
  • 108: How to Use Scripting to Manifest What You Want in Your Business
    Sep 23 2024

    I'm SO excited you're here because today I have something game-changing for you! 😎

    If you're ready to seriously take your business to the next level, you need to start scripting your future—and I’m going to show you exactly how! 💡 This is something my mentor taught me, and trust me, it’s a total game-changer! 🚀

    Before we dive in though—mark your calendars 🗓 for October 3rd at 11am EST because I'm hosting a FREE training called Unleash Your Business Potential! 💪✨ Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a while but feel stuck (hello, revenue rollercoaster 🎢), this is for YOU! We’re going to get you off that hamster wheel and start seeing the results you’ve been dreaming about! Sound good? 👏 You can sign up right here and bring a friend! 🎉

    Ok, now let’s talk scripting. 📜✨ This is one of the MOST powerful tools to manifest the business and life you want. Here’s what I want you to do:

    1. Grab a pen 🖊 (yes, physically write this down—don’t just keep it in your head!) and imagine it’s 90 days from now. What’s your big goal? Maybe you want to crush your next launch or finally hit that income milestone 💰.

    2. Now, write the story of that day as if it’s already happened. What time did you wake up? 🌅 What did you do first? What’s happening in your business that day that has you jumping up and down with excitement? 🎉 The more detailed, the better!

    3. Close your eyes. Visualize it. Feel it. 🧘‍♀️ There’s nothing standing in your way—this is YOUR reality. 💯

    4. Write down: What did you do differently to get here? What old habits or beliefs did you let go of? Who did you become in this process?

    Here’s the best part: Do this every single day. 🗝 You’re literally rewiring your brain for success. 💥 And that, my friend, is how you manifest what you want in your business and life.

    You’ve got this. I’m challenging you to try this for the next 90 days and watch the magic unfold. ✨ I believe in you, and I know you’re going to crush it. 💪

    P.S. If this resonated with you, share this email or podcast with a friend who needs that extra push too! 💌 The more, the merrier on this journey! 🚀

    Can’t wait to see you manifesting those BIG wins!

    >> Join the 75-Day Challenge With Me: kathireuter.com/75

    Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐

    Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter!

    A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast:

    • Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunes
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    • Listen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts

    Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!

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    13 mins
  • 107: Your Ultimate Reframe When Facing Challenges in Business & Life
    Sep 16 2024
    Have you ever met someone who can take any bad situation (even really bad situations!) and turn them positive? Like... let's say the Starbucks drive-through line is taking forever, and they just sit there, zen and calm and at peace, while most people are pulling out their hair? Ever wonder HOW they do it? It's about reframing. They are able to take that situation and make it mean something different! Instead of getting mad about the wait, they just stay excited about their iced cup of caffeine! So, in today's Do Life Big podcast, I'm sharing with you the The Ultimate Reframe for Life’s Challenges! Here’s the thing: whenever life tries to throw you a curveball (and if you are a living, breathing human, then there is no way around it - it WILL!), I want you to ask yourself these TWO questions: What is this preparing me for?What is this trying to teach me? These two simple questions have the power to totally shift your perspective! They can help you stop feeling like life’s happening TO you and instead understand that it's happening FOR you! Write these down, stick ‘em on your mirror, and let them guide you through ANY rough patch like the boss you are! Ready for More? Let’s Take It to the Next Level! Hey, it's almost that time of year again! My 100% FREE Unleash Your Business Potential workshop is coming up on October 3rd at 11 AM EST! This workshop is PACKED with tools to help you break through the noise, overcome procrastination, and CRUSH it in business and life! Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just thinking about diving into the business world, this is for YOU! Just click here to grab your spot! kathireuter.com/unleash _____________________________________________ Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐ Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter! A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast: Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunesListen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotifyListen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!
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    12 mins
  • 106: Flip the Script to Overcome Fear & Seize Business Opportunities (PLUS My Personal Story)
    Sep 9 2024

    I’m SO pumped you’re here! 💥

    Today’s Do Life Big Podcast episode is all about flipping the script on fear and grabbing those golden opportunities with both hands! I’m going to get personal and share how I was caught up in a fear spiral recently and how I managed to flip it around — and trust me, YOU can too.

    Let me set the scene: My son, Landon (he’s 12), is gearing up for a school trip to Tennessee (cue mom freak-out 😱). Now, he’s never been a fan of sleepovers or being away from home, so as you can imagine, I was nervous. My brain was doing cartwheels, thinking of ALL the things that could go wrong… Can you relate? You start spiraling, imagining the worst, right? Ugh!

