• My Intuition made me heal and start over with Dom Farnan
    Sep 3 2024

    Today's episode is one of the most honest and vulnerable leadership stories I have heard. Dom shares her heart on her sleeve as she walks us through how her intuition led her to heal her toxic leadership, transform herself on a deep, personal level and create a new purpose in her work.

    For over twenty years, Dom Farnan has been a fearless leader in high-growth settings, blending entrepreneurship, conscious leadership and advocacy in each of her roles. Today, Dom is on a mission to unlock and empower a new generation of heart-led leaders, conscious creators, and impact-driven entrepreneurs. Always one to see the unlimited potential in another human being, Dom taps into her own learned experiences to inspire and bring radical change to corporate teams through the application of mindfulness, collaboration, and a sense of compassion that values relationship building.

    Dom's story is one that will inspire you into deep reflection and empower you to create your own change from the inside out and finally heal what is keeping you from your best self.

    If only more leaders would follow Dom's path and do their inner work so that they could lead with more kindness, compassion and integrity, we would be living in a very different world. May Dom's story empower you to uplevel your leadership from the inside out.

    Follow Dom here:
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    Show notes: https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-dom-farnan/

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    32 mins
  • My intuition made me embrace chaos and go to Bulgaria with Rashina Gajjar
    Jul 29 2024

    In this episode, Rashina delves into the concept of chaos and its profound impact on our lives. She shares her journey of learning to accept chaos and embrace it as an integral part of life.

    In this conversation, we highlight the importance of understanding one's energy type and leaning into it for balance during chaotic times. We discuss how chaos can be seen as an opportunity for growth and connection rather than something to avoid.

    Rashina discusses her transition from waiting for solutions to embracing accountability and taking ownership of her actions. She emphasizes the transformative power of listening to intuition, which can open doors to new experiences and opportunities.

    She shares her recent intuitive leap to go to Bulgaria where she learned to navigate chaos with strangers and discovered the value of embodied work and elemental energies.

    Tune in to learn how embracing chaos, being vulnerable and listening to your intuition can lead to personal growth, resilience, and transformative experiences.

    Follow Rashina here:

    Website: https://amplifystudio.com/





    Be Free Project:


    Show notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-rashina-gajjar/

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    41 mins
  • My Intuition made me break my family legacy
    Jul 16 2024

    In this episode, Chelsya shares her journey from being immersed in the world of medicine to discovering a passion for marketing and social media. Despite facing significant pressure to conform to her family's dreams of her becoming a doctor, Chelsya listened to her intuition, leading her to a fulfilling career that aligns with her true passions.

    You'll hear about the pivotal moments that shaped Chelsya's path, including a profound experience in a cadaver lab that made her realize medicine was not her calling. Chelsya's story is a testament to the importance of trusting yourself and the transformative power of following your inner voice, even when it means breaking away from long-held family expectations.

    Join us as we explore the lessons Chelsya learned along the way, the challenges she overcame, and how she ultimately found success and happiness by staying true to herself. Whether you're struggling with a career decision or seeking inspiration to follow your dreams, this episode is sure to resonate with you. Tune in and let Chelsya's journey inspire you to listen to your intuition and embrace the path that feels right for you.

    Follow Chelsya here:

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    Show notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-chelsya-ashley/

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    37 mins
  • My Intuition made me leave France & build my dream life in NYC
    Jul 3 2024

    This week's episode made me go to NYC to meet my guest Delphine Breye in person! This interview is probably one of the most special ones of the seasons and here's why:

    • I was so inspired by Delphine that I went to meet her in person in NYC and celebrated my birthday with her. See clips in the interview that led to this meet up!
    • I made a dear friend.
    • We made a bilingual podcast - One English Version and one French version (below) - completely intuitively and out of the blue. This is the kind of magic that happens when you follow your intuition.
    • I was personally re-inspired in so many ways by this incredible woman who is like an angel in human form, sprinkling beauty and love all around the world.

    Delphine Breyne was a successful model in France, living an abundant life with her partner at the time, in a big house with all the things you could imagine that comes with success. But one day, Delphine woke up and knew it wasn't enough. She knew she had a deeper purpose in the world and the life she was living (glamour and all) was not in alignment. She trusted her gut, took the leap, left her 16 year relationship, sold and gave away all her belongings, transitioned out of a successful career and headed to Miami.

    Like any intuitive leap, Delphine's story reminds us that when we follow our inner voice, we land in beautiful places, even if the transition there is a bit messy and scary at times. Her story is full of divine moments and inspiring lessons.

    Delphine now lives in NYC with her rescue pup Pandora, works in her studio "Paris in New York" in front of Central Park and flys to Miami on weekends to hang out at the beach with Pandora in her appartment.

    If you are feeling weighed down by the world right now, confused about your next step, feeling not enough, like you're never going to make it or simply seeking that next inspiration in your life, this episode will be so healing for you!

    I'm so honoured to call Delphine a friend and to share her incredible story with you. May she brighten your life like she did for me.

    Show notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-delphine-breyne/

    "Everything is better when you share it" - Oprah

    ♡ If you loved this episode, please share it with your people and leave a comment/review below.

