: A snowstorm was approaching.Sk: Napriek tomu, Jozef bol rozhodnutý.En: Nonetheless, Jozef was determined.Sk: Odhodlanie ho pritiahlo hlbšie do hôr.En: Determination drew him deeper into the mountains.Sk: "Musíme to prezrieť ešte pred zimou," presviedčal ostatných.En: "We have to examine it before winter," he urged the others.Sk: Cesta bola ťažká a vietor zintenzívnil.En: The journey was difficult, and the wind intensified.Sk: Napokon, Jozef objavil skrytú jaskyňu.En: Eventually, Jozef discovered a hidden cave.Sk: Vnútri, na prekvapenie všetkých, našiel starobylé nápisy, rovnaké ako tie na kameni.En: Inside, to everyone's surprise, he found ancient inscriptions, the same as those on the stone.Sk: Bol nadšený.En: He was thrilled.Sk: Duchovia hôr?En: Spirits of the mountains?Sk: Možno áno!En: Maybe so!Sk: Po návrate do chaty so sprievodom vzrušenia a pochybností, Jozef rozprával o svojom objave ostatným.En: Upon returning to the cabin with a mix of excitement and doubt, Jozef shared his discovery with the others.Sk: Niektorí ho podporovali, niektorí nie.En: Some supported him, some did not.Sk: Ale všetci boli fascinovaní.En: But everyone was fascinated.Sk: Jozef našiel nový zmysel života.En: Jozef found a new purpose in life.Sk: Už to nebola len legenda.En: It was no longer just a legend.Sk: Bol to príbeh pre budúce generácie, inšpirácia pre všetkých milovníkov týchto nádherných hôr.En: It was a story for future generations, an inspiration for all lovers of these magnificent mountains.Sk: Hmlisté rána Tatranských vrchov mali teraz iný význam — boli bránou k tajomstvám, ktoré čakajú na odhalenie.En: The misty mornings of the Tatranských vrchov now had a different meaning—they were a gateway to secrets waiting to be uncovered. Vocabulary Words:enveloped: vládlamajesty: majestátnosťimmersing: ponáraliexpectation: očakávaniedescended: klesalapondered: premýšľalelders: starýchpeculiar: zvláštnysymbols: symbolmiproof: dôkazskeptical: skeptickápreparations: Prípravkyintensified: zintenzívniliapproaching: blížiladetermination: odhodlaniereshape: presviedčalhidden: skrytúinscriptions: nápisythrilled: bol nadšenýfascinated: fascinovanípurpose: zmyselmagnificent: nádhernýchmisty: hmlistégateway: bránauncovered: odhalenie
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    13 mins
  • Autumn Success: Marek's Strategic Triumph in the Office
    Nov 10 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn Success: Marek's Strategic Triumph in the Office Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-10-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V kraji jemne padajúceho svetla jesene, kde farby lístia vonku hrajú v slnečných lúčoch každú škálu oranžovej a žltej, sa nachádza moderná, otvorená kancelária.En: In the land of gently falling autumn light, where the colors of the leaves outside play in the sunlight with every shade of orange and yellow, there is a modern, open office.Sk: Počítače ticho bzučia a vôňa kávy sa pomaly mieša s napätím vo vzduchu.En: Computers quietly hum, and the scent of coffee slowly mingles with the tension in the air.Sk: Pre Mareka, marketingového analytika s veľkými ambíciami, to je deň plný očakávania.En: For Marek, a marketing analyst with big ambitions, it’s a day full of anticipation.Sk: Dnes je jeho hodnotiaci deň.En: Today is his evaluation day.Sk: Sediac pri svojom stole, Marek si stiahol do seba dúšok čerstvo uvarenej kávy.En: Sitting at his desk, Marek took a sip of freshly brewed coffee.Sk: Myslel na prezentáciu, ktorú pripravil na stretnutie s Jozefom, ich kritickým a náročným manažérom.En: He thought about the presentation he had prepared for the meeting with Jozef, their critical and demanding manager.Sk: Zuzana, jeho kolegyňa a priateľka, prešla okolo jeho stola s povzbudzujúcim úsmevom.En: Zuzana, his colleague and friend, walked past his desk with an encouraging smile.