    But here’s the kicker: I realized this was just my mind playing tricks on me. Fear, after all, is nothing but a made-up story of what could happen. I knew it was time to flip the script. ✨

    Think about it: How many times have we let fear stop us from chasing a dream, opening a door, or taking that bold step? What if, instead of imagining the worst, we imagined the BEST? What if we focused all our energy on what could go RIGHT? 🔥

    🚪 Imagine fear as a door you’re too scared to open, but what if instead, it was an automatic door? You step up, and whoosh it flies open, revealing everything you’ve ever wanted, waiting for you to grab it! Sounds amazing, right?

    So here’s my challenge to YOU: let’s flip that script! Next time fear tries to stop you, picture that automatic door opening wide and leading you to something incredible. 🚀

    And hey, speaking of incredible… I wanted to let you know that the doors to my Mindset Accelerator Program are opening soon! 🎉 If you're ready to break through your fears and take your business to the next level with confidence, you won’t want to miss this.


    Let’s do this together! 💪 Drop your name on the list, and you’ll be the FIRST to know when the program goes live.

    We’re not letting fear win this time. It’s time to take charge and step into everything you’ve been dreaming of. You’ve got this, and I’m right here cheering you on! 🎉

    Here’s to flipping the script and DOING LIFE BIG! 🚀✨

    >> Sign up to be the first in line for the Mindset Accelerator: mindsetaccelerator.com

    >> Join the 75-Day Challenge With Me: kathireuter.com/75

    Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐

    Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter!

    A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast:

    • Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunes
    • Listen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotify
    • Listen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts

    Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!

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    19 mins
  • 105: 75 Hard Update & How to Quiet Your Inner Critic to Take Action Toward Your Dreams
    Sep 2 2024
    What’s up? I hope you’re ready to take on the day like the powerhouse you are! I’m absolutely pumped to share something exciting with you today, and I just couldn’t wait to let you in on it. First things first—mark your calendar because my Mindset Accelerator Program (yep, the one that transforms your mental game) is gearing up to open its doors very soon! 🗓️ But here’s the deal—this isn’t one of those “sign up whenever” things. Nope! I only open the doors a few times a year, and when I do, they’re only open for a hot minute. ⚡️ So if you want to be one of the first to know when the doors swing open, head over to mindsetaccelerator.com and pop in your email. You’ll be the first to get the scoop! 📬 And hey, if you’ve got a friend who could use a serious mindset boost, share the love and pass this along. Now, let me fill you in on something pretty wild—my journey with 75 Hard! If you’ve been following along, you know this program is all about developing mental toughness, discipline, and finding out just how far you can push yourself. We’re talking 75 days of straight-up grit. 😤 Here’s the rundown: Two workouts a day (one of them outside)—I’ve been rocking a 45-minute beach walk every morning with a 12-pound weighted vest, and it’s been awesome! 🌊Drink a gallon of water—flush out those toxins! 💧Stick to a nutrition plan—I’m all about high-protein and veggies, no fried food, no sweets, and definitely no alcohol (that’s the toughie for me)! 🍗🥦10 minutes of reading every day—keeping that mind sharp. 📚Daily progress pics—gotta document the journey! 📸 Let me tell you, I’m on day 5, and last night was a serious test of willpower. Nick and I have this tradition of going out for date night—usually, it’s drinks at our favorite bar, but this time... no drinks. 😳 We walked into our favorite sushi place, and let me tell you, I felt every bit of that temptation. But we stuck to our guns, ordered some sushi, and called it a night. (Though there was a crazy moment with a rogue sushi roll and a piece of plastic—don’t even get me started! 😱) Honestly, it’s these early days of forming new habits that are the toughest. Everything we do seems to revolve around a drink in hand, but hey, I’m all about embracing the challenge! 💪 I’ve already noticed I’m feeling clearer, more focused, and just overall... better. So, I’m curious to see how this journey unfolds. But here’s the thing—I’m not cutting out alcohol for life. Nope, that’s just not me. But this challenge? It’s about proving to myself that I can do hard things. And I know you can too!!! You know, the one that loves to throw doubts our way just when we're about to chase our dreams? We’re getting real about how to quiet that voice and take bold action towards the life we want. Whether it’s starting a new habit, kicking old ones, or just finding the courage to go after your biggest goals, this episode is all about helping you push past the self-doubt and do life BIG. So, if you’re ready for some real talk, a few laughs, and a lot of motivation, hit play and let’s dive in together! >> Sign up to be the first in line for the Mindset Accelerator: mindsetaccelerator.com >> Join the 75-Day Challenge With Me: kathireuter.com/75 Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐ Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter! A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast: Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunesListen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotifyListen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!
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    22 mins
  • 104: Something is Always Better Than Nothing & Preventing Overwhelm When Starting Something New
    Aug 25 2024

    I'm so pumped to have you back for another episode of Do Life Big! Today’s episode is going to be short, sweet, and packed with some serious value. I decided to record this one after I announced that my husband and I are starting the 75 Hard Program. If you haven’t caught that bonus episode, go listen to #103 first!