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    31 mins
  • Mon intuition m’a fait quitter la France et accomplir ma vie de rêve à NYC
    Jul 3 2024

    L’épisode de cette semaine m’a amenée à me rendre à New York pour rencontrer mon invitée Delphine Breye en personne ! Cette interview est probablement l’une des plus spéciales de la saison et voici pourquoi :

    • Delphine m’a tellement inspirée que je suis allée la rencontrer en personne à New York et que j’ai fêté mon anniversaire avec elle. Découvrez les extraits de l’interview qui ont conduit à cette rencontre !
    • Je me suis fait une amie très chère.
    • Nous avons créé un podcast bilingue – une version anglaise et une version française (ci-dessous) – de manière totalement intuitive et inattendue. C’est le genre de magie qui se produit lorsque vous suivez votre intuition.
    • J’ai été personnellement réinspirée à bien des égards par cette femme incroyable qui est comme un ange sous forme humaine, répandant la beauté et l’amour dans le monde entier.

    Delphine Breyne était un mannequin à succès en France, vivant une vie abondante avec son partenaire de l’époque, dans une grande maison avec tout ce que l’on peut imaginer qui vient avec le succès. Mais un jour, Delphine s’est réveillée et a compris que ce n’était pas suffisant. Elle savait qu’elle avait un but plus profond dans le monde et que la vie qu’elle menait (glamour et tout) n’était pas alignée. Elle a fait confiance à son instinct, a franchi le pas, a quitté une relation de 16 ans, a vendu et donné tous ses biens, a abandonné une carrière florissante et s’est rendue à Miami.

    Comme tout saut intuitif, l’histoire de Delphine nous rappelle que lorsque nous suivons notre voix intérieure, nous atterrissons dans des endroits magnifiques, même si la transition est parfois un peu désordonnée et effrayante. Son histoire est pleine de moments divins et de leçons inspirantes.

    Delphine vit maintenant à New York avec sa chienne Pandora, travaille dans son studio “Paris in New York” en face de Central Park et s’envole pour Miami le week-end pour passer du temps à la plage avec Pandora dans son appartement.

    Si vous vous sentez accablé par le monde en ce moment, si vous ne savez pas quelle est votre prochaine étape, si vous ne vous sentez pas à la hauteur, si vous avez l’impression que vous n’y arriverez jamais ou si vous êtes simplement à la recherche d’une nouvelle inspiration dans votre vie, cet épisode vous apportera une grande guérison !

    Je suis très honorée d’avoir Delphine comme amie et de partager son incroyable histoire avec vous. Puisse-t-elle illuminer votre vie comme elle l’a fait pour moi.

    afficher les notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-delphine-breyne/

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    42 mins
  • My Intuition made me write a letter of gratitude to my high school boyfriend after 31 years...and now we're married!
    Jun 17 2024

    If you don't believe in magic, you will after this episode! Deborah's story is FULL of intuitive magic and proof that our intuition is always trying to lead us to what we are meant to experience in our lives.

    Although this is a story with a very happy ending, Deborah went through her share of hardship and confusion. On the other side of it was a newfound relationship with herself and a deeper connection to her intuition.

    Deborah not only walks us through this very intriguing and exciting journey that her intuition led her on, she also shares a SUPER fun tool you can use to confirm if it's really your intuition guiding you. It's practical and it works (I tried it several times).

    Get the popcorn because sitting down with Deborah is like watching an amazing movie that keeps you on your toes until the end.

    Ps - if you ever dream of writing a book, Deborah is your guide!

    Follow Deborah here:

    • Website: http://highlanderpressbooks.com
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highlanderpress
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highlanderpress
    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-kevin/
    • Substack: https://deborahkevin.substack.com/

    Show notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-deborah-kevin/

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    38 mins
  • My Intuition made me burn my business to the ground
    Jun 4 2024

    You’ve built the thing: the business, the relationship, the friendship. It’s successful but one day you wake up and it no longer feels aligned. It no longer fulfills you, brings you joy or lights you up. You know something is missing and your intuition is leading you to something else now. You are filled with guilt for wanting to abandon ship, terrified to take the step forward out of what is and into what could be.

    This is Karlyn’s story! It is filled with bravery, courage and lessons on how we can give ourselves permission to switch gears or change paths when our intuition is so clearly guiding us to do so. You will be inspired to honour the situation that no longer feels aligned for what it taught you, where it brought you and courageously step into the new experience that awaits you!

    Follow Karlyn here:

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    Show notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-karlyn-green/

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    33 mins
  • My Intuition made me try selling a movie script at sixteen
    May 17 2024

    3 words come to mind when I think of Thomas Jackson. Bold. Kind. Authentic. Thomas is someone I perceive as being fully present in the moment. When he’s in front of you having a conversation he is really WITH you.

    His story is full of bravery and humbleness! It reminds us that we only have this one life to live so why not truly live it? You’ll never experience anything that you desire if you’re not willing to take the risk and try.

    This episode is going to inspire you to want to do just that. Give your dreams a chance, take the leaps you are yearning for and live a little more on the edge, because THAT is where there is a beautiful view.

    Get ready for Thomas to fill your heart right up to the edge!

    Follow Thomas Here:

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    Show notes 📝 https://jenniferjaneyoung.com/my-intuition-made-me-do-it-thomas-jackson/

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    27 mins