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek, máš dobrý plán," povedala, pokrúžiac prstom smerom k jeho prezentácii.En: "Don't worry, Marek, you have a good plan," she said, gesturing towards his presentation.Sk: Jozef, so svojím prenikavým pohľadom, čakal so založenými rukami.En: Jozef, with his piercing gaze, waited with crossed arms.Sk: Na jeho stole ležal zoznam problémov z nedávneho projektu, ktorý zdržala technická porucha.En: On his desk lay a list of issues from a recent project that had been delayed by a technical glitch.Sk: "Marek, vieš, že tento projekt meškal. Čo s tým urobíme?" začal Jozef.En: "Marek, you know this project was delayed. What are we going to do about it?" started Jozef.Sk: V Marekovi sa znovu prebudil strach, ale pripomenul si svoje ciele.En: Fear reawakened in Marek, but he reminded himself of his goals.Sk: Chcel uznanie, chcel povýšenie.En: He wanted recognition, he wanted a promotion.Sk: So zhlboka nadýchnutím Marek spustil prezentáciu.En: With a deep breath, Marek started the presentation.Sk: Jeho hlas bol istý, hoci cítil tlak.En: His voice was confident, even though he felt the pressure.Sk: Predstavil odvážnu, inovatívnu stratégiu, ktorú starostlivo vypracoval.En: He presented a bold, innovative strategy he had carefully crafted.Sk: "Toto je riziko," prerušil Jozef.En: "This is a risk," interrupted Jozef.Sk: "Ako nám to pomôže? A čo ak to zlyhá?"En: "How will it help us? And what if it fails?"Sk: Práve v tej chvíli prehovorila Zuzana, pokojným, ale rozhodným tónom.En: At that moment, Zuzana spoke up, in a calm but decisive tone.Sk: "Marek vynikajúco pracoval na tejto stratégii, Jozef.En: "Marek worked exceptionally on this strategy, Jozef.Sk: Je to riskantné, ale potenciálne môže dosiahnuť značné výsledky.En: It’s risky, but it has the potential to achieve significant results.Sk: A on je ochotný túto zodpovednosť prevziať."En: And he’s willing to take on this responsibility."Sk: Nastalo napäté ticho.En: A tense silence followed.Sk: Jozef si vzal chvíľu na zamyslenie.En: Jozef took a moment to think.Sk: Marekova oddanosť a Zuzanina podpora sa k nemu dostali.En: Marek's dedication and Zuzana's support reached him.Sk: "Dobre," povedal pomaly, "skúsime to na skúšobnej báze.En: "Alright," he said slowly, "we'll try it on a trial basis.Sk: Ale Marek, budeš to mať pod kontrolou."En: But Marek, you'll be in control."Sk: V tej chvíli pocítil Marek vlnu úľavy a vzrušenia.En: At that moment, Marek felt a wave of relief and excitement.Sk: Bolo to prvé malé víťazstvo na jeho ceste za sebahodnotením a zvýšením sebavedomia.En: It was the first small victory on his journey of self-assessment and confidence building.Sk: Vedel, že riskovanie sa niekedy vypláca, a dnes sa na neho usmialo šťastie.En: He knew that taking risks sometimes pays off, and today luck smiled upon him.Sk: V chladnom, no krásnom jesennom dni, sa Marek konečne cítil uznávaný a viac si vážil samotné rozhodnutia, ktoré prijímal.En: On a cold, yet beautiful autumn day, Marek finally felt recognized and appreciated the decisions he was making more. Vocabulary Words:gently: jemneautumn: jesenemingles: miešaanticipation: očakávaniaevaluation: hodnotiacibrew: uvarenejcritical: kritickýmdemanding: náročnýmencouraging: povzbudzujúcimpiercing: prenikavýmglitch: poruchareawakened: prebudilbreath: ...