    So, here’s the deal. Lately, I’ve been hearing from so many of you who are feeling overwhelmed, trying to juggle all the things—kids, work, health, you name it. It’s easy to get caught up in that all-or-nothing mentality, where if we can’t do it all, we end up doing nothing. But let me tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way!

    That’s why today, I’m sharing 5 simple ways to protect your inner peace, especially when life gets chaotic:

    1. Start Small: Forget the all-or-nothing mentality. Just start with one tiny change—like drinking more water or moving your body a little each day. Something is always better than nothing.

    2. Pair New Habits with Old Ones: Got a good habit already? Use it to build a new one! If you drink tea every night, why not use that time to read a book or listen to something uplifting?

    3. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Life isn’t going to go exactly as planned, and that’s okay! Celebrate the small wins, no matter how tiny they seem.

    4. Live in the Gain, Not the Gap: Stop comparing yourself to where you think you should be. Instead, focus on how far you’ve come and celebrate the progress you've made.

    5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Whether it’s a supportive Facebook group (like ours!), uplifting podcasts, or daily affirmations, fill your life with things that lift you up.

    We’ve got to ditch that all-or-nothing mindset and start embracing the little wins. So grab your cup of tea, and let’s get into how you can start making those small but mighty changes that will keep your inner peace intact.

    Can’t wait for you to hear this one! Let’s do life big, together. ✨

    Join the 75-Day Challenge With Me: kathireuter.com/75

    Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐

    Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter!

    A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast:

    • Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunes
    • Listen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotify
    • Listen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts

    Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!

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    15 mins
  • Bonus Episode: How Committing to a Challenge Can Help you Reach New Levels in Your Life
    Aug 22 2024

    SURPRISE! 🎉 A Bonus Do Life Big Podcast Episode for you because... 🥁 I’m about to drop something BIG on you! 🤩

    I just got back from the most insane, mind-blowing event ever. I’m talking about some deep, soul-searching, kick-your-own-ass type of stuff. I mean, seriously, I’m still feeling the energy from it, and it’s got me all fired up! 🔥

    But first, let me hit you with a little backstory. I went into this event knowing it was going to be intense, but I wasn’t prepared for just how transformative it would be. We dug deep, and I mean REALLY deep, to uncover those hidden blocks that have been holding us back from going after what we truly want in life. It was raw, it was real, and it was life-changing.

    Now, here’s where things get wild. As much as I was all in, life decided to throw a curveball my way. Right before the event, my beloved dog, Callie, who has been battling a tumor for two years, took a turn for the worse. Long story short, I had to say goodbye to her while I was thousands of miles away. It was heartbreaking, but it also sparked something in me—a determination to push through, to not let anything hold me back. And that’s exactly what I did.

    Which brings me to this... I’m starting a challenge, and I’m going all out. And I’m not doing this alone. I want YOU to join me! 🚀

    Here’s the deal: This challenge is going to be about facing those fears, breaking down those walls, and just freaking going for it—no holding back, no excuses, and absolutely no weak-ass b*tch behavior allowed. We’re going to take on this challenge together, support each other, and kick some serious ass. 💥

    And the best part? It’s totally FREE. No strings attached, no sales pitch, just pure, unfiltered motivation and a whole lot of ass-kicking energy. 😎

    So, are you in? Are you ready to step up and join me on this wild ride? If you’re feeling even the slightest bit curious or fired up, join the 75-Day Challenge With Me: kathireuter.com/75 and let’s do this! 💪

    Challenge starts on August 26th! We’re going to make some serious moves and prove that nothing can stand in our way. Let’s freaking GO! 💪🔥

    Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐

    Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter!

    A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast:

    • Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunes
    • Listen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotify
    • Listen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts

    Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!

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    32 mins
  • 102: 7 Tips to Reduce Stress in Your Life
    Aug 19 2024

    Welcome back to another episode of Do Life Big!

