• #210: Top 3 Reasons You Should Be Listening to Podcasts as a Digital Course Creator
    Sep 24 2024

    There are so many ways to learn these days and as a course creator you know that we have to constantly keep up with new ideas, technologies, and trends (even if it is to avoid a pointless trend) that is tough to figure out the best use of our time.

    After all, we only have a finite amount of time in a day, week, month, and year and we just want to make the most of that time without experiencing burnout.

    But most of us, myself included, don’t have enough time to dig into everything that comes across our paths. What are your favorite ways to learn?

    Today I’m going to share with you 3 reasons why you should be listening to podcasts as a digital course creator as a way to learn and grow your business.

    Now I know that you are already listening to a podcast so you might be thinking, well yea. I don’t need to listen to this episode, but here’s why I’m going to suggest you stick around.

    Are you making the most of your time with the podcasts that you are listening to? Could you be getting even more out of them?

    If you have even the slightest nudge or feeling that you could be making more out of your podcast time, stick around.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

    • From Sticky Notes to Impact (Dr. Moira featured as a guest on Tracy Beaver's Podcast)

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    20 mins
  • #209: Minding Your Money as a Digital Course Creator
    Sep 17 2024

    Fall is the time of year when many entrepreneurs find themselves checking their checking account balance, their running credit card balance and trying to figure out what to invest in for their business. This is especially true because so many amazing things launch in the fall months and there are some spectacular Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals that will pop up.

    Unless you are one of the entrepreneurs with endless pots of money, these are things that need to be planned out. And you know from Episode 208 that I think every course creator should be buying and learning from other course creators.

    This brings the inevitable question of what courses to invest in. After all, we can’t go into endless debt nor can we just continue to figure things out on our own year after year.

    Today I’m going to share some insights that I’ve had over the past few years of being immersed in the entrepreneurial online course space that will help you avoid some of the same mistakes that I’ve made and instead use your money and time in a way that leads to success.

    After all, it is nearly impossible to build a successful and profitable business if we are stuck in a vacuum without outside ideas, teachings, and input.

    And be sure to stick around to today’s Sixty-Second Solution where I’ll share the number one thing I look for in digital courses and experiences that are over $500 because it means the difference between success and stagnation.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

    • Hop onto Tracy's Waitlist so that you can learn from her brilliance

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    23 mins
  • #208: 3 Reasons You Should Be Buying Online Courses as a Digital Course Creator
    Sep 10 2024

    You are an expert in what you do, so why would you buy courses that are related to your course topic? There are 3 reasons you should be buying online courses as a Digital Course Creator.

    The reality is that we all have our own perspectives, our own perspectives, and our own preferences, but our students might benefit from a wider range of approaches than we feel comfortable with.

    This is where buying online courses can help immensely. Now, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars checking out other courses, but you do need to include research and development in your business budget.

    Without this line item in your business strategy and budget you will fall behind in what is working, and you might miss out on some really great approaches.

    Today I'm going to highlight for you the 3 top reasons I still invest in courses as an expert in digital course creation and why you should do the same.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

    • World of Shortcuts

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    20 mins
  • #207: Online Course Bonuses: Do they make a difference?
    Sep 3 2024

    Should you include bonuses with your digital or online course? So often we get the advice that bonuses should be even better than your course, they should make people buy your course just to get the bonus, and they should overcome objections.

    But do they really help? Yes and no.

    But the real question is should you include them for your online course when you launch?

    Today we are going to talk about the pros and cons of including bonuses with your digital course launch and 3 things to consider as you make your decision.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

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    21 mins
  • #206: Entrepreneurial Costs: What is Normal?
    Aug 27 2024

    What is one thing that you didn’t necessarily think about when you decided to become an entrepreneur, when you decided that you’d like to have a digital course? What is one thing that you rarely hear people talking about out in the open?

    Money and the debt that being an entrepreneur can bring with it. That debt adds up fast, but still it is something that we keep hidden, kind of like that chocolate bar you have secreted away in a cabinet away from your kids and spouse.

    Just like it isn’t healthy to hide food away and sneak it, neither is it healthy to hide talk about money as an entrepreneur.

    Today I’m going to talk candidly about money, entrepreneurship, and the risk of debt. I feel strongly that everyone should be fully informed. If this is not something that you want to acknowledge in your business yet or with your entrepreneur friends, that's ok. This episode will be here when you are ready. If you are ready to talk about money, then stick around.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

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    18 mins
  • #205: How to Make the Most of Social Media Groups (Hint: Use Google Search More)
    Aug 20 2024

    I've noticed a trend in course creation groups: asking for instructions on how to do a tech task. Sure you pay to be in these groups, they are filled with people who are on the same pathway you are, creating, launching, and serving a digital course, but the big, important questions can sometimes get buried under the smaller, simpler questions that can be searched on Google in 10 seconds or less.

    This makes the groups less valuable. Hard stop.

    You know I’m a big fan of being active in social media groups because you are building connections, trust, authority, and even gaining referrals.

    So I understand the temptation to ask questions in the group when you get stuck. But that clogs up the groups and keeps your important questions hidden away. It is frustrating when you have a question about where a funnel isn't working inside your business only to be drowned out by the mundane tech questions like how do I save as a PDF from a word document.

    To get the most out of the paid and free groups that you are in, let's talk about best practices and, of course, feel free to share this episode with your friends so that they too can become better members of those same groups you are in.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

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    22 mins
  • #204: Does Weekly Content Really Build Demand for your Course?
    Aug 13 2024

    The best way to build demand for your online course is with weekly content, or is it?

    So often we are told that we need to build an audience so that when we launch a course, there will be eager buyers ready with their credit cards. To build an audience the direction often given is to create weekly content.

    Why then, after creating and sharing weekly content for months and even years do course creators not have an audience primed for buying when they launch their course. It's frustrating to spend hours each week crafting new and original content only for it to fall flat and get hidden in a crowded inbox or busy social media scroll faster than you can snap your fingers.

    How are we supposed to build that audience when the advice doesn't seem to work?

    Today I'm going to walk you through why weekly content doesn't build demand for your audience and what it actually does for you and your business.

    With this simple shift you'll finally start to see your weekly content gaining traction.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

    • Connect with Paul Pruitt with his Ads Challenge or with his Adaptive Marketing Program (I’ve been a student inside this program and it is top notch!)

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    29 mins
  • #203: When is the Right Time to Launch Your Course
    Aug 6 2024

    When is the right time to launch your digital course? Is it in the summer, the fall, January 1, or April 28?

    This is a reasonable question. You put so much effort into the creation of a truly fantastic and meaningful course that the last thing you want is to scuttle your efforts with a poorly chosen course launch date.

    Why, then, if this is something that is so important, can you not find a clear answer anywhere? Search Google you get answers that tell you to analyze your course, your audience, and a list of other things. In other words, no straight guidance here.

    You have two choices to make, you can simply draw a date out of the hat and hope for the best OR you can follow the same guidance that I give my digital course clients when they are wrestling with the question of when to launch.

    Show Resources:

    • Check out all podcast episodes and full transcripts
    • Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas

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    23 mins