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    15 mins
  • Unearthing Secrets: The Mysterious Allure of Vysoké Tatry
    Nov 9 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unearthing Secrets: The Mysterious Allure of Vysoké Tatry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-09-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Začalo to v jeden chladný jesenný deň, počas Dušičiek, keď Marek kráčal po úzkych chodníkoch Vysokých Tatier.En: It began on a cold autumn day during Dušičky, when Marek was walking along the narrow paths of the Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras).Sk: Listy pod jeho nohami šuchotali a vzduch vonial po vlhkej hline a padajúcich listoch.En: The leaves rustled under his feet, and the air smelled of damp earth and falling leaves.Sk: Uprostred tejto krajiny plnej tajomstiev sa Marek, začínajúci spisovateľ, cítil ako doma.En: In the midst of this land full of mysteries, Marek, an aspiring writer, felt at home.Sk: Keď zastavil na chvíľu, aby si oddýchol, niečo ho upútalo.En: When he stopped for a moment to rest, something caught his attention.Sk: Pod hromadou kameňov vedľa chodníka vykukoval kúsok papiera.En: Under a pile of stones beside the path, a piece of paper peeked out.Sk: Zdvihol ho a zistil, že je to list.En: He picked it up and found it was a letter.Sk: Starý a trochu roztrhaný, ale stále čitateľný.En: Old and a bit torn, but still readable.Sk: List písal turista, ktorý v horách zmizol pred niekoľkými rokmi.En: The letter was written by a tourist who disappeared in the mountains several years ago.Sk: Marek bol fascinovaný.En: Marek was fascinated.Sk: Na prečítanie listu sa zameral a začal skladať mozaiku záhadných udalostí, ktoré viedli k hikerovmu zmiznutiu.En: He focused on reading the letter and began piecing together a mosaic of mysterious events that led to the hiker's disappearance.Sk: Tušilo sa, že mohlo ísť o viac než len obyčajný nešťastný prípad.En: It was suspected that it might be more than just a simple unhappy incident.Sk: Marek sa rozhodol záhadu vyriešiť.En: Marek decided to solve the mystery.Sk: O pomoc požiadal Zuzanu, miestnu historičku, ktorá milovala folklór.En: He sought help from Zuzana, a local historian who loved folklore.Sk: Zuzana mu povedala o starom príbehu, ktorý spomínal skryté démonické sily v tatranských lesoch.En: Zuzana told him about an old story that mentioned hidden demonic forces in the Tatras forests.Sk: Hoci Janá, ich priateľka, bola skeptická, Zuzana a Marek sa rozhodli ísť po stopách legendy.En: Although Janá, their friend, was skeptical, Zuzana and Marek decided to follow the trail of the legend.Sk: Prešli hustými lesmi, popri skalnatých vrcholkoch, a cítili, ako sa im zimný vietor vkráda pod kabáty.En: They traveled through dense forests, past rocky peaks, and felt the winter wind creeping under their coats.Sk: V stene hory objavili skrytú jaskyňu.En: In the mountain's wall, they discovered a hidden cave.Sk: Tam našli stopy po turistovi, ktorý písal list.En: There, they found traces of the tourist who had written the letter.Sk: Spolu s jeho vecami našli aj čudné kresby na stenách jaskyne.En: Along with his belongings, they also found strange drawings on the cave walls.Sk: Marek a Zuzana si museli priznať, že niektoré tajomstvá možno predsa len majú nadprirodzený charakter.En: Marek and Zuzana had to admit that some secrets might indeed have a supernatural nature.Sk: Návrat z jaskyne bol naplnený rozjímaním.En: The return from the cave was filled with contemplation.Sk: Marek pochopil, že pravda, ktorú našli, bola viac o ich ceste a o zmierení sa s tým, čo sa stalo.En: Marek understood that the truth they found was more about their journey and coming to terms with what had happened.Sk: Rozhodol sa začleniť prvky legendy do svojho písania, pretože videl ich silu a krásu.En: He decided to incorporate elements of the legend into his writing because he saw their power and beauty.Sk: Keď prišla noc, v chatke, kde sa uchýlili, Marek začal písať svoj článok.En: When night came, in the cabin where they took refuge, Marek began to write his article.Sk: Zistil, že tajomstvá Vysokých Tatier sú krokom do minulosti i do duše každého, kto tam vstúpi.En: He realized that the secrets of the Vysoké Tatry are a step into the past and into the soul of everyone who enters there.Sk: A hoci nie každé tajomstvo musí byť odhalené, každé má svoj význam a silu.En: And although not every secret must be revealed, each has its significance and power. Vocabulary Words:narrow: úzkychpaths: chodníkochrustled: šuchotalidamp: vlhkejaspiring: začínajúcimysteries: tajomstievpile: hromadoutorn: roztrhanýmosaic: mozaikuhiker's: hikerovmudisappearance: zmiznutiuincident: prípadsolve: vyriešiťlocal: miestnuhistorian: historičkufolklore: folklórhidden: skrytédemonic: démonickélegend: legendydense: hustýmipeaks: vrcholkochcreeping: vkrádacave: jaskyňubelongings: vecamidrawings: kresbysupernatural: nadprirodzenýcontemplation: ...
