• 🌎 Last Chance. For Love 💕
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  • 🌎 Shaquille Oneal Computer Porn Allegations & Women Eaten By 2 Alligators🤔🇺🇸
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  • 🌎 Obey Your Master, White Preservation & Young Black Talents Dying😳💯
    Jul 17 2022
    Griner's defense team submitted to the Russian court a letter from a US medical center issuing a permit in Arizona in 2020 for the use of medical cannabis for Griner to treat her chronic pain caused by sports injuries. Griner's defense team submitted to the Russian court a letter from a US medical center issuing a permit in Arizona in 2020 for the use of medical cannabis for Griner to treat her chronic pain caused by sports injuries. If she had chronic pain she wouldn't be playing ball. Wyoming, a large academic survey that asks Americans whether they approve or disapprove of their members of Congress, Liz Cheney house republican sported a 72% disapproval rating. She was one of 10 republican House members who voted to impeach Trump. She is asking Democrats for help. Nope, do not pass go or collect $200 dollars. Alligator news SARASOTA, Fla. – The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office is currently conducting a death investigation in the Boca Royale Golf and Country Club in Englewood. According to deputies, an elderly female was seen falling into a pond along the course near her residence and struggled to stay afloat. While in the water two alligators were observed near the victim and ultimately grabbed her while in the water. People are so upset because this white lady was eaten by the alligator somebody's grandmother but think about it how do you think the slave women felt when they had babies and they said their babies to the alligators. See this is recompensing of tragic and horrible deaths that a lot of people in their bloodline will experience because of the deeds that were done to negroes I'm just saying don't hate congratulate. Follow the money Whiteness is a modern, colonial invention. It was devised in the 17th century and used to provide the logic for genocide and slavery. The first recorded mention of "white people," historians concur, is in English playwright Thomas Middleton's 1613 play, The Triumphs of Truth. Ever since the 17th century, people across the world—from the Dominican Republic and Morocco to India and New Zealand—have been variously granted or denied rights on the basis of being deemed white or non-white. Whiteness thus has consistently entailed opposition, power and subjugation. Research shows that this theme of whiteness as power and unity has persisted even as the boundaries of whiteness have shifted. As European powers colonized various parts of the world, they implemented and refined racial categories. In colonial Barbados, 17th-century labor codes described indentured Europeans as "white" and gave them more rights than enslaved Africans on that basis. This ensured that the two groups would not unite in rebellion against wealthy planters. As African American studies expert Edward B. Rugemer has argued, this also "codified racial distinction as a tool of mastery" and was replicated in Jamaica and South Carolina. Crucially, it hinged on the fact that enslaved Black people had no legally recognized rights, whereas European-born white servants did. Slave status was for life, without recourse, and heritable. As I read these comments, it really shows how in denial or uninformed people are today about what actually happened in the past. Yes, they were concerned about the purity of the white race in this country. In the 1990 census, you could not claim yourself as white if your ancestry showed you as having 10% another race. So, if you were 90% white and 10% black, you were required to classify yourself as black. Notice that it was only concerned about the purity of the white race. the elite made up these concepts to divide and conquer just study the racist system in India you'll start to figure it out
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