    Today, I'm diving into something we all deal with—stress. With the kids back in school and summer flying by, I figured it was the perfect time to share some practical tips for handling stress effectively. 🌟

    So, let’s talk about stress. It’s something we can’t avoid, but how we manage it can make all the difference. I recently heard about a fascinating study linking how we view stress to our longevity. Turns out, those who see stress as a normal part of life and learn to manage it tend to live longer than those who try to avoid it.

    Here are seven tips to help you reduce stress in your life:

    1. Breathe Deeply 🌬️ When stress hits, take a moment to focus on your breathing. Deep breaths can slow your heart rate and calm your mind. Try it first thing in the morning or even during your shower—just five to seven deep breaths can make a difference.

    2. Practice Gratitude 🙏 Shift your focus from what’s stressing you out to what you’re thankful for. What you focus on grows, so paying attention to your blessings can really shift your mindset.

    3. Take a Walk 🚶‍♀️Step outside and get some fresh air, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Being in nature helps lower your cortisol levels and gives you a break from what’s stressing you.

    4. Write It Out ✍️ Got a million thoughts swirling in your head? Write them down. Putting your worries on paper can make them seem more manageable and help you find solutions more easily.

    5. Watch Your Caffeine Intake ☕ Caffeine can speed up your heart rate and increase stress. If you notice stress peaking after a coffee or energy drink, it might be time to cut back or switch to a less stimulating option.

    6. Laugh It Off 😂 Put on a comedy show or call a friend who always makes you laugh. Laughter lowers cortisol and releases endorphins—those feel-good chemicals in your brain.

    7. Listen to Calming Music 🎶 Create a playlist of soothing tunes to help you unwind. Slow, calming music can be a great tool to bring some peace to your day.

    I hope these tips help you manage stress better. I’d love to hear what strategies you use to handle stress.

    Drop me a note and let’s add even more solutions to our stress-busting toolkit!

    Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐

    Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter!

    A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast:

    • Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunes
    • Listen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotify
    • Listen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts

    Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!

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    15 mins
  • 101: How to Stop Overthinking in Your Business
    Aug 12 2024

    Hey there, friends! 🎙️ Welcome back to another episode of Do Life Big. I’m thrilled to have you here with me today.

    Can you believe it? The kids are heading back to school, and summer’s slipping away faster than ever. Maybe you're feeling the same if you’ve got little ones of your own.

    Today, I’m diving into a topic that’s been on my mind lately—how to stop overthinking in your business! 🧠💭

    Have you ever found yourself caught in a loop, endlessly analyzing a decision and getting nowhere? 🤔

    I totally get it. I’ve been there too! 😵‍💫 I’m sharing a personal story about a time I was paralyzed by overthinking in my own business transition. I knew I needed to pivot away from my health and fitness business into something new, but I was stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and "what ifs." 😓

    So, how do we break free from this cycle and move from overthinking to taking action? I’m laying out five steps to help you shift gears:

    1. Become Aware 🕵️‍♀️: Notice when you’re overthinking. Just being aware of it can help you start breaking the cycle.

    2. Write It Down 📝: Grab a pen and paper and get those swirling thoughts out of your head and onto paper. It helps clear your mind and see things more clearly.

    3. Prioritize Tasks ✅: Make a list of the top three to five tasks you need to focus on each day. Prioritizing helps reduce overwhelm and keeps you moving forward.

    4. Trust Your Intuition 💫: Learn to listen to that inner voice. Trust your judgment and let it guide your decisions, rather than getting bogged down by what-ifs.

    5. Delegate Responsibilities 🙌 : Don’t try to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks so you can focus on what you do best and keep your business moving.

    Let’s stop overcomplicating things and start taking action today! 🚀 And if you haven’t yet, check out my free 60-second quiz to discover your entrepreneurial persona type and get tailored steps to level up your business. Head over to kathiuter.com/quiz to take the quiz now! 🎉

    Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐

    Help me spread the word about Do Life Big! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories or feed, and tag me @katherinereuter!

    A review also puts rocket fuel on getting our message of living your best freakin' life possible out there! Go to kathireuter.com/itunes, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast:

    • Listen on iTunes --> kathireuter.com/itunes
    • Listen on Spotify --> kathireuter.com/spotify
    • Listen on Google Podcasts -->kathireuter.com/googlepodcasts

    Have a topic you'd like to hear about? Shoot me an email at hello@kathireuter.com!

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    23 mins