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    14 mins
  • Hope in the Shadows: A Tale of Courage and Community
    Nov 8 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Hope in the Shadows: A Tale of Courage and Community Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-08-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V hĺbke pod zemou, kúsok od zeme, kde je život neistý, sa Marek, Jana a Tomáš ukrývali v starej bunkry.En: Deep underground, just a bit from the surface where life is uncertain, Marek, Jana, and Tomáš were hiding in an old bunker.Sk: Boli to dni plné napätia, keď nevedeli, čo sa deje vonku.En: Those were days full of tension when they didn't know what was happening outside.Sk: Bunker bol skromný, vládla tam tma, ale bol plný zásob.En: The bunker was modest, it was dark there, but it was full of supplies.Sk: Murované steny niesli ozveny vzdialeného rozruchu.En: The brick walls carried the echoes of distant commotion.Sk: Marek chodil hore-dole, rozvažujúc o malichernostiach, a snažil sa myslieť na všetko, čo môže robiť pre svojich priateľov.En: Marek walked back and forth, pondering trivialities, trying to think of everything he could do for his friends.Sk: Bol v núdzi zachovania bezpečia, no vo svojej hlave bojoval s hlbokým strachom zo zlyhania.En: He was in dire need to maintain safety, yet he battled deep fear of failure in his mind.Sk: Niečo sa však zmenilo.En: But something changed.Sk: Jana prepadla vysokou horúčkou.En: Jana was struck by a high fever.Sk: "Musíme niečo robiť," povedal Marek, keď sa sklonil k chvejúcej sa Jane.En: "We have to do something," Marek said as he bent down to the shivering Jana.Sk: Jej čelo bolo rozpálené a dýchanie ťažké.En: Her forehead was burning and her breathing was heavy.Sk: Marek vedel, že musia konať.En: Marek knew they had to act.Sk: Ale ako?En: But how?Sk: Vonkajší svet bol plný nebezpečenstiev, a s každým krokom vonku hrozilo riziko.En: The outside world was full of dangers, and every step outside posed a risk.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek," ozval sa Tomáš, poklepal ho po ramene.En: "Don't worry, Marek," Tomáš spoke, patting him on the shoulder.Sk: "Ja sa pokúsim ísť hore a nájsť pomoc.En: "I'll try to go up and find help."Sk: "Marek sa mu pozrel do očí a cítil tú váhu rozhodnutia.En: Marek looked into his eyes and felt the weight of the decision.Sk: Mohol však odmietnuť?En: Could he refuse?Sk: Toto bolo pre Janku, pre ich jedinú šancu.En: This was for Jana, for their only chance.Sk: S ťažkosťou prikývol.En: He nodded reluctantly.Sk: “Dávaj pozor, Tomáš,” zašepkal, pohľadom plným úzkosti.En: "Be careful, Tomáš," he whispered, his gaze full of anxiety.Sk: "Nesmieš sa dať chytiť.En: "You mustn't get caught."Sk: "Tomáš si vzal nevyhnutné veci a zmizol v tme tunela.En: Tomáš took the necessary things and disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.Sk: Čas ubiehal pomaly.En: Time passed slowly.Sk: Marek sedel vedľa Jany a modlil sa, aby sa všetko obrátilo v ich prospech.En: Marek sat next to Jana and prayed for everything to turn in their favor.Sk: Srdce mu búšilo s každom tlakom hodín.En: His heart pounded with every beat of the clock.Sk: O niekoľko hodín neskôr počuli známu škripot železných dverí.En: A few hours later, they heard the familiar creak of iron doors.Sk: Tomáš sa vrátil s dvoma mužmi, ktorí priniesli lieky.En: Tomáš returned with two men who brought medicine.Sk: Marekovi srdce preskočilo.En: Marek's heart skipped a beat.Sk: Musel teraz rozhodnúť, či má týmto cudzincom dôverovať.En: Now he had to decide whether to trust these strangers.Sk: Ich oči a úprimné tváre ho však presvedčili.En: Their eyes and sincere faces convinced him.Sk: Rýchlo začali podávať Janke lieky.En: They quickly started administering the medicine to Jana.Sk: Teplo z nej začalo odchádzať a dýchanie sa upokojovalo.En: The heat began to leave her, and her breathing calmed.Sk: Marek si oddýchol.En: Marek sighed with relief.Sk: Už nemal pocit, že musí niesť všetku tú záťaž sám.En: He no longer felt that he had to carry all the burden alone.Sk: Keď sa stav Jany zlepšil, Marek, Tomáš a Jana opustili bunker.En: As Jana's condition improved, Marek, Tomáš, and Jana left the bunker.Sk: Pomoc ich viedla do bezpečia do nového útočiska.En: Help led them to safety in a new refuge.Sk: Marek pochopil, že niekedy je v poriadku požiadať o pomoc, a že sila nemusí vždy znamenať samota.En: Marek realized that sometimes it's okay to ask for help, and that strength doesn't always mean solitude.Sk: S novou nádejou si Marek priznal, že prijatie pomoci a zdieľanie bremena môže byť znakom skutočnej odvahy.En: With new hope, Marek admitted to himself that accepting help and sharing the burden can be a sign of true courage.Sk: A v tom nájdení spoločného bezpečia v spoločenstve našli viac než len únik pred vojnou.En: And in finding common safety in the community, they found more than just an escape from war.Sk: Našli nádej v...
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    16 mins
  • Mountains and Memories: An Autumn Journey
    Nov 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountains and Memories: An Autumn Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vôňa škorice a vresu naplnila chladný jesenný vzduch.En: The scent of škorice and vresu filled the chilly autumn air.Sk: Marek, Zuzana a Jakub stáli pred poľnou nemocnicou, kde začala ich cesta.En: Marek, Zuzana, and Jakub stood in front of the field hospital where their journey began.Sk: Slnko sa snažilo preniknúť cez oblačné nebo, ale mraky boli neústupné.En: The sun tried to penetrate the cloudy sky, but the clouds were unyielding.Sk: Tatra hory stáli majestátne, pripravené prijať ich výzvu.En: The Tatra mountains stood majestically, ready to accept their challenge.Sk: Marekovi sa v mysli preháňalo množstvo myšlienok.En: Marek's mind was racing with many thoughts.Sk: Bol skúseným sprievodcom, ale bol tu pre svoju sestru Zuzanu.En: He was an experienced guide, but he was there for his sister Zuzana.Sk: Chcela si uctiť ich otca na Sviatok všetkých svätých.En: She wanted to honor their father on All Saints' Day.Sk: Ich cieľ bola vysoká hora, o ktorej otec často rozprával.En: Their goal was a high mountain, which their father often talked about.Sk: Jakub, jeho priateľ, bol praktický a skeptický, ale pripojil sa k nim kvôli Marekovi.En: Jakub, his friend, was practical and skeptical but joined them for Marek's sake.Sk: Hory boli krásne a tajomné.En: The mountains were beautiful and mysterious.Sk: Lesy hriali v zlatých, oranžových a červených odtieňoch.En: The forests glowed in shades of gold, orange, and red.Sk: Cesta bola náročná, ale spoločnosť ľudí dávala odvahu.En: The path was challenging, but the company of people gave them courage.Sk: Keď sa odrazu zhoršilo počasie, Marek zaváhal.En: When the weather suddenly worsened, Marek hesitated.Sk: Vietor sa zosilňoval a mraky hustli.En: The wind grew stronger and the clouds thickened.Sk: Zuzana však trvala na pokračovaní.En: However, Zuzana insisted on continuing.Sk: „Musíme ísť ďalej, pre otca,“ povedala so zápalom v očiach, ktoré sa nedalo prehliadnuť.En: “We must go on, for our father,” she said with a determination in her eyes that could not be overlooked.Sk: Marek nebol presvedčený.En: Marek was not convinced.Sk: Hovoril: „Nie je to bezpečné. Mali by sme sa vrátiť alebo sa zastaviť a postaviť tábor.“En: He said, “It’s not safe. We should turn back or stop and set up camp.”Sk: Jakub súhlasil s Marekom, hladina v ich hlase vyjadrovala obavy.En: Jakub agreed with Marek, the tone in their voices expressing concern.Sk: Zuzana však bola rozhodnutá.En: But Zuzana was determined.Sk: Po chvíli napätia sa rozhodli pokračovať, ale opatrne.En: After a moment of tension, they decided to proceed, but cautiously.Sk: Každý krok bol náročný, každý zvuk spôsobil závan strachu.En: Every step was demanding, every sound sent a shiver of fear.Sk: A potom, počas silného závoja hmly, Zuzana zmizla.En: And then, in a thick curtain of fog, Zuzana disappeared.Sk: Marek a Jakub sa otočili a začali volať jej meno.En: Marek and Jakub turned and began calling her name.Sk: Hmla ich obklopila ako studený závoj.En: The fog enveloped them like a cold shroud.Sk: Ich srdcia tĺkli rýchlo, ale vzdali sa strachu.En: Their hearts beat rapidly, but they gave in to fear.Sk: Museli ju nájsť.En: They had to find her.Sk: Boli odhodlaní.En: They were determined.Sk: Nakoniec, po nekonečnom čase hľadania, našli ju v malej jaskyni.En: Finally, after an endless time searching, they found her in a small cave.Sk: Bola zvarená, ale bezpečná.En: She was shivering but safe.Sk: Objali sa v tichej úľave.En: They embraced in silent relief.Sk: Tá cesta teraz bola dôležitá pre všetkých troch.En: This journey was now important to all three of them.Sk: S úctou a porozumením si sadli v jaskyni, prerezali do ticha.En: With respect and understanding, they sat in the cave, cutting through the silence.Sk: Rozhodli sa, že spoločne uctia otca tam, kde boli, v bezpečí a pohode, s vedomím, že sila spomienok a lásky je väčšia ako akékoľvek hory.En: They decided to honor their father together where they were, in safety and comfort, knowing that the strength of memories and love is greater than any mountains.Sk: Marek sa naučil niečo dôležité.En: Marek learned something important.Sk: Niekedy musí byť opatrnosť vyvážená láskou.En: Sometimes caution must be balanced with love.Sk: Nie sú to len hory, čo nás spájajú, sú to spomienky a rodinné väzby, čo majú najväčšiu hodnotu.En: It’s not just the mountains that bind us; it’s the memories and family ties that hold the greatest value.Sk: S dávkou miernej jesene sa ich kroky v hnedom lístí skoro stávali určitým rytmom návratu.En: With the gentle touch of autumn, their steps in the brown leaves ...
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    16 mins
  • Arctic Odyssey: A Tale of Valor & Unity Amidst the Ice
    Nov 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Arctic Odyssey: A Tale of Valor & Unity Amidst the Ice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Arktická tundra nebola pre slabých.En: The Arctic tundra was not for the weak.Sk: Studený vietor fúkal nad nekonečnými planinami a slnko viselo nízko na obzore, osvetľujúc krajinu jemným svetlom.En: The cold wind blew over the endless plains, and the sun hung low on the horizon, illuminating the landscape with a gentle light.Sk: Marek, vedúci expedície, pevne pritlačil klobúk na hlavu.En: Marek, the leader of the expedition, pressed his hat firmly on his head.Sk: Mal pred sebou úlohu, ktorá spôsobovala napätie, ale aj vzrušenie.En: He had a task ahead of him that sparked both tension and excitement.Sk: Stratil sa im výskumný dron, a bez dát, ktoré obsahoval, by ich práca bola zbytočná.En: They had lost their research drone, and without the data it contained, their work would be futile.Sk: Jeho tím, Petra a Ján, ho nasledovali s odhodlaním.En: His team, Petra and Ján, followed him with determination.Sk: Petra bola skúsená vedkyňa.En: Petra was an experienced scientist.Sk: Marek ju tajne obdivoval pre jej odvahu a rozvahu.En: Marek secretly admired her for her courage and composure.Sk: Ján mlčky kráčal vedľa nej, občas si utieral z tváre napadaný sneh.En: Ján walked silently beside her, occasionally wiping fallen snow from his face.Sk: "Musíme sa rozdeliť," navrhol Marek, jeho hlas znel pevne, aj keď jeho vnútro bolo ošklbané pochybnosťami.En: "We need to split up," suggested Marek, his voice sounding firm, even though doubts were gnawing at him internally.Sk: "Získame tak viac času na hľadanie.En: "This way, we'll gain more time searching."Sk: "Petra mu venovala dôverný pohľad, kým prikývla.En: Petra gave him a trusting look before nodding.Sk: Ján sa zatváril skepticky.En: Ján looked skeptical.Sk: "Počítaj s počasím," upozornil a pozrel sa na oblohu, kde sa rysovali mraky predznamenávajúce búrku.En: "Consider the weather," he warned, glancing at the sky where clouds were forming, foretelling a storm.Sk: "Udržím rádio pri sebe," uistil ho Marek.En: "I'll keep the radio with me," Marek assured him.Sk: Nebol čas váhať.En: There was no time to hesitate.Sk: Vydali sa každý iným smerom, zatiaľ čo chlad prenikal hlbšie pod ich vrstvy oblečenia.En: They each set off in different directions, while the cold seeped deeper under their layers of clothing.Sk: Dron našiel Marek pod hrubou vrstvou ľadu.En: Marek found the drone under a thick layer of ice.Sk: Adrenalín v ňom vzplanul.En: Adrenaline surged through him.Sk: Ale vietor sa zosilnil, nežartoval.En: But the wind had strengthened, and it wasn't kidding around.Sk: "Petra, našiel som ho!En: "Petra, I found it!"Sk: " zakričal do rádia, jeho slová narazili na šum vetra.En: he shouted into the radio, his words hitting the wind's noise.Sk: Petra a Ján dorazili práve vo chvíli, keď začala búrka dosahovať svoj vrchol.En: Petra and Ján arrived just as the storm reached its peak.Sk: Petra vyťahovala dron z ľadu, jej ruky pracovali šikovne, ale rýchlo.En: Petra was pulling the drone out of the ice; her hands worked skillfully but quickly.Sk: Ján zatiahol zip na kufríku a zabezpečil ho pred nepriazňou živlov.En: Ján zipped the case and secured it against the elements.Sk: "Musíme ísť," zakričal Ján proti hluku.En: "We need to go," Ján shouted over the noise.Sk: Spoločne sa vydali späť do bezpečia základne.En: Together, they set off back to the safety of the base.Sk: Bublajúca eufória bola tlmená zvukom ich vlastných krokov v snehu.En: Bubbling euphoria was dampened by the sound of their own footsteps in the snow.Sk: Po návrate všetci cítili úľavu.En: Upon returning, they all felt relieved.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, ako veľmi záleží na spolupráci a dôvere.En: Marek realized how important cooperation and trust were.Sk: Vedel teraz, že bez svojich kolegov by to nezvládol.En: He now knew that without his colleagues, he couldn't have managed.Sk: Petra na neho pozrela uznanlivo.En: Petra looked at him appreciatively.Sk: "Dobre si to zvládol," povedala, a to mu dodalo nový pocit dôvery v seba samého.En: "You handled it well," she said, and that gave him a new sense of confidence in himself.Sk: V tej chladnej, arktickej krajine Marek našiel viac než len stratený dron.En: In that cold, Arctic land, Marek found more than just the lost drone.Sk: Našiel odvahu v sebe, spojenie s priateľmi a potvrdenie svojich schopností.En: He found courage within himself, a connection with his friends, and an affirmation of his abilities.Sk: A hoci sa sneh stále zambil po ich tvárach, na ich tvárach sa rozprestrel pocit víťazstva.En: And although the snow still stung their faces, a sense of victory spread across their faces.Sk: Arktída ich ...
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    16 mins